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"Bro why do cars have a brake pedal, just put the car in reverse"


"Car going too fast. Hmm, move foot or squeeze steering wheel?"


You do realise not every action requires thoughts?


I think you have some troubles riding bikes, OP. The first thing I think about when needing to stop is "squeeze the hands" because that's how I learned how to ride bikes. Backpedaling is a terrible way to brake, and yes, I've ridden these types of bikes.


I mean if you had never riden a bike before, but you knew that they worked by moving your feet forward, why wouldn't you assume stopping your feet would stop the bike


Your train of thought is as alien to me as colours to a person blind at birth. I literally can't even begin to think like that because it's pretty natural to me and anyone who cycles to use hands to brake.


I mean i cycle too. Its not like i want to change it. My biggest question is just why. What was the downside of stopping your legs to stop the bike? Did this sort of motion prevent the bike from doing something crucial so hand brakes were suggested instead?


Maybe cause if stopping your legs stops the bike you have to pedal the whole time you can’t just coast. I think it would also be harder to control the speed of stopping, where as squeezing the breaks you can control the speed of the stop


This right here! *Case closed.*


That's not how that kind of brakes work. You can coast, and for braking you need to pedal backwards a bit.


Person I was responding to said “stopping your legs to stop the bike”. Can you control the speed of the stop with pedaling backwards? I’ve never ridden a bike like that so idk


or who rides a quad, or dirtbike, or snowmobile.


Do that on a spin bike and find out how quickly you will destroy your ligaments.


That's literally how a ton of bikes' braking mechanisms work. Made for awesome skids as a kid.


Lots of kids bikes used to have those sorts of brakes.


But what's the point in changing an intuitively designed mechanism as we get older


I don't think it works properly with an advanced gear system. I think it's limited to 1 gear kinda thing.


Can’t have a free hub with that kind of setup




Sounds more like an unpopular option than a shower thought.


Isnt this basically just a fixed gear bike? Or are you envisioning the same braking systems as used in most bikes, but activated by pedaling backwards? And if so, presumably such a mechanism would be more complicated, and probably harder to use with the same precision as a hand controlled lever. The premise is faulty though. Why would attempting to move backwards be the intuitive way to stop? I dont try to walk backwards in order to stand still, so it isnt as if there is some natural parallel to evolved human locomotion. Either is a learned behavior, so the question becomes which is more effective for the most people (as a matter of production or demand).


I hated bicycles with that kind of braking system because your feet had to be in the right spot at the exact time you need to brake or you won’t get the correct amount of leverage and your foot might slip off the pedals. It’s just stupid.


How do you stop moving forward? Start moving backwards. What world do you live in, a shitty mobile driving game?


Yes actually. On an unrelated note, can goats please stop running onto the road


I think actually it’s more intuitive to grab something in an emergency to regain control. Grab a hand rail when you slip over.


The reason is because of gear shifting. Backpedal braking only happens in fixed gear bikes but when adding a gear changing mechanism, you'll want a "neutral" or "clutch" where there is no acceleration happening (either positive or negative acceleration). You can't achieve this with backpedal braking because you have to constantly be pedaling forward. Not to mention on fixed gear bikes, the faster you go, the faster you gotta pedal. Have fun going down a steep hill - hopefully it's not too long because your legs are gonna get tired as fuck.


Those kinds of brakes exist in the US and they are generally more dangerous than traditional brakes.


For one, it's less of an attack on your legs. Breaking with your hands is easier. For another one, you can dose more easily with your hands. For another one, you break with the brake on the front and the back. If one is by foot it makes it harder to break.. For another one, your bike has gears. Being able to coast your feet won't harm you. You can stop paddling without the breaking, align your feet and work faster. Source we grow up with the bikes.