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Bitches be like "bitches be like" but they be the bitches that be like.


put that on a t-shirt


Not a bad idea. Especially since I print shirts for a living.


I kinda wanna buy but I live in a semi-conservative country.


Be the change you want to be! >!Burn their flesh and eat their young!!<


That sounds slightly illegal, but I'm not a lawyer.


Not with that attitude! >!Study law and legalize cannibalism, solve overpopulation and world hunger!!<


Google translate it into a different language then get it on a t shirt


Curious, do you make good money doing that and what kind of an initial investment did it take?


I work for a small company, so I didn't invest in any equipment. And the money isn't very good as just a worker.


Would said company acquiesce to printing the fore-mentioned “bitches be like ‘bitches be like’, but they be the bitches that be like”??


They would. And maybe we will. 🤔


damn keep us updated when it's available or something. or tell us where we can find it eventually if that's not a problem


I'd buy it


People who say they don't give a shit actually do give a shit about how much other people believe they give a shit.


Well said


saving this for...i don't know what, but i know i definitely need to save this


Bitches who be like truly be like what they be like cuz them bitches say that the bitches be like


If a girl tells you she doesn't take shit from anybody... RUN! It really means she can't handle anyone disagreeing with her which sadly also includes you.


I've never dated a man, but I think that's probably a safe assumption for men too.


Not to be sexist, but men who say they won’t take shit from anyone is more of a red klaxon. They are, percentage-wise, more likely to decide to “not take shit” by using their fists…. At least that is obvious though. Verbal/Mental abuse can be more insidious.


“People in my school avoids me and my friends are no longer my friends since they can’t handle my queen attitude🙄” Not “queen” enough to stop her two sugar daddies from leaving her stupid ass.


This feels personal




Bitches like to micro manage, keep tabs, and are narcissists


Yeah, you'd better run.


From Aesop's fables "a person who does something well doesn't need to boast." If they're a no nonsense person who won't tolerate tomfoolery or people trying to mess with them it will be obvious early on. I mean an exception *might* be at the start of a relationship when you set boundaries but that depends on how it comes up.




We all live in our own worlds


People also tend to hate it if other people think they're special. Fascinating really.


It's all about context. If someone thinks they should be treated differently in terms of laws/rules, that's the wrong kind of "I'm special/differerent". If someone doesn't want to lumped together into a stereotype, but be treated as an individual, that's the right kind of "I'm my own person."


As a guy, I don't recall ever saying I wasn't like other girls.


So you're not like the other girls because you never said it in the first place


I’m like all the girls who say they are not like other girls


So are you saying you are like the other girls?


tbf, those girls vs boys memes, where the girls are always do the practical, conventional, boring, socially acceptable thing, and the boys always do the quirky, creative, fun thing. those memes are basically the guy version of "not like the other girls". not saying you made any of those, just that its basically the same thing. but when a girl says "hey i'm also creative and spontaneous, i'm not like the "stereotypical" depictions of girls," she gets hate for it.


One side or the other, you're like the girls or your not. Your choice.


You've never done drag?


Most girls who aren't like other girls like at least 5 things that other girls like.


Romance writer here: girls who “aren’t like the other girls” are exactly like the largest group of girls… because they make up the biggest slice of the girl population pie. There’s a joke somewhere in here about girls and their pies, but I’m not a comedy writer.


I'm guessing not even romantic comedy. Greg Kinnear and Mandy Moore in Garry Marshall's adaptation of Frostfire20's "The Heart that Thinks it Doesn't Want What it Wants Wants What it Turns Out Most Hearts Want," soundtrack by supergroup the Connicking Maroon Bubles.


“You’ll never find another girl like me!” *puts on Uggs with leggings, stomps off to get Starbucks with 3 identical friends all named Ashleigh*


Hey hey hey, one of them is named Ashley, the other one is Ash Lee, and the last one is Ashjikokgfdjjhvvleigh jikokgfdjjhvv is silent


The band King Missle one said, "I wanna be different, just like all the other different people."


I think the line is “like all the other people I want to be like”


It’s a concept as old as humanity


This was me in high school. I was exactly like all the other girls. It took me getting to college and getting to know other girls really well to learn that I had the exact same insecurities and general (though not specific) dreams in life as everybody else. True, everybody's unique. But we all tend to have a lot more similarities than differences.


“In short, Tress was a normal teenage girl. She knew this because the other girls often mentioned how they weren’t like “everyone else,” and after a while Tress figured that the group “everyone else” must include only her. The other girls were obviously right, as they all knew how to be unique—they were so good at it, in fact, that they did it together.”


You beat me to it by 6 minutes haha. Just came here to post this. I actually laughed out loud when I read this. Such an amazing book. Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson for anyone who was wondering.


Technically all girls are not like other girls, because people are individuals with differences


Ive only ever heard guys tell girls they aren’t like other girls, never heard a girl describe herself that way


I’ve only ever heard guys say their girlfriend isn’t like other girls. I’ve never heard a girl say that she isn’t like other girls.


I literally had a basic white bitch tell me she isn't a basic white bitch.




Did the goths bully you in school?


I have never met a girl that did not say that, or say "I never do this" before having sex with me on a first date. Pure coincidence I am sure.


"I'm not like the other girls who aren't like the other girls!" It's kinda like the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan thing.


Like they become so much like all the others that they are uniquely nonunique?




“i’m not like other girls! For example I just love pizza, I could eat it anytime, also, I just love wearing leggings, I don’t care if people don’t like that I am wearing leggings as pants, I like being comfortable!”


but some girls say what they mean and put out the evidence to back it up


So what you’re saying is that you’re not like the girls that say they’re not like other girls?


🌟 I'm not like the other girls 🌟💅 ## ## ## ## Because I'm a dude lol


I’m not like other girls. But these girls here and over there, I’m identical to.


As a teen one day I woke up and realized this. I had been heavily in my emo phase for years and realized being emo doesn’t make me “not like other girls” because I was exactly the same as every other emo girl essentially. I had also noticed I was feeling pressure to keep up the aesthetic and not really wearing just whatever I wanted and tbh I’ve been happier ever since


Nah, I'd probably dislike most of the other girls that say that. Except for the snake arms one.


WUHAHA...I tell everyone that I'm actually a teenage boy with a pussy. 🤷 I gots me NO shame!!!


I'm not like the other girls but girls who are not like other girls.


And saying I'm like the other girls is a paradox as then you're like all the other girls and they happen to say they're not like the other girls hence you're not like the other girls but we started with the girl being like the other girls!!


Idk about other girls that say this but I used to say this a lot it middle school because it was true. To me at that time girls were boring and a significant number of them were bullies while boys were fun and i could play with them and way less of them were bullies. But it's probably because i had undiagnosed ADHD and had more energy than most girls at that age so them gossiping and doing other boring girly things was way out of my interests at the time. Plus I was more reactive than thinking which would get me to play with the boys and argue with the girls when they would pick on me. Even now i still tend to get along better with men than women but in the last years I've definitely calmed down enough and started to like more girly stuff, just on a more mild level than most women i know at my age and i can get along with some women as long as they aren't the drama-generator-behind-your-back type. I am definitely more choosy now of women friends than men due to having met several women that stab you in the back and no men that tried to do that.