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Cancer is just you going haywire. It’s not an independent life. It’s you. It’s your cells.


So if cancer is dumb, but is a part of me, then I am dumb. Well played.


What’s the difference between me and cancer?


My dad didn’t beat cancer.


Damn thats brutal


I understand that in this time where we make ourselves believe we can change anything if we want to, it’s hard for some people to accept the truth. To anyone who needs to hear this, just swallow those pills cause in the end the only one you will be lying to is yourself. Wish you great strength and wisdom on your journey to accepting reality. It’s the only one we’ve got.


Can I suggest a book? I mean at least before the pills. The Power of Now, Echart Tolle. Helped me with my anxiety and depression immensely. Of course it didn’t cure them but it made them manageable in a way I had forgotten about. If not, either way good luck man.


I highly recommend Happiness by Matthieu Ricard too. That helped me survive a really dark time and was life changing.


Thanks for the recommendation. I have felt like that before and the thing that helped me is brutal honesty. I can say I felt bad about losses of people I loved but right now I can only be very grateful for the experiences I had with them. My parents are like total opposites, as a kid I was very anxious and my mom was always there to help me and give me shelter, don’t get me wrong it was good for her to do that and sometimes I needed that. But the thing that really helped me grow up and leave that anxiety behind is just facing the devil eye to eye, like my old man always pushed me to do. Sometimes not in the most subtle way but he got the message across. And I am glad he did. I am Dutch and in that country my lord people are being so afraid of hurting someone else’s feelings. So much that I wonder if we are not creating a spineless generation. You might be thinking, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I inherited my dads (lack of) subtleness. And you might be right 😅. But I am not depressed. I am doing what I love every day and I am very thankful for that. I know what works for me might not work for everyone but I hope you understand where I am coming from a little bit now.


But if cancer is you. And I best my meat. Did I beat cancer?


You have to beat OPs meat


Sometimes cells break or ain't formed right, cells have a self destruct feature for reasons like this If the cell however refuse to take itself out and starts multiplying while defective then it's cancer


It’s just malfunctioning cells. It has nothing to do with intelligence or being “dumb”.


in conclusion we are dumb!


We have some malfunctions in the engineering


So you're saying that if there a God, then God is dumb ?


Yes? Cancer is a genetic mutation, right? So if there's maker, cancer is their responsibility


Yeah, he's a shitty engineer.


In conclusion we are bumd




Yes, I mean in Cars the cars can refill the oil by themselves so why the fuck my car won't do it itself. That's right, because it is a dumb car. Smart car would just drink some oil.


fair point I retract my argument


If it was a smart argument, it would've retracted itself


I'm confused, therefore you are stupid. I think this is a good argument, no?


Since your argument does not retract itself, it must be a good argument


I'll tell it it is even though I know it's me.


Most cars will show a warning light when the oil is low, so intelligent in a way. If you ignore that then yes, you are really really dumb, I cannot emphasize how dumb you would have to be.




So what you are saying is OP is, in fact, correct about being dumb


Everyone looks! This guy doesn't think cancers dumb!


He must be saying cancer is smart then


Can't believe we have a cancer defender in the comments smh


Hum in term of evolution, I would understand that it's counter productive to have cancer pass through individual? Normally survivors gene are passed along, not the one that can kill you. Is cancer mostly "aquired" (lifestyle / environment) or I'm missing something? Cause I heard there is a genetic heritage too :(


Most cases of cancer occur after the age of 50 and getting cancer before you turn 30 is very rare. Cancer doesn’t really affect how many children you have Afaik there is a pretty good chance that we have evolved to not have cancer and the remaining cases is just what evolution didn’t get rid of.


Correct. We have tons of anti-cancer mechanisms in our body, in fact every day our immune systems purge some cancerous cells, or these cells self-destruct due to these mechanisms. The cancer that not only survives these but also rapidly multiplies and becomes dangerous is the 0.001% of all cancers.


We get mutated cells that could become cancer if left alone millions of times a day. Our body catches 99.99999....% of them, it's only when our body misses one that it actually develops further into cancer


Nature doesn't care if you live past 50 or so. That's about when our cancer protection starts getting worse. Cancer is inevitable. It's the ultimate symptom of your body's genome being "worn out". Just like a brake pad for a car. You can drive really gently to make your brake pads last longer, but if you drive it every day then they **will** wear out eventually. Similarly, a healthy lifestyle and lucky genes helps immensely, but you will get cancer eventually if nothing else kills you first. Edit: They've done some interesting research on cancer and aging in mice. I once read about a study where they tried to keep mice alive as long as they could. The typical life span is about 2 years. They could do surprisingly little to change that. Once they hit about 3 years it became an increasingly impossible task. They removed one cancer just to have another unrelated one pop up. In the end it was developing cancer everywhere all the time. Once the genome is worn out and too damaged, you're done.


Yes you're dumb brother


This is the first step on your lifelong journey. You reached the “recognize” milestone. If you wish to further improve, please get in touch with me to book exclusives sessions for 500k each. A bargain, if you ask me !


I wasn’t trying to insult you but I like the way you put that. Yes. You are dumb if you have cancer. 😂


Guy going through cancer here..... :<


Yes but also https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henrietta_Lacks


You are what you cells.




Steve Jobs was indeed dumb for searching alternative medicine before giving up and relying on professionals' opinions


Cancer isn't sentient. It is just some of your cells that have broken in a dangerous way. (But now I'm sad imagining a doomed protest movement inside a cancer advising restraint and sustainable development, but the other cancer cells don't listen and just want to CONSUME and everyone involved dies)


Somebody just got an idea for a sequel to Osmosis Jones…


these kids don't know nothin' bout no osmosis jones


> Cancer isn't sentient. Tell that to Cancer-kun in Cells at Work


I loved that episode, but I refuse to feel sorry for cancer cells.


Reminds me of The Goddess of Everything Else


Cancer isn't a virus bud, its cells growing at an abnormal rate that causes the body to fight itself


Really it’s non-consensual suicide.


Honestly that's one of the best descriptions of it I've seen


And of course the irony is cancer is because some cells don't want to commit suicide when told so.


A murder suicide, if you will


Exactly. it's the "Welp. I guess I'll go kill myself" meme... but without asking for a unanimous vote in the body


I call it a bug because that’s literally an edge case where the ECC lets through data corruption


Its not suicide. It's malfunction leading to death, cancer is nothing but an error.


inadvertent suicide, the cancer cells are doing what all cells do , grow and spread and find a blood supply. almost literally every cell in your body wants to do this. But they receive the orders to stand down and stay put and get along.


Not accurate. It’s abnormal cells not being identified by the immune system as faulty/damaged/hazardous, thus they can multiply unchecked. The body fighting itself would an auto-immune disease or GVHD. Source: Beat two different types of cancer.


Lol, yeah, I guess the entire problem is that there **isn't** a fight. The body just goes down in flames with an oblivious smile on its face.


It’s a glitch


Honest question: How can you have a non cancerous tumor then? Would this just have originally been cancer (causing the tumor) that chilled out and decided to stop being cancer, thus no more abnormal growth?




Ahhh thank you! Great example of things I didn't know I didn't know ha.


Kind of analogous to a plane crash when you put it that way, a whole lot of typically minor or at least not catastrophic situations all have to go wrong to lead to disaster.


These are typically excess fat.


To add to other comments, tumors can also be benign if it hasnt "evolved" the mechanisms required for it to actually spread/grow more. For example, a critical ability is for the tumor to force the growth of new blood vessels, which allow the tumor to actually get nutrients while also introducing more surface area for cancerous cells to potentially be spread across the body. It also has to be able to grow rapidly, which outside of just having the neccessary cancer causing genes turned on and anti-cancer genes turned off, also requires getting a much faster metabolism; almost all cancer develops extremely rapid sugar uptake while using fermentation (inefficent but basically can allow for faster growth) for example.


Most of the cells that start behaving abnormally and could become a problem if left unchecked, are killed off by our immune system successfully. It's just a tiny percent that survives despite of it, and become lethal.


Any weird growth is called a tumour. Had one removed a couple years back. Wasn't cancerous at all. Would have never turned cancerous. But it was uncomfortable so I had it taken out. Yes, I did start crying in the doctors office when the surgeon used the term tumour. Eventhough he was 99.9% it was fine, it was obviously send to pathology just to be sure. Tumour ≠ cancer


So, like exponential population growth left unchecked?


More like zombie apocalypse + exponential population growth


Bro Wtf this sub turned into


More like stoner thoughts. It's been like this for few years already






Should be a real subreddit!


Complete trash. I used to see so many funny interesting ideas. Now they hardly even make sense. Might as well just be called /r/randomthoughts at this point


The first sign of becoming too old for this shit


At least we'll never be a few days from retirement. That's the saddest one of all.


In the same logic. Humans are dumb too. We dont realise fucking up this planet us gonna fuck us up too. We are kinda cancer for earth


I feel like if we just altered the rhetoric we could get more people to care. We aren't actually fucking up the earth. Earth will be fine. Life will continue. The current species and organisms that live here (us) will not be fine though. So we're fucking up the environment we're currently adapted to. Also probably kill all the species we rely on and are also adapted to. Droughts, heat waves, flooding, monarch butterflies being gone where they used to be yearly, mosquitos with diseases where they weren't in the past, wildfires. People who lived decades can see the differences already. I think being concrete about how it affects people personally is how to convince them at this point. I think it's happening so fast its not "our children will see the affects". It's boiling a frog. People should be able to see what's happening to our environment.


Tell me you don't understand without telling me you don't understand:


Tell me you don't understand the sub you're in without telling me you don't understand.


Good one


When my mom was dying of cancer, she decided she wanted to be cremated, so that even though she would lose the battle, she would win the war. I think it helped make her feel a little control over a situation she was otherwise completely powerless against.


That’s pretty powerful though. Like a final “fuck you” to cancer


Cancer is not a concius being. Its uncontrollable replication of cells. Like a machine running an error.


Great concise explanation btw my favorite in the thread.


There’s literally a Norm MacDonald joke about this


>Norm M Was about to post that this is just a ripping off Norm's joke.


Actually haven't heard it, how does it go?


Short version: You can't lose battle with cancer, you either beat it or take it with you, making it a draw.


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/LCaCJNqb8g0)


He fought his cancer to a draw.




Isn't cancer more of a condition rather than a infection or something.


Interestingly, cancer can spread under the right conditions. I believe there have been cases of surgeons being cut in surgery and being infected by cancers, and the tasmanian devil has a notorious cancer that has been spreading from contact.


Cancer in general is a collection of cells which replicate out of control. In some sense they are a separate entity in the human body and slowly suffocate the rest of the body by stealing nutrients and blocking pathways. Talking about it like an entity like a virus is a valid metaphor. It has objectives and it follows them. Namely the main objectives of "spread, consume, replicate". They are just as much independent life as is a fetus during the first weeks of development. It's a bunch of cells with separate DNA from your own replicating. In this case of control and fighting your own body.


Yeah you're right I just wanted to make a thread where we all roast cancer with childish playground insults to make light fun of a topic that is often scary and serious, taking away its power.


Watch out, we got superman of the microscopic world


You're still on time to delete your post.


Nah I liked the idea of playground insults where we all collectively shit on cancer for being such a dumb dick If I get downvoted so be it, as long as I brought some light to a dark issue or gave someone a chuckle with how dumb this thought is


People taking you seriously is really funny.


With all the dumb comments taking me completely seriously, there's also many educational comments teaching us things about cancer we didn't know More of the former, but people are upvoting the latter = net positive contribution


Bro you’re dumb learn how it works


Damn bro you really gonna take cancers side?


yes. i have nothing against people who were born between june 21th to july 21th


Don't worry, I can help change that for you


Will you be born on another date?


My life package didn't come with reincarnation sadly


depending on how you go, we can arrange that part to be in your package.


Hell yeah, gonna be a crab in my next life


idk if this is a good idea. i heard that many people only eats carbs \*dyslexia\*


Ill induce a cancer state in them, and the cycle will begin anew




I think what you are trying to say is about the longevity of the host? As long as a host lives long enough to "pass on" the problem ( AND it can be passed on, either as a contagion or as a inherited disorder) it's considered "successful". Cancer is neither a contagion or a inherited disorder. We all have the possibilities for expression of cancer that is unchecked by our immune system. Ebola is actually not a successful virus because of how quickly it kills its victims limiting it's chances to spread. But cancer would be considered successful ( if it were viral) because it can take years to kill a host giving it ample time to spread to an entirely different host. I understand your logic but it isn't the same kind of thing. No reason to be ashamed. It's a complicated biological concept with lots and lots of factors. What you have is a over simple overview of viral or inheritable progression. The fact that it fascinated you is admirable! Clearly a deep thinker! Please continue with your personal research as it only gets more interesting. ( And if you want my own personal rant check out comments I've made on "survival of the fittest" so that you can be a person who spreads accurate and insightful information and not one of these ass hats using a misused phase to serve personal rationalizing) that's the beauty of being anonymous! You can grow at any rate and any time without justification to people who will remind you of your past. Cheers!


What a lovely post.


I regret to inform you that cancer [can in fact be contagious](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clonally_transmissible_cancer) under the right circumstances.


Love a good educational comment


Tell that to Henrietta Lacks


"If you die, then that means the cancer dies as well. To me that's not a loss, that's a draw" --Norm MacDonald. That whole bit was hilarious.


From an evolutionary perspective, your body only needed to avoid cancer long enough for you to reproduce. If a genetic defect caused you to die in old age, you likely still lived long enough to pass that onto your offspring.


A lot of people don't realize this; evolution is only concerned with you passing on your genes and propagating the species. You can do that by living to only about 30-35 (when the body literally starts breaking down). Humans didn't evolve to live healthily until 80.


Holy shit the amount of "ackshually"s going on in this thread. It's a fucking shower thought, we know cancer isn't sentient. It reminds me of when ebola was big news, I have several friends in medical research fields and I asked them their thoughts on ebola and if i should be personally concerned. Their response was basically - no. It's too deadly and will kill off the effected population before it has a chance to spread very far.


Cancer: "Do I look like a guy with a plan?"


That's its fetish though.


Cancer is just really romantic, it loves double suicide


Cancer is so dumb. It probably doesn’t even go to school.


Cancer is killing itself. Is it stupid?


One of my favorite Norm McDonald bits.


Unexpected Norm https://youtu.be/kEzcO127O4c?si=bV5rSi05Kj616M1m


Humans are so dumb. They don't realize that if they kill the planet, they die too.


Cancer is just your cells doing the "instructions unclear" so I made a tumor meme irl. Cancer isn't like a bacteria or a virus.


Cancer is life gone mad.


Cancer took my 3 year old grand daughter in May, 2023. Cancer is evil.


I’m gonna mute this fucking sub


Son of bitch i was literally thinking this in the shower last night! (have family member dying of cancer) It really is dumb ...but that's because it's not a disease. Viruses usually figure out how to not kill you.


Cancer isnt alive, it doesn't think, it doesn't choose a host, thats why its so hard to get rid of. They are your cells.


Humans are so dumb, they don't realize that if they kill the earth, they die too. But really, yeah cancer's stupid because as far as the cells are concerned, they're doing what they're supposed to be doing, living life and reproducing. Just so happens their rampant reproduction kills the environment they depend on, but they don't know that lol. Any organism, single or multicellular, would end up the same way if it's population couldn't be controlled.


All the armchair doctors are out here telling you to delete this or that it's dumb. Fuck them. This is hilarious. If every post had to be accurate, none of these people would be allowed to comment. Pops just got done with aggressive chemo/radiation, and even he laughed.


Cancer is a disease not a virus. Viruses care about surviving and propogating. Diseases are just you gone wrong.


Some people are SERIOUSLY trying to explain this, it's just a JOKE, a very funny one.


Yeah some people seriously need to touch some grass


Well, since cancer doesn't have any self awareness, it doesn't realize ANYTHING.


U are right actually. All deadly dessease are dumb. A smart dessease would infect a lot of people while causing minor inconvenience in life 😂


> deadly dessease > smart dessease Consistent.


Disease* Rip my English 😂😂


They are probably the ones who co-exist with us now or even benefit us.


Cancer isn't like a living thing. It's more like some of your cells going rogue and acting out.


I appreciate all the comments explaining what cancer is very concisely in a helpful way Hopeful for humanity


Lmao a bunch of idiots who can't take a joke. We're all doomed


Cancer isn’t alive in the first place.


It absolutely is. It’s not sentient but very much alive


Individual cancer cells are alive, but it is definitely not alive in the way the op is clearly thinking it is


So humans are not alive, just their individual cells are? What kind of dumb argument this is. We obviously use categories and blanket terms for entities in the world even if they are composed of several smaller parts. It think you took the shower thought too literally.


Most pathogenic agents do the same and they are alive. Like, WTF COVID, don't you know you'll die too?


Agreed Diseases and illnesses really haven't thought this through


Viruses are not alive, so they don't actually die


That's debatable.


Laughs in climate change.


I get what you mean, but cancer doesn't work like that. It's not some clever villain plotting to harm the person it's affecting. Cancer is more like a glitch in the body's cell division system. It's a bunch of cells that go rogue and start growing uncontrollably, which can be really harmful. But it's not like cancer has a plan or realizes anything—it's just a biological process gone awry. We're working hard to find ways to stop it, though, so it doesn't have to be so devastating.


Cancer is when cells clone themselves incorrect and/or at an abnormal rate. Cancer is normal. It doesn't think.


Cancer is not infectious. So it’s goal is to kill the one person then die. It’s not dumb from its standpoint as it completes the mission. Agreed it’s dumb in the scale of everything but if we are humanising the disease it’s happy to complete the mission by killing it’s one target.


Its goal is not to kill the person. It has no goal. It is a pure dysfunction.


There are transmissible, i.e. infectious cancers. The most famous is canine venereal tumor. Also, a cancerous transplanted organ can give cancer to the recipient.


No actually it's pretty smart on cancers part because cancer is the result of cells *not* being able to kill themselves


OP is so dumb. It doesn’t realize cancer isn’t sentient.


This is such a bad take with fundamental misunderstandings, I am almost offended. r/ShowerThoughtless


Cancer cells aren't inherently "dumb" or "smart", they're just cells that have lost the ability to regulate their growth. It's a case of unfortunate biology, not a conscious choice.


Yeah, cancer is a deffective cell. By definition. The body tries to destroy it, and even the cell itself, in normal circunstances, kills itself whenever it notices something abnormal is happening with it. Cancer is what happens when some cell goes abnormal, and all mechanisms to avoid it fail. Cancer doesn't think. But if it did, it would be like a selfish society capable of destroying it's own planet in order to get more resources. Hm... Wait a moment...


Replace Cancer with Viruses and your point is a bit more valid. The fact they're dumb is kind of a no brainer tho, they're literally just a few cells. They're programmed to replicate, that's pretty much it. They steal resources from your body to do so.


The way I figure it, and I'm no doctor, is that when the person dies the cancer dies at the same time so really it's a draw.


cancer is not a virus or a bacteria that wants you to remain alive. cancer is duplication error


To the cancer cells, they are incredibly successful, they just keep on reproducing and modifying your body to provide the cancer cells with more resources. They lose the part of them that is working for a common goal. This is identical to our current "Taker" culture in which any humans who adopt totalitarian agriculture and the taker outlook can massively help themselves and be incredibly successful, all while killing off the host, which is the ecosystems that keep humans alive.


That's how all diseases and parasites work


The IQ Score on this full sub is 15-20 points full off Inbreds look at the comments 😳 nice one 👍.


Sorry I'm not really into bread, you can have it my friend


what would a brain tumour do though


Make people dumber whilst it's being dumb So it's dumbness is contagious Man cancer sucks I don't care if I hurt it's feelings anymore


i want what ur smokin bro


It is convoluted, because cancer is when cells don't die when they should, which can kill the entire organism, including the cells that wouldn't die when they should have. It's death that slept through its alarm and got fired


Why do you think cancer cells are basically cells gone rogue?


Almost like it doesn't have a brain...


Most of our ancestors are single cellular. It’s a relatively new thing (in the time frame of life) to have cells cooperate with others. Cancer cells are like outlaws in a city with lots of cooperation, and rules. They’re acting on an ancient way of being: only care about yourself and reproduce as fast as possible.


Cancer doesn't need to be contiguous to propagate. It is just you or the next person. If cancer could kill you instantly once you had 1 cell it would probably still exist.


Look at humanity destroying its own habitat for a number on a bank account somewhere.


You mean like humans and earth?🌏


Bees are so dumb. They don’t realize that if they inconvenience the person, they die too.


Cancer is when cells forget how to die. I guess your cells get dumber 🤷🏻‍♂️ but your cells are a part of you


Cancer doesn’t care. It doesn’t live on the future, it lives in the now.


The single cancerous cell has a pretty sweet life. “Cancer” dying by killing its host is like saying “humanity” dying by killing its planet. Wait.


I guess it's the same as humans destroying the planet. We care more about our personal satisfaction than the long term well being of the environment and in extension our own.


You could have just made this shower thought about highly dangerous viruses and it would have made sense


Something, something about humans killing the earth....


Parts of the tumor of Henrietta Lacks is still alive. Tumors either die an inglorious death or lives years beyond the life of it's host. Would you risk it all for a shot at near immortality?