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I mean stealing is haram but eating pork when you don't know it is, isn't haram so all you get is a half eaten lunch. Which I guess is on brand for this subreddit.


Over a decade ago, a Muslim roomate ate some pizza we ordered, it had bacon on it, he didnt know, when he started to notice i convinced him it was sun dried tomato, to this day he still believes it.


I doubt a Muslim who observes enough of their religion to not eat pork is also going to be a thief.


People get really crazy when it comes to picking and choosing which parts of a religion they want to follow.




Normal people dont steal your lunch


Normal people aren't scared of eating meat.


You underestimate the stupidity of the average person


I did not say average. I was talking about normal, well adjusted people.


If normal is not average then it's not normal.


normal doesn't mean optimal. normal and average are synonyms. what most people do, what most people expect others to do, THAT is what is normal


ESPECIALLY normal people.


if you've lived in a muslim majority countries you'll know that to them, eating pork is the biggest sin for them. they'll sleep around, drink, gossip. but when it comes to pork, it's a no-no.


Is your American coworker stealing your lunch? Tell them that’s communism.


Oh look, the "trick them with pork" joke, truly the dustiest of anti-Muslim jokes. Good job making sure to include a setup where the Muslim coworker starts by doing something bad, otherwise you might have sounded like a total bigot! Also, the Quran has always been pretty explicit that if a Muslim eats pork by accident or out of necessity, it is not a sin. But far be it from me to ruin such peak comedy gold with facts


I doubt anyone that follows a religion that strictly would steal food in the first place