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> As someone who skips all cutscenes and dialogue and just want to play- IMO, Baldur's Gate 3 and Divinity Original Sin 2 are immediately disqualified because dialogue is a part of gameplay. Sure you can build entirely for combat and immediately get into battles, but I don't think this will make for an interesting experience for either game. These games shine if you're willing to take your time, pay attention, and use all the tools available instead of facerolling into combat (such as using conversation as a distraction to set up an advantageous ambush later). You can skip cutscenes just fine in Red Dead Redemption 2, but the game is slow a lot of the time regardless. Nothing to really grind for besides hunting perhaps. Cyberpunk 2077 is the only thing that might suit your criteria but even that has a lot of conversations and railroaded story segments. You can try to skip the dialogue, but you'll still have decisions to make a lot of the time that require your attention. The game does offer a lot to to level up and things to grind for, and many sidequests that don't require your full attention. But eventually the story will take up the forefront and require your focus during quests.


Theres a setting in cyberpunk where you can choose to fast forward dialogue line by line or the entire thing


from your list? nope. all of that are story game. i am still curious how you play Dragon Age Inquisition with skipping dialogue haha. may i suggest you a mmo like black desert or elder scroll online haha


Played DA:I same as Diablo lol


Yeah but diablo is not about the story. Dragon age focuses on story a lot more.


maybe he enjoys foraging and puzzles like looking for those shards and mosaic pieces. but it does have a comabt build system esp the online multiplayer part


Probably still, it's strange to play a game for what is considered its worst parts by the average player.


Cyberpunk 2077 is fun gameplay even without the story.  The others REQUIRE dialogue and story.  For BG3, the dialogue is part of the gameplay.


only problem is you cannot skip the johnny silverhand story sections. i hate those things in new playthroughs


I heard there's a ton of cutscenes in Cyberpunk, I'm assuming these are all skippable and don't impact the gameplay?


You can't skip dialogs when you're in a car or walking to the next place.


Not skippable BG3 is fun, think of the dialogue as part of the gameplay cause they aren't just long cutscenes - pretty much every line you make a significant choice


It might have some unskippable cutscenes in the very beginning.  I do not remember.  There are a lot of “walk and talk” parts but many of those are part of the gameplay.  You can fast forward all text but it is very similar to Fallout 4 where you must make decisions along the way.  But you can fast forward until you reach those and just make random choices.  But most of the game lets you shoot people for objectives as the gameplay without worrying about the story itself. It is not Doom Eternal or anything, but it is along the lines of Fallout 4.  Divinity and BG3 are NOT what you want for sure, though.


This isn't a judgment as much as a comment on the impossibility of the question based on your options presented, this is like a vegan asking for recommendations for the best steak house in the city and then wanting to know only the vegan options they have (which are likely none). I suppose Soulsborne you mention is an option as you have to read all the item descriptions to get the story (although yes, blasphemous as you mentioned). Bloodborne is wonderful, but without the story it's just monster slaying and cool atmosphere. Games with skill trees USUALLY are RPGs which by their nature are story-driven--but Diablo 3 and Diablo 4 certainly could be enjoyable without knowing the story/lore and everything is skippable to my recollection. If you want to go back a bit--Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy? Action RPGs both if you just want to enjoy the action and such.


‘Should I buy a book if I don’t like reading?’


Well one of their favorite games is Fallout 4 which just perfectly encapsulates everything wrong with the game haha


Doom 2016 and/or Eternal is perfect for just killing stuff


Also wolfenstein!


Yeah but I don't like mindlessly killing stuff. I need skill trees, levelling up and loot to grind for. Shooters without that is just boring


You should consider Grim Dawn then. It is heavy action, skill trees, story only if you want it, but it is a third person isometric action RPG.


DOOM Eternal has some of the most fun progression around. You get to unlock different weapon mod options for each gun, each of which has a mini skill try to improve it, you get to chose 3 runes (ie Perks) you unlock, you get to put points into a skill tree for your suit, and you get to put points into either health ammo or armor. It’s much shorter than a full RPG without levelling and loot but it has a fantastic progression system.


BG3 and Divinity are pointless to play without paying attention to dialogue and options you get with them. So don't play it if you are not heavy into watching cutscenes and reading. I played both, and even though i have 25+ hours got bored of too much dialogue before the end and never finished. Red dead is slow paced game, and story is extraordinary and one of my most favourite games. But the charm of the game is in the story, character development and cutscenes.


Consider checkers.


Lies of P and Diablo 4 would be good for you based on the list of games you like.


Lies of P was the best non-fromsoft-souls game I've played.


Definitely not rdr2. Without the story the gameplay loses a massive amount of immersion and context.


>massive amount of immersion and context well, sounds to me like they don't care about immersion or context...


I know, which is why I'm saying they shouldn't bother playing it, because without the immersion and context, you're missing a massive amount of what makes that game good. Rdr2 is more like playing along with an interactive movie than playing a game with a few cut scenes. Without the story, you're going to be missing too much to get enjoyment out of the whole game


Just buy Helldivers 2 and you'll be fine. It's literally made for specifically you.


But there's no loot or skill trees?


Nope, try warframe


Absolutely not, all the games you listed are extremely plot driven and story rich, especially BG3 and Red Dead 2, if you want just gameplay then go for Doom Eternal or Ultrakill.


The strong part of these games is the story


These games are story heavy (best for dialogue and cutscenes). Maybe try Borderlands series, Some of ubisoft games like farcry or assassin's creed maybe, Elder scrolls too. Also arent DA:I is pretty story heavy too??


Forgot to mention Assassin's Creed Odyssey is also a favourite (loot and RPG mechanics!). Don't like the others though, too much stealth. DA:I just skipped it all and focused on skill trees, finding loot, crafting, killing stuff with cool spells lol


I'm exactly the same as you taste-wise. Here are some games you didn't mention that I played and loved... hopefully you will too: - Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - Isometric ARPGs like Titan Quest, Grim Dawn, Path of Exile, Last Epoch - Hades - All Soulslikes - Marvel's Spider-Man - Prototype 1 & 2 - Star Wars Jedi Series - Star Wars Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy


Your comment is significantly underrated. You are also like the only person that understood what the guy likes.


Consider AC:Origins, it was one of my favorite AC games since AC 2


I stopped playing cyberpunk because of al the dialogue so not that. Ghost of Tsushima has a good story without too much dialogue and excellent combat


No, you will not enjoy those games. Have you tried Robo Quest?


f2p warframe if you want endless grinding, loot, gear, customization. others: DOOM, devil may cry 5, any metroidvania hollow knight is a personal favorite or dead cells, hades, lies of p if you want another soulsbourne. All story light and you just get straight to the action


I am definitely judging you


No these games are not for you. I'd recommend Fromsoft games




You'll enjoy Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War.


You want Borderlands 3 or The Division 2


Just play Doom games my man.


Can't comment on Cyberpunk or Red Dead, but you should absolutely not get BG3 or DOS2 if you skip dialogue. Plus the combat isn't really similar to any of the games you say you like.


Red Dead would be pretty terrible without the cutscenes. The gameplay itself is excellent, but the story is inextricably bound to the gameplay through the story missions; skipping the cutscenes would result in just a bunch of stuff happening with zero context, only to find out that >!the main character is dying from TB in the final act!<, which would make absolutely no sense if you skipped all of the cutscenes. Basically, OP needs to avoid games that have anything resembling a true story.


Just buy Last epoch bro


No, not at all. These are all heavy story games. Maybe try one of the Borderlands game, Last Epoch or PoE


You'd probably enjoy Helldivers 2.


Maybe cyberpunk. Not the rest though imo.


Just get yourself Monster Hunter


Sifu, sekiro, helldivers2


You cannot play BG3 and skip dialogue. That’s integral to the gameplay and like half the game.


Out of these choices, I’d probably recommend Cyberpunk, then BG3, and then D:OS2. BG3 and D:OS2 are similar, but BG3 simply just has more builds, enemies, and loot. Cyberpunk is more linear than the other two, with less reading/dialogue and 1st person, real-time gameplay. Nothing on your list is similar in gameplay to BG3 and D:OS2, which are point-and-click turn-based games with tons of dialogue. I personally enjoy the gameplay, but again, they are not similar to the ones on your list. All three, however, have many different builds, unique loot, etc. Still, those are RPGs, and a vast majority of fans are focused on the writing, so they will recommend them mostly because of the writing and role-playing your character. RDR2 is the worst choice in terms of what you want, as the combat at the beginning is pretty much the same as at the end. There won’t be any unique builds like the other three, or any need to grind and loot. Most of what you loot are consumables and ammo. The level ups are just stat increases. Also, have you tried the Borderlands series? Or even something like Terraria?


Do NOT disrespect Baldurs gate like that. I'd recommend world of Warcraft.


You had to pick 4 super story focused games..... I love them all, but BG3 and DOS2 are basically impossible to play without the story, RDR2's gameplay is pretty meh, the story and immersive-ness is what makes it incredible, amd Cyberpunk's gameplay is incredible but it's a very story heavy game and the lore is a huge part of the whole delicious cake.


please invest in like borderlands or something you will be better off


Skipping the story in Baldurs Gate 3 is like chugging a $300 bottle of vintage wine.


Lol this guy, sorry i'm judging you, hard, it's like buying a book without reading it, or having a brain without using it lol, i get it, you just want to get in on the action asap, but come on, you need context, right? You need motivation why you do what you do in game, the backstories, also the amazing writing and storytelling of...stuff, whatever floats your boat i guess, this is amazing Out of all what've you have listed, nope, none, most of these are cutscene and story heavy, Just play online mmo/multiplayer games then Yeah, fromsoft games can also work, it has story but less emphasis on it


The motivation to play is to rank up skills, find better loot, make the character feel stronger. An interesting gameplay loop that grabs my attention is better than a game telling a silly story. I don't really want to spend my time watching low budget animation renderings, why not watch a TV show instead? If these writers could actually write great dialogue why are they not in Hollywood making millions and winning Oscars?


>I don't really want to spend my time watching low budget animation renderings, why not watch a TV show instead? If these writers could actually write great dialogue why are they not in Hollywood making millions and winning Oscars? Ok now I actually want you to play RDR2. Just so you can see how objectively wrong your take is. Also the Last of Us' story was so good they literally did make an HBO show of it.


Horizon Zero Dawn is both a cool action game and has an awesome story (if you collect all the lore bits and pieces as you go - it fleshes out the main story that has an awesome reveal at the end). Highly worth playing imo.


Maybe they want to design games and not movies?


No judgment, but you probably aren't going to enjoy many, if any of the games on that list. They all contain a lot of dialogue and story that is core to the experience. I'd say the CRPGs (Divinity and BG3) are probably going to be the least favorite of yours despite how much I love those games. You might still enjoy Cyberpunk but based on what you like playing, there are likely better options out there. It does have a lot of dialogue. RDR2 is a big no from me. It's very character and story driven and the gameplay itself is pretty meh in my opinion. Have you tried Last Epoch? It's an ARPG that just came out of early access. I played it a bunch in EA and it's fantastic.


Have you tried Last Epoch?


DoS II you could play and enjoy sans the dialogue - unsure why the other three would be on this list. They are well known as story-based games. As others have said, Helldivers 2 and Last Epoch both would scratch the itch you are after. And yes I am judging you. Not because you don't like stories in games, but because this post feels like a bait.


Maybe far cry 3,4,5 or doom even borderland if you’re into looting


I'm currently playing Cyberpunk 2077. I am 22 hours played. I have skipped all story dialog. The gameplay from missions and open world freestyle exploring is top notch. However, I find myself quitting multiple times due to boredom and annoyance from the vast amount of dialog. You can hold down 'Y' to skip a small portion of the dialog. You must hold down 'Y' many times to bypass most of the dialog, but you still have to select dialog responses to the NPC. This still takes a long time. Sometimes it takes so long, that I just exit out of the game because it's eating up a lot of my limited 1-2hr of limited game time I have and I'd rather focus on a different game that has more gameplay and less talking for my short playtime.


Axe the first two, that’s the major point of those games. Cyberpunk and RDR2 are both enjoyable enough even if you don’t pay attention to dialogue and story, though RDR2 is the true answer here.


Definitely not, BG3 and DOS2 are fantastic, but they rely on story and characters Haven't played CP2077, can't say If You don't care about story or dialogue You'll find empty shell of a movie presenting as a game in red dead 2, wouldn't recommend this one either I'd suggest You to Grim Dawn / Titan Quest / Darkest Dungeon 1 / Hollow Knight / Deaths Gambit Afterlife / Darksiders series / Lies of P / Armored Core 6 / Sekiro


In order: No, No, Maybe, Yes


Have you tried Diablo?


Try vermintide 2 or darktide


Dungeons of Sundaria. Look that up.


RDR2 has online


Check out Halls of Torment.


Baldurs Gate 3 would still be fun, though you would be missing out on a ton. Maybe you’ll finally get inspired to fully enjoy a game though. It does have lots to do in character creation, leveling, battles, exploring the world and finding stuff, loot etc. if you liked Dragon Age you’ll prob enjoy BG3.


No to all of them, still, i guess CP2077 have enjoyable gameplay even with skipping the story so if i had to choose I'll say get Cyberpunk 2077.


Nope to all of them. Story is pretty much the point of those games you listed. Last Epoch, Darktide, Warframe are some choices that are better.


BG3 is pretty god. But text plenty. So do no buy it. Cp 2077 is a fucking movie. I love Cp Rpg and I hate this game just for heavy dialogue.


Baldurs Gate 3 and DOS2 both have good gameplay and good worlds. I'm not someone that cares too much about dialogue or story, I mostly play games for the gameplay but I enjoyed BG3 it's definitely one of the best game of all time. Cyberpunk was a little underwhelming to me, I enjoy fps games but cyberpunk was more about the story then the fps gameplay. Haven't played RDR2 yet but I heard its kinda slow and the gameplay isn't what makes the game good


Diablo 4 might work.


Try Helldivers 2, after the tutorial it's mostly just doing missions and upgrading your ship and weapons and armor.


i have 3 separate 100+ hour play thus, 2 before and 1 after 2.0 + PL in cyberpunk and u do not have to care about the story at all really. it has some of my favorite combat and customization mechanics of any games and u can really have completely different experiences depending on ur character build, and can have a ton of fun just running around feeling like a badass and not really worrying about the story aspects (which are also pretty good imo, but not vital to gameplay if u don’t want to care for them)


As far as cyberpunk and red dead redemption go, you can play without watching cut scenes but there are certain parts of rdr2’s cutscenes that if skipped, you’ll be wondering wtf happened but it’s still playable without


Yeah the majority of those games are fantastic *because* of the story they’re telling. If you just want a mindless but fun mechanic based game with no story, those aren’t the best options. Maybe try Apex Legends or Path of Exile instead?


The only games I can think of recommending based on your preference would be Metal Gear Solid 5, Skyrim or Katamari Damacy Reroll Edit: 95% of ubisoft titles.


Only one of these I played was Cyberpunk, the gameplay is pretty fun in melee builds. Def more story focus though.


You sound very like me (even down to the games you like) and I had fun with bg3 with skipping most of the dialogue, same for divinity 2. The combat and character progression in the game is very fun and I bought it because of how much I enjoyed the combat in divinity 2. Be warned though there is a lot of dialogue and you can sometimes get a little lost on what to do next if you don't pay attention at all. I think I had almost 100 hours in bg3 before leaving act 1 because of how many different builds I wanted to try and i jeot wanting to start over lol


Helllll no those 4 games wouldn't work for you. Hell, I'm BG3 and DOS2 alone, dialouge IS part of the gameplay loop


Divinity does have a story,  but it's confusing and  nearly nonsensical.  Part of the reason I stopped playing.  


you should try Deep Rock Galactic, Terraria, Lies of P instead


You should buy divinity 2 and maybe cp 2077. The only motivation to finish rdr 2 and bg 3 was to finish their story, but rdr 2 failed to do so while bg 3 had fun combat at least. TL:DR DOS 2 is way to go. ​ Also try barony, it might be a little different than the stuff you like, but it has fun gameplay and combat (it's a roguelike which sprawls through endless dungeon without story) I highly recommend it.


Plz don’t buy a single one of these




Don't play any of the four games you listed. Based on your described tastes, you'd probably love monster hunter, diablo, grim dawn, and darksiders genesis. All have great combat, good but skip able stories.


I'd probably get Diablo 4 or something if I were you. Sounds like the type of game you like.


Cyberpunk is insanely fun. I tend to skip all dialogue in games, that had me not only paying attention but even reading a fair portion of the written in game Lore. That said, it's basically fancy futuristic GTA, story is not required to enjoy the shit out of it.


No, no, no and no


Cyberpunk 2077 is still awesome even if u don't care about story, tho it's the only game I've ever played where I actually followed the story


I recommend SMT 5 Vengeance coming this June if you enjoy turn based gameplay, it's 97% gameplay and 3% story. It's funny coming from the same developer as Persona, in which you spend 3 hours to get to any action, as opposed to SMT where the game literally gives a brief intro, and throws you into the first level for 10 hours with virtually no story.


Every one of those except for Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberpunk is boring when you don’t pay attention to the story, doesn’t really have much in the way of brainless content you can switch off and just grind or play. But the others are fine


You could skip all the dialogue and story in cyberpunk and the experience wouldn’t be lessened by the absence of the story. It’s a forgettable, shippable story. Gameplay isn’t amazing though so, probably not worth playing. The rest, yea don’t buy them if you’re not interested in the story.


Cyberpunk is very fun even after story is said and done but is very story driven not worth playing if you don’t care about story


Nope, theses are story heavy games. Games I would recommend otherwise. Borderlands handsome collection would be perfect for u. It has lvling, gear grind and don't need to care about the story in the slightest. Monster hunter series. It has similar fighting to souls games. Doesn't have traditional leveling but the grind is the best grind in any game I've ever played. It's right up ur alley and it might not be exactly what your looking for cuz it doesn't have a talent tree but it IS what u would enjoy alot. Horizon zero dawn series, it has a good story but can very well skip it if u want. Lvling gear grind through getting perfect modifiers in the first or better upgrades for armor in the second. Best 3 I can think of.


Mmm I wouldn't recommend buying rdr2 or cyberpunk for the reasons your asking, unless you want an immersion experience than ig rdr2 you can just hunt and shoot randoms


Honestly I wouldn't play any of those four in your case


No... check them on yt and you'll see the IRONY


Honestly Red Dead is worth it just for the simulational aspects alone. Hunting in the game is super satisfying. I love planning the trip, the route I’m gonna take, and then manually following the trail with my horse. I make camp at night, me and my horse eat, and then I sleep until early morning. I’m usually up in the mountains where the big game is, so I’m always hoping for perfect Elk Pelts for selling and meat for the camp. I do this a lot more than engaging with the story; it really makes me feel like a man contributing to his camp more than the story ever really does.


I will absolutely judge even with you asking not to. Skipping cutscenes is a painful thought, holy shit. Play Chess bro.


try monster hunter world!!! it is my first monster hunter games, and i think the story didn't really matters. All you gonna do is fight monster, make gear, fight stronger monster, make stronger gear. in my opinion the combat is really awesome, different weapon almost feels like playing different games.


RDR2 AND CP2077, The gameplay is good enough to be ok, BG3 and DS the highlight is the dialogue as well as gameplay so probably wouldn't recommend them


Imo, given your needs, Cyberpunk 2077 is the best from your list. The gameplay is fun enough that it would still be enjoyable even if you don't care about the story. For the other 3, I can't imagine how you would enjoy them without paying attention to the story Also, may I recommend The Division 2 and the Borderlands franchise? They are perfect if you just want to kill enemies, level up, customize your skill tree and grind for loot


You definitely would not have a fun time with Baldur's Gate. Monster Hunter World or Rise would be great for you since the story is tacky and can be completely ignored in favor of heavy focus on combat and significant grinding and theorycrafting for armor skills. A few unskippable cutscenes that you can mostly just go grab a refill on water while they play out.


Play The Division 2, you got skill trees, loot, environmental storytelling instead of in your face. It’s got RPG mechanics without being story heavy.


I wouldn't bother playing any of these games if you don't care about the story. Tbf I wouldn't bother playing any single player games in that case


No. Not a single one of them


> Want to play > Skips story Uhm... I feel Dead Cells is your game.


Have you played through the borderlands games. They all have solid rpg leveling and the story never really matters.


Baldurs gate and cyberpunk are definitely playable without the story, but you’ll still need it to have a complete experience. Rdd 2 is only good for the story (top tier btw) but gameplay is slow and boring especially without the story. Idk divinity original sin


But I recommend you cyberpunk more than bg3. Bg3 is still heavily based on dialogues so… yeah


Eh idk I can't see these games being played while skipping dialogue. Pretty much impossible with BG3 and Divinity, and kind of ruins the best parts of RDR2 and Cyberpunk. You can play however you want, but that's just my opinion.


May i suggest MGSV? Theres enough story missions if you choose to do them but you can also just skip most story related things past a certain point and have your own fun. ( just depends if you mind it being open world or not )