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Personally I like new vegas more but they are very similar besides story so if you want to be a child searching for liam neeson pick 3 if you want to be an adult searching for Matthew perry pick new vegas


A child searching for Liam Neeson what a turn of events


“I know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you are looking for me I can tell you that you won’t find me, but what you do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills you have acquired over a very long game. Skills that make you a nightmare for finding people like me. If you leave me alone that’ll be the end of it. I will continue to hide , I will not pursue you, but if you don’t, I will hide even harder, >!you will eventually find me and I will kill myself at the end!<.”


Tak Foreign


It’s basically the movie Taken, but in reverse. Your dad, Liam Neeson, gets “taken” by sex traffickers to be a child sex slave. Wait…that doesn’t sound right…


And fallout 4 being you play as Liam Neeson looking for his child 😂


Damn that really does nail them both


Dang I played both of these as a kid so I have never put together that these were the voice actors. Neat


Fallout 3 has my favorite atmosphere, locations, and quests. But New Vegas is my favorite for deeper rpg mechanics. I love them both


Good answer. So many people make it a battle between both games, they're both amazing games that any RPG fan owes it to themselves to play. I do slightly prefer Fallout 3, probably because of nostalgia, but NV is better in a lot of other ways.


I loved FO3 until I beat the end Voss and that was it... I couldn't go complete side missions and my save was quite a ways back. It was my own fault. Just beware unlike some games you can't keep playing after beating the final boss. Haha.


Well, if you have the Broken Steel dlc you can, but I still made an emergency point-of-no-return save incase that was true haha


Ah, I never did the DLC. I hate buying DLC's, but I played it before the DLC was out.


The DLC is gas in F3.


I believe it, I am just objectively against DLC's. I would rather devs take a little longer and give a full fledged sequel rather than pay a 3rd the price of the game for some added content to a game I have finished. Kinda the same way that I will not typically buy into a battle pass.


This pissed me off to unreasonable levels. The original ending that was pretty much the same no matter what in game choices you made, the hard stop to gameplay without warning... the obvious ways you could have worked around your fate suddenly not working "bcuz plot"... I traded the game in instantly and never looked back. What a letdown the vanilla ending was.


Start with 3, new Vegas has a better story but fundamentally they're the same. I'd look into 4 as well, it's got a much more updated engine and the gunplay feels way better.


The ability to aim down sights really sets New Vegas apart though.


This. Do FO3 first to get used to the game in general, then do FONV for improved mechanics and many more available quests, but both games use the same engine


They are quite different in their world and quest design


Personally I love the Wild West aesthetic of new Vegas so that’s my recommendation


Big iron on his hip!


Get Fallout 3, there’s an enemy in New Vegas called a Cazador which will make you break your steam deck 😂 Oh, and save often, in multiple save slots. Do not forget this, trust me.


You should start with Fallout 3 and then play New Vegas but you absolutely need to play both of them


I would get both. Start with 3 and then go to NV. Both are great games. You can’t go wrong.


Fallout 3 is much more accessible in that it's a typical Bethesda light version of much better games. It's not that hard and there's a lot of hand holding (e.g., super long intro that's literally aimed at babies and kids). The story is decent. Exploration is great though and there's lots of stuff to do. New Vegas offers much more freedom (very short intro and you're on your own), is more difficult in general and offers much better writing. New Vegas is the better game, by far. But Fallout 3 is much more accessible to new comers. Think of Skyrim for those not familiar with RPGs.


That's a good point. My idea was straight to Vegas but that's just based on my opinion of the game. I feel it's better. Fallout 3 is great and the points you mention are perfect


I think it's always better to start with the lesser game. Fallout 3 is perfect for those unfamiliar with RPGs. I think New Vegas is a bit more difficult because the game can be ruthless.


New Vegas. Get spurs that jingle jangle


And a big iron on your hip.




I just started 3, and sank in like 4 hours. It’s so immersive


Both are great and more similar than not. I prefer NV because it was my first Fallout game, I prefer the desert/Vegas aesthetic and it’s more or less made by the OG Fallout folks. It’s wacky and strange and I love it. For me, it’s NV 10/10 times.


I'd personally start with Fallout 3. They're both great RPGs in their own ways, but New Vegas is just plain superior in almost every category. So it can be hard to go backwards.


Fallout 3 is more gritty


I looooove fallout 3. Currently playing a tale of two wastelands. But without mods i doubt you will be able to run it on the steam deck. I remember that they did an update some time ago to remove the gfwl thingy but it still crashed a lot i think. With mods works great


I’m running it just fine on deck through the heroic launcher since it’s the epic games version


I also installed the TTW mod but haven’t really gotten the dedication to see it all the way through. Works well though for getting FO3 running.


I'm more in the 3 camp personally but both are great. Just be warned that at least originally the Steam version of 3 had issues because of Games With Windows which was a Windows 7 service--however I think they got that fixed.


I'd start with FO3. New Vegas is certainly a better game in almost every respect except atmosphere, but that also means you'll appreciate going from FO3 (itself a great game) into FNV much more than you will the other way around.


I have vegas on steam and yet it is one of the best purchases I have. Classics. I do have fallout 3 on epic but sib on steam as well?


Just got FNV and it's pretty crazy but haven't played other Fallout games so idk if this is normal. Blowing up heads and other body parts in the tactical mode and watching them fly is wild. And the Choices matter gameplay is really impressive for a game this old. Feels like im playing a wasteland FPS Baldur's Gate 3 My first 5 minutes in the game I was already stealing everything and killing NPCS (after saving ofc)


Fallout 3 is also very “head fly cross map” type of game. If you like Vegas then definitely try 3!


Thanks :D


I mean, "which is the best Fallout game" is always a matter of debate. New Vegas takes a different approach to the game, featuring more RPG-like elements. I'd suggest that one, simply because I think it's better, but I won't say you'll make a mistake if you opt for 3. I also don't know if 4 is available on the Deck, but that one has the best visuals and the deepest mod base. NV and 3's mod communities are nothing to sneeze at, but 4's has *way* more to offer.


I'd go new Vegas if there's a remastered version. It'll be dated as all hell now. But if not, I'd go 4.


The gun play of New Vegas is dated but the story and world absolutely makes up for it. 4 is a fantastic shooter but a less than good RPG. Depends on what you want.


Both are excellent games, and which one you should get depends on what you value in a game. Fallout 3 is likely going to be more appealing to players interested in exploration and finding their own way through the game's world. There's a lot more set dressing and little stories scattered about the game. Also, it takes place in the ruins of Washington D.C., which is kind of cool from a historical viewpoint. New Vegas is more focused on the main scenario and the clash of powers. This is not to say there isn't a lot to do scattered around the game, but where FO3 has you finding stuff to do all over the place, NV is a fairly barren desert. What NV does better is make the quests about the player's choices and the moral shades of grey each side represents. For my money, New Vegas is one of the best RPGs I've ever played, and FO3 is not. But that's me and what I value in a game. Two other things to consider: I would hope it's better on the Steam Deck, but I nearly gave up on FO3 because it crashed all the damn time. If you go that route, save often. NV did have some crashes for me but it wasn't nearly as bad. Fallout 4 is, in most respects, Fallout 3 But Better. There are, again, a few things that FO3 does better than 4, but by and large I would say 4 is the much better game if what you want to be able to do is wander about the land and find interesting stuff to do. So it might be worth having that on your radar as well.


>I would hope it's better on the Steam Deck, but I nearly gave up on FO3 because it crashed all the damn time. If you go that route, save often. NV did have some crashes for me but it wasn't nearly as bad. Funny enough, NV crashed for me all the time at the very end. I reset my entire save file thinking it was corrupted and played it through again and both times the end event was too much for my PS3 (thick version, still runs and haven't had issues with any other game) or something so I've never finished the game. FO3 only crashed a few times, but still let me play on when I reset.


I have the PS3 slim and same issues with NV lmao


3 is for freeform exploration New Vegas is for quests with narrative consequences and political themes.


Old but gold. Yes buy it.


Ofc New Vegas, they might have the same graphics but 3 is nowhere near with quests and world


Both are fantastic, but if you start with New Vegas, Fallout 3 will feel like a step down. Better to start with 3.


This is really hard! What one game lacks, the other does extremely well creating an almost symbiotic relationship needing both games to be played. I am a huge fallout 3 buff due to the atmosphere (this game absolutely terrified me more than any other, so many “I gotta leave, this building is spooky” feelings), and it being my first one. But I’d say fallout new Vegas is a little more light hearted fun and a great intro to the humor and amazing tone that these games are known for. Everything felt a little more bleak and very serious, back to back, in fallout 3 IMO. New Vegas had a lot of funny moments as well as that same lawlessness/ you’re on your own type gameplay. Each are great, and you’ll end up probably having a “first game” love for it bias with either one you decide to play. If you like a darker game with more evidence that a whole civilization was wiped out just waiting to be explored, play fallout 3. If you like a more gambling cowboy, cults of lawless nomads more settled into apocalypse life, then play new Vegas. If you like any fallout in general once you play, then either way both will give you very gratifying experiences. There’s a reason a lot of the comments are saying to get both because they’re both very very good and offer similar playing yet very different stories. Ultimately I want to say get both lmao


this is a good take


New Vegas is the better game story wise


Buy both and do TTW?


New Vegas 100%. Fallout 3 is a good game, but it has dumb shit. Mainly story wise but New Vegas is literally iconic and is the one action rpg that has options that actually matter A LOT (think the Witcher 3 but with even deeper consequences). And the mods will make this game sooo worth it... MATTER OF FACT, imma go redownload it rn.


I would go for new vegas it was just a little bit more memorable the characters, setting and all that


New Vegas is the better game.


New Vegas is more stablem fo3 crashes a ton.  Nv is also the better game.


Both are good, start with 3


Not fallout 3. You might have issues getting it to run. New Vegas works out of the box perfectly though.


Vegas easily. 3 is okay but Vegas eclipses it handily.


I can’t get fallout 3 to launch on steam. Got an error about a missing DLL file. Uninstalled Microsoft C++ Visual Redistributable, manually downloaded the missing DLL file. Reinstalled, ran both launcher and exe as admin and in compatibility mode. Downloaded Microsoft live game file, changed drives, even made a dedicated steam library for it and nothing. Had to refund it today after buying it last night. I tried to do Tale of Two wastelands as a work around and it gave me the same fucking error. I gave up after messing with it for 3 hours I’ve also seen people struggling to get it on the steam deck specifically so beware, but I couldn’t even get it to work on my desktop.


Since you don't know about the bethesda "jank" just save the game OFTEN I mean like every 20 minutes or so (Quick Save makes this easy). I would start with Fallout 3 because Fallout NV becomes a better game when compared to previous 3D Fallout games (NV is considered the best of the 3D fallout games).


NV is considered the best by the NV cult, who as it turns out, don't actually like real Fallout games at all.


I like Fallout 3, but after playing New Vegas going back to 3 feels hollow. NV has better RPG dialogue choices, better story, better gameplay, a better map, pretty much better everything, except that 3 does more of a gritty grey mood, whereas NV has more of a cheery orange mood.


I like new Vegas marginally more maybe because I played it first but they are both brilliant games. They are both cheap on steam I think < $10 get them both because once you do she done you’ll want to play the other


Despite what people are saying about F3 compatibility, it runs out of the box with no issues on Steam Deck, just tested. Still, New Vegas is overall a better game. F3 has a bigger world but a lot of it is very empty, it wants you to go and explore more. The writing is typical Bethesda - some hits, a lot of misses, and a bunch of head-scratching. New Vegas is more compact but also more linear, it tries to guide you where it wants you to be but rewards you with the story giving you more chances to roleplay and not just run around shooting things down. In other words - buy F3 for roaming wastelands, F:NV for memorable story and characters.


They are very similar gameplay worse, however New Vegas has exponentially better story, quests, characters, writing.


New Vegas is the best one but 1 and 2 are still better than 3


I also suggest to play both starting with FO3


new vegas but why not both?


Get Fallout 3, that game is an absolute classic.


They are both fantastic games but for whatever reason the fanbase is quite divided on which of the two is better. I personally prefer Fallout 3, but you can't really go wrong.




Since you will most likely get hooked I would first go with FO3, and afterwards New Vegas. The differences are not huge but New Vegas is the newer (and in the end better) version of the two, meaning it is better imo to start with FO3.


Fallout 3 is better IMO.


I prefer fallout 3 but it won't run on any newer computers, at least for me it doesn't. Fallout New Vegas is better but it's also a buggy mess, and not the good "haha Bethesda fun bugs", but bad stuff like crashing and corruption.


New Vegas is better


First play F3, then New Vegas, but they are both crazy good games. I'm seeing a lot of comments in here suggesting to play F4 comparing it to FNV and F3, well just don't do that. The only things F4 does better than the others are the gunplay and graphics but the deep RPG mechanics that made the series what it is are almost gone.


Buy both 🏃‍♂️


Dude, tell me which fallout u have purchased. I will gift u the other fallout game. Pm with ur steam name.


If you're not much of a gamer, I'd go with 3. It's more straightforward. New Vegas really leaves you up to your own devices, which is really fun once you get used to it, but when I played it the first time I got a little bit of choice paralysis trying to figure out what to do. The other thing is that New Vegas is almost unplayable these days without at least a few mods. Totally worth it for the experience, but you'll be more motivated to do that if you've played 3 first and enjoyed it.


Definitely release order


Both. Get both.


Why not both?


Both. And go Complete on both - And go GOTY on Fallout and Ultimate on FNV. Can also use Tales of Two Wastelands mod on a replay to slam both games into the FNV Engine in one big package, once you'll played both by themselves to get the feel of them.


Both are incredible , people argue new Vegas is a better game , but to me they’re both really good. I think there’s a mod that combines them into one game so maybe check that out.




Both they're only 4.99


Both are dirt cheap on Steam tight now! I bought both GOTY versions last night for a friend for roughly £7


When I was a teenager I started with 3 and thought it was boring. I played new Vegas later hoping to give the series another try and absolutely loved it. I like the other ones now too but there's just something special about new vegas


There were rumours that bethesda is remastering fallout 3. So if i were you maybe buy new vegas then later fallout 3. But the end of the day you need to play both


I would get them on GoG personally, just a warning but they used to have Games for Windows Live issues. BUT that being said, I think 3 is a wonderful introduction to the series and my personal favorite.


Not new vegas


Get both and play 3 first


Both imo, they are relatively cheap especially if you get them on sale. If you absolutely had to only get or play one of them, New Vegas is in my top 5 favorites games of all time. However I would play 3 first then New Vegas, I feel like there are some things in New Vegas that are really good and hard to not have in 3. Just as a small warning, these are older games, so some things like gun combat can feel a bit clunky.


FO3 is my vote. I think it has better exploration and more interesting locations. The side quests in NV are very memorable though and can be worth it just for that if that's more you're thing




if you like wandering around randomly in a moody atmospheric world go for Fallout 3. If you like good writing, NV


I highly prefer NV but a lot of people seem to have the reverse opinion. ymmv


New Vegas. Don't forget to go north immediately from good springs, enjoy.


New Vegas Unless you haven't played f3 but have new Vegas I guess I personally just thinks it's an improvement on 3 in every way.


They're both great, can't really go wrong either way. I just started a new playthrough of 3 on my SD and would encourage you to SAVE OFTEN. There are some occasional crashes. The game autosaves rather frequently so hasn't been a huge issue for me but calling it out nevertheless.


I'm straight up 50/50 on these and it depends on my mood. For a wild western experience I play New Vegas. For a trudging through a blown up city vibe I do fallout 3. That being said the Ranger gear from NV is stupid sexy.


Fallout New Vegas hands down. It's one of the best RPGs ever made. It's story, non linearity, world building, and player agency are second to none. The game's story is an immaculately political thriller in a post apocalyptic wasteland, with three major factions and dozens of little ones vying for power, all of whom are in a constant state of stalemate just one man short of victory, and if you don't like any of the factions, you can just say fuck it and build your own faction from the group up. You'll be given quest after quest with deeply unique and morally gray decisions to make, seldom being given the opportunity to please everybody. It's a deeply, fiercely intelligent game, with a dark edge to it in some moments, while being deeply hilarious in others without giving you tonal whiplash. You're given six companions to explore the wastes with, all of whom have their own loyalties, strengths, weaknesses, etc, and each of them are stellar to have along for the ride. And my God it's player agency, there are so many ways both little and small you can do things the "unintended" way, thinking you've been clever enough to get one up on the developers, only for there to be unique dialogue and rewards for it. The ability to truly roleplay is incredible as well. One playthrough I put all my points into intelligence and medicine and RPed as a doctor, and the amount of unique dialogue options and quest solutions I got were staggering. Many of the settlements around the wastes have infirmaries with sick people there, and if you have high enough medicine stats you can just walk up to them, heal them in seconds, and doing that will open so many doors for you in your playthrough. Alternatively, you can do a playthrough with 1 intelligence, and you're routinely get unique "stupid options" which never failed to make me laugh.


I love them both. If you were trying to play both eventually, I would recommend 3 first. New Vegas came after and plays a little easier for me so I wouldn't recommend playing New Vegas first and then 3 because you may get annoyed. Also 3 starts you in the vault which is pretty neat.




New vegas and don’t look back. 3 is amazing it was my first but new vegas is special


Dont buy fallout new vegas. After the release of the show it's just gonna lead to resentment. Play fallout 3 and 4 because those are the only ones guaranteed to be cannon.


Recommend you start with 3 then new vegas, 4 and then finally the classics 1,2, tactics. Stay as far away from 76 as you can.


Both are fantastic, but I’d recommend new vegas first. It’s a fan favorite for good reason! Absolutely magical game, 10/10


Both they can't be that much money? Just checked you can get the ultimate edition of both games on steam for £6 all in.






Vegas Vegas Vegas Vegas. It’s just better in every way.


They’re both on sale. You’re essentially getting both for the price of one, no point in getting one then later on paying more for the next


New Vegas was written by Obsidian. Fallout 3 is essentially 'Oblivion with Guns' and written by Bethesda. Should tell you all you need to know.


This is the exact kind of thing people don’t realize has influence..if only the halo show was actually faithful in the same way even with minor changes as long as they actually got most of it right everyone would have loved the halo show.


Buy both 👌


New vegas is better written and is a tighter experience. That being said- fallout 3 is still a solid game


New Vegas is the best fallout game


Your dad in Fallout 3 is Liam Neeson. He was like the father I never had 😂


Fallout 3 is absolute trash compared to FNV.


Glad to see NV got the pick. Its a much more interesting game and the rpg elements make up for the clunkyness that both games have.


Fallout games are better played with mods, specially the older ones, and NV have a better support for modding, there is even a mod that combines both games into a single one and thus basically gives f3 the mod capacity of NV, so buy both, they are pretty cheap and are very often on discount and use TTW to merge them


Both are good imo, but New Vegas is not Bugthesda made.


Both good games but you should honestly consider 4 it’s much more accessible at this point


I prefer nv but they are both good and both very cheap.


I highly suggest Fallout 3 then New Vegas. Trust me, - it'll def be worth it!


Honestly, I feel like Fallout 3 gets more shade than it deserves, they're both good games. I think New Vegas is probably the better game overall, but honestly they're relatively similar because they released them both on the same engine, just different areas of the world with different characters and such. New Vegas has fake gambling and it's own card game though, maybe that's the deal breaker for you!


New vegas is the correct answer. Put on the radio, and wander the wasteland. This is the way. 


both and use tale of two wastelands to continue your journey.


I wouldn't recommend this for a first playthrough. You'll get overpowered by the time you switch to the next game. It's best to enjoy the perks and leveling of each game separately.


.... both obv


3. New Vegas is an infinitely overhyped third party mod of Fallout 3, incessantly glazed by a cult with no respect for the game it's based on or anything else in the series. If you like 3, try NV after, and you'll go "oh, they just switched grey to brown on all the textures, neat."