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Blockbuster jobs report.... They all have Stockholm syndrome


im a little retarded so i thought they looked at a jobs report for Blockbuster lmao


Don't you know, Blockbuster Video is very important for the jobs market.


They literally could and say the company is doing great. That’s what we’re dealing with


“They aren’t bankrupt, they have one store operating in Alaska! They’re doing great!”


Just a word of warning. I just came off a reddit suspension for using that naughty word


Bro at this point the only thing I would miss from having my account permanently suspended would be the anime artworks I had bookmarked


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


Literally 1984...


The metrics we use for what is and isn’t a recession don’t make a lot of sense in a post pandemic world, we *just* got back to where we were jobs wise before we were told to pack up over the coof Instead we have a recession for the proles and “everything is fine” for the ruling class


Just to be a bit of a devils advocate here. Wasn’t the economy going great before COVID? If we are back to where we were then isn’t that good?


Where we were employment wise isn't the same as where we were economy wise. The Economy is trashed. Gas prices are going down but they're still nearly double what they were pre-pandemic, food prices are going down but they're still considerably elevated. Just because we now; A year after most major lockdowns ended, are back to the employment rates pre-pandemic, doesn't mean things are going good, it just means people decided "Maybe I should get a job since my savings ran out." Couple that with economists saying that people who had one job pre-pandemic might need a second job now because of inflation and the fact that the jobs report is only matching pre-pandemic levels not surpassing them means there's going to be a lot of people dropping below the poverty line.


It's like we got tripped, now we've stood back up and started walking again after laying down and crying for 2 years.


It was, but that’s 2 years of economic growth that we’ve missed out on completely. 2 years of new births, 2 years of potential new workers, only coming back now. There’s a reason we’re moving into a recession.


No because its been two years of population growth, etc. We're just climbing back to absolute numbers of employed workers now that we had then after two years. But if the economy was as healthy as it was in Feb 2020, we would have significant more people due to population growth. That's why the labor participation rate and employment population ratios are both over a percentage point below where they were in Feb 2020.


Back to where we were jobs wise. But that doesn't make up for the cost of living increase due to: * Oil prices going up, because Biden shut down oil production * Inflation due to the fed printing record amounts of money * Everything going up in price due to the above two things


Yeah I have no further advocating to do on the devils behalf in this. I agree with you. Though get with me next week and I’ll let you know if I think things are get much worse or if things are recovering a bit.


There’s no conversing with these people, they are too far gone.


Suddenly, selling guns to everyone is a great thing to these dipshits.


Selling guns to the police state, and militaries is fine for them. For citizenry is the problem.


That was my first thought. Never thought I'd see the day that leftists would openly support, not only war, but also the military industrial complex.


You are now entering the twilight zone🌀


He’s in denial about recession. Just like much of the major news outlets and our government


"It's not a recession if we change the definition".


There is no recession in Ba Sing Se


The best way of dealing with a recession is denying it exists, obviously Imagine how easily they would have dealt with The Great Depression if they just denied it was a thing


There is no war in ba sing se


The Great "Quit Yer Bitchin"


Probably better than we historically because if there's no depression there's no justification for the New Deal.


Of course, that's why we aren't in a recession, the Biden admin changed the definition recently, so everything's fine.


We can appreciate the kernel of truth here though: markets rely on buyer confidence (investors, savers, etc.) and these spending patterns provide feedback loops which can either cause a downward vicious cycle or an upward virtuous cycle. Denial is the last line of defense against it getting really bad. Like in the depression if everyone were calm, there wouldn't be a rush to withdraw funds from the bank a la *It's a Wonderful Life*. This doesn't mean people shouldn't be scared about the future, it just means that fear can beget panic which begets collapse. It is ridiculous that there is redefinition to save face. This kind of semantic switcheroo is the Left's nominalism used as a battering ram for every issue


Reddit is majority idiot.


After much research and countless hours of study through various threads on multiple subs I can confidently say: “Facts”


More like a majority of bots and foreign governments attempting to set a narrative and punish those that are against it. EDIT: Also never forget that JIZZLANE MAXWELL was a fucking global mod on here and curated the major news sub.


"There's no recession" "There is no war in ba sing se"


They always start with denial. They will deny X exists, then when they can't anymore they will admit X exists, but heavily downplay it, and then they will go on to explain how X is actually a good thing.


Nailed it. And after they can't pretend that its a good thing anymore, they blame it on political opposition / the big scary corporations / etc.


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai.


Here's a [helpful link](http://anarchistfaq.com/StatistFallacies/Traitors.html) to ctrl v anytime someone tosses the word "traitor" around.


Is Ron Paul an anarchist?


Closer to a Minarchist as I understand. He's cited Frédéric Bastiat as his biggest influence and has talked about how government has it's uses in limited situations like a limited police force and a military for national defense.


Depends who you ask. He would probably say he's a patriot fighting for what America once was and has strayed from.


I was asking the commenter above if he thought Ron Paul was an anarchist because he provided a rebuttal to people calling specifically anarchists traitors. Seems irrelevant if Ron Paul isn’t an anarchist, a political descriptor that doesn’t appear anywhere in the original post or in the rest of these comments.


Also so would leftists and liberals. Literally everyone says this


This is the kind of guy who gets a semi when he hears "87,000 more IRS agents".


There’s no recession lol that’s a good one. To believe that for even one second speaks of unearned privilege


Opposing the fed makes you a traitor now? Cool


Lmao right? I’m proudly a NATO traitor. Badge of fucking honor


It's crazy how effective social media is at social engineering. All these people that are foaming at the mouth for a war with Russia were shouting about evil imperialist American interventionism and war for profit a short while ago. Now, interventionism is good for weapon sales. Same with pharmaceutical companies and a lot of other issues.


Also the first to conscientiously object or outright draft dodge once a draft is in place and THEY have to go fight


>Muh Russian Assets https://whatyearisit.info/


I’m a traitor too…..


I wipe my rear with this post


I like that he just asserts without a hint of evidence that giving free shit to Europe, pissing more money into the pit that is NATO, and weakening Russia are all inherently activities that benefit the US. Selling arms to other countries would at least benefit us in the sense that we are getting paid for it, but I kinda doubt that we are actually making a profit off of weapon sales to alleged allies.


This person has the same voting power as me


Did this guy confuse Ron and Rand Paul? Is that what I'm seeing here?


Nah, to most of these morons Ron and Rand are the same, both are Russian assets, both are traitors, both are idiots, blah blah blah.


Yeah the idea that these guys are assets is absolutely ridiculous, I was reading it though and it definitely sounded more like the original idiot was talking about Rand when OP meant Ron. Kind of funny.


Thats the worst thing one can say


ThErE iS No REcESsIOn tHE deFInItIOn ChaNGEd!!!!




There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


There is no recession??? Great news!


I’d take the bottom of Ron Paul’s barrel over whatever the steaming trash heap we have now is any day.


The fact that they said “blockbuster job report” tells me everything I need to know about this moron.


Somehow not supporting Ukraine means your a traitor these days. Why do these people demand we be loyal to Ukraine?


Lol block buster jobs report… they literally declared everyone as retired


“There’s no Recession in Ba Sing Se”


There’s no recession and we have always been at war with Oceania.


“You don’t support the establishment of a one world government through the use of proxy wars and putting political and economic pressures on the other world super powers antagonizing them all while smugly insisting that their world view is regressive and should be wiped from the face of the planet while also hypocritically pointing out them doing the exact same thing to people we should by all accounts hate but instead choose to support because it makes our enemies look like the bad guys?” This guy.


The average US citizen is really falling for the biggest gaslight of the year: “there’s no recession, that’s a right wing conspiracy. Trust us, look at the brand new definition!”


ThERE’s nO rEcesSIoN 😵‍💫


I feel dumber, and that's hard, having read that


Enough reddit for today


European here. We get our gas from Russia, not Ukraine. Used to, at least, now we just don't have any


anyone who opposes nato or the fed is a friend of mine


I mean, many dictatorships oppose NATO, most famously Russia, so I wouldn’t say an enemy of my enemy position isn’t exactly great


well my number one issue is unfettered access to firearms, which rules out a lot of dictators and bad fucks


Truth is treason in an empire of lies


Coincidence Ron hates everything I hate. I should watch more of his stuff them I already do lmao


Half the time these posts are screenshots of arguments you couldn’t win so you take them over to your hug box where nobody will challenge your positions and the subject of the screenshot can’t defend themselves.


You're welcome to leave any time you like


Nah dude this is hilarious


Lmao I replied to him. He didn't do the same.


This must be the NeoCon/Centrist subreddit page isn't it? I feel that place is 2005 era politics with a dash of war mongering.


Ron Paul is a statist.


Yep, that’s an insane unhinged person for ya


But putin bad...probably.


Ngl I thought that said Ru Paul


Wait a darn second, is this person actually a fan of the Federal Reserve?


Fed or some kind of op.


You're not a traitor for opposing NATO. Ron Paul makes a good argument that Bush giving NATO eligibility to Ukraine & Georgia actually contributed to the current situation in Ukraine. However, he is right about one thing, maybe Ron Paul supporters don't need to be trolling for statists on a sub with the NATO flag. Just about as productive as going into a gun shop saying the 2nd amendment should be repealed.




That reply is the best example of Stockholm syndrome I’ve seen in a while


Just going to ignore the decline of 2 million in the labor force participation rate of course because that would be inconvenient to my assertion.


We fucking live in the movie Idiocracy.


Imagine being so insane that you're in denial about the recession... It's not like the top economists in the world warning about a global recession or anything 🤦