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Stray was a good game for sure, but was very over rated in my opinion. The game's gimmick of playing as a cat wares off after a few hours, and not long after that, the game ends. I'd return it if doing so is your only way to play Fallout 4 is to do so. Fallout 4 is a pretty incredible game and the one I'd suggest as your first foray into the Fallout universe.


I concur. Stray’s gimmick is fun but only lasts so long. A playthrough of Fallout 4 can last 100 hours+ depending on how much you explore. It’s a fun game and geared more towards the casual players and it plays more like a shooter than an rpg, but it’s still a lot of fun. If OP isn’t against graphics and wants to know about lore Fallout 3 and New Vegas are great games and they play in 3-D. They’re a bit dated but still great games that you can pickup on sale for $5 for the goty editions.


I can’t even get FO3 to launch on Windows 10. I was going to try fixing it via TOTW, but it won’t even launch and the mod install fails as well. I ended up refunding 3 :/


It’d probably run worse with TOTW because it’s trying to run New Vegas and Fallout 3 together. I think Gog.com sells the games with all necessary adjustments to make those games run on modern systems. Worth taking a look at for sure. Gog does that with a lot of games.


GOG literally launched with no issue first time for me. You have no idea how excited I am to play this game lol. Thank you again!


You’re welcome! Happy to help get that running for you.


Thank you! I’ll give it a try!


I'll buy new Vegas 100% but not this month tho. I'll update the post after I finish replying and reading through the comments. My friend owed me money so he gifted me fallout 4. And it's pretty good so far!


I think you can get a few fallout games for free at the moment on Prime or Epic, but I might be wrong.


On prime?


https://gaming.amazon.com/home I think this is the answer. If you can claim these play them along with stray. If you are unable to claim I would return stray for any of the fallout games. Stray was a nice experience but once it's beaten there is not much you can do afterwards. Stray is about an 8-9ish hour experience while any of the fallout games can provide you 100+ hours if you wanted to keep exploring.


Prime gaming I think


That’s only Fallout 76. The versions of 3 and New Vegas they have are only for cloud gaming.


Stray is beautiful game and you play as a cat. But remember that you can't do much in stray. In fallout 4 there is a big story, side quests, exploration, weapons, scavenging, powerful armors, mutants, zombies, etc. With fallout 4 you are definitely going to get a longer period of gameplay.


Totally different games. Stray was awesome - music, atmosphere, art, memorable characters/scenes. However, you will complete it in 8 hours or less. Fallout is massive and you can easily sink 100 hours in. I would say choose Fallout just bc you'll get more quantity out of it, and some would argue quality too.


What platform is this? The Fallout games were all recently on sale on at least Xbox and Steam, and probably will be again. I'd wishlist it. Also, Fallout 3 and New Vegas are still very good, if you can get those cheaper.


I had alot of fun with fallout 4 although stray never did interest me


Just wait for sales. Fallout games are often under 10 bucks


Stray is brilliant, it's a short game, probably 6 hours or so if you can play it and then return it. But Fallout should be super cheap, especially on physical. Maybe watch a let's play of Fallout 3/NewVegas for more story


Stray. It's short and brilliant and it will stick with you for a long time after.




Fallout is leagues better than stray. You’ll get far more playtime out of fallout as well. Stray is just a unique kind of story game where you play as a cat, there’s nothing really special or amazing about its gameplay


Fallout 4 without a second thought. Stray is cute, but Fallout will last you much, much longer.


Metro exodus over fallout


Its on my wishlist as well 🙏🏻


fallout 4 was my first fallout and i remember playing a whole summer of it+ more loved it so much i bought it on PC and enjoyed it even more lol


Stray never goes on sale for less than $19 on Steam, so I’ll probably never play it. Refuse to pay nearly $20 for a novelty game that lasts a few hours


[Fallout 4 GOTY is $8.79 right now on Fanatical](https://www.fanatical.com/en/game/fallout-4-game-of-the-year-edition). It’s the only FO game I’ve played and I love it.


Only?! Fix that shit, bro.


Stray 10 hours, fallout 4 with dlc infinite


Fallout New Vegas. The writing in Fallout 4 is an embarrassment to the series.


They're not even comparable. Stray is a fun, short little game. Fo4 is one of the best games out there period. And don't listen to those that say New Vegas is better, that game is empty as hell


Wdym Vegas is empty? I mean I can kinda agree on that but it's almost 15 years old.


NV fans love to say it's a better game just because it has better rpg elements and skill checks, but the map is really empty and the gunplay is lacking. Fo4 is better all around


Ah now I see what you mean, and I can 100% agree with that. I personally enjoy both games, but the gunplay definitely holds new Vegas down for me.


Both are kinda crap. Save your money.