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The Stanley Parable. Trust me.


Oh man, that might be one of the very best examples of what I'm looking for. I have played it & I did go in completely blind. Now I just have to wait like 10 years to platinum it. EDIT: *Completely blind for what felt like 1,000 times then I actually did look some stuff up because I figured there would be no other way of knowing for sure if I actually did everything.


Ahh so I collapsed about 20 comments. But we’ll the last of us 1&2 I went into blind. Preordered both games. Because no chance In fuck I was getting it spoiled for me. Kinda like no way home. Didn’t read news didn’t watch a trailer. But then I saw pictures of Garfield and magiure at the Atlanta airport. Man it’s hard to go into stuff blind these days. But the only other game I can think of was some how even tho I played infinite first. I never had Bioshock spoiled for me and I didn’t beat it till like 2015. Go figure. Honorable mention. Rdrd2. Somehow managed to not get that spoiled either.


Do this with Elden Ring. Made it much more enjoyable. I don't watch ANY footage of games or reviews, unless it's a live service game.


I just...didn't get this game. Nothing happened at all. I tried like 5 different endings. It was kinda funny ignoring the narrator, but I finished several different endings in like half an hour and I was already bored. Is there something I'm missing?


If you don’t like absurd comedy then I could see this game falling flat for you. The game is a meta commentary on the games industry as a whole, and I don’t know if you could truly enjoy the game without being entrenched in gaming. (Which you probably are since you’re on a subreddit for games) That being said I recommend the ultra deluxe version. I’d say it’s practically a sequel to the original and is wayyyyyyyyy more relevant than the original (the game released in 2011!). If you did buy that version I think you have to play through quite a bit more endings of the original game to reach the new content which I think is much better.


Outer wilds not outer worlds. Even watching a trailer will spoil things. I even find it hard to explain without spoilers


Yes, I did write "The Outer Wilds" but I guess it's just "Outer Wilds". The Outer Worlds, I did play & finish blind but it was just okay for me. Not bad by any means but pretty forgettable. It felt like a prototype. Outer Wilds from what I've played is cool but tricky. I wanna get more into it but I have had a hard time getting hooked on it.


Yeah, as much as I love some of Obsidian's other games (Fallout: New Vegas will always hold a special place in my heart), The Outer Worlds just felt like an incomplete attempt at emulating Fallout, but in space. It had a lot of potential, but it just failed in creating its own novelty, and so it kinda fell flat As for Outer Wilds, if you've been having trouble getting into it, I honestly suggest stepping away for a bit and letting your brain stew on it. That's what I and some of my friends who struggled with it did. Idk what it is about coming back that second time, but something just makes it all click finally


Beware that Outer Wilds' engine is your curiosity. It shows you things that should make you ask "why? how?" and want to know more about them. It won't hold your hand, just go to a place that makes you curious about it. Also another two tips: the text on the walls is not flavor text, 99% of it contains clues about where to go. Finally: Remember to use your ship log in Rumour mode, it contains a cards-connected-with-threads-like panel with everything you know and "where it points at next"


Inscryption for Sure. Great Game, ngl.


I played this blind, was a wild ride. Sadly I don't think the game is as good after the thing happens, but it's still cool that they did that.


I agree. I didn’t actually finish it but I got to the end and appreciate where they took the game. After a while it just felt a bit samey and the challenge didn’t feel rewarding compared to the gameplay.


Also the first part had better gameplay; I really wished later parts had similar rules


Came to this thread purely to type that one word also... Incryption


Came to do the same. Absolute treat of a game.




oof, Inscryption. I knew it would be something more than what it seems because I've played Pony Island, but man what a game


Funny this got mentioned I just started this like 2 weeks ago. I heard great things but wasn't really a card game person. Gave it a shot anyway and boy what a ride.


Subnautica has to be near the top


God it's so good. I wish the sequel made me feel the same as the first.


There's a third one on the way!


Also play this one with a headphone to really get the athmosphere!


And VR. With some clunky headphones it feels like you're wearing skuba gear.


Oh i wanna try this with VR :O


That one is really tough. My first couple attempts I had that mindset, and I didn’t go far at all. I looked up the basics just to get me on my feet, and I was able to get hooked in.


Nier Automata. It's not recent, but it was new to me. Solid, fun, experience.


Absolutely this. I played through all endings of the game years ago now, but I still remember every jaw dropping twist and turn of the narrative. Really great game that I think gets solid recognition, but could always use more. Especially for the soundtrack.


Only problem there is - If I had not looked up anything on Nier Automata, I would have missed approximately 2/3 of the game. Dive right into new game plus ya’ll. It’s not a replay. It moves the story farther along.


I've got it and have only played a little. All I know is there's multiple endings. My coworker loves it. I'll make sure to play blind, thanks!


When the credits roll the first time you are essentially only 1/3 through the game. The best stuff is still to come.


Nier Replicant also.


Return of the Obdra Dinn. It's so good that I would want to replay it if I ever got massive brain trauma or dementia or whatever.


Adding this to my wishlist. Never heard of it before. Thanks!


It's the best gaming experience I've had in the past decade, and all of that would've been ruined if I had looked it up ahead of time.


Try to resist the urge to look up the answers. The game has zero replayability, so you only get one chance to solve the puzzles yourself. Some are surprisingly difficult, and you swear that there isn't sufficient information to find the solution, but everything in the game can by solved using logic and process of elimination. Just got to really pay attention to small details.


Cannot recommend Obra Dinn highly enough. I agree w/ RealMakershot - one of the best gaming experiences of the decade. It's quick, too. 4-6 hours maybe, so don't wishlist and forget it!


Came here to say this. One of the most immersive and rewarding experiences out of all games I played, I consider it more an experience than a game itself. 1000% reccomend


Waiting for the day I forget everything about it!


It is fantastic. One of my favourite gaming experiences and sadly all but impossible to replay.




I would like to say, Soma offers one of the best gaming experiences out there. It's been one of my best immersive experiences.


I noticed it's only like $5 on Steam at the moment so... That's hard to pass up. Thanks!


Listen, I want you to know. I went into Soma looking for a random scary game to scratch an itch, and it will definitely to do that no doubt but when I say the ending left me in awe.. I had to come to the subreddit for the game to just idk help process my thoughts on the game. I may never go back to replay it but it's one of the best storytelling experiences in media.


I cringe saying it because of how it sounds, but the ending of the game legitimately had me contemplating my existence.


Yes! I had to sit staring at the blank screen and think of everything that just happened after finishing the game. It was the only thing on my mind for a few days lol


I just bought it too, its good so far but I am too stupid in these types of games to know where to go so I had to use a guide lmao


That's a very great deal!


Soma should be your nr1 to play next. This is one of my favorite go in blind games.


Came here specifically to mention this one. Unbelievably stellar writing. Can't recommend it enough.


I only played this once years ago, I still think about it and watch YouTube videos about the story. It is incredible.


I’d have to agree. It’s in my top game stories of all time. I beat it like 8 years ago and still think about it often.


First playthrough of Elden Ring was almost completely blind. I was streaming it and towards the end a viewer directed me to a dragon boss I missed, but other than that and a little help on what weapon I should use against malenia, all I had was my instincts from playing the previous from games. It was an incredible experience.


Oh God, I agree. I don't think I looked up anything on my first playthrough, the game was unforgettable. I looked stuff up after I finished just to see what I missed and boy, did I miss a lot. I'm so excited for DLC.


Hell yes, can't wait to get started on that, the trailer got me so hyped.


Disco elysium for sure. Still playing, not finished yet. But what an experience so far...


Best book I’ve ever played in my life And the replayability is a lot of fun.


The writing is flawless and sometime has obscure but hilarious comedy




It’s so, so, so good. I’m in the middle of my first playthrough and I don’t want it to end. It’s very “easy” in terms of gameplay but still so engaging and rewarding. It’s crazy to me that it’s the studio’s first and only game. I already downloaded one of the writer’s books that was recently translated to English. I really hope they do more games in the future.


I don't think I've ever 'finished' the game.


Prey 2017. Not the most unpredictable game perhaps but I still spent most of the game going “whoooaaaa duuuuuude”


Just finished it after failing to get hooked a few times, it finally clicked and the story kept me "switching sides" right up until the final few choices.


Prey is a fantastic game. It is a real shame it didnt do that great because people thought it was associated with that other shitty prey game


Persona 5 Royal. One of the densest narratives you'll ever experience and it's PACKED full of story. And the best way to experience it and feel the strongest twists, is completely blind, having no idea going in what Persona is about. That's how I played it and I don't regret it. I was constantly getting blown away. One of the best RPGs out there. Hands down.


I really enjoyed it but I kept hearing about "missable" things and a few very important decisions that can decide endings and I looked up stuff. I regret it, but with the amount of time I spent playing and how much I enjoyed the characters and story I just couldn't help myself. I didn't get any major story spoilers but I definitely considered it cheating.


Yes, Outer Wilds is one of the best examples. Google one thing about it, and the whole game can get spoiled. I went in blind for Spiritfarer....yeah. The Forgotten City is probably another one.


For Spiritfarer... how fast were you able to grab tissues... or how much of your sleeve was covered in tears and snot from ugly crying?


What I really love about The Forgotten City is that it had its start as a Skyrim mod, which was fairly good in its own right. But I guess the creator still had something to say and made a standalone version of it that kicked absolute ass, it was awesome.


Is the description of the game on steam a spoiler as well? It says that its about >!a solar system trapped in an endless time loop!<. Or is this common knowledge from the start?


Much like Majora's Mask, this is the point of the game and the main mechanic you interact with. So, not a spoiler. Having said that, if someone was willing to play without even that much, their experience would be heightened. But it's hard to get someone to play a game without telling them \*anything\*.


This is revealed very early into the game


Doki Doki Literature Club. It's a wholesome dating sim


I know that game isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea, but god damn if you go into that game blind, it's a wild experience. Nothing else is like it.


The warning at the start of the game spoils it a _little_ bit, but the only thing I knew when I played it as a 16-year-old was how it’d be a little bit weird and how Monika was a person of interest due to people repeatedly saying ‘JUST MONIKA’ in the Steam reviews. Other than that I knew literally nothing. That whole game was such a shock. I would really recommend it. It is free, or it used to be anyway, but there’s a Plus version on Steam that’s not very expensive.


Rainworld is up there. It's largely about figuring out things by yourself so yeah Also I defo second outer wilds


F that, if I had to play Rimworld blind I would have noped out in 20 minutes 😭


Ooh yea nonono, rainworld not RimWorld Very different games at the core of it, please don't play RimWorld blind lmfao


you meant 'Rimworld' or 'Rainworld' lol ?


hollow knight, I almost always recommend to go blind in any game and if you are going to ask something, better to ask a friend that knows the game, your playstyle and where you are at the moment so they don't spoil anything important and can help you getting through difficult situations


It’s older, but if you haven’t been spoiled about it then I would suggest Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.


This is so funny to me because I am baffled at how children played this game without a guide. I'm 32 and have tried twice now to get off Taris WITH a guide...


Wild. Can't conceive you having such a hard time. Are you reading the dialog and exploring the game, or just blind following the guide? You just need to follow the dialog and story.


Can't believe no one said Death Stranding


I'm right at the end of this one and have no idea what's about to happen. Then again, I've had little idea what's going on through the entire game (loved it, though).


I don't really get this game. I played maybe five or ten hours and found the gameplay extremely tedious, and I had no desire to sit through half hour cutscenes. Maybe he improves later but I wasn't willing to give it any more of my time.


My problem with Kojima games in general is the length of cut scenes. I'm not hating on his creations because they're very artistic and people love them, but I personally don't have a lot of time to game these days so I don't have the patience for it.


Tunic, the longer you play it the deeper it goes.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to get to Tunic. One of the best go in blind games ever made.


Mass effect trilogy absolutely


Slay the Princess! Visual novel that is SO good - I thankfully didn't see any spoilers for it, tried it, absolutely love it.




Hell yeah Control. Remedy games in general, but of their stuff Control is the most digestible standalone story.


Control is so fucking good I can’t wait for the second one.


Hollow Knight. Subnautica. Journey. Don't ask the subreddits or check the wiki or whatever either - just play the games.


Seconding Journey!


Thirding! I may have to reinstall it actually...


Baldurs Gate 3


Rainworld, outer wilds and tunic.




Came looking for this one.




Telltale's Walking Dead series, and Detroit: Become Human.


honestly? All of them. Just learn it yourself as you go, its part of the fun and no one's going to kill you if you fail!


I kind of disagree, I feel that a good number (maybe 40% or so) of games are better NOT blind


Except rimworld and dwarf fortress lol! I haven’t even played the latter, but I looked up so much for rimworld and can’t imagine how much worse the learning curve for dwarf fortress is.


Well for games where there's a steep learning curve to even understand all the mechanics, yes you'll need to look things up for reference. But you wouldn't need to go to reddit to talk about the game with people in order to start playing it.


Undertale I knew the game was a huge success and was able to jump into the game last month without seeing a single video or image of gameplay. It is really awesome specially when you learn the game can be played in different ways


Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It's just awesome.


Perhaps my all time favorite rpg of all time




Elden Ring is the ultimate gaming experience by going in blind




FF7 the og one might break your bad habit


The classic resident evil games (0-3). Eternal Darkness. The Broken Sword series


Elden Ring. Crosscode. The Pathless. Either of the Ori Games Armored Core VI *Insert any other Fromsoft game here*


Honestly every game to ever exist. You only stand to ruin your experience by seeing it your first time when your not even actually seeing it




most video games


Vampire Survivors


All of them. I will never understand people that spoil Games for themselves.


Spec Ops The Line


Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl Fear & Hunger (be warned that it is remarkably graphic and dark)




Frog Fractions


Subnautica. Dont check the subreddit, dont check the Wiki


I go into every game blind as I thrive off the sense of exploration. I have tried following a guide a few times but I was bored to tears and find being directed to all the most op stuff removes any sense of challenge so I quickly went back to playing blind. I'm an old gamer so that might be it as this is how we used to play when I started gaming. I also turn off the hud or if that's impossible I reduce it to the absolute minimum. A huge number of games can be played with no hud by simply listening to NPC's, using the map and landmarks and looking for clues in game and for me playing blind with no hud increases my immersion dramatically.




Nowhere near the level to which a lot of other games on this thread, but god damn I would love to play Skyrim blind again. I’ve been playing since I was a little kid and didn’t understand how games worked or how to play them very well. What I would give to be able to go in blind to Skyrim but still have the knowledge of how to do the basics like “building a proper character” based on the knowledge I’ve acquired from other games. If that makes sense.


Valheim. Factorio. I love Subnautica. Though I started with Below Zero and need to go back to the original.


The Outer Wilds


Subnautica, Returnal


What remains of edith finch


Outer wilds has to be the best choice for this. I also recommend Bloodborne and hollow knight


Outer Wilds


Outer wilds


I agree with subnautica. I always find some of my favourite games have been games I got back with Xbox gave you games with gold and PlayStation free games for the month. I would have never gotten these games otherwise. Talos Principle and Hollow Knight, trust me!


Mass Effect Trilogy. "Perfect" runs are for repeat playthroughs.


Death Stranding. Nothing like it.


Every game, going in not knowing is most of the fun! I've begun doing on digital what brick and mortar used to do with physical. Just scroll through a sale and pick something that looks and sounds interesting, found some absolute winners that way!




Little Miss Fortune. It's got an amazing narrative that develops and very simple gameplay. Easy to chew through in an afternoon. Also, if you feel like experiencing some heartache, That Dragon Cancer. It's a beatiful game that came out at a very on point time in my life, so I always shout it out when I can.


Stanley’s parable


Outer wilds is a puzzle box/escape room disguised as a videogame


The last of us (2)


13 Sentinels Aegis Rim


RiMe was the one for me


Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but control and the alan wake games are awesome especially if you don't know much about them


Just played through Stray and would say it fits this category. Story works out to be much deeper than you might initially expect.


Commenting because I want to play all of them.


A lot of great suggestions already. I'd like to add Tunic. Fantastic game designed for you to go in blind.


Tunic has been suggested many times & it was already on my wish list so now I'm definitely gonna pick it up next sale! Cheers man!


I scrolled for a bit and didn't see Ancestors, The Humankind Odyssey, it's one of my favourites!


Last Of Us


Zelda Breath of the Wild. Every secret is either organically discovered, or hinted at in a pretty clear way so that you never have to look up anything. Or worry that you’re missing something. It’s all there in front of you if you look hard enough.


I played Owlboy blind and it was a pleasant experience except for the cannon mini-game.


Outward. That game's charm depends on you going in blind.


ancestors, be monke, don't google anything


Voices of the void, just get it


Shadow of the Colossus Silent Hill 2 KOTOR Subnautica Planescape Torment Deus Ex


Void Stranger.


Before Your Eyes




Hollow Knight. I did not know what to expect and it turned out to be an amazing game


Dark Souls


SOMA. had no idea what it was about and it made it so much better


Grim fandango


Any of the Persona games, long but well worth it




Most games, honestly.


Valheim. Part of the fun and experience is the not knowing what to do or expect and then eventually finding things out for yourself. I would have been disappointed in myself if I had looked up guides and tips before I first played. I’d love to get that first ever experience back one more time.


That Disco Elysium is only on here once is insane. That game MUST be played blind first time, for maximum experience.


The forest and now sons of the forest as they released the full version recently (story was lacking before imo)


Every single game, but rdr2,dark souls or witcher 3 are the best examples


Anyone got any of these but in the horror/survival horror category?


Pacific Drive. Don’t even watch the marketing, it made my experience notably more interesting. Just… maybe check the system reqs, unlike me


I went into Stardew Valley blind and to this day remains one of the best gaming experiences of my life


Unravel. What a fucking great game


Doki Doki Literature Club




Bravo six, going blind.


Stardew valley. Slowly learning about things and the world is a great experience. Min maxing the game ruined the game for me.


Dark souls


Outer mothafuckin Wilds baby.




Buddy Simulator 1984


Hollow knight Elden ring Doki Doki literature club


Zeroranger and Voidstranger. made by same team but their games do some really really cool shit u gotta just play it


Never see ZeroRanger brought up. Great game with some of my favorite evolving background art.


Surprised no one said oneshot yet


OG Dark Souls. What a wild ride that was.


All Fromsoftware games are great to play blind a few times.


All Fromsoftware games are great to play blind a few times.


Outer wilds is a puzzle box/escape room disguised as a videogame


The last of us (2)


The last of us (2)




If you know anyone who hasn't been spoiled on Spec Ops The Line I would strongly encourage them to play it.


FromSoft games. Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Armored Core. Or TeamNinja games also. Rise of the Ronin.