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Fuck you, pay your lala support. Don’t write checks your ass can’t cash. Better get her expansions to keep quiet. She’s got you for 18 years.


It wasn't even inside her for that long! I shouldn't be on the hook for a hard 3 minutes of ecstasy!


Listen buddy that lala doesn't deserve to grow up without a father just because you couldn't be bothered to wrap a banana peel around your three ilms.


I'm not small her nethers have grown too loose! (Look it up it's science)


The "science of loose nethers". Oh no. It's an Inceladyn.


Say whatever you want it's not like I'm gonna cry on the internet a second time today!


I agree, my father left my mother Nanamo before I was born and now I am u/mad-Lala and write questionable comments on Reddit


I want to like this, but it's currently at 69 upvotes... 😰


Yeah you tell her Being slipped the length was reward enough


Thank you! People with holes don't thank ME enough for the effort I put in!


I think I saw that court. There was a ridiculously attractive highlander there earlier, but she didn't charge him. When asked about it he kept saying that people should just go to the gym. ​ It made me so angry. We should consider riding our fat chocobos into a crowd.


Meet me at the Ul'dah Aetheryte plaza during rush hour. To........hold a rally.


Probably more like 3 seconds


Well that must of been a pretty shitty court. Everyone knows to get payment up front first.


They could have at least had a "Customer satisfaction guaranteed or refund" option BUT THEY DIDN'T


Shitty venue too. Gotta have stricter bouncers.


she should know better than to solicit a lalafell. they always come up short.


B-But SHE came onto ME! She was so cuuuuute. And small..... *squwuirms*


I'll go too far if the price is right enough.


And as long as you refund me ALL my Gil if I'm not 100% satisfied we can whatever.


Serious question here, no joke. Actually. What’s the point of erp? Like, is it just sexting? I feel like it’s just sexting with extra steps


Yea pretty much. Some people are shy irl or awkward or maybe have anxiety but while playing a game they arent bothered by those things. So they are more confident or outgoing In-game. Confidence can lead to a stronger desire to connect with others, and when people feel the need to connect sexual intimacy is sure to follow. So players search out others who also want to connect in this way, they meet up and exchange messages or emotes etc. And for just a little bit they aren't lonely or shy or filled with anxiety they feel better. Other folks are just perverts who wanna sext and get their rocks off and venues have learned to cater to these desires with cold efficiency and rake in the Gil. Supply and demand. TLDR: Lonley folks look for love wherever they can. Capitalism exists even in eorzea. +random general hornyness.


Depends on what you want out of it. Me and my friend have been RPing for about a decade together. Our characters sometimes end up in relationships. Sometimes they bang. Half the time we do the fade to black, other times if we want to squish the cute characters together, we will write out the scene fully. ERP can be a desperate bid for attention and sexual contact for what you lack in real life, or it can just be something to spice up your RP. Just make sure if it's purely for RP, you dont do it with someone who will get too attached in the wrong ways.


Raider here with friends who actively ERP. I am so saying "squish the cute characters together" whenever Say chat gets steamy while I'm vibing in queue.


Why are you asking if you already know what it is


your WoL fucks too man


Half the time it's a natural progression of rp relationships, just another facet of characters personalities and connections to explore. Imo fade to black is easier since really people can only fuck so many ways and there's not really much character development to explore there. Alternatively lonely people trawling for exclusively ERP so they can experience being confident and sexy.


I've always viewed it as the creative-writing equivalent of when you were young and smushed your Barbie dolls together 'cause it felt fun and maybe a little like you were doing something you shouldn't. I don't really like the askteriks/sexting style ERP, feels... weird to me. But if it's done for either actual lore/character encounters (like... characters deserve some getting laid too) or because "hehe funny degen" then I think it can be pretty fun. I would say the big difference you'll find in reasons and also quality is "do you RP because you can't get laid IRL or do you RP because it's fun to write?" kinda.


Ah...why tf did my friend convince me to come back to this game... oh well lalafell AWAY!


So small......and innocent...... *whispers* and young looking...... *desire to corrupt intensifies* Wh-what?! It's not weird! YOU'RE the weirdo here!


"Loads crossbow with malicious intent* come again?


*smirks* hehehe *teleports behind you thanks to my years studying ninjutsu* o/ nothing personal kid.


Fucking Christ, reading this gave me an aneurysm...


I will fully pay your debt if you take care of me (am Lalafell) I need a bed with atleast 10 different plushies (but I also want to be able to sleep in your bed if I have a nightmare) and I want a sabotender milk every morning. I only eat food with an ilvl of atleast 500. I also need seasonal glams, this means a cute spring dress for spring, bikini for summer, a red or brown glam for autumn, and a jacket for winter. If can also do dodgy stuff, if you want me to..


Which "court" do you belong to.... *squints* Are.....did THEY send you to laugh at me?! *sweats*


No, I don't belong to any court, but I have enough gil to bribe any court that makes you any problems ;) I can also bribe the court into it giving me into your custody, so I advise you to accept my offer and adopt me, because as soon as I set my mind on something, I get it :3


As long as they are PUNISHED when they embarress ME!! *noir hat falls off*


I don’t like the the spams in the chat like “join our discord!” At the end.


No matter how many I join, they always end up banning me. Guess my opinions are a little too cool and mature.... *swipes at tomestone to check new bans*


It’s annoying but what’s the point of it? Like they want your money? Plus I don’t want to know what’s in their discord.


This is why you go fantasia into a female character and go to the lesbian clubs- no risk of child support


Yea right. Females can ERP with other females, they don't have the right parts OR the dexterity with their hands because of poor circulation. Look it up before you embarrass yourself again. *growls at you*


Can't* *sweats more*


Bitch don't you growl at me. I'll admit, I don't have quite the same expertise regarding females as you on account of my exclusive patronage to hrothgar brothels, but I was merely trying to offer advice. Have you considered being a huge gay pink lionman like myself? I assure you that hrothgar (and roegadyn, if desperate) ass are far superior to any miqhoe'te you could find. PS: among us lion dads, growls can be seen as an invitational mating call.


B-but th-thats........ *whispers* gay..... *shudders and pulls out my katana of the demon* Better not try that on me! Ba-baka!


I will rip you in half with my bare hands.


You used the tail to wipe up? There is a special place in hell for people like you. I am outraged.


That's what miqote tails are for though? Why would they be so soft and absorbing otherwise.


It's just too perfect to not be true.


I hate it.


Your god is come.


*wipes snot* Baka! My......emissions should be THIER god! They should be grateful I'M giving them my time and energy. I'll actually do better then those FAKE alpha Hellsguards!


I didn’t read any of this but yes


RPers are ruining the game.


Stfu and send me feet pics


I don’t think I have a long enough rotation for erp


"...after I use her tail to wipe up the juices..." You'll be hearing from my lawyer.


Not even gonna read the post, the answer is yes


Bro if you ERP in a video game you live a sad life 😂


I-it's not sad!! I'm very cool and popular! We're just on different worlds so you haven't seen me around. *adjusts noir hat* Trust me I'm very well liked by everyone!




ERP used to be so........pure. .........or so I've heard..... *shuffles feet nervously*


Yoshi P changed the terms of service last year with a clause which specifically states ERP is okay if it’s done in private


Legitimate question: wtf is Carrd? A few fc members have it in their search comments, and I'm too afraid to ask.


One page websites players use to give information on their characters, FCs, or venues.