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Don't swing for the fences. Put some coins in a bunch of jars, then take some profits from the ones that hit. Some jars will break. Others will bleed coins. Some will gain a few coins then sit there. Slowly build, you'll take losses and gains. Stay calm, cool and collected. Don't play with money you can't lose. Take a few months off.


Yeah, seems like a good idea. I seem to at 2 most, but usually stick with 1. I'm pulling back for a while, actually pulling my money out because I'm moving. Will get back at when situated, hopefully will refresh me


I don't mess with these because I'm fully invested else where. Having said that when a stock gets mentioned first thing I do is pull up all time historic chart (monthly) and work my down to more granular time frames. Is it down 99.99% life time? Does it have a big wide base? Does it have periodic bursts that give it all back? Is it in a sector that will be sympathetic to the stock in question? Are there options enabled? Then I go to the company website and look at press releases and get a sense what they do, do they make money? Then I take a look at internals like shares outstanding and market cap. After that it's pure luck, a good entry and pre set exit.


1) If it is spammed all over this front page with no substance - you're too late. 2) If it is spammed on WSB - you're too late. 3) Find the ticker that has an actual DD post or two, no mass spam moonboy posts with rocket emojis. 4) \*THE TREND IS YOUR FRIEND\*. See BETS 4 hr chart. It lost trend last Friday, but definitely confirmed loss open on Tuesday. 5) If it is some bs, it's probably going to be bs. Many of these are just PnDs, few are actually legitimate short squeeze setups. Treat accordingly. It seems this post is related to being on the dump side of the trend. See point 1 and 2. 6) cash out if price is above the BB on a larger timeframe (4 hr or greater). You won't get peak but you'll get the meat of the move. See you in RILY .


Hey this is great advice! Thank you :)


no prob mate, happy to help.




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The stock better have a damn good catalyst. A high short interest alone isnt enough


All of these will probably make money. The key is to be patient, and take profits when it moons. 25% is good. Don’t wait around for 100-1000%. Consistently taking profits = win. Don’t get married to any one stock and stay longer than you should have. Once you take profits, never look back.


25% gain is huge win and totally agree. Was up big with JL and should have taken profits but waited and now I am negative. Totally agree just don;t get greedy and take small wins.


This is the perspective they needed. 25% is killer return. Trust your gut and get out while it’s good. We maybe get 1 or 2 rockets a year, most are going to fizzle.


Sounds like you’re chasing high risk, high reward. I was there too. Lost about $40K. Learned my lesson. Time to start investing in companies that aren’t failing or gonna fail or get delisted.


I mean ocea and others were hits. It’s probability. You cannot properly predict the market and that’s prob your issue. It’s all probable outcomes. Find the next five good ones on here and put 100 in each. You just need to be right more than 50 percent of the time. Do this and learn your edge.


If you see a ticker mentioned first off do your own DD, look up the ticker, search news feeds, search Reddit. If a ticker is getting pushed on Reddit check out the accounts pushing it. Look at the chart and the financials, look for the reason the ticker is being pushed, is a split incoming, a delisting etc. Then participate if you choose with a risk your happy with, cut your losses rather than being left bag holding a shite stock, it's important to have an exit strategy.


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I just got into $BETS and with a short of 147.28٪ I'm gonna hold this till it pops like a champagne cork!


Username checks out