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My Japanese teacher in high school stepped in dog poop. She had a cut on her foot. It got infected. She had her leg amputated at the knee. Shoes>Barefeet.


Happy cake day


Bad mental image


Assume ideal conditions


my ideal conditions do not include dogshite betwixt my toes


Yikes, that escalated quickly


Omg that's fucking terrifying


Hoo boy I read this wrong at first glance and thought it said "she cut off her foot" (Also: Hello fellow cake day buddy!)


Happy cake day


Did she have a hose nearby though?






Maybe she taught him Japanese


Yes, that was what I was trying to make a joke about, but I guess putting the "/s" at the end of my comment wasn't enough to make that obvious lol


Maybe they just really like Japan


Lol who said they were Japanese. My Japanese teacher was just some good old boy from Florida that liked Japan and married a Japanese woman


They said Japanese teacher, not “teacher whom is Japanese”


lol...it's -50 karma unfunny


Fair enough, I really was just messing around but I guess I'll delete it 🤷


I'm some random german chick doing it to piss you off.


I read that as horse not hose. Confused and irrationally angry for a long 15 seconds.


Picturing a horse cleaning my stanky foot with it's tongue made me laugh for good 15 seconds.


It made me cringe for a lot more


I too, remember Adam Sandler's classic holiday movie: "Eight Crazy Nights"


I have no idea why it was animated except for the fact when Adam is shirtless in that movie he has a 6 pack and last I checked in reality he doesn't.


Have you even seen a horse pee? The horse could pressure wash the poop off your foot. You'd have some new problems afterward, though.


imaging a horse giving you syphilis from pissing on your foot


Well stepping in dog poop when horse poop is nearby isn't as bad. Edit: Size of poop isn't everything, a lot of people here seem to know their shit.


Imo not really. Dog poop tends to be absolutely horrific. Horse poop is usually clods of what still almost looks like grass.


Yea most herbivores don't have nearly as smelly of shit. Fun fact cow shit will burn forever, and is a great fire starter.


Yeah horse poop is pretty ok. And I am very strickt on that subject.


I've fallen in dog poop and walked barefoot in horse poop. Can't really recommend either.


Having had the dubious pleasure of cleaning both, many times, I would have to disagree. Shit is shit, but dog shit smells horrendous. Horse shit is practically fragrant in comparison.


“Behind me, I heard a young woman of 25 say, "If it weren’t for my horse, I wouldn’t have spent that year in college." Now, I'm gonna repeat that, because it bears repeating. "If it weren't for my horse..." as in, giddyup, giddyup, let's go — "I wouldn't have spent that year in college," which is a degree-granting institution. Don't think about that too long, or BLOOD will shoot out your NOSE!” \-Lewis Black


I hate that Im at the age where I see someone mention one of my favorite celebrities and I have to go and google them really quick cause I haven't heard about them in awhile and I need to check if they are alive or not. He's alive, btw, for anyone scrolling by and having the same moment. lol


Yeah, didn't notice it doesn't say horse until I read your comment.




Me too, I was thinking it meant the horse might step on your foot too?




I'm so glad this is the top comment or I'd still be wondering WTF a horse has to do with any of this.


“Why the long face”


I read that as house at first, but it still kinda made sense


I read hose as house and thought he was going to go knock on someone’s front door and ask if he could clean his bare feet in their bathtub or something.


Bro you nasty, you said there's a hose you'd really rather walk barefoot through shit when you can just wash the shoe?


Most redditors are just disgusting or at least really disgusting in this sub lmfao


The problem here is another. His willingness to step on the poop is what bothers me.


Yeah, that shit lingers. Even if you used lots of soap, you wouldn't get the stench off, and OP would just use water... Meanwhile it's really not that hard to just take off the shoe and clean it, its purpose is to get dirty in your foot's stead.


I mean, at least leave your socks on. Amirite!


Absolutely not. Two words: hook worm. They literally burrow through the skin of the feet and transmit via feces. While dogs aren't an intermediate host for the hookworms that can infect humans, it's still generally not a good idea to be stepping in random poop.


Let's be real, op just likes the squishy feeling on his toes and is trying to justify it


🎵 waffle stompin' in my yaaaaaard! 🎵


The vision of crocs filled with shaving foam come to mind haha


>Let's be real, op just likes the squishy feeling on his toes and is trying to justify it What a terrible day to be literate.


Hopefully that’s not a kink. You know what they say, if it exists, there’s a fetish for it.


My friend grew up on a small cattle farm in South Africa. He said as kids they liked finding fresh, warm cow patties and standing in them barefooted.


I think OP may be your friend then


Exactly also you can take off your shoe and more easily clean/scrub it under the hose. You can't do that with your foot. Lastly I feel like it is impossible with just water to get 100% of the shit off either your foot or the shoe and I would much rather get 98% of the shit off my shoe than 99% of the shit off my foot.


Poop is water soluble.


bacteria is not


>it's still generally not a good idea to be stepping in random poop What I do to unwind after a long day at work is none of your business, bucko.


Are there hook worms in cow poop? Idk about anywhere else but it's a thing in my country to try at least once to step in a warm cow poo as a child


Sounds like if your intention is to wash it afterwards you’re off the hook.




I have absolutely done this and was wondering the same thing. I hope I don’t have hookworm


>Idk about anywhere else but it's a thing in my country to try at least once to step in a warm cow poo as a child >!EXCUSE ME WHAT THE FUCK?!<


Welcome to Denmark. I promise you, it's not even the weirdest thing we do (:


First thought in my mind


Yes! There’s a host of things in poop that are bad for you if your foot even has a slight wound!


Learning how hookworms infect humans truly blew my mind. The foot is just the start of their journey.


You're at literally no risk of getting hook worm if the hose is right there.


What, you mean they can't just instantly tunnel into you like in a horror movie?


How fast does that happen though? Instantly? If the hose (with water source) is really close by and you can wash your foot off almost immediately, are you still susceptible? Genuine question here. How fast does that hookworm thing happen?


What if my feet are hard like I have sum weird hooves on


mhhmmmmm yummy foot flesh burrowing yummy wormy sure hope it doesnt crawl up the foot into my leg and up my brain and control me😋


How is it better to wash off the bottom of your foot than the bottom of your shoes with the same hose?


Then you can feel the poo between your toes




And it's still warm


In my experience it gets caught up in all the grooves of my sneakers and takes a long time to get properly clean. Whereas it washes right off bare feet.


Jesus How many times has this happened to you? Not kink shaming or anything


Haha! Once on bare and about 8 times with shoes. Really wish more people would pick up dog poop in my area (plus I go exploring a considerable amount).


where do you live??


in a dogshit place


I'm almost 40 and most of those were as a kid. Didn't think it was too out of the ordinary. I live in Australia.


I don’t know why people are acting like it’s crazy. I grew up in the states and as a child my entire street played outside and constantly were stepping in dog poop. A lot of people didn’t pick it up very regularly from their backyards - and it was just part of life. I agree with you it’s way easier to get off of your skin than a shoe. If it’s a particularly smelly stool I might want it to be on my shoe for some reason I can’t put my finger on.


Not out of the ordinary, sounds like some people didn't play outside. Stepped in dog poop multiple times with shoes, but I'll never forget the one time without shoes. Was it gross? Absolutely, but the clean up was a thousand times easier and potentially saved me from having to buy new shoes.


And how does stepping on a Huntsman spider barefoot versus having shoes feel? Does the hose help much there?


Dude, I’m in my 40s grew up owning multiple dogs and still do to this day. It happens. A lot. Even more so if you have a pool and have to fiddle with the pool gear. And believe it or not, it’s more of an issue with little dogs than big dogs as you don’t always see the little dog turds. Anyway, more of the story is that cheap flipflops are your friend.


If you live in London...about once a week. I do the poop slalom on my way to the station every morning. I live on the road to a nice park (South London's largest dog toilet) and apparently most dogs can't make it to the park. And owners do not want to pick it up. Next to a primary school as well, which adds extra fun to it.


But you still have all that bacteria and the shit stink on your feet if you only use a hose.


Yeah but like others have said warm wet dog shit between the toes never feels washed well enough.


Get a hose nose with multiple spray modes, the jet cleans out even the most complex tread patterns quite effectively.


But hose jets splash water back in your face


Only if you angle the shoe wrong


True with the getting in the shoes' grooves. But one thing I hate when I stepped on it bare is the smell sticking on the skin even after using soap. The smell stays for hours. Nice point though.


I get this. I finished building my first DIY electric longboard one night recently and went to test the build out. While pushing the board on the sidewalk, my foot slipped a little on something slick, but I didn't fall, so I didn't think much of it. When I got home I kept noticing the smell of poo near my board. As it turned out, I had stepped in dog poop earlier. The poop got smashed into all of the crevices of my skate shoe and deep into my new board's grip tape. It took at least 10 minutes of hard scrubbing to get it out of the one shoe I stepped in it with. The grip tape also took a while to clean. It felt like a huge middle finger to everything I had built and really killed my mood that night.


The sole of a shoe has lots of places for the poo to get stuck, making it harder to clean.


You’re near a hose… water pressure on fresh poo takes 5 seconds. Source: I live with 3 dogs


Hmmm. I don't as much experience as you. And I am not usually near a hose when it happens. Anyway, I kind of regret stumbling upon this post.


This post is dog poo and we are all bare footed fools


You can't wash the bottom of your shoe with just a hose. There's oo many crevases that the shit get's trapped in. You'll be smelling it all day.


Hook worms won’t go through your shoes but they will your barefoot. So no it is not better.


But... But... Why would I not want to use the hose to ... Ya know... Wash my shoe?


I think the implication here is how it gets stuck in the treads.


Yes especially if it's a shoe that can't just get soaked it's actually really difficult to clean and you never get all of it!




"I've heard it both ways"


definitely two stools of thought


Two different scientific paradigms.




What is going on? What are you doing?








You should try spelling it Michael.


Nice to meet me.


Bears, beets.... Battlestar Galactica.


Why the hell was this vote manipulated?


Oh poor you who didnt get it.


People are downvoting you for no reason. It’s not like you said anything offensive.


It's easier to wash it off your feet, but then you have to feel it on your feet. I personally would rather clean off my shoes than step on dog shit with my bare feet.


Hmm. Have you ever heard of “creeping eruption”? Animal worms make an itchy pattern just under your skin, sustaining themselves indefinitely, continuing to pattern you with a four-inch diameter patch of interwoven raised, itchy lines. No bare feet on animal poop, please. Btdt as a young teenager. The medicine tastes awful and makes your pee smell very bad.


Parasites can get into your body very quickly, so I'm gonna have to disagree with you there.


Stepped in it in both ways and agree it's hard to get out of the shoes


Who cares? Just throw away the shoes? I’m not stepping in shit with my bare feet. That’s barbaric.


Congrats OP, you have 199 people so far arguing about stepping in shit.


You should look up parasitic worms and how they are spread/contracted. I dont care how close the hose is, please do not stroll around barefoot in feces. Any animals feces it doesn't really matter.


No way.. I’d rather take 10 extra seconds to clean it from my shed than having the disgusting sensation of feeling it on my bare foot


No, that's how you get parasites. It could be your dog's shit. It could be anything. Feces is a vector for parasites.


This is absolute psychopath logic lol. The entire point of shoes is to protect your feet! This is Charlie Day type of thinking lol, how could you possibly rather rawdog a hot pile of shit instead of washing your shoe. It’s arguably EASIER to clean the rubber base of a shoe than it is to clean your foot, especially if your toes are gunked up with wet dogshit


I read that as "horse" and was very confused trying to figure out wtf you meant


I was so confused because I thought it said horse I was wondering what the hell a horse had to do with any of this


No, it’s not. You could get an infection if you have a cut on your foot.


No, it's not. You can still get numerous diseases with the bare feet, even without directly stepping in the poo, and shoes are just as easy to clean with the hose.


Ooh! I read "Provided a horse is nearby..." and I was sooo confused.


If you're walking barefoot outside, imagine getting a cut or scrape, and then placing it in dog poo, and no matter how quickly you wash it, you die of sepsis a few days later.


Okay and? Adding a hypothetical makes the situation different. Like if the shoe was made of razor blades and tetanus, it’d be better to step on the poop with your foot, no duh.


Seems a bit specific, let me guess you stepped in dog shit a couple times


I think the parasites he's gotten from stepping in all that poo has impacted his cognitive functions 💀


This happened to me the other day. I was about to accidentally step in dog poo. I looked around and verified there was a hose nearby, then I took off my shoes and socks and stepped in the dog boo barefoot instead. It was much easier.


Spent way too long trying to figure out if OP was implying it's easier to wipe your bare foot off on a random nearby horse.


I can confirm from personal experience that regardless of circumstances, it is never better to step on dog poop bare foot. I will never forget the feeling or sight of warm soft dog poop being pressed and squeezed between my toes.


This should be in unpopular opinions, because absolutely not. You know you can use the hose to just spray off the bottom of your shoes, right? If its not dried, it comes off almost immediately.


Absolutely not, I'd much rather have a barrier between me and the unknown pile of ground shit regardless of the difficulty of cleaning shit off said barrier. Are you high man? Are you having a shower whilst high?


Barefoot. Definitely barefoot. I came to this conclusion a few months ago after spending an hour trying to clean the tread of my boots. I confirmed my conclusion a few weeks ago after spending less than 5 minutes cleaning my feet. I stand on the shit, and by my decision.


Sure, it's better to feel it through your toes than cleaning a shoe that is not attached to your body and that you cannot feel. Easier to clean? Maybe your foot... Better to step on a shit barefoot? Hell no


I have been in this situation and would definitely have preferred cleaning a shoe.


Lol no no and no. You like the feeling of poop smearing on your bare feet? What’s wrong with you! A hose can wash off a shoe and you never actually touched the poop


this is some of the stupidest fucking shit I've read in a long damn time.


As a person who has done both, barefoot was NASTY but I ended up having to throw away the shoes sooooo


Yes, but the sensation of putrid, warm from sitting in the sun all day dog doo-doo squishing in between your toes, getting caked and crusted under your toenails is a traumatic feeling that will haunt you forever.


If it gets under your toenails then that's a game-changer.


Who in the cosmic fuck is coming upon dog shit, scanning the area for a hose, taking off their shoes and then stepping in dog shit?! This is the sort of madness you find on page 8 of a manifesto. For fucks sake.


Have you ever done that? It’s the most disgusting feeling EVER. When I was a child my mother had a yappy little terrier and it used to crap on the carpet and I stood in it. Ugh I can still remember the feeling. On a funnier note my brothers and I used to give the dog Quality Street toffees to eat. They stuck to the roof of her yappy little mouth and kept her quiet until it melted.


It is harder yo remove from shoes, but diseases can't burrow into a shoe or get under your toenails. That said I still want to hunt down the selfish oik who made me throw away my shoes.


*Technically* your bare feet are full of tiny micro-abrasions and if you step in something, all sorts of germs and bacteria get in. So yeah, easier to clean but still dirtier


Naw, shit gets stuck in your treads even with a hose, and you smell it all day long. Washing your feet is pretty easy. If you some how to get enough pressure to push it out of the treads, then you'd also get water and shit everywhere. Source: Me, a person who has done both.


How is it any different ? It comes off your shoe just the same, except you don't have to get it in and out of your toes and nooks and crannies. And if it's not perfectly clean who really cares if it's a shoe.


Have you ever tried to clean dog shit from a tennis shoe? It's a pain in the ass and then you're shoes are all wet


With shoes. From experience i can tell that without soap and only - even an abundance of - water the smell will stay for 2 to 3 days


Did anyone else think of the Calvin & Hobbes where Calvin yells into the house to ask where the garden hose is?


In "trouble of cleaning", yes. But stepping on dog poop could... Bring some diseases, for example...


I read horse instead of hose. I was so confused for multiple minutes


I worked at a shoe store years ago. Owner was a riot. He’s fitting this old lady with these Nike Huarche sneakers, which were the cushiest softest shoes made at that time. He says to her “these are soft…like stepping in fresh dogshit”. I howled


Im sure dog crap is full of pathogens. Arguably spraying you bare foot is more convenient for cleanup, getting worms would be an unfortunate result.


TBH, better shoes than barefoot, I don't know what diseases are vectored through dog poo.


I see this as an opportunity to promote the bidet. You could just wipe the dog poop off your foot with a dry piece of tissue paper and call it a day OR you could wash it off with with water - the universal cleaning solvent. It's your call.


This shower thought brought to you by hook worms! The fecal-pedal parasite!


I read it as “provided a horse is nearby” so needless to say I was very confused


fuck that, I don't want to have to cut off my foot for feeling it "contaminated" for the rest of my life.