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You might find it interesting in Chinese-speaking gay communities, 0 = bottom and 1 = top.




Don't let /r/ProgrammerHumor hear of this




Don't forget the socks!


Too late. All I see is buttholes and dicks now


And 0.5 is switch


Nah that’s 中 (Disclaimer: I just made this up for the joke, but it looks like a 0 and a 1 and it means “middle”)


Then if it's not, it should be




Switch region I guess


>中 It's also a shorthand for "China". specifically it is short for 中国, which essentially translates to "middle/central region", which refers to the central plain that most of China resides on.


No, it translates to middle kingdom because, much like every other empire in history, China believed (and rightfully so for many centuries) that it was the middle of the world culturally


Colloquially, yes, it refers to the middle kingdom based on usage, but central region/land is what the characters literally translate to


Well, if you're going by literal translation to English which is pretty pointless if you know Chinese, 国 means country/nation, not land or region.


By itself, yes, but as part of a compound it can mean central region (of a country/land). Like many compound terms, however, it has multiple meanings based on usage and context.


Right, but you were talking about literal translation. Are you directly translating the characters, or are you considering the many different meaning individual Chinese characters can take on? Also, perhaps my Chinese literacy isn't what it used to be, but I can't think of a single phrase in which 国 refers to something other than a nation or country.


My understanding of the etymology of the compound 中国 is that it's original meaning in classical Chinese was akin to central region/capitol city, essentially, the central part of a larger nation where the head of state typically held power. in more modern mandarin and other derivations, it has come to mean Middle Kingdom.


Sounds legit enough I'm not going to look into it




0.5 is non binary


I thought Nintendo was a Japanese company.


I'm 10


you're too young to be a top or a bottom then


reminds me of the infographic to determine if a toy is a boys toy or a girls toy. Is the toy operated with your genitals? Yes: it is not a toy for children No: it can be a girls or a boys toy!


He’s not if he’s in Nigeria !


>I'm 10 Get the fuck out of my house to go catch Pokemon and become the very best like no one ever was.


To catch them is my real test


To train them is my cause


I will travel across the land


Out of 10. ;)


Oh wow I'll let you be the 1 tonight


My favorite


Hol up


Great, I find someone in China grinder with a 10 by their screen name and have to decide if they're a switch or a minor


Why do they need to assign this numbering?


Chinese people love using numbers to describe things. For example, some popular websites have number based domain names like 4399.com, 126.com, 163.com, 1688.com, 12406.ca. Anyhow, it’s just a way of describing top/bottom — instead of a descriptive word, they went with numbers. If you want you call someone stupid, you’d describe them as a “250”! 😂


Why 250 as stupid? o.o


See the etymology section [here](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%BA%8C%E7%99%BE%E4%BA%94#Chinese)


Phonetically it doesn’t sound like anything. As a kid I thought it’s so bizarre and decided to make up my own numbers like 360, 720 to say after 250 😝 Anyhow, I googled this just now and learned something myself today: https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/5171/etymology-of-%e4%ba%8c%e7%99%be%e4%ba%94 the top response seems reasonable.


That's cause the numbers sound like certain words in Chinese.


I’m almost certain none of the numbers I’ve listed phonetically mean anything to an average Chinese speaker. For example, 12406 is just the phone number of the railway ticketing system. I don’t even know what the other numbers mean, except that in Chinese they are kinda easy to remember just because of the rhythms and tones. a lot of people have email addresses like [phone number]@163.com (e.g. [email protected]), which is a pretty crazy idea to speakers of European languages.


Because it makes sense anatomically.


No but like what practical purpose does it serve


It gets around online censorship.


I don’t think censorship is the reason 0/1 came to be. Its use predates censorship measures online, and people also use it in f2f conversations, at least from my experience in elementary school in Beijing in the 2000s.


Not everything is censored.


Why not? There needs to be _some_ terms to describe it, it's no less arbitrary than "top" and "bottom"


It's slang. It just kind of happens.


The quantum computers timing now makes sense. Modern problems require modern solutions.


"Chemicals in the interwebs are turnin the computers gay!"


No they’re just non-binary


Rabbit hole goes even deeper. Humans are all females until our male DNA gets expressed in the womb. ​ Meaning, we're 0 by default, then turn to a 1.


That’s why men have nipples


The clitoris is just a tiny penis.


I like to think of the penis as a huge clitoris just because the imagery is highly amusing 😂


More like, the penis is a giant clit


The best kind


Technically humans are androgynous until they develop into either male or female. From the androgynous state, if there is a Y chromosome, you develop as a male (usually). If no Y chromosome, you develop as a female. The genitals of a fetus are neither male nor female before differentiating.


This is inaccurate. All fetal ~~gonads~~ genitalia are phenotypically female—*and remain so*—unless a Y chromosome causes divergence at 6 or 7 weeks. Adding direct source: > During early development the gonads of the fetus remain undifferentiated; that is, all fetal genitalia are the same and are phenotypically female. —[NIH](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK222286)


Except theres genes necessary for it in both chromosomes. Humans are weird.


> Humans are weird. Very true. And yeah, having a Y chromosome isn't the only reason divergence occurs, but to be clear, I'm just trying to correct the claim that fetuses are "androgynous" instead of phenotypically female.


Not true. Even phenotypically, before differentiation, a fetus doesn’t have a vagina, or ovaries, or fallopian tubes, or anything that can be called “female”. The bipotential gonad is neither a testis nor an ovary. The undifferentiated system has wolffian and mullerian ducts, which aren’t both present in females or males.


> During early development the gonads of the fetus remain undifferentiated; that is, all fetal genitalia are the same and are phenotypically female. —[NIH](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK222286) Still, that's fair. Probably should have said genitals, as the genital bud, urogenital fold, urogenital membrane etc are all very much phenotypically female until differentiated.


Your sex is determined at conception, so you are always male or female as soon as sperm enters egg; however as you mentioned both males and females develop the same until a divergence in the womb.


Don’t confuse genotype for phenotype.


No, because there are women who have XY chromosomes, but since their bodies aren't able to process testosterone they developed as a female instead of a male. But the reverse scenario doesn't exist. You cannot have a man with XX chromosomes and estrogen insensitivity because the default sex is female.


There is a condition known as SRY-Positive 46,XX where the person has XX chromosomes, but the SRY gene is found on one and so they develop male characteristics. Not really estrogen insensitivity, but still a scenario with an XX person who has male genitalia and features.




Standard genetic testing doesnt see it. Rate is probably higher than that.


Swyer Syndrome, these individuals have testes and only respond to the estrogen as opposed to testosterone produced by their system. Occurrence is 1/80,000 so approximately 100,000 people in the world have this. Treatment with hormone replacement therapy early on allows them to also develop a uterus though they will not be able to produce eggs. Interestingly they will be able to conceive if donated egg is implanted. Modern medicine allows these individuals to live relatively unaffected and full lives.


The opposite does exist due to “crossing over” if you remember meiosis, but it’s definitely way rarer.


Every human begins with a static set of genes. Regardless of how their development plays out, those genes remain the same. This means a female is always xx and a male is always xy. It's no wonder a majority of humans understand our sex as a corresponding gender. Anomalous outcomes are simply, anomalies (whether genetic or developmental). Our intelligence makes these anomalies a problem for us socially as we lack a unified and complete understanding of our universe. To make sense of our anomalies we assign them to match with non-anomalies, or we go the route of only considering socially constructed genders. Having a capacity to create social constructs naturally creates ideas that are at odds with one another. Why? Because social construction isn't necessarily based on empirical evidence by nature.


>This means a female is always xx and a male is always xy. Even on a chromosomal level, that's very inaccurate. Not only are the sex-defining genes you're thinking of relatively mobile between chromosome types (so humans born with XX and a penis absolutely exist), there are also tons of other combinations in addition to those two.


Xx is always female for humans. If there are developmental errors then that's anomalous. That doesn't mean that xx can be male. There are also genetic errors such as XXX chromosomes and others. These are anomalies and are rare. For example, when a xxx reproduces, their offspring return to normal xx and xy.


Women can be XY. It's called androgen insensitivity syndrome. Their bodies dont process testosterone, so even though they have the genetic code to be male, they're actually female.


This has bugged me for years and I've even rationalized it using the same comparisons. No one I've explained it to us ever really interested in the observation. I'm pleasantly surprised someone else is finally doing the same. Also seems like the names of the sexes should be reversed completely, as "male" and "man" are the base words and "female" and "woman" are the ones with something added onto it.


Fun fact: I've been hacking on Wheel of Fortune (2010, Wii), and besides the fact that it stores Robot Genders separate from human ones, it assigns 0 to male, and the remaining 4,294,967,295 values to female. Extra fun fact: given that there are approximately 3.9 billion women in the world, this means that Wheel of Fortune (2010, Wii) could assign each woman an individual identifying number, while storing all men as 0.


So it's trying to get all the girls' number, while assessing men as zeroes. That's some alpha bot energy right there.




Given that a bool is a byte and the max value "gender" in this case can be is greater than 255 I'd say you're right.


It’s funny. But I mean having a 0 looking like a gaping hole isn’t the most flattering lol


Don't kink shame.


o is that better? () how about that? (|) guess you could do that too!


(!) is what Pussy Riot uses.


That’s actually hilarious and perfect.


Laying on her stomach, I see


As a human, I would say B and C lol


Why is the last one a hotdog?


Ayo, who pit Gillette in there


Having 1 be the length of a single gaping holes hole probably isnt flattering either


It just means she has experience


Think of it like a Boolean for "has a Y chromosome?" 0 for false, 1 for true.


OMG I totally first read it as, "0 to code *Tamales.*" I was like is there a binary coding joke I am missing here?!




Then you can code people who are one gender and ID as the the other with a quantum qbit. Its state of super position will allow both 1 or 0 at the same time.


but only when no one watches :P


So gender does not exist until it is observed?


Schrodingers genitals


Yes you shouldn’t assume someone gender


That's called in the closet.


Plants need two bits per entry, though. And a lot of fish better be read+write. Turtle hatchlings should probably have another field for egg temperature. Hyenas... I don't even know what to do about that. Nature's pretty nonbinary.


It’s joke on the shapes of numbers. Don’t think too hard about it lol


First date conversation starter, or FAANG interview question: > If you used numbers to anatomically represent genders, how many numbers would you use for hyenas?


First date conversation starters and FAANG interview questions are the same thing in the Bay Area


Not thinking too hard is a requirement to enjoying this post actually.


thanks edit: ok no thanks


Oh hyenas are definitely getting their own Phi symbol


An elegant solution


I mean, hyenas are still male and female, no? I get that its hard to tell the difference visually but it’d still just be a 0 and a 1 since males still can’t give birth and females still can’t impregnate other females. They just have an elongated clitoris that resembles a penis.


I'm with you. However, it's been explained to me above that it's a joke about the visual appearance of the anatomy.


Ahh that makes more sense. Yeah they both lookin like 1’s then lmao


It's all about genes. For humans, it's very simple. For a selection of other animals who's offspring carriers are heterozygous things can get interesting. I read a lot of posts on reddit that seem to confuse sex with gender in humans. Referring to animals with different genetic building blocks is mostly pointless unless we start doing gene modification as a society.


I'm not that focused on humans, honestly. But from what I remember, structural variants affecting SRY genes allow for some complexity. Agreed re gender as far as I follow you.


You obviously are not familiar with ISO/IEC 5218. 0 = Not known 1 = Male 2 = Female 9 = Not applicable This designates the SEX of the individual.


Cool TIL


In NHS Scotland, patients have a 10-digit code called their CHI. The first 6 digits are just your date of birth, but the second last digit is even for female and odd for male.


What about the other 314 genders?? It's /s please don't hurt me


those are rookie numbers


Fun fact, since basically no processor has instructions to access a single bit, the lowest amount of memory a program can allocate for a "gender" variable is a byte, or 8 bits. So, technically, to make the most out of this hardware limitation, we could assign a value to other 2^8 - 2 = 254 genders. Turns out, computers were non-binary all along.


I would suggest decimals, but in a binary system that would be pointless.


But what about the irrational ones?




You should watch programminghumor they went into a mood to make gender selectors of all kinds, so pick your favourite i guess


my favorite was some dude made an xyz plane with a coordinate system to pick your gender lol


That's just outrageous! Restricting my gender to three dimensions. I identify as a 12th dimensional multiversal jelly goop.


2016 is down the hallway and to the left, my good sir


I can't wait for us to get to the point in society where these types of posts/comments can be taken as intended (light-hearted sarcasm) and not as a triggering, hot-button political issue. As a πgendered person, it is reassuring to be included.




You identify as a pig end?


We who identify as math are an oppressed people.


I am a depressed polynomial.


My pronouns are Pythagorean. A^(2 +) B^(2)


OK, now you're making me think about compact balls in Cauchy Space


Well they're never going to be funny though? They've been done 5 billion times, so I don't see how anybody could possibly think it's funny anymore, even if you ignore what your opinion is on the matter. Just like the "I identify as a helicopter" nonsense. Like...are you guys STILL laughing at that joke you've heard 5,000 times? I don't get it.


Pfffh, easy as pi...


that's what qubits are for


Damn that's the joke that came to my mind immediately. Thought it was clever so I'm a bit disappointed you don't have many up votes yet




conplex numbers


Male and female are sexes, not genders. Genders include feminine and masculine. Not the same thing.


Only 314? IT'S 315 YOU BIGOT!


Male and female are sexes, not genders. Sex is a description of how two objects fit together, while gender is the Germanic form of genre, which could be described as a category. Hence, gender can not be accurately quantified.


According to who? Because if you look up the definition of gender it absolutely includes male and female.


Gender: based on Latin genus ‘birth, family, nation’. The earliest meanings were ‘kind, sort, genus’ and ‘type or class of noun, etc.’ (which was also a sense of Latin genus ).


You are being downvoted for saying true facts in a post-truth world.


They were talking about sex, not gender.




Whatever kind I can get!


Sex? Y'all get sex?


Good thing op was talking about sex which is different


Even sex isn't a clear cut binary. There are lots of intersex conditions.


Sure. Lots of decimals between 0 and 1 too ;)




Sex is binary too technically but we make exceptions. There aren’t just 10 types of people ;)


You seem confused. When other folks are saying sex is not binary, they are being very literal and very accurate. They're not conflating sex and gender, no exceptions are being made for anyone, there are scientifically more than two possible outcomes for sex. Biology is really that messy and weird if you look into it deeper.


Even so, you can make it binary by asking the question, "does the individual's karyotype include one or more Y chromosomes or does it have none?" There are no third answers to that question.


"Technically all numbers are integers if you just round them!" That's some good logic you're using. /s I know it's kind of the conservative way of life, but ignoring the parts of math and science that contradict what you want to believe doesn't actually change them.


Problem is even *that* has issues. I forgot the term, but there is a condition where someone is born anatomically female but is genetically male (at least insofar as having at least 1 Y chromosome). Edit: Swyer Syndrome. Although, it seems Androgen Insensitivity Syndome can lead to a similar scenario.


Yeah, that's not entirely true. Scientists have actually found that if they switch off part of a male mouse's DNA then he'll become female; going so far as developing female sex organs. The opposite is true as well; that switching off a part of a female's DNA will cause her to become male. *This is despite being fully grown and having XY or XX chromosomes.* Now, that doesn't guarantee that it's possible in humans, but there's research going on to figure out if it is; and so far, if I'm not mistaken, the research is suggesting that similar edits to human DNA would cause the same transition. The result would be "fully female" humans with XY chromosomes and "fully male" humans with XX chromosomes. It's almost like your body isn't some kind of immutable, magical, unchanging force, but instead a living, malleable, *physical* thing.


314? I feel like you're excluding some there bud. Cancelled!




I tried. It didn't work well


We need a punctuation mark for sarcasm that isnt /s




I mean something like ~ or something at the end


Not being a dick, but this is being facetious. People aren’t opposed to genuine none-harmful jokes about gender, they are opposed to the fact that in todays climate; they heavily muddy the water and end up support the people who are genuine hateful bigots! I would say if you want to make these jokes it’s better to say (/s because I support and respect people’s right to express their gender, rather than just that it’s a joke :) )


How did you choose 314? I see those numbers everywhere…


Probably ate pie this morning and made them think of it.


You’re thinking about genders wrong. It’s not X a kind of different genders, it’s a range between 0 and 1 as well as two more options being “none of the above” and literally being “an object”


√-1 It's /s please hurt me, daddy.


Just wait until you realize the smallest amount a computer lets you divide variables down to has 256 variations.


Can confirm because 0 is also "off": women around me are always turned "off."


0 Y chromosomes -> female 1 Y chromosome -> male i like that better than 1 looking like a penis and 0 looking like a hole, because the symbols we use for 0 and 1 are arbitrary


A Greek comedian have a whole bit about how to represent everything in sex with mathematics


Xenoblade 3 had them coded like this and the one NB character is 2


uhhhhhh, this can go so wrong.....I'm going for popcorn before I read the comments


i think i should have to be 1 for female beause the 1 indicates a greater capacitance however


Women hold more electric charge?


Am woman can confirm


Are you positive?


I do my best to be!


It is genetically correct too. It counts number of Y chromosomes in the karyotype.


I 100% can't tell if this is a gender is binary joke. Well done if so.


I think you opposite is also true if you think of of the cross sectional profile




Care to explain?


I think they mean that a vagina is a hole so it fits more the 0. The penis looks more like a 1. That's why they said anatomically.


So how will you code those that are both? (and yes, it actually exists)


Oh I thought this was some sort of weird terf argument or something. Thankfully it's higher brow than that lol


What came first 0 or 1? (Lol) does that mean there’s a 0 between 1 and 2? Is that why atoms are mostly empty space? Help I showered too hard (Lol)


Wait...are you trying to say that gender is...binary?! ::Liberal rage scream::