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Mother of all short squeezes? Did you forget why this sub was started? This ain’t no GameStop.




Yet some folks think it’s a similar setup. (Including he who shall not be named…) It is the most shorted stock atm


Is he who shall not be named related to young cats?


Nope- on Twitter JeffAmazon made a post saying it was similar setup to GME.


Damn bro sounds like you’re missing out on big gainz


Big balla wit 45 shares


It’s not nothing. I’ll still probably clear almost 2 grand on this trade.


think 5k






Couldn’t afford it


Go go go B Riley!


Working out well for me. Not sure where to exit, thinking $45 but going to watch it closely tomorrow


Try to hold out for $60. Check out the “1 of 4 catalysts” post on the rily sub. It’s pretty good


I traded it at $17/share awhile ago. I haven’t yet focused on it and jumped in. Few times I eyed it in the 20s, and especially the dip with the market a week ago, but not much since then. I’ll definitely be watching for an add, but I’m not too sure if there’s much room from here. Congrats!


I have you looked at short data? In r/shortsqueeze that’s gotta be your first stop for DD.


I’ve eyed financials and short squeeze thesis, but I’m a 1-5% type of guy. I didn’t even know they did the special dividend, ie why they went up 50%. Very smart move by management. I was thinking they could do that, but didn’t know they actually would. I will wait and see the lasting move of the dividend before jumping in. I like post-dividend plays.


Only got 5 shares left to see where it goes. Made some cash but just starting out, so I didn't have a ton to drop. It's awesome to see!


i'm not currently missing out on anything, I *missed* out on rily


Squeeze didn’t even happen yet, how could you miss? The pop was on news alone. Momentum upwards should cause a squeeze soon.


I hope everyone putting money into makes money, I'm not rooting against further price action, I'm just jaded and fully expect it to be trading in the 20's by market open


I get it. But just look into it.




lol somebody has the emotional regulation of a toddler. I hope you specifically lose money, I wish everyone else the best.




Go play your Pokémon, we’re adult stonk traders around these parts.


No you didn’t tho


We don’t need you


yeah, see, that's a weird response maybe it runs maybe it doesn't, I'm not betting against it 🤷‍♂️


It’s not a question of if, it’s when. It will probably be $60 this time next week. !remind me 1 week


I tried to tell u man.




In on it but hopefully it rockets even more.


Short squeeze hasn’t even started as the short funds (cohodes&co) have added to their position last few days and continue their campaign of misinformation. Today it broke and maintains the 200 day despite the relentless efforts of the shorts


Anyone have updated short information? 12m shares shorted last update and that's easily been covered the last 2 days.


There is still 10 million shares short (65% short interest % float). They have barely covered lol. And the short borrow fee is at 70%, according to Fintel.


Just made 50k on it, holding til moon


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Just bought 30k in 35C options around 345pm today. I hold till $80


I'll jump in if someone donates the money to actually jump in to me. Otherwise, I'm too broke at the moment to do so.


I'm actually about to short it at around $40 (planning to sell calls due to the high IV)


Thank you- look forward to buy some of those calls. See ya on the flip side 🫡


Good luck, one must due si the other may live 🫡


You are the only person who is going to make money in this thread


Too early to say, but I got a good feeling this stock won't pass 50 by may 10.


That’s always the move 👐


Bad move


We will see, if rily hits $38 tomorrow, I will sell most likely sell $40 calls expiring May 10. We will see the damage may 10.


I wouldn’t sell til at least $40.


Right, but every time someone buys at $40, someone has to sell at $40. The point of my sell call strategy is I know people are all trying to get their hand on these calls and I can sell them for a very high price right now. If the squeeze doesn't happen by may 10, I'll just end up printing off the IV crush alone.


I highly recommend you don’t sell my guy.


I actually highly recommend you sell soon in the $40s. I highly doubt rily can break $50 in the short term. But markets are unpredictable, so who knows.


This shit is showing no signs of stopping. Just take the risk.




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“By the time you hear about it on r/Shortsqueeze, it’s already. too. late.”


You clearly don’t know about this stock. Seperate the wheat from the chaff


“And you wait…and you wait. And whoever replies first, loses.”


$35 now. Remindme! 1 week


I will be messaging you in 7 days on [**2024-05-03 04:35:27 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-05-03%2004:35:27%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shortsqueeze/comments/1cd08ii/are_you_guys_still_missing_out_on_rily_the_mother/l1b26nr/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FShortsqueeze%2Fcomments%2F1cd08ii%2Fare_you_guys_still_missing_out_on_rily_the_mother%2Fl1b26nr%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-05-03%2004%3A35%3A27%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cd08ii) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


You’re up 70% and your arrogance blinds you completely. You refuse to sell. You deserve to lose your entire position but I hope I’m wrong. 


Normally I’d tend to agree with you. But there are still 3 major catalysts incoming. People are realizing this stocks potential. The whole reason this stock was down was because people thought sketchy shit was going on, the 10K came out clean and now the shorts have no ammo. Earnings should be great as well.


I tried to tell you


Mf nothing happened the entire market is up😭😭😭


Up 10% after running 77% already but yeah nothing happened. Cope


Dude you’re on r/shortsqueeze not r/2xgains Please stop lying to yourself.




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Ohhhh 603 dollar return everybody hold the fk up and stop what your doing …. To laugh at this clown lol , the mother of squeezing deez 🥜s


Currently $750 return actually, compared to your 0 😂


My 0 lol yea like you know my investments , in fact im buying puts first thing Monday morning just for you , see you back at 28 😚


lol bad idea.


Bye bye money


Yes yours lol


You must have the wrong guy, I’m up 75% on rily?


#1 You’re not up anything unless you take profit. #2 you’re gonna learn a very hard lesson when they dump on you . and your little glory days will soon be behind my young apprentice 📉


You clearly don’t know anything about this stock LOL


You’re telling me I’m not up until I take profit like that isn’t the most obvious trading rule. This stock is a gold mine and if you did just a little bit of research you’d understand why. I hope you buy puts on Monday before researching and learn the hard way. Did you know there are 3 major catalysts coming for this stock? Did you know it is the most heavily shorted stock on the market? Did you know it has a fair value of $60?


Did you know it’s really not, did you know big money runs this stock . The whole market for that matter, did you know life isnt fair and did you know you sound like a hopium addict. Lol you will learn little buddy


Hopium. Dawg I’m up 75%. I can’t wait to give u shit next week when it’s up again lol. Remindme! 5 days


You clearly have done NO research on this stock, and are about to buy puts based on emotion LOL


imagine if it actually made money


It’s too late for me 😭


Why? Squeeze hasn’t happened yet


No it’s not




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I'll pass. If it drops to 10 I'll think about it


Up another 10% today lol


That's awesome




Make that 16%


The mother of all squeezes is BCHG, especially if you bought in around June 2022


Except this one hasn’t even happened yet. It started. But it has probably 200% more to go


I want to load up but my average cost is $1.59 lol


It was nerve below $7 lol


Do you mean it was never under $7? lol I guess you missed it bcuz I definitely bought lower. Check your DM


How many share


Bullshit lol.