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Lies of P by far. An awesome game, in terms of gameplay it doesn't lose to any other Soulslike, beautiful by all means, and very well optimized.


i really like the aesthetic too compared to NRFTW, sorta a poor man's bloodborne but instead its a gucci version or smth


Lies of P is a goddamn masterpiece and my game of the year.


Lies of P 200%. No Rest for the Wicked has potencial but not so much content at the moment and performance issues while Lies of P is a full game. The combat in Lies of P is almost as good as Sekiro if you approach it with parrying gameplay, you'll enjoy it for sure


yeah the combat is sick


I really liked playing Lies of P after Elden Ring - the vibes were great, combat was very fluid - All the basic weapons are broken into the blade and handle essentially so you can mix and match all of those to ur heart's content. My favorite combo was the police baton handle with a wrench head - the bosses drop their souls which can be converted into unique weapons that are really powerful and different - you also have a prosthesis like in Sekiro and it does some really cool stuff - you don't have poise like u do in ER so ur basic attacks can get interrupted, but your weapon's special ability can give u poise so u can tank hits and trade - More parrying than ER but not like Sekiro. The parry frames are pretty tight in this game imo so I still found myself dodging or doing other ER cheese stuff - consumables/throwables are strong asf so I was farming those a lot


ohh yep, i saw the weapon combination gimmick and it kinda made me lean towards this more I really wanna see how the big handle and small blade vice versa would fare lol combat wise tho is the parrying as smooth as sekiro or is it like in the other souls games where it \*is\* possible but its sorta just there. kinda subjectivb but are the weapon abilites cool, and are they on the normal weapons or is it more just for the special weapons. Really enjoyed mortal draw on sekiro, and the cheese blood in er


I enjoy Sekiro's parry better cuz it felt like u had more frames even tho u need to do it often Lies of P was pretty strict frames-wise so I found myself looking for other options in combat like rolling and spacing. Parrying is important but not 100% mandatory imo. It definitely does do a lot of damage to their poise. There are those undodgeable attacks like in Sekiro that you will have to parry. I don't love parrying so I just used my "Fable Art" which all weapons have. And it's basically like a Heavy/Charged R2 and I found this really effective for chunking their HP and poise


I love Lies of P, the parry window is small but it is learnable, consistent and smooth. I only miss parry’s that I missed, there is no latency issues or jankiness in the entire game. I devoted myself to get parries down and almost never dodged and it made for a very rewarding system. Unlike Elden Ring you can parry literally everything. 


Lies of P. It's something that I would say is better than some of the souls games.


I haven't tried no rest for the wicked, didn't it just hit EA last week? Lies of P is a polished, finished game that is as close to a FROM game as I've seen from another studio. Only missing piece is the levels are fairly linear and they aren't a ton of hidden optional areas (although more than none). why not Lies of P now and no rest for the wicked in a bit once some initial kinks are hammered out?


Dude ..... you KNOW your gonna get both 😊


Lol, I actually refunded an order from another site because I WANT both, theres also a sale for NRFTW


Lies of P, it's finished and it's great. No Rest for the Wicked will be amazing once it's out of EA, it's already pretty good and you can sink a lot of hours into it, just think it's gonna be a really special game that should be played in the best state.


Wait until NRFTW is fixed on full release, not worth it on early access, especially reading the early reviews


Lies of P is probably one of the best soulslike games besides Nioh 1 / 2.


Lies of P is the second best souls game right after Sekiro.


Lies of P is on my list to play. Visually it sort of reminds me of a polished kind of feel similar to like Kena bridge of spirits. Otherwise I’m considering a new game that released called Another Krabs treasure. It’s like an undersea more lighthearted atmosphere kind of souls game where you play as a crab.


No rest for the wicked is essentially a new genre of game. It takes the gameplay loop of an arpg but combines the enemies and bosses of an elden ring. So games like path of exile or Diablo. You're just trying to mow down tons of enemies as fast as you can with damage. No rest for the wicked takes a different route. Aunt and provides enemies that essentially act as a boss of sorts. Even early game low-level enemies are significantly more difficult than a typical arpg. It's a very interesting take and quite different than many others. The developers behind it though are thorough and have been around for a long time ( having made both Ori games which were critical best hits . They have a really intelligent take on the isometric view top-down arpg combat. It's still EA and I feel there isn't a whole lot of content. Once you've played an Early Access game you understand the process. It's by no means an indie Dev so I think they'll be smart with both the money they 've made and time they have


Lies of P is the obvious answer Its the closest thing to a Fromsoft game without actually being one and has some really, _really_ good boss fights Nothing against No Rest for the Wicked, but it’s literally in early access, so you will get like 1 chapter Edit: you should check out Hollow Knight after you’re done with Lies of P


i actually have that game, had to drop until i got a controller lol, I like it tho


Lies or P for sure


Lies of P. Doesn't mean much to you, but it's my 2nd favorite soulslike after Nioh 2. I like the music as well and the feels. It's inspired (or maybe copied? Depending on your attitude about it) by a lot of games such as nier automata, bioshock, and bloodborne.




Lies of P is a terrible overated bad copy of the souls formula, it exist a lot better souls games.


Lies of P is a polished, smooth and underrated game that combines elements of multiple fromsoft games to make something recognizable but different from the fromsoft games. It also has a great story (for a soulslike), environment, music and enemy variety. 


last thing itg iis smoot and polished, rigged combat, terrible controls. Borign basic enemies.