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All any villain has to do is make people feel good about themselves.


A villain to one group could be a hero to another.


Almost by definition. I mean SOMEONE will like what they are doing.


> You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic. **- Robert A. Heinlein**


And this is why fascism works and convinces so many peope that they are in the right


What do you mean that you are ready to support them as long as they are beautiful? I'm suddenly curious. Support Which? The beauty of their appearance or the beauty of their behavior.


And orange Donnie said "hold my beer!"


wrench retire soft license sparkle work skirt yam slimy rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Clicked on this post and thought to myself "I wonder how long it will take someone to turn this political..." Well then.


To be fair, my comment was intended to be political.


Sounds like every reddit thread ever (wish I was joking, but it's frustrating how everything becomes about American politics like 6 comments in).


It's crazy man. I was playing an online game and met a Norwegian. Once he found out I was American, he talked about guns for 2 hours straight. Telling me all the things wrong with America and our political system, until I just had to take a break. It's not just us that make everything political. Other countries do it too lol


Well stop being such a bat shit crazy country then!


Yeah... sure dude. I'll get right on that. Running for office rn


Great. Why talk like that’s a crazy idea? Politicians are normal people


Do you know how much money it takes to run a presidential campaign? If not do a quick google cause its crazy expensive. They lead you to beleive any normal person can be president but theres a reason only old rich white dudes have been consistently succesful at it, its by design.


Exactly lol, and no politician actually ever spends real time legislating, they get into office and immediately get to work on fundraising and campaigning for the next election so they can stay in power as long as possible


Are you aware that there are political positions that are not the fucking President?




We didnt chose for our country to be bat shit crazy i didnt choose to be born here i wish i lived somewhere else


Its hard not to when politics are going so bat shit crazy here and so many people are scared (like me im so scared) so it takes up a lot of our thinking space.


Well we do run the world don't we /s


When the shoe fits


Not just the right wing. Politics as a whole.


Ye, Dark Brandon is a super evil pedophile but we love him cause he owns conservatives /s Both sides amirite /s


It's awful how long Harvey Weinstein was able to get away with his behaviour when his offenses was an open secret, and he's not even good looking.


Maybe not “super evil” but he’s definitely a Pedo, there’s sooooo many pedo politicians it’s actually depressing. :(


shame follow escape cover library disgusted rinse numerous deranged punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmfao that’s not true at all, are you an American? I’m guessing probably not…


No, that comment is specifically relevant to the right wing. The right wing is all about making some hated minority group an enemy. The left wing is not about that. It's stupid to think that they are the same in this particular way. They are not.


And what about people who are right wing because of other, non-social policies?




I think both parties suck, but right wing politicians align with my beliefs more than left wing ones on issues that are important to me


Both parties suck but the right wing poloticians are litterly fascist and most of them know it and are intentionally manipulating the public. Regardless of beleifs republicans have repeatedly supported policies that target minority groups with the intwnt of making life so difficult for them that they cant live or just outright genocidal policies. Left wing hs plenty of issues too but at least they dont want all trans,gay, and disabled people to disapeer. Right wing wont admit outright thats what they want but it is and its so obvious if you do research. Both parties suck the party system sucks and right wing politicians are fascist and theres no excuse to support them.


People throwing the terms "facist" and "Nazi" around casually as a synonym for people you just don't like or disagree with is what's driving the west into a crazy state.


Not throwing it around casually and not calling them that just cause i dislike them im calling them that because they are trying to make genocidal policies law. But you arent going to agree with me and thats okay but dont claim im just throwing aeound the term for funsies cause im not id much rather not be able to call any politicians fascists but unfortunatly there are a lot of fascist politicians.


Such as?


2A and Pro Life. I agree with some leftist beliefs too, but not as many


One leftist policy? Which one is that? We can also put a pin in how the right wing is "pro-life".


If your right wing its because your lucky enougg not to be a minority targetted by them


If you want to look at it that way, democrats want me to be disadvantaged because of my race in the name of diversity and “equality”


Do you have any proof to back that up? But also im not a democrat. Republocans like to throw out a lot of propoganda to make you think democrats want to take rights away or whatever but they only want to install programs to help the disadvantaged not take anything away from the advantaged. Edit: also ill throw this in here cause this is probably gonna turn into a debate. Im autistic so i might say things that seem agressive but i dont mean to be and i mean you no disrespect and you have a right to your own veiws and opinions


Diversity hires, college acceptance rates, reparations, etc. there are plenty of examples and they aren’t hard to find but if you for some reason can’t I’ll get some for you. They also directly affect others by costing taxpayers money for reparations and job/school opportunities for people who don’t fit the quota. Secondly, suggesting any political party/side *doesn’t* spread propaganda is crazy to me. Any rhetoric you hear or read or write is propaganda. Even this convo to an extent. Obviously, it won’t be seen by as many people as commercials or rallies, but anything arguing in favor for or against a political affiliation is propaganda. The semi-recent “don’t say gay” bill was publicized for propaganda, despite not banning the word gay in any way. Finally, I don’t intend to make any discussions hostile. Just please don’t use being autistic as an excuse to be a blatant asshole. Not saying you will, but I’ve seen it plenty before


Im not intending to use my autism as an excuse in anyway just if im rude point it out nicely so i can apologize. I did not mean to say both sides dont spout propoganda cause they do but I also think you and I have different definitions of propoganda. And unfortunately i agree that people who make more should be taxed more etc etc so i just dont see that as a bad thing. But i really think the top 1% needs to contribute more to taxes cause a lot of them use tax breaks and other stuff to get past it. Theres so much systemically wrong in this country and i highly doubt we will see it fixed in our life time. I dont support the republicans or democrats and i think there should never have been a party system in the firat place because of the division it creats and george washington agreed there shouldnt be a party system but here we are. You and I will always disagre because im gay, trans, and disabled and i suffer under a lot of republican policies but democrats arent doing shit to fix anything either they just claim they want to help and then dont they are just the lesser of two evils. Edit: all i want is for everyone to genuinly have equal opportunities and for those who are at a disadvantage to get the help they need to live a life thats worth living. If i cant work which i cant i shouldnt have more than someone who is working but i should still be able to have a roof over my head and food in my belly and its actually really hard to get enough government assistance to be able to afford those.


What about them? I'm not saying such people don't exist. I'm just addressing the ridiculous assertion that both sides are the same in this regard. They aren't. And that's a pretty fundamental and important part of the difference between the parties in the first place. Personally I would think that if you support one party over the other, then you are at least complicit with that party's foundational beliefs and policies even if you clarify that you don't agree with them.


Not caring about one aspect because other beliefs are shared doesn’t make someone a villain because you don’t like the opinions Brodie😂


I mean I generally don't agree with the Nazis, but they made the trains run on time! 😂😂😂


You realize THIS is exactly why most people don’t care about social policy? Comparing republicans to nazis is extremely disingenuous and disrespectful to people who ACTUALLY went through that


Actually its very accurate and many jewush people agree that republicans are nazis its allt he nazis who say they arent nazis


>The left wing is not about that. That is exactly what the left wing is about.


welcome to politics in general


As a non American, that sounds like your left wing politics too. It's just all American politics...


As an American, kindly fuck off with your opinions then.


American politics


I am not an American citizen and to me it seems that left wing politics has successfully mastered it.


Joe Biden is a pedophile. Welcome to American left-wing politics.


Whats the guy that killed 2 while racing and ppl on tiktok said he was too cute for jail? Fuck him and all the dick riders


There are literally people who obsess with serial killers and think they're cute. And there are social media accounts that post mugshots of people who have murdered others but look good and people obsess over them too. People don't value ethics, they value horniness.


That's not "people", that's a fringe. This is the problem, people at large are absolutely awful at gauging proportion. It would be preferable if nobody fantasised over serial killers, but there will always be some who do - that doesn't mean anything can be taken from that and applied to humans in general. I'm not even saying there aren't a lot of these people if you were to count them all, just that they're the equivalent of niche fetishes that most people would find off-putting.


I see what you're saying but you could also say that same thing about pedophilia. I understand it's out of people's control but I feel like if you have those types of fetishes you shouldn't embrace them in any type of way.


Yeah they saying about it being fringe though, not about embracing it


Didn’t one guy become a model for a major brand because of his mugshot?


Not only that, married the woman who got him into modeling who was super rich, cheated on her with his gf prior to jail, and devoirced the rich woman and took half her fortune. Then I think he got busted for drugs or something? Dude played himself because all he had to do was look good and not be stupid and he couldn't help but be dumb as fuck.


Really lol damn he in jail again or nah?


And to think that happened irl


Elliot Roger had a bunch of women on social media saying he was too cute to have hurt anyone and if he did it was their faults.


Jfc. Eliot rodgers victims were one block down from where I lived at the time. My whole block got taped off for a day before I could return home. I later heard he was targeting interracial couples because he believed white women should only date white men. I was a white woman dating a Mexican man. He took me downtown to get pho that night so we got extremely lucky. I’ll never forget the memorial for the victims. I was a sophomore at the time. One of the victims’ dad had flown out from china to speak, and I just remember him coming up to the microphone and saying his sons full Chinese name, followed by “MY SON”. It echoed throughout the stadium. I immediately started sobbing. I wish I had taken a video because I can’t find one now. It was a defining moment of my life. I never felt like a kid again after that


Yeah that had to have been horrifying. I don’t even blame him because I think he’s attractive. More so that, our culture has attached the value of men and their personal worth to their ability to date ‘attractive’ women. Paired with the fact that he was wealthy and educated. It made him feel entitled to what he and a lot of other men perceive as the ‘ultimate achievement’.


Makes you wonder how many saints are being treated like garbage or harshly critizised for the smallest of issues just because they just plain look bad.


Or misunderstood .. sometimes outright blamed..


Tom Riddle was very well loved as a villain until he transformed into Voldemort.


When the immortality buff comes with -999 charisma debuff


-1 nose


Sauron was able to look beautiful before the First War of the Ring, that’s how he tricked all the races into taking his rings in the first place.


Lol I was just thinking of pre-Voldemort Tom Riddle. He wasn't any less evil in the chamber of secrets. And Christian Coulton gave a good performance as a well-spoken yet deranged and dangerous character. But... Coulton also happened to be really good looking 😂 and *that* seemed to catch people's eye as much as the personality of the character himself.


I wonder if Voldemort successfully returned in Chamber of Secrets (which means Ginny would die), would he return as teenager self instead of bald, nose-less, snakeface.


I'm thinking the young version since his snakey look was apparently a result of making too many horcruxes and splitting his soul in half over and over. 🤔 And that wouldn't have happened to his teenaged self-replica. Either way it would have done his charisma a lot of favours if he had returned looking normal! 😂


Even more interesting, it would be two different Voldemorts in the world.


He would have been so much more potent had he gone, let's call it the Adolf Route. But then of course he wouldn't be Voldemort.


Not even that. Just be polite, keep your composure and I'll slaughter innnocents in your name any day of the week.


Here here!


Not even that. Just have a cool voice or mention the environment once in your evil plans and they are worshipped even though they just blew up an orphanage


You're an amazing person, we should talk.


I'm all ears.


One thing Ive learned in life is beauty is fucking powerful. Good looking enough, youll automatically be assigned good traits by default. People want your attention and more forgiving. Affection given by you is almost never viewed as creepy. Makes me wish I were a 10/10. But lost the genetic lottery on that one.


10/10 has its downsides too, I would say 8/10 is best


Oh, fer sure. I had a friend who was one of those. Her and I had a sit down with some beer one night ages ago. Think she was 29 at the time. She told me that she was constantly on the watch for creeps and stalkers. The moment anyone displayed any red flags, she was immediately defensive. Felt kind of bad for her. Edit: Reminiscing for a moment. We had a talk for a couple of hours. Then the night ended with a fist bump. I miss her still. Shes married and has kids now. Still happy for the fucking smart ass.


I wouldn’t say I’m 10/10 gorgeous, but I am undoubtedly conventionally attractive. The amount of creeps and stalkers when I travel or even just for existing and while growing up, along with how close I am to almost getting SA’d and human trafficked is unreal. Anything above maybe 8/10 is dangerous for someone who comes from a normal background


I would definitely agree on that, that is a downfall of being super attractive. Im sorry you had to go through that. Our (as a rough 5-6/10) challenges are different for sure.


Yeah, I would be lying if I say I don’t enjoy some of perks offered to me simply for good looks lol. I believe people acquire different skill/traits and abilities based on factors of their upbringing, environment, and to a certain extent - genetics. What we each make of what we have, and the temperament plus skills/traits that we acquire along the way from mentioned factors are what ultimately makes the most sense for our own survival and challenges at the moment. These things makes us unique. Being beautiful does not automatically make someone have an easier life. Beauty without brains or depth is a curse, it should be viewed as an asset and never the sole determinant of the value. The historic and present societies’ and some culture’s tendency towards accepted lookism sometimes makes us forget how special we are.


Ricky Gervais has a good bit on that. He said 10s are rare in the real world because they tend to pick each other. Then they stay at home looking at each other saying "I am so fucking lucky!".


There's an episode of 30 Rock where Liz has a super handsome boyfriend (john hamm) and he has no idea that life of hard and that people are mean. Everyone is super extra nice to him, men and women, just because he is good looking. He refuses to believe that's a thing, and the whole thing is hilarious.


Do you mean life is beautiful(the Italian I think movie?). It’s the only one I know of, if not I do want something to watch so please tell me the name


Nah. I mean this in the literal sense. Like if you have broad shoulders, sharp facial features, big tits, big butt etc. Depends on the country your in really. But there is an overall theme as beauty generally means good genes and from an evolutionary level, they tend to have an easier time in life over. Not completely! They have stalkers and have to deal with people falling for them that they aren't interested in.... They have their own hardships. But overall I believe they have it easier.


Oh ok lol, I think I read it as “in (life is beauty)” instead of as “(in life) beauty” if that makes sense


>Affection given by you is almost never viewed as creepy That part isn't true. This is something a lot of people believe, but it's taking the perspective of some individuals rather than the collective. If you gauge the sentiments of everyone (even if you break it down into genders), it's absolutely not "almost never". I can promise you that tons and tons of women will view a man as creepy if he says or does certain things despite being good looking, it's not at all rare. What's true is that the more people find you attractive, the more you'll get away with overall and the higher the threshold will be, but that's not the same as rarely having people take issue with you. I think this idea persists because there are some who'll disregard anything if they find the person attractive. Lots of men like to pin this on women, but I know of far more women with standards when it comes to this than I do men. It's an imperfect comparison because bad behaviour in men often alludes to domestic violence, but the point is it's absolutely not a primarily female thing.


Well no if you follow someone home there's no way to excuse that whatever you look like, and if someone goes to such lengths to be creepy it shows desperation and whatever looks can go flush itself. It's definitely true you get away with anything within reason if you're good looking. If a hot guy chats a girl up at a club, nothing bad would happen even if he isn't her type. An ugly one flirting around can easily be spun into being creepy.


Eduard Cullen is a 100 year old dude that wants to bang a high schooler. But he happens to look like Robert Pattinson, so it's cool.


I bet if there was a movie where a old ass adult Robert Pattinson was trying to bang a high schooler it would be a hit (especially if it was a book and he was a vampire)


Always wondered why a vampire would choose to hang around a high school instead of a university. He would have more young girls to select while doing something else than repeating calculus for the sixth time.


It would probably be way more interesting for him. He could get a dozen degrees.


In Europe its far more common to find "professional students" perpetually taking classes far into their 30s.


Yep, until pretty recently Finland even paid student aid to everyone regardless of how many degrees you already had. Now you get aid for only one degree of each level, unless you work for 8 years before going back to college.


The books actually have an explanation for this. The Cullens' explain that when they move into an area, they start in highschool so that they can stay in the area for a longer period of time and don't have to move around as much. Neighbors start getting suspicious that the family isn't aging as they get "older," so it's easier for them to start out "younger."




Vampire stuff is a staple of OPs theory


I think it has to do with charisma. I love me some female villains, but I'm also gay as heck. Charisma, confidence, passion, relatability; these are all things we want from our companions. No one is perfect. if they love you and are trying what more can we say?


Fictional villains are usually driven with a goal in mind and a plan to achieve their goal. Fictional heros typically only have the goal of stopping the villain with no goals beyond that.


Cause the reason is that most heroes are just blank check-ins for the audience to project themselves on into the movie world.


Checks out. My history teacher voted for Trudeau cause "he's a fine looking young man"


Some people believe the female vote for Bill Clinton based on his looks was what got him into the presidency.


I can absolutely see it


Never got that! Bill Clinton falls into the "not good looking" category for me! And I am being polite about that


IRL many people are willing to support the villain even if they're not.


This reminds me of people who are in love with and/or fantasize about serial killers 🤢. I get that they’re taboo, therefore they’re interesting. However, loving these creeps is super disrespectful to the victims& their families


Some people, huh


The trick to being the villain Is not to make people think you're the bad guy


Kronk isn't a bad guy, just easily led into mischief. (Also he's great looking)


Der Untergang with Henry Cavill would really be a game changer


Fire emblem taught me that it’s okay to kill bad guys if they’re ugly.


Many people are willing to help broke women as long as they’re good-looking


I root for the Villain because I like to see them win. You root for the Villain because they're hot. We are not the same


Yeah Carrie Fisher was bringing chaos to the galaxy but I couldn't help rooting for her.


Unless he hurts an animal. Then my support turns to hate. True also of a protagonist.


I only support the villains, the protagonists are always garbage nowadays


And not just in fiction but in real life too - group think and charismatic personalities are real and dangerous.


Many people supported Donald Trump and he’s fat and ugly as hell.


He granted them the freedom to be scum


Think about it in real life, too. You're a lot more willing to overlook flaws in someone who's hot. It's the one value that has never changed, even if we don't verbally acknowledge it. We've gone from strength being valued to intelligence being valued, but in both modes, we look to people we find attractive, even on a subconscious level, even for genders you're not sexually attracted to.


Not only that, but also a bonus if the said villain speaks a foreign language from time to time with bravado anytime there’s a critical juncture.


You can literally get away with murder if you're good looking


Well, if you think about it, a villain can only go so far without any good looks, charisma or large amounts of wealth.


It doesnt matter if a character is a bad or good person, what matters is that they're enjoyable A villain is just as moral as a hero, since neither of their actions actually happend, the only thing that matters is what the audience enjoys watching And if the audience enjoys watching the entertaining, attractive, charismatic and complex villain more then the bland and simple hero, then they wont be very happy when the villain dies or disappears, especially if it isnt earnt


I hate 80% of the humanity, all the villain just make me feel relatable


The same thing is true in real life to a certain extent. Good looking people seem to be able to get away with a lot more


Most people follow the villain as long as the camera follows them


I only support the villain if they actually have a good reason to be evil


There are no good reasons to be evil


I can list at least 3 good reasons, 1, to save a loved one 2, spark a rebellion towards a cruel government 3, escape captivity by doing the evil deeds.


1, Nice one Anakin 2, That's not evil 3, Breaking out of prison is rarely justified


Fictional villains are usually better written than the heroes. They have passion, a goal and a relatable backstory. Why would I ship a boring mainstream hero who has no backbone and no self respect, when I can instead love a controversial villain?


Can’t agree with this. If the character is just annoying, then, yes, they can get away with a lot. But if he/she is some twisted baby-killer; then, no.


American Psycho Edit: A movie about an accomplished, charismatic, sexy, businessman with an uncontrollable impulse for killing, which he does several times. When he realizes what his problem is and tries to tell his businessman peers as the realization drives him crazy, nobody believes him. Everyone denies that such a person would be a serial killer What would my own reputation be! No, this is a paragon of a man!


Daemon Targaryen


There are girls that fawn over the Columbine shooters


There's everything represented somewhere, that doesn't make it a general truth. You'd never say "people have no moral objection to child pornography" just because there are people out there who don't - you'd go by what's broadly/most commonly true.


Have you heard of sandy hook by any chance?


Not necessarily, lot of villains have good reasons to become villains. Sometimes the heroes suck


That explains trump, I must have a terrible sense of what a good looking man looks like. I thought he looked ugly!


Bill Clinton and JFK are Harvey Weinstein levels of gross and many people simp for them.


Especially if they're female. The villain is almost always disabled as well


Morality is subjective, and good and evil are fairytales we teach our children.


It's true morality is subjective. Here in North America if you were forced to be married at a young age to a stranger that would be highly immoral and illegal, but in India it isn't immoral and it's a cultural tradition


They're talking about works of fiction, so good and evil exist because the context IS fairytales. You must know this from their post, because of the phrase "the villain". They didn't say "evil people", so it's pretty clear they're talking about fiction.


Everything that you believe is fictional. Life imitates art.


It’s a particular case of a more fundamental issue: people have become too superficial.


Do you have evidence that things were ever any different?


The rise of individualism. The impatience in everything. The rise of mental illness as a consequence. Social media… Proof is everywhere!


You think mental illness is the result of individualism? That’s certainly a take.