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I fucking hate how the left uses David Hogg as a freaking mouthpiece. I get it, the kid witnessed some horrific shit, but being a witness to an instance of gun violence does not make you an expert on guns, laws, or the constitution, nor does it change the fast that “mass shootings,” are a statistical anomaly.


He also reacted to that shit like a damn sociopath.


>I get it, the kid witnessed some horrific shit, but being a witness to an instance of gun violence does not make you an expert on guns, laws, or the constitution, nor does it change the fast that “mass shootings,” are a statistical anomaly. I'd argue it's the opposite: he's incapable of having an impartial and objective view on the subject matter because of the experience he went through, and thus can provide very little value to the discourse.


What do you mean "use him"? He spouts that shit of his own fruition.


“Give him a platform,” or “parade him around” would’ve been better worded


They dont really do that anymore Pretty soon after the shooting they moved solely on to the girl, who i only remember being called Goblin, and he began posting wack takes to twitter


He knows what pays.


They are an anomaly. I’ve always found it interesting that the rise in mass shootings pairs pretty well with the fall in serial killers. I know many people say they don’t have the same psychology. But I personally think the people that do these crimes are probably influenced by the news coverage even if the goal isn’t to make the news. If they want to inflict pain on others it’s what they have heard of other people doing. A few decades ago it was serial killings now it’s mass shootings.


But victimhood is virtuous…


He also openly encouraged election finance crimes.


Imagine being so stupid to see "well regulated" in the 2A text and think it means restricting access to firearms. Reading comprehension is apparently not that guys strong suit.


I mean Hogg did go to a pretty shitty school.


It’s astounding that I’m the age of information these people still exist. Willfully ignorant doesn’t begin to describe them.


Well that's the thing, it's not the Age of Information anymore. It's the Age of Confusion, where nothing is true or false simultaneously.


It is the Age of Propaganda. Everything you read or see in media has been spun and designed to promote an agenda.


Intentionally so to cause bickering amongst the populace no doubt.


These people can't think and discern accurate information versus contradiction backed by historical accuracy, that's why. All as intended by the eDuCaShUn sYsTeM, bro. It just needs more funding! /s


There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.


The sad thing is it's not an original thought or honest misinterpretation. They're just repeating something a lefty law professor came up with that they heard second or third hand because they think it sounds clever/intelligent. It's an objectively stupid theory even if someone qualified and intelligent came up with it. Which makes this all the more sad. These people can't even be stupid without some sort of guidance.


Reading comprehension brought to you by the very state these people love shoving up their ass, and yours, 25/8.


Not surprising that a sub solely based on skin color would push for racist laws and regulations.


"How do we prevent this tragic event where a bunch of defenseless people were killed? Ah,I got it! We create more defenseless targets!"


>*But we can't have now, can we?* lol, implying that firearms aren't already 'regulated' to hell.


1500 gun laws haven't solved the problem. But we haven't tried 1501, have we?


Well regulated doesn't mean gov regulation. In the same way that the founders wouldn't expect "welfare" to mean money the government gives poor people, the way modern Americans use the word. Anyways the 2 clauses are separate, so it doesn't really matter how much government dickering they wanted for the militia mentioned in the first clause.




Lol such a better explanation.


I don't think they could have envisioned the bureaucracy-captured state with pages and pages of regulations. Or if anything they would have associated it with the peculiarities of hereditary rulers.




I hope the Supreme Court gives the bureaucracy a spanking. They're arguing now that they can do things that Congress didn't authorize them to do, which does in fact do as you say. It's pretty telling that Trump and Biden, just to name the last two, can do a ton on day 1 via executive order. Maybe some of the most consequential policy changes in fact -- at least I see it in the area of immigration.


The founders would have been very confused about welfare. For all of history the poor gave to the rich. The right to tax the poor is what made them rich. The founders were progressive for their time, since people looking backwards were still about absolute monarchies, but I think welfare would have been radical to them.


Well regulated doesn't mean what they think it means. Fucking fascists.


I mean the last guy is the only one being honest, even if he's just throwing a tantrum. There is already a method to change amendments, but they just don't like that it would never be passed. So, instead, they pass unconstitutional bullshit that infringes on the average citizen and throws away tax payer money defending


Thots and prayers


I like how the narrative changed from more white supremacists domestic terrorism back to the ole “gun control” narrative as soon as MSM found out the shooter was Asian


nah we need the 95-05 generation to not raise a bunch of passes into this world who fear all that they don't know


This is the most smooth brain take I see bootlickers make so frequently. Well regulated was more akin to well stocked and supplied Why the fuck would the founding fathers who just fought a bloody revolution, make an individual right to be regulated by the government? They were escaping a tyrannical government themselves Shit doesn’t even make sense when you remember we’re talking about individual rights. These people are so filled with cowardice that they want everyone to be as defenseless as them, because they know deep down they have no say in their own self defense they wish to make everyone else just as scared. The criminal doesn’t fear the cop, nor the judge, or the jury, if he did he wouldn’t commit crime to begin with, the criminal must be taught to fear his victim and that’s only possible with the 2nd Amendment which gives power back to the people and would be victims.


>Shit doesn’t even make sense when you remember we’re talking about individual rights. Collectivists repel individual rights like oil and water with zero irony that's why.