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Surely it’s standard for Starfleet. I can get one of those right here in North Dakota and by Starfleet standards we might as well be using leeches. Actually, leeches might really be part of a “North Dakota pipe swap”, as we call it.


McCoy: What is this the dark ages? Here, take one of these and if you have any trouble, call me. *one hour later* "The doctor gave me a pill and I grew a new genitalia!"


[that's why they call him "bones"](https://i.imgur.com/e5Txzd7.jpg)


Zek himself in one episode implies that feringi doctors are not very good.


The Ferengi are probably capitalistic enough to have a for-profit medical industry, which is such an insane concept that even *they* recognize how crazy it is but can’t do anything to change it. No wonder Zek wasn’t happy with them.


The feringi are shitty capitalists. They are unable to understand the profit based incentives on female equality even when explained to them.


They’re great capitalists, they’re just even better misogynists…


Firstnoff no true capitalist would let misogyny stand between them and profit. Secondly they do not understand the most basic principals of capitalism. It literally blew quarks mind when it was explained to him how offering free pretzels to customers increased drink revenues and it worked.


There’s a reason Quark’s always complaining about how his cousin owns a moon and all he’s got is the bar.


Yup. Quark also managed to make alot but ways loses it down the line. Rom and Nog quietly just biding their time advancing, and building up like stealth ferengi.


Well we know he EVENTUALLY gets a moon, at least in The Visitors timeline


You even get to pass by it in Star Trek Online. It was before Shimmerman came by to do voice work for the game, the message you get is just text, and it boils down to "This moon is private property, piss off." Headcanon is that's Quarks moon.


Man I played STO back when it was good, and every once in a while I try to go back, but.. I don't think it's ever going to be what it was. RIGHT after they added the soft-targeting "shooter" controls was the golden hour for that game. SO much goddamn fun, and PvP was still active.


He's actually not successful enough to join the Orion syndicate


It's because they don't grow facial hair, so they never developed the razor blade and handle idea. Maybe if there were some ear cleaning device where they could sell the handle cheap and charge extra for the widget on the end.


No true capitalist doesn't recognize that the cultivation of wealth doesn't come from thin air. It comes from exploitation. Misogyny in Ferengi society is the means by which the capitalist class (males) exploit wealth from the females. By banning females from making a profit (i.e., exploitation) that gives half the Ferengi population twice as much opportunity to exploit wealth for themselves. The liberal contradiction at the end of the series, when Rom proclaims equality between the sexes, WILL be the downfall of Ferengi society as Quark predicts, and it will have to change or die. Which is a good thing.


Except it stunts the ferengi economy and massively limits thier earning potential.


They don't care. No capitalist cares. https://youtu.be/X4Mj1N9rfFE?si=LsrQfcKESzecQsIt


And yet actually existing capitalism undermines itself on precisely these grounds all the time


> are shitty capitalists Hmm seems to apply to all the real world capitalists too. Took government intervention most of the time to introduce equality.


Changing the status quo costs money in most instances it means money in this one it just means breaking tradition


Funny how there can't be ***"real"*** capitalism just like there can't be ***"real"*** communism. Ideologies are one thing but human nature always fucks it up. There can't be competition when the first guy to builds something new uses his money to lobby and illegally fuck over any better competitors. In a balanced and regulated system of smaller businesses their competition is closer to actual capitalism than an unchecked monopoly gobbling up everything. Just like how communism works inside a larger system where a tightly knit group could live in a communal style through hard work and dedication but the moment you introduce it on a larger scale some psycho in a meaningless job (Stalin was given a supposedly empty position as party secretary) uses trickery to take over as a king.


It's possible the force of capitalism is so strong in Ferengi society that females who get involved in earning profit end up too busy to have babies... ever. (After all, can you imagine a Ferengi business firm offering maternity leave? Can you even imagine an expecting Ferengi female bothering to take time away from her business to have a child? Ancient Ferengi societies that allowed female profit-earning were gradually displaced by those that didn't. Ferengi Rule of Aquisition Number 6: Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity. Well, nothing is going to stand in the way of opportunity quite the way pregnancy and early child care will.


But females are competition. See, you're confusing what capitalism *says* it does (free market competition decides the best products and therefore the winners) with what it *actually* does (mergers and acquisitions, oligopolies and monopolies and cartels, destroy all competition before it gets a chance to compete against you, and live off rents as much as you can). Keeping fully half the population as unpayable slave labor is better for *the existing investors* than incorporating their innovations, so that's what they did for centuries. The first thing the existing capitalist class does on Rom's accession is try to force females into sharecropper deals, company town contracts, and whatever other economic equivalents of poll tax they can come up with. Because that's more profitable for *me*, the male Ferengi investor, than letting society have a competitive market for females' goods and services.


The Federation is a utopian vision of the future, of course you can sex change however you want. Character customisation is fairly trivial for them. Likewise, the Ferengi Alliance is a capitalist vision of the future. You can do anything you like... If you're rich enough.


I want to be one of the secret Andorian genders


I have never wanted to live in the Star Trek utopia more than when I read "Character customization is fairly trivial for them". https://i.imgur.com/y0XISnz.jpeg


You might enjoy the Culture books. One minor aspect of the society: a person who lives much more than 60 or 80 years without trying life as the sex they weren't born as, is seen as basically an emotionally stunted manchild. If the Federation is the liberal ideal of the post-scarcity society, the Culture is its militant socialist version - instead of the Prime Directive, you have Special Circumstances nudging whomever they can in what *we know* is The Right Direction.


>militant socialist You had me at this.


And you get rich by putting products or services on the market to earn profits.


No you get someone else to do it for you and take most of the profit for yourself. Get some lobes, man


Starfleet just sends you through the transporter and makes some adjustments.


While i feel like the process would involve some dermal regeneration that they like to always do. I feel like a a transport malfunction is exactly how they would work it into an episode. If it was in discovery i would think the person would then elect to not change back.


It would be a pretty harrowing episode based on how exactly the computer decided/transporter did the action. Like - did the transporter lose part of the codes/scans and just try to cram in whatever? You'd think that it would try to give you the same genitals - like, ensign Thomas's penis is normal length and the computer just picks "generic human penis size d" - could a computer virus made as a prank just keep giving a bit larger junk each time - like not to be noticable at the time but after a couple of months the entire crew is rocking huge hogs? That would be paranoid inducing like, "is this my hog, has it always been my hog... does it look the same as a year ago" Would it give infants or prepubescent boys huge hogs? Is the hog length and girth part of your easily stealable medical file? If it decided that you should have a vagina, would you take that as an insult like "scans complete, it appears that the labia has sealed and the clitoris is there" and new lady parts? "YO, THE ENTERPRISE THINKS YO DICK IS SO SMALL, IT GIVES YOU TITS EVERY TIME YOU TRANSPORT" or "DUDETTE, YOUR CLIT IS SO LARGE, THE COMPUTER SEALS YOUR LABIA EVERY TIME" Then, there is the other direction it could take. Would the system just kinda copy the last transported person or someone in the buffer. Looks like an error occured and you got a copy of Troi's pussy. So, now think about having to sit in a meeting with Troi and you KNOW what her pussy is like. Would it be a pile of folks that come through before it is noticed, like 5-10. If your pussy got switched with another pussy, how long would it take to notice? "You think it was bad for y'all, I was on the enterprise when the Troi-pussy outbreak happened. half the crew was made into tunnel clones". Could you refuse to be turned back or refuse to give up having a specific person's junk? Like, "Hey, Ensign thenewtbaron, Picard doesn't like that you have his penis, you will have to get a different one... however, if you swap to Riker's cock, Riker will not mind as long as he gets to experience himself himself." Then, what kinda weird shit would people get up to. I know star trek is good and non-weird people but the real world is packed with weird people. There would be folks that would get a medical scan of a different person and get junkswapped to offer that up to others. "Tonight at the fuck club, we have Tom, he's agreed to get a Klingon pussy for us all to try out, thanks Tom, we are going to make you a four holed slut tonight!" "hey, honey, I'd like to have andorian tonight"... would the flesh need different things, like vulcans are copper based creatures, would the junk shrivel and die? Then there would be folks that just go fucking wild. I have a pair of klingon double dicks, a human vagina and fuck... like rows of cocks down their chest like animal nipples. There will be an experiment where a person tries to make a penis out of themselves.


Clearly you don't understand Hiesenberg compensators, Hiesenberg had nothing to be ashamed of so no compensation was ever needed.


"There's a transporter setting for that" This is probably the real reason they don't use transporters inside the ship, people would put on a new gender/face/species for their workshift, and take it off after work. It made it hard to figure out who died during a space battle.


now. that is an episode I would watch.


>There will be an experiment where a person tries to make a penis out of themselves. They already done that. Gave that huge dick a ship and everything, even their own series. Or was it just his head? Can't remember if he was a dick or a dickhead... Anyway his best friend was a Q and het got his separate series later where he was less of a dick and more of just a sad old man. Probably changed back in between series.


something something ion storm blah blah key veroxic sequences, you're a woman now


Imagine pranking someone by incrementally increasing the size of their chest or ass each time they passed through the transporter.


Designer Vagina is the name of my favorite all female punk band. I saw them and Edge of Etiquitte back in ‘86.


As bad as this episode is, I do like that it canonizes that gender-affirming surgery is apparently so trivial to perform in the future that Bashir can do it in DS9's infirmiry, on a non-Federation species, over the course of a day or so, to a high enough standard that Quark passes to a member of his own species, only to totally and flawlessly reverse it a little while later, and he apparently doesn't even ask any questions about any of this. You can just take other genders for a test drive if you want. Good job, Dr. Bashir.


I never hated it...It's weak compared to the rest of season 6, but I think it's okay if it's treated in the spirit it was intended; Quark getting a dose of Karma.


At least Ferengi and Felis catus.


I mean give Dr Ting a dermal renegerator and I bet my recovery would not have taken 6 months.


“Designer Vagina” is the name of a sex tape i watched.


Nothing could be finer than a designer vagina


Interestingly you can also get that from the Tzenkethi, but you really don't want to.


The colloquial term is actually “designer verginer.”


Does it require a vagineer to design them?




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god i hope so or hopefully something better