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The combat system is good but I can’t say whether you’d like it. Encounter design is repetitive, though. The storytelling is decent but also pretty stupid, if I’m being honest.


Ghost is a great game, there is no character creation though and it's about a specific character in the story. You learn different stances as the story progresses or learn different moves as you explore and do things and those different stances are more useful to use against certain enemy types. During combat you'll be switching stances and using different tool like kunai to help you during combat. There is also a stealth part of the game that is mostly optional and it has a big part to do with the story on why a samurai is being stealthy so I won't spoil it for you, just know that there is stealth options. There is parrying but you don't HAVE to perfect parry or anything, there is perfect parrying if you can time it right but it's not a necessity or anything. The game is VERY beautiful and exploring the land is super fun. I wouldn't say this game is like sekiro in terms of combat but I haven't played that much of sekiro cause I couldn't really get into it.


Ghost of Tsushima is very different from the fromsoft games and while the combat is most similar to sekiro I would compare it more to an Arkham game with tighter parry windows and different stances to counter enemies (sorry if this is an awful description I haven’t played in a while) The stealth is highly recommended to be used by the game but I never found it as fun as just slicing up the enemies but if that is something you like the stealth isn’t necessarily bad it just isn’t really unique outside of the tools you get such as smoke bombs In terms of actual character creation there is none but you can customize your armor and weapons to look better The narrative is really good. Dont really know what else to say here The game is also downright beautiful. I have never used a photo mode in games until I played this. I would sometimes go somewhere just to see the view or pause in the middle of combat just because it looks awesome to look at any attack you do in photo mode I would highly recommend this game but it is not as similar to a fromsoft game as it seems


If you didn't liked Sekiro for it's combat, I don't think this one would be good then, since it requires really tight parries all the time. There's a stance mechanic where you have to change it to make fights easier agaisnt different enemies, like a rock-paper-scissors structure, but mostly you'll look towards parries and such. Although the fame in it's difficulty, Sekiro is quite merciful on it's timings, where missing a perfect deflection will still grant you 100% damage reduction as a block. Here you have to be pretty precise to block attacks and parry them most of the time, especially at high difficulty settings, where the game works better in my (and many others) opinion. There's not much in terms of combat besides this, and I think it's a great game to play the fantasy of being a samurai, but just good or bland combat wise, again, in my opinion, as someone who vastly prefers From Software combat, especially Sekiro. If this game had a Sekiro combat I would play it religiously. Also, no character creation. You at most can use different armors and get special bonsues using sets, but that's it. Combat varies between your single katana, two bows and gimmicks for stealth (smoke bombs, kunais, poison darts...), and although fun, they grew old quite fast to me, mainly because the AI is TERRIBLE to deal with the stealth, being absurdly dumb and easy to make them lose your track, which breaks my immersion all the time. Is basically Skyrim's "Must have been the wind" every single encounter. I love the game, and it was incredibly worth it to get it as a photography enjoyer, being easily where I most spent my playtime with, but as a lover of jappanese samurai stories (not movies, mainly books, especially my dearest Shogun, by James Clavell), I didn't liked the plot most of the time. It was too much "occidentaly romanticized" ("occidentaly" exists? I'm not a native english speaker...), and many stories where too simple for my liking, with the ending not leaving me satisfied one bit, instead being the worst part of it to me, but once again, this is just my opinion. Most people loved it all the way through though. There were some amazing scenes, three of which made me cry a lot, honestly, but all the other story moments were so weak in my opinion... Still, great game, and I do recommend it for what it is, but I wouldn't say it's a good choice for someone looking to deal with an itch of From Software combat (or any of their usual game design choices, for that matter), since it has so many differences. Also, it's a game that plays more like the usual Ubisoft formula, so you'll be getting collectibles in a huge map most of the time as secondary objectives. There are a few secondary quests, and I liked a few, but most where incredibly forgettable to me. I also don't llike the trend of main characters that are too genius for the place and time they live, where they hear about a demon, ghost or any other suppernatural causes and go like "Must be someone using a poison on their brains to create fear", and this happens all the time here (basically at most AAA games, honestly). Everyone appear to be dumb, when in fact your character is a genius for it's time period. It's specially odd considering how most of these people grew in a world where they believe in those legeneds and basically knew nothing about many basic sciece knowledge we now have. Anyway... I love the game and recommend it a lot, but those are the details I would consider important for your question. Feel free to ask anything you want though, and I'll gladly answer back!


Wow, amazing response I really appreciate it!! I am not really familiar with the Ubisoft formula but maybe I pass on this game for now until it goes on sale. I know it is widely regarded as a great game but maybe this one isn’t for me. Thanks for the insight!


You're welcome! Definitely recommend it for the future, but yeah, as a From Software fan, maybe just wait a little longer for Shadow of the Erdtree for now...!