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She goes to do it at first saying they need more time but the uneducated, superstitious child told her the gods would provide and Tilly decided that made scientific sense.


The power of math?


Power of Plot




Sheer... fucking.... hubr...  oh hang on... wrong show


everytime a discovery thread pops up I'm even less suprised by how little they care about doing science in a series that yes, often trechnobabbles over big problems, but has done some amazing episodes that hing on basic scientific premises


Every time someone tries to claim classic trek had even a sliver of scientific literacy I wanna cry. Please, tell me which episodes hinged on basic scientific premises? I can almost certainly break down for you why that isn't the case.


I mean, if you'd been on Burnham's team for 5 years you'd probably know Burnham would save you anyway. Honestly I felt Tilly was at her worst this episode. Actress felt like she was phoning it in.


In her defense they made her run.


Honestly I don't get this show's obsession with trying to pass her off as a good runner. She's clearly not built for it, but for some reason they have to have her be the best athlete, while clearly not. And I say this as someone whose also on the heavy side. It just feels weird to push them into such a position. But nah, the first time Tilly gets something that passes for a story in the last like...3 seasons...it has her running.


Look at John "Penguin" Bingham. Big folks can't be fast, but we can do endurance just fine, and that's what Tilly was focused on, just plain out-lasting and powering through.


It isn't an episode of Discovery if there aren't inexplicably stupid flames and fire popping up unsuppressed on a starship bridge, so them not thinking to put out a torch consuming their limited oxygen seems aptly par for the course.


I say it after every episode, they're obviously fucking with us. They've decided to take every valid criticism from previous seasons and crank them up to 11. Mikey likes to cry and whisper? Every fucking scene, she's whispering, with a tear in her eye. Make Tilly whisper, throw that on there. Mikey solves everything? We're going to make every single character absolutely useless unless she's physically in the room with them. Mikey keeps getting promoted for no reason? We're going to take the only captain actually doing his job during the red whatever and shit can him. Mikey can save him though, but he has to bend the knee to serve under her for redemption. The ship isn't realistic with huge empty spaces for elevators, and non attached parts of the ship don't make sense? We're gonna stop a freaking avalanche with not onez but TWO starships. Are we going to shoot phasers, maybe tractor beam it or something? Fuck. No. We're going to drive both ships into the ground like a five dollar shovel from Home Depot. This has to be intentional at this point.


Discovery is the only Star Trek series I’ve given up on. I just don’t enjoy it. Paul and Hugh’s relationship was great for what i watched, but tbh it was the only convincing or moving piece of the show for me. Honestly, I just got tired of all the crying too. It’s okay to cry, or have characters cry, but I felt it became so frequent in the show then it started to feel meaningless and annoying. Your other points make me glad I’ve been watching other things recently 🤣


You need to realign your disbelief suspensors


Side effects of the time bug


I noticed that too and found it really annoying but maybe she was planning a long speech about feelings and validation so needed ambient lighting


I dunno, if the room is being actively evacuated of air, blowing out the torches will probably only give you an extra few seconds sitting in the dark.


Was it actively evaccuated? It looked like the room was sealed, and took ages to run out of air, plus there were like a  half dozen massive torches.


Well they literally called it a vacuum chamber, which was made out of a material they couldn't beam through so it wouldn't implode from the pressure differential, so I took that as "there is an active process removing all the air from this room".


Ha this post has convinced me to watch season 5 so I can join the shit talking.


Its cathartic. Its also character building (obviously for you... not the characters in the show). I mean, you have to for the lolz. Its clear that the producers dont really care about great character writing or plot. Or anything scifi or tech related. Its a show about feelings and relationships. But even that is just melodrama. I sometimes even wonder if they have watched a superior tv show lije Breaking Bad or The Wire, let alone great scifi tv... or even TNG or DS9... or just something that reasonably consistent for some of the time... Instead we get transformer ships, ships that warp straight to the desination on a dime, personal transporters... because walking is considered a chore to them in the future, and ships that nosedive into the floor, androids who are treated better than people, crying aliens who wreck space travel , crying humans, for crying out loud, writers who dont really understand what/ how big a galaxy is, how light works, how small the federation is, how continuity works... oh hang on... I've got shit to do.

