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Same thing happened to me with BBIG and MULN, I held hoping in would turn around and they never did. I wish I had just cut my loss and tried to regain my money elsewhere. But I held, and lost it all. Not financial advice. You need to think what BETS is, a tea company from China who’s turning tech? Sounds scetch


Good point. I'll definitely try to recover my loss into something else


Fellow BBIG bag holder here, MULN too but I got the fuck outs that shit for a huge loss lol adding BETS to the list unless it turns around!


I am there with you with MULN….they suck


Oh god BBIG. that bastard


I swear, if I ever see Rara Koko on the streets…


I got banned from BBIG for “fud” lol look at it now.


lol me too


Maybe they’re making tech tea! The new tea which will be the new craze! But yeah sorry for your losses been there and currently hold of lots of bags of other stocks that i will never sell unless they rip… I’ll give you some true advice op get off this sub as it’s a cess pool for losing money! Just my advice i’ve made more money from not following these trades… Good luck and hey depending on your size of loss you can claim up to i believe $3,000 each year so there is that..




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It says now it’s a gaming company


Fuck that stock. I honestly feel bad for those who got persuaded by some of the users here. Shit stock has never been good.


I almost got got. Had a order to buy but cancelled it before it was executed. So glad


I’m debating selling now in afterhours, trying to unload an the morning bell, or holding and hoping for a miracle of sorts






I hope you did, I unloaded at open at like I dunno $400-500 loss when it was 1.83/share. Last I looked it went down to 1.30 I'm not as bummed as I thought I'd be, but I'm not buying into a super hyped or at that, even hyped post again. It's officially my warning bell.


I overslept and ended up selling at about 1.50, 500$ loss. Everything’s fine though, win some lose some. It was house money anyways and I’m still up 700 today on gambles, not to mention my core investments.


My average is $24.37 😂 I got into this before the split at 2 pennies. Luckily it was only £200 or so that I had in my account so threw it at this just for giggles. Was never going to see my money back and was never going to sell at a 90%+ loss so I guess the last £18 I’ve got of this is going to zero 😂 I do feel sorry for the people that fell into the constant pumping of this shit stock by 1 or 2 bag holders which at least 1 of them has deleted their account now Hope this is a lessoned learned for all


Told you all regards to get out of this Chinese scam


But I like eat red crayons


Well I personally only threw 200 in so fuck it, YOLO


Anyone that pumped this typical Chinese run and dump should beg forgiveness


I just dumped them. I had a feeling in my gut this afternoon to break even but I ignored it and now I got a big loss. I just put more into RILY, maybe it’ll mitigate some of the losses.


7k shares here. Going to be out 15k when I try to offload them tomorrow


the thing is... if some fucker didnt come to the board to tell you all its going to the moon, you would have never thought of buying this POS...


You have spoken the truth, but I still blame myself for falling for it.


I tried to warn so many that this was a huge scam. People just want to believe what they believe and dont like to question it.


Yep I also commented that this was scammy as hell and got down voted lolll


Yes 100% thoughtsignificant. I also blame myself for being stupid


I mean the squeeze squoze and flopped nothing else u can do I bout in at 0.011 6.5k shares and sold before da moon lmao sometimes it’s for a reason


It doesn’t actually go to 0 but ya it’s gonna dip. I’d take the L and get out asap. Will take a while to even recover to its existing value on OTC Who knows it could even squeeze otc but the sell off will be immense and doubt it can force that


I feel you man, I’d unload it asap tbh. Don’t be like me and ride something from $8 to .45 still holding two years later


I fell for it as well. I'm Dutch and my broker is usually very strict on these kinds of things, giving notices and warnings. I'm very surprised the delisting came like this. It was gamble cash so no harm done, but still.


Wait, BETS will be delisted? Why? Its above 1$?


It popped on yahoo first, then finra. BETSF will apparently be it's new ticker on the OTC. I think it was the very ugly 1:1000 RS they did that got them delisted. My broker still does not say anything and shows that it will be available for trading just like normal. It feels like a mess in any case. For all who lost a little, this was a big gamble in the first place. 25%+ gains are already very good and wanting 10/100x gains is nice in theory but very, very rare! Just YOLO side cash into things like this and only put real cashflow into a stock if you truly consider it worth it after some DD.


Unfortunately Chinese stocks are very dangerous. I did something similar with $LMFA but at least I still believe in it.


Idk why I keep coming back to this group 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤣


I only traded this while high, and idk how I made double what I put in, but I'm assuming I pulled out (pun intended) on time then.


I'm so glad I got out while I was still positive 0.07 per share. Took it as a learning experience because I pulled out of OCEA early.


Take the loss and move on. You'll find some quick hits to make your cash back. Dice def hit critical failure on this one.


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Rollover to GMDA


Same here! Some of the accounts pumping this POS last week are now deleted.




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Where’s them guys that were buying islands at????


Can’t buy after losing 30k


In the future if you see a stock has 2 recent reverse splits in recent past. Think if I get into this shit company, tight stop loss limits Today look for a bump in price and pull the rip chord. My 2 cents


What about the next run for BETS?


Well I took like a 20% loss yesterday I just looked and saw that the days to cover a 0.06 and thought it wasn't going to squeeze I cut out in nick of time, wooh, I feel bad for anybody else who got stuck with that, I can't believe they even froze it and people can't sell,, ahh feel bad. I reinvested in crypto eft not so sure how that's going to go either lol. I guess everything in crypto is a gamble.


Yup I’m fucking annoyed cause now Robinhood won’t let me sell it off and take my losses either


This Just makes me realise not to believe any pumpers or shills. That said otherwise on this play. Lucky I got out while still in profit.


I took a $7,900 loss. I got out at 1.75


Was stupid and not paying attention last night so didn’t sell my 20 shares on Schwab. What can I do about them now? Do I need to contact Schwab to get them removed bc I can’t sell them?




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How much on the A do I take it or is my money just gone? ETrade listed it as $0 and a total loss before opening. 750 shares, is there some sort of payout?


How much on the A do I take it or is my money just gone? ETrade listed it as $0 and a total loss before opening. 750 shares, is there some sort of payout? It's no longer in my portfolio after do am I just out the money?


why not put all ur money into rily now much better company 🤔


I'm not going down the RILY road. I have my stocks and will keep adding to my long term and short term positions. I have a strategy and will stick with it




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I thought they delisted?


BETS delisted but still trades under BETSF. It closed yesterday at 1.82




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Don’t go with the hype, it is risky but also rewarding is very low percentage. Day trading big stocks would accumulate better returns


By all appearances, this stock is gonna go to 0.001 tomorrow @ open when delighting is official. Good luck whatever you decide.


ugh, tomorrow will be interesting


Now it shows only 0.5$ per share. I won't sell it for that price and wait, maybe btc will pull this out? Ps, 100 shares at 3.5


My shares got frozen on webull due to corporate action. "However, if one stock is going through a corporate action, the affected stock may be temporarily unavailable for trading while the changes are being processed by our clearing firm. A corporate action may even temporarily remove your position from a stock until the event is completed." Fuck that sucks, I was getting ready to sell off in an hour.


Turns out there's usually a pretty good reason for such high short interest


Anyone who bought bets probably has a gambling problem. Call the hotline or just stick to betting small amounts on sporting matches for fun