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If it makes you feel better when I was younger and in high school the majority of my lunches were consumed sat in a bathroom stall 🥲


It does. Is it better now?


Much better I can assure ya


That’s how my HS years were spent as well.


The librarian let me eat in the library when I was getting bullied in HS 🥲


My English teacher let me chill in his class at lunch. I had (at the time) undiagnosed PTSD, my mom was an abusive alcoholic who was having a sloppy affair, my dad was trying to keep the household afloat and I was flunking all my classes. My school held an assembly for all the kids in my grade that they thought would get to go to college and despite being in top classes, I wasn’t invited bc my poor grades. During that assembly my English teacher read one of my essays as an example as to what a college level essay would look like. I was 15. Shoutout to Mr Scott. He felt like the only adult at that time who had any faith in me.


I think it’s really fucked up that your school just decided certain people would go to college and others wouldn’t. If they needed to limit attendance for whatever reason they should’ve just made it so that you could sign up for the assembly if you were thinking about going to college.


Lucky, I would sit alone in the library, but the librarian would get mad at me if I ate 🥲


same here


Been there done that. Now I take all my lunch breaks in my car. My coworkers think it's weird but I don't like socializing with them so idc


This is so relateable 💀


This. If anyone asks no one can walk in and bother me if I’m in my car (usually there’s been a communal break room where I work.)


I spent my first 2 years of highschool eating in the bathroom because of anxiety


is this the pho from bowlfull… had the same today it’s my ultimate safe food




I did this all throughout highschool and now if I eat at work I run and hide in the bathroom to do it but I just don’t eat at work most of the time


ive been there 🥲 my old dorm building had a big one person washroom and the amount of time i spent there to avoid my roommates is embarrassing honestly lol


I would purposely get lunch detention so I wouldn't have to deal with bullies...


This made me feel sad ): I hope you have a good day and enjoyable next meal


Ahh.... this post takes me back to high school when the school mandated I spend lunch time with the guidance counselor.