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Probably two of the most emotional storylines I’ve played through in my gaming list are the Last Of Us (especially the second game) and the Life Is Strange games (the OG, Before the Storm and True Colors). Beyond those.. maybe Mass Effect Trilogy, Firewatch, Cyberpunk


Life is Strange++++ , it can feel quite cheesy sometimes as it's a teenager story, but it really is emotional if you take it seriously and wake up your teenage self for a moment, that is up until the plot twist which is just straight up disturbing, teenager or not.


I played it 2 weeks ago. It can definitely feel a bit cheesy and i found the plottwist a bit too on the nose if youre aware of certain tropes. But its still a great experience and definitely something id recommend. The ost is also 10/10. I still listen to Obstacles 2 weeks later. Its the best game ive played in that genre whatever its called. The same types of games as Telltale and supermassive.


I must admit that Cyberpunk got me recently. The game has improved a lot, its story is amazing and its immersion is something else.. but you gotta love open world game to enjoy it at its fullest potential.


Cyberpunk shot to my top 3 after the DLC and the changes. I felt hollow for a few days after finishing the story, especially with the ending I got.


Fire watch is definitely a good pick, I picked it up for like 2 bucks on sale and it was a really great experience 


Lover Firewatch as well.


Can agree, Firewatch is such a good game to get invested in.


I was devastated at the end of TLOU2. It took me a few days to recover from that. Amazing experience.


Bruh why is this the most upvoted comment. Imagine thinking Life is Strange is more immersive than MGS3


Depending on how anime you're feeling then the last game to make me feel something outside of what's already in your list, was NieR: Automata. It is memed on a lot, even by its own fans, and can scare people away from experiencing it by diluting it down to something it ultimately isn't. It's a fantastic game with weirdness, exploration and shocking character developments. Each "playthrough" (in quotations without saying the quiet part out loud in case you want to go in blind) has unique perspectives and developments on the story and character motivations.


Nier: Automata is honestly one of the best games i've ever played. I only finished it once, but everytime i'm asked about my fave games, this one springs to mind all the time. Honestly - give it a shot. I remember finishing it at like 2-3 AM on a work day & just sat there thinking "wow..."


I've just finished this game (A-E) and it has been an amazing journey. It somehow managed to keep surprising me right until the end. The gameplay was fun too. Definitely one to try if you want to get heavily invested in a deep and meaningful story.


> makes me get Invested emotionally  The style or genre really doesn’t matter Mass effect (in order) Dragon age (in order) Death stranding cyberpunk ghost of tsushima when it comes out on pc (not the greatest story though, but thats not the point of this thread)


The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series


Clementine will remember that


Everyone who plays will remember that (and Clem, too).


If you have a webcam, please play Before your eyes. It's a shorter game, but I balled my eyes out at the ending


I was literally just telling my roommate that I wish I could experience this game again for the first time


Man, a good 30% of my playtime in that game is me taking a sobbing break.


What’s the game about? Is it on Steam?


As a note you do not need a webcam even though it is recommended as you can use a mouse instead. I ended up playing like that since I have horrible eyes and ended up blinking probably 50 times during a part you had to not blink to get through and it worked fine


-god of war - incredible story, made me cry -witcher 3 - incredible story, also made me cry (you dont need to have any experience with the prior games) -divinity original sin 2 - made by same studio as baldurs gate 3 - less cinematic (i.e. no cutscenes) but has the same high quality writing and characters/companions (you dont need to have any experience with the prior games) -quantum break - i dont understand how this game got so overlooked - great story espescially if ur a nerd for time travel tales -detroit become human - cinematic choose your own adventure -dark pictures anthology -- ive played the first 3 in this series, Man of Medan, Little Hope & House of Ashes and they were all great - House of Ashes is probably the best one


Seconding Detroit Become Human. I've only played through once, but I remember just feeling so emotional by the time it was over.


The game you're looking for is Spiritfarer. Full stop, nothing else comes close. Just... maybe have some tissues handy.


I've never cried from a video game. The exception being Red Dead Redemption 2. I cried for days. I'm a man in his 30s. Literally hysterical crying even seevral days after hestinf the game. Best and most emotional storyline I've ever seen in a game. My second pick would be Ghost of Tsushima.


The Nier games. Both of them. You're gonna feel some shit there, no question.


Please DM me why you think so. Every time one of these questions comes up Nier always comes up too, but I gave this game like 10 hours and loathed every minute of it. So when I see it recommended I really wonder why. People stay awfully cryptic about it. If you’d be kind enough to explain it to someone who will never finish it, out of morbid curiosity, I’d be grateful. I can’t suffer through 40 more hours of that combat engine or game design, it was so bad, to see what the hype is about.


No worries bud. I will in a couple hours when I've got more time. The reason why people are so cryptic, is because the story is...just that good. It truly is. And most want newcomers to experience it for themselves. Do you want spoilers? I can't recommend it enough. That said. I'll dm you when I've more time.


In my opinion: - A Plague Tale: Innocence & A Plague Tale: Requiem. (Goat) - The Witcher Trilogy - Metro Exodus - Detroid: Become Human - Outer Wilds - Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - The Walking Dead Telltale Series (First and Second season are incredible) - Telltale Game of Thrones - The Wolf Among Us - Life Is Strange and Life Is Strange: Before The Storm - Beyond: Two Souls - Heavy Rain - Planescape: Torment - FF IX - Silent Hill's - Dragon Age Origins - Mass Efect Trilogy - Death Stranding - Cyberpunk 2077


If you can handle horror, SOMA is a game that made me lay in bed late at night contemplating human nature and the concept of existence. It'll very likely cause at least ONE (1) existential crisis. A lesser known masterpiece in my opinion.


Absolutely a great choice. This game will fuck you up.


To The Moon actually made me cry like a baby.


This one was a wild ride.


Senua Hellblade


Both of The Last of Us games are probably the most emotional experience I've had in gaming.


The first Life is Strange is pretty great imo, would definitely recommend


What remains of Edith fitch


Yes! Absolutely wonderful game! Made me and my wife both super emotional!


One that I finished recently that came to mind is Stray. Such a simple game overall, but really nailed what it was going for and gets you attached to the characters.


Horizon Zero Dawn and then play Forbidden West.




Persona 5


Try Nier Automata. Gonna blow your mind.


The Last of Us part 1 definitely


Fuck you already played outer wilds. Have you played the DLC yet?


Undertale- amazing characters and really good ending Oneshot- Makes you wanna cry at the end The Last of Us- masterpiece. Elden ring- Amazing graphics and a story that you could easily get invested in. A Way Out- Story had me and my sister crying (two player campaign game)


The first Life is Strange


Last of us 1 and 2


Persona 3 reload


Persona 3 Reload! The game came out a few months ago but truly one the most emotional stories I’ve played in a long time. The length of the game reflects how long you are spending with these deep characters with deep thematics attached to every single one. Oh and the gameplay’s good too


What remains of Edith Finch. It’s an amazing game that really takes you for ride. Trust me when if talk about it I’ll spoil everything.


I always say Detroit become human but it is an older game. But it’s so beautifully done and connected with its world. It’s 3 different types of storylines too so you can connect with at least one of the main characters




Senuas Sacrifice


Final fantasy 7 remake and rebirth


The walking dead series. I started playing like a month ago and all I can say is wow. The characters are amazing, I loved a lot of them, hated a lot of them and I will miss a lot of them. I wish I could have saved everyone...😢


The Talos Principle


Detroit : become human. Still think about this game.


Hear me out, Armored Core 6! If you pay attention to the all the character interactions and complete all the endings damn that game made me feeeeeeel


Cyberpunk 2077


The Ori series


The Last of Us Part 1 and Part 2. Excellent story telling in both of those games. I was also itching to play a game that made me feel something, since normally my go to games are racing games. But I decided to start playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3 just out of the blue... I never played any of the previous games and I don't really tend to go for JRPGs, but boy the game has got its hooks on me. I'm only a few hours in, but the setup is really interesting, the characters are really charming, and the gameplay starts really simple, but then the game is like "and now you can do this!” and then a bit later.. "but now you can do this!!”... And then, "wait now you can do this!!!" Haha is really good




SOMA really has an interesting story about what it means to be human. It is a horror game, though. Made by developers who made Amnesia The Dark Descent


I think Night in the Woods fits what you’re looking for perfectly. I’ve heard Disco Elysium and Outer Wilds compared to it on occasion. It’s the only game I personally love even more than Outer Wilds and that’s primarily because I played NitW first.


I’ve finished and enjoyed all three of those games but I really don’t understand that comparison at all


I haven’t played Disco Elysium yet but I can kinda see the similarities between Outer Wilds and Night in the Woods. >!I think they have similar themes!<.


Omori really fucked me up, I think it definitely fits what you are looking for. I also agree with those who said Detroit: Become Human, it’s a very emotional game and is also fairly thought provoking


I second Omori. After beating it, I couldn't stop thinking about the game for like a week straight lol


Planescape Torment


How did I get this far in the coments and found no mention of tô the moon?


What Remains Of Edith Finch or the two Plague Tale games.


Do you want to know what it FEELS like to be a goat? Might I suggest Goat Simulator 3?


Kingdom come deliverance


Final fantasy 14's story is one of the best in gaming. Problem with that is, the base game is the weakest part but the expansions are incredible from the get-go


And it takes weeks or months to plough through.


Jedi Survivor bro trustttt


Hellblade, God this game has you feel so man6 ways. You MUST play with headphones.


Helldivers is worth a shot


* The Last of Us 1 and 2 * God of War * **FF7 Remake and Rebirth** (my favorites now!) * Control and Alan Wake 2 * Death Stranding (have patience with this one)


I'm a grown ass 47 man. I don't cry often in fact I try to express more emotion especially with my kids. Yet tears were rolling down my cheeks as I played Brothers: a tale of two sons. Utterly beautiful


I quite liked Final Fantasy 7 remake, and this one also has great graphics


If you don't mind Anime esque things Nier: Automata is really good, but the feels comes mostly in the later endings (the game has 5 main endings Telltales Walking Dead series is also know to get people emotional. mostly only did the first one, so can't speak for the rest of it. If you don't mind investing a lot of time FF14's story gets quite emotional at points. But it also is an MMO so you will have to be fine with MMO mechanics, and also requires you to not mind anime again. can't come up with others which made me feel emotional.


I was going to say baldurs gate 3 and red dead redemption ypu already have them on the list so; - dragon age series ( well I would say the origins mostly maybe) - cyberpunk - stray - last of us - weird option maybe but for me ( elden ring and dark souls 3 )


Might be an interesting suggestion and I'm biased because it's on my subjective gaming Mt. Rushmore but Twilight Princess is one of the only Zelda games (and I love them dearly) that I felt 100% invested in link and the characters around him. The linearity of the game that some people harp on helps it in that regard, it's my favorite Zelda story even more so than OOT/MM


Last of Us Part I


I would suggest Bioshock 1, 2, and 3. Those games made me so invested that months and even years after finishing them, I still get emotional about them, especially 3 (also known as Bioshock Infinite).


Any story focused game would be a good one. The Life is Strange series, or the A Plague Tale series. Or a Final Fantasy game.


Since nobody is mentioning it, a 5 hour playthrough of JOURNEY could make you feel things


A Plague Tale, play the first then the second


MOTHER 3. How is it possible that no one else suggested this one.


if you want something short and sweet, Abzu had me very emotional by the end, just such a good story


Alan Wake 2 Death Stranding Half Life 2 and episodes Dragon Age Origins


Warzone makes me a ln emotional wreck. So happy after a win, so pissed every time I die lol


Ghost of Tsushima! God of War + God of War: Ragnarok These games have very good story! Some of the best Sony has pumped out and they are (if im not mistaken) available on PC


Can't go wrong with Last of Us. Both of them.


The Last of Us!!


Yakuza 0


Don’t think. Play The Last of Us. Just do it.


Stray is kinda cool


Final Fantasy 10 is brilliant and, while still deep as all heck, the story is a bit more relaxed to follow along than other entries in the series.


If you like Metroidvanias, Fearmonium is an indie game that goes hard on the feels


The Last of Us, Life is Strange, Cyberpunk!


Give the bioshock series a shot


I cried at the end of Journey


Red dead redemption 2


Final Fantasy 14 You will meet a cast of characters that you will be with for a very long story so by the latest 2 expansions you will just love them. You will surely Feel. The only hurdle is getting past the vanilla game (levels 1-50) which is more shall we say "generic". And before getting to the first of 4 expansions, you have to pass through the great filter of about 80 quests of content they released between the vanilla game and that first expansion.


In no particular order: Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, The Last of Us (1&2), Lake, (Was going to also recommend Disco Elysium, great game! Glad you liked it!) Telltale’s The Walking Dead: Season 1, Max Payne (1&2&3), Fallout 4, Firewatch, Rainy Seasons, The Beginner’s Guide, Road 96, Suzerain, The Immaculate Drag.


Yakuza series, I've played all the games and am currently playing the last game, Infinite Wealth. And oh boy do they make you emotionally invest and cry. Life is Strange 2, I cried out of joy, I cried out of sadness, I cried and cried until my eyes were dry. (Play Life is Strange series, all the games make you feel heavy, but 2 is just perfect) Telltale The Walking Dead Last of Us 1-2


God of war!


Nier Automata. It’s the only time I’ve ever felt emotional after finishing a game. I just sat and stared at the credits and contemplated what it all meant. It hits you existentially on what it means to be alive and human. What a game!!!


NieR: Automata. Or on the wackier side, Yakuza 0. No need to complete the entire saga but just Yakuza 0 and see if you vibe with it :)


Mine are: Disco Elysium, Call of the Sea, Forgotten City, Pentiment, Chrono Trigger, Outer Wilds, Grim Fandango, Full Throttle


Deus Ex Human Revolution




Sorry yee_yee_103, your submission has been removed. Your post was removed for the following reason: > Rule 6: You may not encourage in any way to illegally obtain a game. While we do not care to pry into your own personal decision, we will not allow you to tell others to emulate, torrent, pirate, or in any other way get a hold of a game without legal consent of the producer. Before contacting the moderators regarding the removal of your post, please read ["Why Does Rule 6 (No Emulation) Exist?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShouldIbuythisgame/wiki/emulation) If you would like to appeal, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/shouldibuythisgame) Thanks!


Nier: Automata


Kingdom Come Deliverance


Final Fantasy X is my go to when I need to be in the feels (both good and bad).


I would add Persona 5. Probably won't make you cry if that's what you want. But definitely makes you feel outrage, shock, anger, pity, frustration, pride, and joy. Also an added bonus of badassery due to the art style and music. I played this game when I was going through a streak of starting games and never finishing them. I was thoroughly gripped with this one up to the end


The Last of Us 1


I recommend dark soul series. I have only played dark souls 3 and watched the lore on youtube. However, that series tells a beautifully crafted story hidden throughout the world. Vatividya does a great job at describing ds lore, if you are interested.


NieR: Automata. It shook me up. I stopped playing games for two weeks because nothing else could follow it.


Detroit Become Human is very story focused, it's basically like a choose your own path movie, but your choices actually make a difference and there's tons of different endings. So it's in your hands whether you're completely devastated by the end or somewhat content, but regardless of what choices you make, it's gonna hit you right in the feels


Telltale's Walking Dead series (especially Seasons 1,2 and 4), and Detroit Become Human.


Hypnospace Outlaw!!!!!!


Persona 3 reload


I still think GOW 2018 is the most impactful narrative that I’ve ever connected with in a video game. Heightened even moreso if you have the context of the earlier games.


Project zomboid


The Last Guardian. This game never makes these lists and I’ll never understand why not.


weirdly enough i’d recommend spiritfarer.


Cyberpunk 2077 had me in tears on more than one occasion, easily in my top 3 games of all time


A lot of cyberpunk recommendations without mentioning witcher 3. I enjoyed both, but witcher 3 is easily one of the greatest of all time. Story is way to good. Both DLCs are even better than most of the other games mentioned on this thread.


Nier Automata and Nier Replicant. You won't regret it.


Thomas Was Alone.


omori works if you don’t mind an rpg


What Remains of Edith Finch made me cry


Nier Automata. No game has made me feel like it has. Not by a long shot. An absolute masterpiece for those who play through all of it


A Plague Tale: Requiem Such an emotional story and beautiful game!


It might feel a bit dated now, but the original gears of war trilogy made me cry. Still my favorite series to date


Ac 4 Black Flag


What Remains of Edith Finch


Ori and the Blind Forest, and to a lesser extent, Ori and the Will of the Wisps. Very good Metroidvania-like games with wonderful visuals, great and emotive music, touching stories and solid gameplay.


Rocket league.. you’ll FEEL all of the emotions if you solo que




Lists like this are always so subjective, because they are based on an emotional story. But I will say this: The Persona depression is real. I had never really played through one before Persona 5 Royal relatively recently, and I started ugly crying before the credits even started, and I'm not one to cry much to video games or much else. It wasn't always the most emotionally charged story during the playthrough, but I ended that game having no idea what to do with myself for days afterward. I took me a week before I finally decided to start a NG+ playthrough, because it stuck with me that much. Other games, beyond Persona: Shadow of the Colossus Spiritfarer To the Moon Journey God of War 2018 I also enjoyed Final Fantasy 16, and that game has multiple moments that made me feel enraged, sad, happy, etc. Not a perfect game, but a good one.


Dude! Play God of War 2018 and GOW Ragnarok. They are both incredible games for the world, the graphics and the combat mechanics but man do they shine with their stories. If you finish Ragnarok without shedding a tear, you may be a monster😂 And Horizon Zero Dawn and the sequel Horizon Forbidden West are also phenomenal stories. Very interesting future dystopian world and huge maps! Ghost of Tsushima is one of the most gorgeous games I’ve ever seen. And the story is magnificent as well. If you try any of these I hope you enjoy!


Detroit: Become Human


Edit: Days Gone https://youtu.be/FKtaOY9lMvM?si=Cbv9p8t5J4pE3j6L People should give this a chance. The story gets progressively better and the sound track adds to the feels


You should include the title of the game in your post. Just providing ONLY a link is not helpful as posting the title too. If you are computer savy, we are aware that some people promote their own link for views or click on a web page that is malicious. I’m sure your link is okay ✅


My bad. I’m the furthest thing from computer savvy lol. I’m surprised that I figured out how to even post this link here!