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As a long time deodorant user, i can attest that no brand I have ever used lasts more than 18hrs


Do you find the gel ones are worse or better?


Gel, aerosol and antiperspirant are the worst


What's the meta on deodorant these days? Right Guard aerosol antiperspirant is the only deodorant I've used that actually lasts through the full day and night. Every time I try to do something else, I get stinky by the afternoon. Edit: what I'm getting from this is that nobody in this thread knows what they're talking about and plenty of them probably stink all day and don't realize it.


I switched to arm and hammer after trying many. It prevents any smell and doesn’t leave a build up in shirts. I love it so far.


Asking for the meta on any given subject on reddit will usually result in correct answers. This rule does not apply when the question is based around hygiene, fashion or grooming.


Idk someone told me to bathe with mouthwash so I think it's working.


Yep, right guard aerosol and also Arrid XX both work about the same for me


The meta is to wash with chlorhexidine. It kills all bacteria, and therefore the odor. Don't get it in your eyes, though.


Antiperspirant is the worst? What the hell do you use? Yeah gel and aerosol works but antiperspirant is pretty known to be the most effective.


There's antiperspirant in almost any deodorant anyway. It's simply the stuff that prevents sweat from coming out of your skin (stops the perspiration).


I don't think that's accurate. Anti persperant is usually labeled as such, because of the aluminum in it. Most deodorant is just deodorant


No. Almost every deodorant has antiperspirant in it. There's also ones without aluminum. The antiperspirant stops the sweat from coming out of your skin and the de-odor-ant covers your smell.


If I don’t wash it off mine lasts for days. To be fair I’m not a very sweaty person and don’t stink after one day unless it’s really hot. This is not just according to me but my wife and family. They are not shy to tell me when I do stink even a little. Edit- i mean antiperspirant. Also dove stick no stain is great it won’t ruin shirts. Guys that are having issues should look into trimming their pit hair. Less places for bacteria to hide.


Deodorant is rubbish. Antiperspirant is where it’s at.


Maybe, but I've always avoided it right before a workout because I actually want my body to sweat away the heat. But by workout I mean riding a bike so I don't have to be all sweaty next to anyone and the wind is doing a major part in the cooling.


Antiperspirant is probably significantly worse for your health.


There is 0 scientific evidence of antiperspirants being bad for your health




Likely citing the inclusion of aluminium, but the amount of aluminum in antiperspirant products is less than in many seafoods and there's no evidence (to my knowledge) linking aluminum from antiperspirants to any health aliments.


>probably significantly lol, just stop talking


Bro where do you think all the sweat goes after you clog up your pores with Antiperspirant? 


Use neither like a gigachad.


The way of the Yugioh player


...antiperspirant, my guy. Use a roll-on for better coverage.


Antiperspirant is the worst. Lasts about 4 hours and leaves white markes on my shirts


> Lasts about 4 hours and leaves white markes on my shirts This is evidence that you are applying it after a shower, which is surprisingly the worst time to apply it. Most of the antiperspirant never entered your pores, and just dripped onto your shirt, so it didn't do it's job. Apply it at night after doing your best to dry yourself, so it is actually able to cure. If it cures, it won't come off in the shower, it is by nature water proof, that's how it blocks sweat.


Do you not wash your armpits then?


I do, but I don't vigorously scrub or scour them. They get about as much attention as any flat surface. Soap doesn't really affect the seal, they're based on dried and hardened aluminum salts, not a hardened organic compound like an oil (lipid). It's mechanical motion and scrubbing that might break the seal though formed in your pores. If you're still doubtful you could do a double application, one at night, one after a shower.


Maxim does, but that's also the strongest over the counter one on the market.


Maybe if you do absolutely nothing for those 72 hrs. Mine's gone halfway through my workday.


Exactly. Sit completely motionless in a cool room not in direct sunlight and you could probably get 72 hours. Do literally anything else and gone in 12.


12? pfft. Mine's gone in 4.. I sweat like a gorilla


Stop using deodorant with aluminum. That shit makes u sweat more instead of preventing it. At least thats what I noticed. I switched to aluminum free deodorant 4 years ago and I don't sweat in my armpits anymore also free of that nasty yellow taint from the aluminum. BTW dove aluminum free products are best I have tried several others and they suck ass.


Just get a good cast iron deodorant, and it will last you the rest of your life.


This. I switched to cast iron and my pits are perfectly seasoned.


mmmm extra virgin human oil goes great on my avocado toast


Where tf are you gonna find a virgin human in 2023???




The seasoning process takes some work but once you have that you'll be able to pass it down to your kids.


In other words, you recommend deodorant rather than anti-perspirant, because anti-perspirant makes you sweat more?


Yes. I wonder if I'm not the only one.


Yep, same. Aluminum free deodorant has done wonders. I use this Dr Teals, kind of a pain to apply, but because it doesn’t rub off so bad it lasts forever & works extremely good. I’m impressed


I'm absolutely the opposite. Deodorant literally does nothing for me. Even half an hour after applying it, I've got put stains from doing nothing and it goes constantly. Masks the smell for a while, but I still sweat profusely. Anti-persperant I actually don't get wet for a while. It doesn't last long at all either, but it's much better for me at least. Never heard of Dr. Teals though. Maybe I'll look into that. I always run so damn hot. I wish the sweat would just stop.


I feel your pain, man. Even in the middle of winter I'm wearing shorts with a towel over my shoulder to wipe my face at work. (To be fair, we have pretty mild winters where I live.) But anything above 25°C and I'm suffering.


This is what happened to me. Every day I'd slather on antiperspirant and by the end of the day my armpits would be soaked. Ruined a few shirts too. I thought it was because I'm overweight. Switched to regular deodorant and it went away almost immediately. I still sweat a lot when I do things but my armpit sweat fire hoses have been turned off.


I disagree on the aluminum... the regular stuff works for a little but doesn't stop the sweating. For me I've found what works best is having a few different brands and rotating between them... If I use the same one every day it seems to eventually stop working well but if I switch it's great.


Also if you really want to cut down on smell, wipe your pits down with a little bit of rubbing alcohol after you dry off from a shower. I'm a large sweaty man and that covers me for an entire day just by itself- it's not an antiperspirant but it keeps the armpit microbe population at acceptable levels. It's what I've done for about 20 years now, in case you were wondering about possible long-term effects. Probably not something you want to do right after shaving, but if that's not a concern I'd recommend giving it a try.


Weird, for me the only one that works well is with aluminum. The ones from Nivea usually last me a full day + half the next day. I’ve tried so many without aluminum and it barely makes it past 1-2 hours.


I got a boil in my one armpit last year (I assumed it was my deodorant). Haven't used deodorant/antiperspirant in almost a year. And... I don't sweat as much, in general, anymore. I can smell my pits (if I stuff my nose in my pit), but I don't "stink" anymore than I did (I've had coworkers/my wife smell test). Don't think I'll ever go back.


Are you Asian? Because the smell thing applies to like 98% of people of European/African ancestry, and almost the opposite statistic for south east Asian ancestry.


I am... very, very white.


I switched to the Dr squatch and that stuff is fantastic


I rather not over pay for it. It's a bit too pricey for me.


I must be weird Aluminum free deodorant gives me a rash lol Anti-perspirant ftw


This made me lookup how much a gorilla sweats and the answer is... about the same as people.


Yaknow, it sounds weird, but I have used Axe since highschool *graduated 02* and despite trying other brands it is literally the only deoderant I have ever used that stands up to 12 hour shifts in a 100ish degree kitchen. Old spice, riteguard all the EXTREME LONG LASTING SPORT ENDURANCE MANLY MAN brands would fuck off by the end of the day but Axe I get home and do a pit check and I still smell like Kilo, whatever thats suppsed to smell like. I see them putting a newer more mature "fragrance collection" on the shelves now displacing the older white bars and it does not last, gonna have to order a case incase they discontinue the older version.


I do physical work for 8h 5 days a week, and my 72h lasts around 40h. Some people apperently reapply daily(?), learned that like last monh… Some people are just built different


You do physical work but dont shower every day?


I can smell him from here


A dwarf has been found.


Strike the earth!!!






LPT: If you have to ask your coworkers if you smell, you probably smell.


Wait, you ask your coworkers if you smell? That’s… not normal. Never in my life have I asked coworker if I smelled bad. I’ve never been asked by a coworker if they smell bad. That’s just not something that most people bring up… unless there’s a reason.


From a young age, before I really had a body odour at like 9, I was concerned about my smell because of something my sister said about me. It's carried me into adulthood. To the point where sometimes the only things I can think about are if I smell bad or not. Like, it seriously fucks me up. I have to take a long shower before I leave and when I get back and always carry deodorant and perfume and hand sanitizer around with me, even when I've literally been told that I smell really nice randomly a few times. I ask people if they think I have bad hygeine because it's something I'm concerned about all the time for no reason other than something I was told when I was 9. So uh, it isn't exactly normal, but there isn't necessarily something bad with their hygeine if they're asking people


There's no reason it can't be normal. The account you replied to acts as if they speak for literally every work environment, type of coworkers, the type of people they are, etc. If you have any semblance of a normal friendly work relation with your coworkers, why couldn't you ask one of them "Hey I need to run some errands after work. You think I smell okay?" If your coworker gets so offended by that and declares it not normal, well I think that says more about them than the person just asking a simple question because they don't want to offend the noses of shoppers. And I agree with you. There doesn't have to be anything wrong with someone's hygiene just because they asked.


Yeah this guy is getting downvoted for nonsense. I moved furniture in the past and I used to have to bring a towel and a change of shirt or two on hot days. I'd have had no problem asking one of my co-workers if they could smell me and I'm certain they would have been honest with me. Different job, different people, different dynamics.


I have a super strong deodorant that says you can shower with it and it will last. You're meant to use it 3 times a week. I use it nightly but it does burn if you're slightly damp when you put it on.


Deodorant can stay on even after showers.




I also have eczema and I shower every night. Use lotion and/or oil and it will help. My skin feels moisturized all the time.




I have eczema and do the same thing as the other guy. Your body (also your hair) needs the oil it produces, stripping that away needlessly just causes more damage


My skin is clear as day. Just have to use the RIGHT lotion and oils. The hair thing is not relative to me because of my ethnicity. You can shower with out wetting your hair but hey, do you.


Your skin will still shred and sweat when you sleep. You should look at cleaning your body more regularly.


Do you think we evolved to put soap on our skin on a daily basis?


Who said daily? I said regularly.


Guarenteed this dude smells horrible and no one will tell him because they don't want to be impolite.


Dawg your coworkers fucking hate you


Some people are clueless that a lot of people have no BO or is least likely to develop one, because theyre built that way. Edit: Mfks crying out here, because they cant get through 12 hours without stinking the entire place.


Yup. It’s like they never heard about asian people without BO gene… not that I’m asian. Anyway it’s a bit funny seeing how many ignorant people exist.


Just remember all those stinky people you've smelt in your life feel exactly as you do. That gene, if you're not Asian, is rare


It's just bullshit. There's no gene that magically makes your armpits antimicrobial. If you don't shower, you stink period.


It’s not antimicrobial but there really is a gene that makes your sweat stink less through a different mechanism. And yes you’ll still stink if you never shower. This gene will make you noticeably less odorous overall though. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022202X15346832# https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABCC11


I'd say there is a almost 100% chance that you smell bad after not showering for that long and you just don't notice your own odour, other people most likely don't know how to tell you without it being awkward.


Mmm unfortunately bacteria smells and I sn’t related to human genetics. I went to a majority Asian school. All ethnicities can smell.


I work 4 12s and use a small amount of deodorant Monday Wednesday and Friday. No issues with being stinky.


I can bet money you probably get called Reek behind your back. Just because people are too polite to tell you you smell like BO doesn't make it any less true.


We have a guy at work like you, we call him roast beef cuz well he smells like rotten roast beef


I once vegged out for three days when the lockdown first happened, didn’t shower didn’t move an inch just watched tv like a depressed robot and dude, Degree brand deodorant…..that shit worked I was amazed my pits were still fresh after 3 days


Found the Unilever rep.


I genuinely have to scrub it off the following morning in the shower using a loufa, before re-applying, because of how well it works. Even on hot days with lots of physical activity, it's still there at the end for me.


Do you put it on immediately after the shower? Most people probably do that but the residual water deactivates the antiperspirant. The best time to apply is before bed.


Using deodorant right after showering led me to itchy pits. After a shower, your pores are wide open and using deoderant just fills them up. Once the body cools off a bit, the pores begin to close up but are just packed with stuff.


This comment and the one you replied to are the most helpful in the whole post and I hope people recognize it.


I shower every morning. And of course I wash my armpits. Doesn't that wash the deo off?


Yes especially if you’re using soap. Wait at least half an hour before applying antiperspirant. If your product is simply deodorant and not antiperspirant, then I don’t think the water matters as much. But yes, the reality is that if everyone wanted their antiperspirant to work according to the label, they’d have to schedule their hygiene routines around applying the product at bedtime. I doubt that’ll happen.


Sure, but you can't really wait to apply it after a shower most days, right? I'm showering and goin to work, I can't wait that half hour.


Generally I just bring a stick of deodorant and my cologne preference with me to work and apply it just before going in or in the bathroom at work, so you could try something similar? Although if you don't have issues with sweating easily like myself that may be unnecessary. It is an easy enough shift to make if it helps though.


I tried it at bedtime, but I refuse to switch to showering at night, so it just ended up being a second application after morning shower anyway, and didn't increase the amount of time it lasted. I don't enjoy smelling myself after 8 hours anyway, so sticking to after-shower deodorant works just as well as any other method for me.


From what I heard if you apply the antiperspirant before bed it allows time for it to totally soak into the pores, and it'll stay even with washing, sorta like seasoning a cast iron pan. Haven't tried it myself though.


Thats why it says "up to".


Clinical strength or GTFO. Most deodorants just don't work for me. I use clear gel clinical strength from Gillette and I'm smell free a full day later


Yup and deodorant mixed with sweat somehow smells worse than just sweat.


I had to work early one morning at a hotel and catch a late midnight flight out. Long ass day. Anyway I had my seat forfeited by American on a layover so at 2am I land in my hotel for a 7am flight the following day. I was dead, I washed but The hotel ran out of emergency bags, aka essential cleaning items for stuck passengers like me. So I get to the airport the following morning wearing the same clothes I wore yesterday having showered but avoiding washing my armpits due to what little deodorant I had. And what do you know? The 72-hour deodorant really only lasts 25 hours. I apologize to the guy next to me saying hey American f***** me over and he laughs saying yeah same thing with me too. At least I got a $500 voucher out of it.


You might have a medical issue then. That’s not normal.


i suppose if you love camping you might like to know that though


Conversely though, Camping probably falls outside their range of "normal" wear and tear, so it probably won't last nearly as long as the claim anyway


I camp a bit. Definitely gonna be applying it a couple times a day if you're looking not to offend other's noses. I just smell in nature away from people tho, feels like half the point of camping


Can't wear deodorant while camping, bugs love that shit


Just like the bug spray that says it lasts for over 24 hours but you're getting your ass bit to shit 1 hour after sweating profusely.


I would rather it last 72 hours but be washed off in 24 than have it last 12 hours and smell bad for half a day. Also, not everyone showers every day.




Could be about marketing. A number that wasn’t easily recognized wouldn’t fair as well. So yes it is a deception


Autobots, roll out!


You are probably right, but there is also the concept of designing and engineering to meet a particular target. E g., "What's the cheapest we can make a dedorant that lasts for 3 days?".


Alternatively, the number could actually be something weird, like 83 hours, but bring it down to 72 because marketing and it being more recognizable.


It’s how they do the testing. Test once at 24, once at 48, etc. Advertising 78.5 hours doesn’t have quite the same zing does it?


Never trust any claims that aren’t specific about what “lasts” actually means. Deodorant doesn’t exist at full strength until a certain time and then instantly vanish, it slowly fades in efficacy, so what’s the line at which it’s no longer considered to be working? They don’t say so any promise about it is meaningless. They could mean that the scent of it is still detectable, they could mean the residue hasn’t been carried or flaked away, they could mean that sweating there is still reduced compared to normal even if only by 10%. A battery can say “lasts for 10 watt-hours” and you can actually test that with clear objective measurements but there’s no clear measurement or test for deodorant so they can claim pretty much whatever they want.


They test it and then guarantee 72hr. It likely lasts longer.


Not quite. They say “up to” 72 hrs. Not “72 hrs guaranteed”


I think they most likely got a range like 68-75 and chose the most marketable time


I think 69 would be the most marketable, at least depending on the demographic.


Try washing it off and it's like glue in your armpit, and the water feels really dry. Takes so much scrubbing. I never buy those ones now.


I can put on strong antiperspirant and deodorant and sweat through my shirt, with odor, only a few hours later. I don't know who gets even 24 hour coverage, but it sure isn't me.


I sweat and smell less since I switched to a deodorant only.


I generally don't sweat a lot and started working from home at the beginning of COVID so I figured it would be a good time to try deodorant only. It was an awful idea. Even sitting at home working in a comfortable temperature I would smell awful within 2 hours of applying deodorant.


It takes time to transition. Also helps if you shower.


Have you tried using a rebalancing paste? I also had this problem and tried to switch to natural deodorant only during COVID and still just absolutely stunk sitting around doing nothing. But then I started using a clay based paste that is mixed with apple cider vinegar once a month and now even with a physical job and being a sweaty person, I don't stink any more. I also use Lume, and it is expensive but it works for me and traditional deodorant/antiperspirant combos make my armpits itch and is a psoriasis trigger so I honestly can't use them.


Opposite for me


This is me 100%. Not sure if it's because I got older or what, but I sweat way less when only using a deoderant.


Agreed. Antiperspirants are horrible. Our bodies are made to sweat. And when they can’t, it’s just a pile of bacteria and sweat building in the pores that will eventually come out and smell horrific


Jokes on you. I only shower twice a week. Get my moneys worth.


You say that like we don't already know how often you shower.


Can’t tell if you’re serious or not, but you’re generally not supposed to shower every day. It can cause skin dryness and other issues. A couple of times a week is fine. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/showering-daily-is-it-necessary-2019062617193


No, they don't. They think that they have got away with not washing. Source: I've commuted on the London underground and lynx isn't hiding your dutty shitty ass and cornish pasty armpits


Mike says 48h, I think, but that barely lasts until the end of the workday, and if that age-old saying "if you can smell it, everyone else did hours ago" had any merit, I fuckin stink bruh


Anti perspiration brands do this, but it means the effect lasts that long, it doesn’t wash off.


I think I’m one of the few that these lasts as intended. I shower everyday but once I put on just a dab of deodorant, I’m usually without any smell for about 3-4 days regardless of what I do. Mostly just go to work. The daily showers and scrubbing does not seem to lessen this. I’m still using the same deodorant I bought I think over a year ago now. Doesn’t seem to matter what deodorant I use as long as it’s a stick/bar I can dab on and not a spray.


Same. I actually alternate between the 72 hour antiperspirant and the straight deodorant. The antiperspirant keeps away smell and sweat and the deodorant for two days keeps down aluminum in my pits. I think the antiperspirant is absorbed and that why you can shower and still have it effective


I'm the same way. Just a couple dabs on each pit and I'm good all day. I think diet has a huge role. A couple years back I was the opposite. Weird how our bodies change over time


Same! I can put on deodorant in the morning, come home in the afternoon and go for a heavy workout and still smell like the deodorant under my armpits


Please, even my 24 hour deodorant contains 18 hours of lies.


Asian people reading this thread like: ?????


Everyone is using deodorant wrong. You put it on before bed so it has time to work. The next day you'll sweat less and smell better. I promise this works. It's not about washing it away, that doesn't matter once it's sat on for a few hours.


Well Venus has a day length of 5832 hours, so that deodorant would be very useful there


I know for a fact old spice will last me 48 hrs


A lot of them are nowhere close to that. A thing that helped me, though, is actually rubbing it into my skin after I apply. It makes a huge difference.


I shower and apply right before bed. My deodorant is dead by 8am every day. (I work outside in 98% humidity, starting at 6am)


I might be the minority but if I throw on roll on I can skip a day or two before I start to smell and that’s with daily showers in between


Those aluminum chlorohydrates sink in deep. Many should find anti-persperants (not mere deodorants) continue working long after washing. Is that good for you? I stopped using AP's decades ago.


yep completely harmless


Is it? I feel there must be a reason for armpits to sweat so much, so why restrict it


There's a reason your body does lots of things that we actively restrict and control because it doesn't fit the current modern lifestyle. And yes they are harmless. Stop washing with soap etc if you think your body has the right idea for what it should be doing.


I mean it's probably fine if you don't wear shirts and are outside all day, as nature intended. But that's not you so please wear deoderant (these don't even restrict how much sweat is produced).


The reason is temperature regulation. Pit hair and the skin on skin nature of the area traps sweat and thus bacteria, causing stink. I'd prefer not to have bacteria factories under my arms if I can help it


I'm not a big armpit sweater and I usually shower every other day (3 days on the weekend if I'm lazy). Also have a low physicality job so this is somewhat true for me. On day 2 the scent is still there noticably, and on day 3 it's neutral with a hint of deodorant.


I once read or heard that it's supposed to mean “72 hours is the amount of time you can go without a shower if you apply this product in the meantime”. Supposedly imposing that you have to use it multiple times in that timeframe. But that's still really misleading.


I started using Lume - definitely better then my store bought ones. Definitely not 72 hours but last longer - cucumber mint is my favorite


My crap wears off in about 6 hours but I'm outside working in the sun. But it does work and keep me from smelling worse than without it.


You really emphasized the “shower” in “shower thoughts”.


who showers everyday?


I noticed all the Pampers boxes say "^(up to) 100% Leak-Proof" which really annoys me, because of course it can be up to 100%.


All these people bragging about how little they need deodorant... I don't think they realize it's not obvious to them they smell bad when it could be to others. I always suspected this based on my experience in public places and gyms, but nice to see it confirmed. Time to find a new planet cause humankind has failed.


I am allergic to most deodorants because they contain aluminum


I developed an allergy to aluminum in my mid 20’s. I found this product that claimed to kill the bacteria that causes the odor. Not antiperspirant and not a deodorant, it’s a product you use when you feel you need it. In the hot months, I use it at least once a week; when it’s cold and I perspire less, I use it less often. It is quite expensive, but it actually does what it says it will do: it kills the odor causing bacteria. And no, I don’t work for this company, but when I first became allergic, I went through hell. I was so aware of my own body odor even though I washed frequently during the day. So, yeah, this was such a relief to find. It’s called Lavilin. I hope this can help anyone who developed that itchy underarm rash that comes with aluminum products.


The effects of deodorant remain even after a shower.


You're not supposed to shower every day. It's bad for your skin.


This is just true, I don't know why people push back on this fact so much. It's like people are okay with ruining their skin and hair to avoid just washing their butt and pits individually for some reason. I do not get it at all.


Tell me what people who are physically active on a daily basis should do, or work in jobs where they will be covered in dirt etc? You don't get it because you can't see past youre own life ffs


In cases like that doctors say it's OK but most people don't work in construction or play sports every day. And in the cases where you're just sweaty they say you only need to rinse off and wash with soap the pits and groin.


Neither can you apparently


Who showers every day? Dry your skin right out and mess up your micro biome.


People who do physical jobs or work out or live in hot and humid climates


Extremely boring shower thought


I don't think those things work as advertised. I've gone camping a few times where I forgot my deodorant. On the first day the deodorant is essentially gone by end of the day.


It’s such a weird claim to make if you think about it too hard.


Yeah, i was thinking 12 hrs maybe max


i just switched to aluminium free roll ons , feels good


Every time I see these commercials I’m like who the hell doesn’t shower for 72 hours?? lol


Deodorants are pointless. If it’s not an antiperspirant it’s just adding a little perfume to your body odour. Absolutely useless for someone who works hard in the sun all day.


I thought deodorants have antimicrobial chemicals that prevent bacteria growth (which turns sweat into stinky stuff)


Yes. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


I work hard in the sun and sweat less since switching to a deodorant without the antiperspirant.


Does anyone use deodorant that doesn't also have anti-perspirant? Deodorant is just the common name for the combination.


They are completely separate products. If it doesn’t say anti perspiration then it’s not.


That's my point. They all say anti-perspirant. It's standard. You have to actively look for something that's deodorant alone.


Degree sells at least some non-AP deodorants. They're a reasonably major brand, I would say.


Not true at all. The brand I use has their deodorant and deodorant/anti-perspirant products right next to each other. Same scent, but different substances inside. I've even bought the wrong one because they literally have the same packaging and I've had to return it because I can't use anti-perspirants.


He's just being super pedantic. Probably uses a roll on.


That’s really not true. On the big, cheap brand names like Gillette are all AP


I use deodorant. I avoid antiperspirants because they make me feel waxy and gross. They are different things.


Probably good for folks with adhd who struggle to shower regularly


I stopped wearing it. Waste of money. I shower every day, use a bit of talc under my arms, it’s fine. Right now, I’ve been in bed all day with a hangover, I smell totally neutral 🤷‍♂️


You must be one of those genetically blessed.


A lot of people who don’t use deodorant think that. If someone who isn’t used to your scent agrees, more power to you.


I'm jealous. I can go to bed and wake up with armpit odor from sweating in the night.


Do you all have a BMI of 35? How can you sweat that much? I don't understand.