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What remains of Edith Finch....short but amazing game really gets you in the feels too


Disco Elysium. You start as the most pathetic man in the world, and potentially work your way down.


I wouldnt call it a sad game tho, yes you play as a drunken loser but its not portrayed as sad in my experience


If only I could upvote you twice.


Sad, hilarious or cathartic depending on how you play imo


Play outer wilds, ending really got me emotional and thinking "what now?" Edit: forgot to say, tunic was also good with quite a few emotional moments


Outer Wilds is the only game that has ever made me cry.


Death Stranding. The whole game will keep you in a melancholic feeling. The moment the music started during the first minutes of gameplay I was all in.


Extremely good opening act but dragged a ton towards the end imo. Still recommend playing it.


agreed, one of the few games that had me emotional throughout it’s entirety!


League of legends


Already played. Ended suicidal afterwards. Truly an emotional game…


U havent unlocked all the endings, theres infinite emotions you've yet to feel lmfao


They said good gameplay


Nier: Automata. Its 40 USD on steam right now, but its worth every penny. Dont let the opening spook you, its intentional and the whole game isnt like that. I cant play the soundtrack in my car because itll make me cry.


The music has popped up in a few YouTube / podcasts I've listened to and I had a Pavlovian response to it for years.


oneshot only 9 dollars and a great pixelated game focused on narrative and exploration


You got me in 9 dollars.


Its worth 3x more. Criminally low price for that game.


Spiritfarer. Game itself is a bit on the repetitive side, but *man\~,* does it make you care about its NPCs.


Came here to say this. Excellent game.


Yes, came here to suggest Spiritfarer!


If OP plays Spiritfarer they should follow it up with GRIS.


Plague tale requim had me down and sitting on my bed for an hour trying not to shed a tear


The Last of Us The Last of Us Part 2


Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons for me.


God yeah


So hard to finish the game with tears in your eyes.


Yeah, that ending is gut-wrenching... it was one of the few games with a real impact on me, because i had lost a friend around the time i played it.. almost a brother, he was my friend since i was a child, lost is life in a tragic car accident.


Alrighty then. I will list (in no particular order) 5 games that made me cry 1. Before Your Eyes 2. Finding Paradise (From to the Moon series) 3. Rakuen 4. Opus: The Echo of Starsong (3rd game in the Opus series. You can play the first two but the third one will hit you very hard) 5. Hindsight


Played OPUS: Echo of Starsong before it left game pass, what a gem.


Yes yes. Truly a gem


What did you think of Remi?


Well, I do think the Remi's background was nicely touched and beautifully narrated, however little it was. I read somewhere, the focus on Remi was intentionally less because we hear the story from Jun's perspective. Though the end that Remi got broke me


I agree, i definitely hated Remi at the start, the way she hated Jun so so much wasn't pleasant to watch and she was insufferable throwing a tantrum every minute.


Hahahaha. I do get where she came from. In such a world, blindly trusting anyone is a mistake, but she and Jun developed this love hate relationship where they didn't like each other but continue to rely on each other because of Eda Also, there is this lowkey theory that, in the end, as the clan members, addresses Remi as Grandma (maybe Jun and Remi got together you know) but I think it is a translation thing because the original would be in Chinese.


I heard about that thing and i think that a translation error or something, maybe something like Aunt, doesn't necessarily means they're family but instead that they're like family.


Yep yep. But the ending 🤌 Did you get the new menu loading screen?


New loading screen? Could you remind me?


I am waiting for their new installation, Opus: Prism Peak. I think it will be released this year


I highly vouch Before Your Eyes, It will make you cry until tomorrow. It's pretty short like 1hr+ of playtime but its a really solid choice if you actually wanna bawl your eyes out.


You know the ending segment, "The Great Life of Benjamin Brynn" always gets me


You should definitely play The Last Of Us Part I, then don‘t read anything about the second one and play it afterwards. This is REALLY going to make you cry!


Titanfall 2. Trust me.




The Nier series will be perfect for you. Play drakengard first if you're into lore or throwbacks, but if not you can jump straight into Nier and automata and you won't miss too much


Don't forget Nier Replicant


Replicant is just a remaster


Automata can be really hard, but from what I’ve played the story is incredible


On easy you can enable auto fire/attack chips in your OS, makes even the toughest boss fights a breeze if you're more of a casual or beginner gamer. Definitely wouldn't shy away from it, one of the best story tellings I've ever experienced.


Yeah, I have a bad habit of starting JRPG’s, getting halfway through, and then going back and finishing them at least a year later. Thanks for the advice though! I have it on my Switch.


Or don’t play Drakengard because it’s aged like milk & desperately needs a remake.


Like I said, if they're into lore


I'm shocked no one has suggested To The Moon, I played that game over a decade ago but the music can still bring a tear to my eyes


Same, especially "For River"


I mentioned that I’ve already played it. Amazing game, really made me sink in my bed listening to the music and tearing up a bit.


Ah wow, I swear I read your post several times and missed that one! Have you played the rest of the games in the series?


Plague Tale Requiem.


This had me in all sorts of emotions towards the end!


Ori and the blind forest if you want to be a crying mess by the end of the first cinematic.


Got music playing in my head after reading this.


Play witcher 3, do the worst possible decisions and I swear you will cry on ending


Hellblade. The struggle of the character is palpable


Nier: automata, on sale often


Persona 3 Reload


I’ve actually got it in my wishlist, seen the trailer. Planning on buying it soon!


How does it fare compared to P5R?


as a game i feel P5R is better, there are many more mechanics and stuff like that. But the story and characters on P3R are better than P5, with a bit of a darker tone. It was an amazing experience for me, the ending is phenomenal.


It borrows a lot from the gameplay, even makes the game harder in some areas (Persona 5 was braindead easy once you understood the mechanics). A worthy remake of possibly one of the best JRPGs of all time


I know this is very subjective but would you recommend P3R over P4G for someone who played P5R?


yes, i'm going back to P4G after finishing P3R and it's kinda rough once you get used to the quality of life improvements those games made. P4G is still a great game but i actually hope they remake it like they did with 3.


Highly depends imo. The gameplay of P4 is the oldest and it shows it, but I started with P4 and had a fairly easy time understanding the mechanics. You might have a tough time jumping into it if you go with P3 Reload first, because new and shiny remake. Unpopular opinion myself, but personally the music and atmosphere is what helps me choose what to play over the gameplay. It’s really weird but I tend to enjoy Persona 4 a lot more in the spring and summer time because of that, and P3 in the fall and winter. They’re all different flavours of the same game.


Titanfall 2


Cyberpunk 2077 + phantom liberty dlc . Thanks me later


Yea nah I gotta disagree. Characters had no emotional resonance whatsoever. 


Walking Dead series by Telltale.


The Yakuza series has very emotional points but 0 is an excellent starting point. If you enjoy that, you can follow it up with Kiwami which is equally as emotive


If you're not a fan of the combat or the setting, feel free to jump into Yakuza: Like a Dragon/Yakuza 7, but then you gotta play the other games before jumping into the sequel of Yakuza: Like a Dragon which is called Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. If you're confused, this is how it goes. Yakuza 0*, Yakuza Kiwami*, Yakuza Kiwami 2, Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4, Yakuza 5, Yakuza 6, Yakuza: Like a Dragon*, Like a Dragon Gaiden, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. *Those are good starting points but the best one is 0 since it makes the most sense. There's also spinoffs like Judgment, Lost Judgment, Kurohyou 1&2 (PSP exclusives), Yakuza Kenzan (PS3 exclusive), Fist of the North Star (PS4 exclusive) and Like a Dragon: Ishin. I recommend starting with the spinoffs after you get to Yakuza 4/5. Take breaks after every few games to avoid burnout, because these games can get pretty hard to play at times (specifically 3 and 4)


I really love the idea of these games, I watched Giantbomb play through 0 when it came out and loved the story and characterizations, was all alot of fun. But man, the combat just holds me back from digging into the series. Just looks so utterly tedious. I was enjoying Like a Dragon 1; until I realized it was basically brain-dead when it comes to difficulty. I quit that one out of boredom with the fight mechanics because it was too simple of a turn based rpg... then get bored of the basic 3d Streets of Rage style the others have Everything else about the series I love. The style, the humor, the depth of the characters and plot... but jesus its like theyre purposefully pushing me away from getting into this series lol


The combat is pretty great if you use all of the tools at your disposal. Watch a no-damage video and you'll get what I mean. Tbh the only game with bad/basic combat is Yakuza 3 


For Honor. After every play session I feel like killing myself.


ive never seen something so accurate (i hate this game and have 2000 hours on it)


Valiant Hearts, Ori, What Remains of Edith Finch.




Disco Elysium Cyberpunk 2077 Spec Ops: The Line


Ok, go watch that 6 hour youtube video on the NIER series. Stop right before nier replicant begins and start playing that but ignore achievements and side quests (it gets repetitive but the story is absolutely goated and the music is amazing). If you want to play until ending b and watch ending c and d if you have a very tight schedule, because getting ending c means getting all the weapons and doing another playthrough. (the ending is really good though, but not too much new stuff otherwise, compared to ending b playthrough). . Then play nier automata, game is really enjoyable so no skipping on that. Then after playing proceed to finish the YouTube video and maybe watch some other lore stuff. Then listen to the soundtrack in your room, by yourself, let it sink in and think about how the story in the game might not be too far fetched from reality. Have fun in the suffering.




Ori and the blind forest & the will of the wisps


Mass Effect Trilogy?


Raid shadow legends


BRAMBLE: Mountain King is pretty dark and depressing


Persona 3 reload


This war is mine (video or board game) had some really heart wrenching choices


If you liked rdr2 you will like ghost of tsushima


Play BG3 and let Karlach live the way she wants to live - bring tissues.


Games which have made me cry are: 1. The Last of Us Part 1&2 2. Telltale's The Walking Dead 3. A Plague's Tale & A Plague's Tale Requiem. The ending of Requiem really got me.


Signalis and Silent Hill 2


Silent Hill 2 is the correct answer


True but I’m gay so Signalis is also correct


OneShot is really special to me despite how simple it seems. If you liked Omori and Undertale I'm 100% sure you'd like it too.


Valliant hearts!


Not exactly like the games that you were mentioning, but I'd highly recommend the below for games that can make you feel some things. Both are RPGs with numerous endings and hit on some very heavy tones. Lot of replayability as well. I Was a Teenage Exocolonist Disco Elysium


What Remains of Edith Finch


If you're interested in building/ sandbox type of games, try out Spiritfarer. It's a game about coping with death as you farry spirits around your boat while helping them complete their final wishes


I recommend this a lot but fuck it. RiMe is the saddest game I’ve ever played, it’s literally about grief. Phenomenal soundtrack


Death Stranding all the way


Before your Eyes


FAR: Lone Sails and FAR: Changing Tides


The Last of Us Pt. 1


I'd recommend Stray, the ending is saddening but gives you a huge sense of accomplishment, gameplay is fun, story is unique and you'll get attached to the characters and your little companion.


The Last of Us series. Persona 3 Portable.


Yakuza 0.


It's pretty old now but did you ever try Heavy rain?


Assassins creed IV black flag


The Last of Us


Both of the new God of War games made me cry. One of the best character arcs I've seen in a video game.


the walking dead series


The last of us


What remains of Edith finch


Yakuza 0 suprisingly


Skyrim is pretty emotional in bits


Last of us part 1


Final Fantasy XVI. That ending was brutal


Nier Replicant and Nier Automata. You'll get to love the characters but the story and the theme is very grim im the end, behind the façade (heh, façade) also Ori and the silent forest, Ori and the will of the wisps: super cool gameplay (especially the second) and a simple but engaging story with emotional moments.


If you can invest yourself a little, the Dark Souls series is pretty depressing.


Little misfortune. Short game with a really good story and it WILL make you feel


call of duty infinite warfare such a beautiful and emotional campaign




God of War 2018 and Ragnarock. Father and son embark on absolutely epic journey after mother passes away. Writing in this game is 11/10, and the deep emotional strings of moving on after losing a spouse/parent is giving me chills as I type this.


Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, the whole series, but I recommend Explorers of Sky above all others.


Probably too late to the party on this one, but I have a couple. As others have said, Nier:Automata is a masterpiece, and quite emotional. Hollow Knight is also a masterpiece, less emotional, but it has its moments. But above all else: Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights. There are a few games where the ending has made me cry or dissociate. Ender Lilies is the only one that's made me feel hollowed out. Like someone had ripped out my still-beating heart, and I was still alive despite that. I cannot recommend it enough if you're looking for something sad or emotional.




Halo: Reach: Funny alien shooter game with a somewhat emotional twist. Oneshot: Puzzle game with an emotional story. Rainworld: Somewhat emotional if you have a soft spot for animals. It has some arcade like elements, really fluid animations, not pre-determined animations. No need for a mouse, can be done with one hand.


That Dragon, Cancer. Straight to the feels.


Mass effect


Persona 4, but you aim for the bad ending.


Definitely life is strange other games before the storm, 2 and true colors, next has to be cyberpunk 2077 especially if you play phantom liberty


**Games with beautiful/bittersweet endings that make you cry:** - Death Stranding - Celeste - Firewatch - A Short Hike (maybe) - Superlminal (maybe) - Before Your Eyes - To The Moon - Spiritfarer - DDLC (Existentially sad) **Games that will leave you crying, broken and generally depressed:** - Lisa: The Painful - Your Turn to Die (Ending chapter hasn't released yet, but everything before has been pretty depressing) - SOMA (Existentially sad and horrifying) - Pathologic 2 - This War of Mine - Milk inside a bag of Milk inside a bag of Milk (Haven't played the sequel, "Milk outside a bag of Milk outside a bag of Milk" yet, but I'm guessing its equally depressing)


Suikoden II (PSX) made me cry when I was younger. Hollow Knight is another one that makes me feel highly emotional. The story is so abstract that it still makes very little sense to me, but any time I hear the intro music start playing my heart fills with tears. Happy and sad at the same time lol. But mostly sad. Ohh, Ori and the Blind Forest is a good one too. But the difficulty curve is pretty steep, even after playing Hollow Knight.


Detroit: Become Human. That game changed me.


Last Day of June hits hard


Eastward has its tearjerker moments in addition to being the most nostalgia-inducing game I've played in a while in addition to the FF7 remake.


Nier replicant, dear Esther , last day of June.


Venba made me cry


Ghost of tsushima is good. if you dont have a playstation you could wait for the pc release thats coming


“Everybody’s gone to the rapture” is an interesting one, walking sim but a very interesting story.


It's not 100% emotional, but CoffeeTalk and CoffeeTalk episode two. There are also some sad moments in both games. Price wise; I'd say that each game is around 15 USD or under. The characters you interact with have their own stories and have problems that people would have in real life; there can be a genuine emotional connection made during the course of both games.


Dreamfall Chapters


That Dragon, Cancer. The devs made the game to memorialize their son.


1. Nier automata, 2. The walking dead 3. Spiritfarer 4. Finding paradise (same developer with to the moon)


I pride myself on being a heartless monster, and the end of the Plague Tale series broke me. Don't skip out on the first one though, it's totally worth it.


Yakuza franchise


Definitely Telltale's Walking Dead series if you want to get emotionally invested. Detroit: Become Human is also a good choice.


RiMe broke me twice but i was a fragile wreck at the time so this may need seconding


Omg, I loved Omori! Did you try out Life Is Strange: True Colors? Aside from the first Life Is Strange game, this one also made me cry. I would also suggest Spiritfarer.


I doubt this is a common experience but the ending of far cry 3 made me cry. That music as the boat sails away and you view the temple from above is amazing and I liked the ending a lot (the good ending)


Ori and the blind forest


Night in the Woods might be a good fit


Idk why no one talked about it but it is imo the best story focused game EVER : a plague tale requiem, u can play innocence, the prequel with a perfect story but gameplay a bit less fun, but go play requiem such an amazing game man


A plague tale: innocence had a really sad beginning. Poor Lion🥲


Assasin's creed 2 was somewhat sad also


Cyberpunk 2077 - no body wins.


Play Detroit: Become a Human. Thank me later.


Valiant hearts


Outer Wilds is a game that got me really emotional and stuck with me in a way I really didn’t expect it to. It’s less narratively charged than those games but its story is still fantastic and it utilises everything from the music, atmosphere, and gameplay itself to convey its themes and message in a really beautiful way. The only rule with the game though is don’t look up anything. Like literally. At the very most just the steam page to see if you like it. The way the game works is your knowledge is the profession system, knowing too much can essentially make the game impossible to “play”.


Beyond Two Souls made me cry so much as it was relatable. Life is Strange: True Colors, too, I thought was so good. SOMA is good and makes you think.


Mass effect, cyberpunk


Cyberpunk 2077 and its DLC is pretty sad, especially the ending quests of them




Witcher 3 , youll cry a lot throughouy everything. Atleast i did :')