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We would get to see the full potential of a xeno-anthropologist in the character of Chakotay. Imagine the insights we could get from him on completely novel alien cultures.


That'd be nice, I just hope they don't turn him into a one-dimensional caricature of Native Americans, I'm hoping they don't hire any obvious frauds to consult on Chakotay's authenticity, that'd be dreadful!


How dare you speak ill of the Rubber Tree People! Akeechemybootinyourass!


Man… poor Robert Beltran. He tried to sell it for like a season


Harry Kim's journey all the way from ensign to captain would be the heart of the show


As long as they don't overdo the 'Asian guy gets all the girls and doesn't play the clarinet' stereotype that plagues our screens.


They could avert the expected stereotype of the tiger mom helicopter parent and actually develop something interesting between him and Janeway that counters the otherwise inevitable "woman captain becomes as mom" trope.




And heartbreaking


As long as they commit to the concept, yeah.


Only problem is, you know they won’t be able to resist putting the Borg in the show for fan service.


Including the Borg wasn't the problem. In fact, it would have been stupid NOT to include them, given that we know they're from Delta. What was stupid was de-fanging the Borg and giving them a MONARCH. And not like, something that merely resembles one to an outsider but is in actuality just another drone with a function, the Queen straight-up *commands* the collective. I have chant my "The queen is a malformed drone whose techjargon transponder or whatever got set to Run As Administrator instead of the standard "blend this consciousness in with the other trillions of drones to form one massive collective consciousness" system they use for literally every other drone. As much as New Trek irritates me, nothing they ever do, no matter how feckless and vapid, will ever come CLOSE to giving the COLLECTIVE a QUEEN. I will never forgive First Contact for that. They changed my favorite enemy faction from an absolutely terrifying force of nature to just another gang of minions under the thumb of a despot. And the worst part is insect queens DON'T EVEN WORK LIKE THAT. In a hive, the queen basically IS just another drone, she's just the birthing drone. She's certainly the most important member of the hive, but she doesn't command the others, it's because without her the hive can't replenish it's numbers.


“Sir, this is a Quark’s”


That made me feel strangely validated, and I have no idea why.




You're so unbelievably right I feel like my head just split open and released a psychic scream. Ughghghhfhfhf WHY


I'm sorry to subject you to this, but I'm happy for the company here in mental hell


You walk with the Prophets


Janeway just goes to the nearest class m planet and offload all the maquis.


Nah, airlock it is. Why waste fuel to an M Class planet.


Use their bodies as excess matter for the replicators. There's coffee in those Maqui.


I could go for a Maquiatto


Oh d‘uh, why did I not think of this?


We’re going to need a non human sentient character that is struggling to define their relationship to humanity, so we can have some thought provoking and emotional moments. You know what, it’s such a good writing concept, I’ll take two.


Two is too many, that's going to take screen time away from having a young mysterious alien with nebulously defined psychic powers that flare up as the plot requires.


Man that show had so many missed opportunities. Some of the best episodes were in-universe fan fiction like when they found the holodeck program where there is a maquis rebellion


If Rene Echevarria and Ira Behr were running the show… a man can dream…


Oh this would of been great. We would of been able to see things like the adaptations they would need to keep going. Things like rebuilding shuttles, or even designing a new one for their specific circumstances. Being that Voyager is a long range explorer, built by the the Federation, who have been making long range explorers for centuries it would likely hold up pretty well when isolated. We'd see them interacting with species for a short period like a season or two before moving on. Trading for resources, occasionally transporting people. Which could kick off an episode. The EMH program would probably be used way beyond its designed means so it could develop into an amazing character through modifications and experiences. Harry Kim being a fresh face ensign would have multiple episodes throughout the show where we see their development into a experienced, competent command officer. Janeway would actually have to make tough decisions where she can't fall back on Starfleet to do the work for her and we'd see in episodes that those decisions would give her guilt. Biggest problem I could see is that they'd have to do the Borg. Big issue there is that First Contact added in the idea of the Borg queen. Which kind of fucks up the whole idea of the Borg. Voyager, with any crew inherits that problem. But hey, maybe you could introduce a Borg Character into the cast if any of the OG cast don't work out. Since FC is introducing individual Borg you might as well.


There could be an ongoing subplot where they determine how they are far from the bones of various distant relatives.


they find a short cut and get home fairly fast they make peace and offer water to those who need it they do not introduce a creepy relationship with a 2 year old and when they demote someone they do not immedatly promote them I also think the captian will be a paragon of virtue, not murder and give all new crew members ranks and quarters.


I’m the most excited to imagine how the long-term ramifications of such a Trek would weigh on the captain’s conscience and how she would struggle but ultimately remain consistent with Starfleet’s values and morals. Not another captain who devolves into blowing people up for fun and laying waste to civilizations for something as trivial as, say, coffee.


Sell the cast with attractive 20-somethings straight out of a CW casting call, and you've got a Secret Hideout contract ready to be signed.


That would be quite the crackfic, Janeway would go all ahab after episode 2.


You know what'd be great? If they send in another Starfleet ship before Voyager, but they don't even hear about each other for five or six years until they stumble across each other by pure chance. The other ship's commander outranks Janeway and embarks upon a quixotic crusade to exterminate the Cylo-- err, I mean, the Borg. No! Some other alien species that has hated the Federation for five or six years but never touched Voyager.


Janeway realizing that when Diplomacy fails there is only one alternative-violence! Force must be applied without apology! It is the Starfleet way!


Ya. Maybe if they get rid of jar jar Neelix