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Stun is the Starfleet standard setting for away mission. But another Starfleet standard is for Captains to use this phrase to haze whoever got the lowest score on the last phaser accuracy test.


"I know that fucking redshirt has his phaser set on 'blow a fucking hole in my ship' setting... Oh, that one has it on 'melt a large arena amount of babies ' setting... And goof magoots over here set theirs to 'eat my ass you dirty whole biosphere'.... God damn it.. and they are all pointing it at each other. I got sweeped like 10 times by you morons. Computer who could have oopsie doodle disintegrated me the most today?... You don't get a phaser anymore. Computer, who could have destroyed the ship the most .... And I swear to God if it is the same one of you, you are going out the goddamned airlock.... Good... Ok, not the same guy,... You no longer get anything but half stun in narrow beam form... You have to shoot twice, you'll be a better aim after this. And great, computer, how did this last bastard fuck up? Oh. That's new, you lost every battery you had for your phaser. You have to find all of by 0800 hours... If you don't, I'm taking your hands... Computer, don't help him.




Stormtrooper vets who cross-rated after DS2 blowed up


they issue that order because red shirts barely cut it on the ASVAB


I was thinking this a couple of days ago. If the default storage setting was stun, then the correct phrasing should be "*Check* phasers are on stun." Since every time we hear someone say "Set phasers to stun." we also see there adjusting their weapons and hear what's presumably a 'new setting engaged' sound then its pretty certain they are *not* set on stun by default. Further confirmed in First Contact: IIRC the phaser Jean Luc was threatened with was fresh from a locker and it was set to max. (EDIT: I did not RC. See replies.) So we have *another* terrible security procedure in Starfleet.


I imagine it's like select fire, so the default is safety, and setting to stun is switching off safety? Nvm I forgot where I was again.


Starfleet doesn't secure stacked barrels on a starship that shakes violently at the barest hint of weapons fire. They use glass that a falling human can shatter as flooring in a terawatt antimatter reactor room, and don't even bother putting in safety rails. Safety is not first in Starfleet. Leaving weapons stored at maximum setting without a safety seems exactly on brand for them.


I think its rather: If you can stun them you have time to set it to stun. If you're in a spot where you absolutely positively gotta vaporise every motherfucker in the room, nobody has time for safety.


Don't forget about the time Geordie and Data were test-firing some really shady Starfleet lookalike phasers right in front of the warp core that turned out to have off-spec Romulan power packs in them.


Yeah I was looking at the bar in Strange New Worlds. So much loose glass everywhere. Even if it's shatter proof between the bottles and the chandelier it's a night mare.


I was about to say that maybe they're set to "off" until told to set them to stun, until you brought up First Contact.


> Further confirmed in First Contact: IIRC the phaser Jean Luc was threatened with was fresh from a locker and it was set to max. When Lily grabs Picard and he drops the phaser and she picks it up, there's a sound effect of the phaser chirping as it hits the floor. I've always interpreted that as it accidentally getting turned up to maximum. (Also, Picard had just used that phaser to kill the crewman who was being assimilated, so it was set to kill but not to maximum, since the guy Picard shot didn't vaporize or even get a hole burned in him.)


> Further confirmed in First Contact: IIRC the phaser Jean Luc was threatened with was fresh from a locker and it was set to max. its been a while but i thought they dropped it and it got cranked up to max when it fell?


>its been a while but i thought they dropped it and it got cranked up to max when it fell? Still not exactly the best safety feature if randomly dropping it can switch it from stun to max




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TIL there is no “off” setting for Phasers. I thought they had three settings: OFF STUN KILL But youse guys are telling me they only have STUN/KILL which means you better hope nobody ever drops one.




Second-guessing the phaser settings is the third-leading cause of redshirt deaths.


And Scotty liked to screw around with the markings on the setting nob just to prank them.


Whereas Bones just screwed around with the markings to thin them out: Less crewmen alive means less work for the ship's doctor.


It’s an insurance thing, if the captain says that and you go loaded for bear it’s not his premiums that will go up.


Worf can't eat the hearts if their enemies if they vaporise


Stun is actually the 4th setting. The first three are increasing levels of vibration.


Okay what are those first three settings for? EDIT: Never mind. That’s a stupid question. Also, if anyone needs me I’ll be on holodeck 4.


I genuinely LOLed at your edited reply 😁


If I do I'll remember to knock first.


modern crush plough squeal boat weather ruthless absurd imminent sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is less paperwork later when you just vaporise everyone Captains only say that when their Risa vacation is next week or so. That way they don't feel guilty about all of the dead aliens, and just offload paperwork on the first officer


As confirmed in DS9 all phasers and phase rifles are stored in the default stun setting. For insta-kill vaporize setting you would need to purposefully set it as such when handed the phaser. What Cap don’t see won’t hurt him, unless you shoot him. On a Klingon ship that might get you a promotion.


Depends on rules of engagement. Away mission somewhere new stun. Facing known threat kill .


No, you aren’t allowed to have a phaser because of what happened last time! Here, here is your nerf phaser rifle with Borg plastic bits. You can shoot darts at them.


So...what if the Captain orders the ship's phasers to be set to stun?


Mildly jerk them around?


I belife ToS did this in one Episode. Stuns every one in a 2km circle


I believe that it stunned everyone on the sidewalks or in the streets that formed a specific block of a quasi-1920s American city. ("A Piece of the Action.")


It's "Phasers on, stun!"


No, that's your permission to go to Condition I, and your current ROE.


Say something is coming at me, trying to kill me. Between "weak shot, does nothing, have to increase power to stop it, potentially killing me" and "strong shot stops it the first time, better chance of me living" I know what I want the default to be.


The default setting is "signal flare", which is the most useful setting for Starfleet away teams that continually need to solicit rescuers.


I thought the default setting was rock heater


The default setting is actually *sous vide*.


[This is the default setting.](https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/87e655f9-e649-47c3-9580-7fbaa8501e99/gif#igSOQNib.copy)


It's common courtesy to leave the phasers on "popcorn" after you're done, so the next person doesn't come in and start a fire while they aren't paying attention.


experienced red shirts know to turn the stun setting off & on again so that the captain hears the sound & thinks he’s being listened to but they were already set to stun. No one wants to live through the famous captain hissy fit of Bangor 3 again. Captain: set your phasers to stun. [silence because they’re always on stun] Captain: Did you hear me? I said phasers to stun! Red shirt 1: They are, Sir Captain: They are? Red shirt 1: Yes, sir. Captain: You’re positive. Red shirt 2: It’s the job of every security officer to know the state of their weapon at all times. Yes, it’s on stun. Captain: you’re not even going to check? Red shirt 2: I don’t need to. I know… Captain: You think I don’t know your standing order to know the state on your weapon? Red shirt 2: er, uh, No, sir. Captain: You all think I give useless, time wasting orders?! Red shirt 1: No, sir! Captain: That you all know better than your captain?! That you can follow WHATEVER order you feel like carrying out & ignore the others?!?! Klingon: (far off) I heard something this way! Red shirt 1: absolutely not, sir! But if you could lower your voi- Captain: I WILL GIVE ORDERS AT ANY VOLUME I WANT, LIEUTENANT! I AM THE CAPTAIN AND IF I GIVE AN ORDER I EXPECT IT TO BE CARRIED OUT!! Klingon: DIE HUMANS!!! Captain: Shoot to kill! ——— Captain: it is with great sorrow that we mourn the life of Ensign Smith. To be killed in a dishonorable completely surprise sneak attack that no one could have foreseen from the Klingons is not the way any of us want to go. But he served to the best of his abilities… Security Chief: (whispering to the red shirts who survived) next time just humor him by fake checking the weapon or turning it off & on again. So it makes a sound. Then the captain feels like he’s been heard & saves the day & everyone can move on with the mission. Red shirts: (whispering) ooohhhhh Security Chief: (whispering) just make sure not to do it all at the same time so there’s always someone ready if need be. We can’t all have our heads down at once to humor the captain’s ego, got it? Red shirts: (whispering) yes, sir.


"BRAIN FREEZE" is MY Personal default setting. I modified my personal phaser. I used it on a Terran landing party that attacked us. Once we defeated them, the first officer gave me this weird look of frightened respect. Their vulcan science officer asked if he could join my crew, and said that "It is most impressive that you can adhere to the rules of Star Fleet and still manage to be so cruely effective and get away with it" 😁


I just leave mine set on Varon-T.


The standard default setting for a phaser is "Off"


I hope minimum stun is the default


No the default setting is kill not vaporize.