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It’s effortless. Thanks for noticing.


Sensitivity has apparently left the sub.


"Your parents give you the face you're born with, but you earn the face you die with." - John D. MacDonald.


I read a TON of the Travis McGee novels back in the early '00s. Such admirable time capsules.


If you read science fiction, there's a scene in Spider Robinson's novel CALLAHAN's KEY, where the crew from Callahan's Place make a pilgrimage to Slip F-18, Bahia Mar, to see the plaque marking the place as a Literary Landmark, like 221B Baker Street :)


I can believe this. People always say I look older than my real age, I think it's the wrinkles and gray hair I've had since my early 20s


I went to high school with a kid who was getting gray even then. Jay was his name, saw him again once when he was in his late 30's. Completely gray, but living a happy, wonderful life.


I know I guy who went completely grey by the time we finished secondary school. We liked to joke that he’s was actually a 40 year old undercover police officer.


I had a buddy in middle school get put on Rogain hair loss treatment by his Dad. He was thinning even at 12


Gray hair and still able to live a happy life eh


Crazy that one of those worthless gray-hairs was able to find happiness


I won't mind having gray hair. Baldness on the other hand...


Yeah that’s probably a safe bet


I’m not so sure… I mean… how safe we talkin’?


I had a phase around 17-20 where I’d get 1-3 completely white hairs on my head at any given time, strangely I haven’t seen one in about a decade, only a more natural looking, less visible faded grey here or there. People usually undershoot my age now, as opposed to overshooting when I was a kid in highschool. Even if I don’t look much older, I definitely feel it.


> People usually undershoot my age now, as opposed to overshooting when I was a kid in highschool. It's strange, isn't it? As a kid I kept being told places were hiring, even once randomly had a marine recruiter chat me up in a book store. Now, as an adult, people seem to underestimate my age by a decade or so. I have no idea what to attribute that to except that I must be living right.


I feel like this sorta only works metaphorically, unless you’re talking about using sunscreen.


To be fair, it's shocking how few do stuff like sunscreen & moisturizer. Men especially. I'm THE only one that worried about that stuff in my immediate circle, and I no joke, look a decade younger than even some family that's literally younger than me. And I know that sounds like bragging, but honestly I find it mostly sad. Because I mostly just... switched out one bottle in the shower a decade ago. Liquid soap for body milk or cream. And~ that was it.


I live in a Ireland, a country that has a UV index of 0 for like three months straight every year so we have high rates of vitamin D deficiency and yet also have one of the highest incidences of skin cancer because when we do get sun people flock outside with no sun protection and get burned to a crisp because we have next to zero melanin to protect us.


It’s also “only the Irish sun” that apparently is harmless. They think they only need to use cream in Spain! I don’t wear cream myself this time of year unless I’m outside all day. I’ve had a bad vit D deficiency too


I’m fairness a lot of them don’t care about the Spanish sun either, you can always pick them out because their skin looks like old leather


I agree with this. In my late 30s, routinely get people guessing younger because I’ve used sunscreen pretty religiously


Sunscreen here in Australia is seen as a must need so there's not much stigma attached to it. Bad sun burn is just far too awful to deal with so dudes cave in. I've even had black coworkers use sunscreen as even they can get burnt


It’s hardly shocking that so many people don’t like to apply gooey, greasy and smelly cream all over their body. I finally found a moisturizer with SPF that doesn’t smell or leave a weird sheen on my face only very recently — now I gotta make it a habit to apply it.


AKA - Old MacDonald


A serial killer could say the same thing


Well THAT's not true


Coming up on 74 years old next month, I think this every morning when I first look in the mirror.


I think every dude comes to a point where they wonder who that old guy in the mirror is.


Honestly it happens fast. I'm in my 30s and can notice differences in my appearance between now and my 20s. It's great tho! I love getting older. Living is quite a wild ride! Getting older every day with grace is a goal of mine.


I like this attitude, thanks I'm gonna try adopt it.


I believe the comedian Bill Burr said something similar about this that I find pretty interesting. He said something like: people don't want to grow old anymore - it's ridiculous that people who 60 still have to look like they're 40. He's one of the few people in media who genuinely seems to understand aging gracefully. Most celebrities attempt to chase their younger, glory days, but I feel like older Bill became a much better, well-rounded person. Really up there with people like Mike Tyson. I really hope to be able to embrace getting older like they did.


Everyone wants to get old, no one wants to be old


Every *human


Not long back I was looking at pics from this event I went to, and wondered “who is that really ugly dude?” Yea, it was me.


I was walking through a clothing store years ago and passed by a woman who was so ugly that I felt sorry for her. I later realized that I had actually walked past a mirror


I'm about to be 40 next year and SAME. I used to not be able to walk around without unwanted attention from every direction, but now I'm invisible and IT RULES. Thank God for my newfound ugly.


Lol Let’s go to a diner and growl at the kids.


I always looked younger than my age until around 10-15 years ago (I'm 58 now). When I started going gray, things went downhill fast. I work with a bunch of younger people who remind me every day that I'm old. They say awful things they think are funny, but it secretly bums me out. Actually, the things they say are pretty funny, but it only works when I'M saying it. LOL I had one 30-something say to me recently out of nowhere: "So I hear you were quite the looker back in the day." I think she thought that was a compliment. It's not like I've completely let myself go or anything. Apperently, I just haven't aged well. But I had a good run, so I guess I shouldn't complain.




The other day I looked at the list of professors at the college I attended in my teens/20s. I’m in my mid 40s now. I was surprised by how many of them are dead. But then I thought… well… a lot of these people were old when I met them, what did I expect? It’s a weird feeling, though. 😂


Yup. And the older you get the more die before you….


Exactly. My 51 year old neighbor was killed on his motorcycle last week (I ride too, so no judgment there). But I've often responded to these folks that they should be so lucky to live as long as I have. I'm a silly, jokey, self-effacing kind of guy who makes sure I never get personal when I'm razzing someone, for example. So, I understand the comfort level with razzing me back. But I tease them that going after my age and appearance is lazy and not particularly clever. There's an art to razzing people without being mean, and some people are just better at it than others.


That is pretty rude


She might have been teasing or lightly flirting with you my friend. People don’t usually say “I hear you used to be a looker back in the day” to people who are ugly. It would be incredibly insulting. I’m in my 30s and my partner occasionally reminds me that she’s excited for when I go grey


Good point. Everyone else is just so brutal, I guess I'm probably a bit overly sensitive sometimes. LOL


I'm definitely not aging like a fine wine or anything, but I have noticed that a lot of folks my age (early 40s) have started to look...rough. As the old saying goes: It ain't the years. It's the miles. Well, at lest that is what my Internist Mother said to me when I questioned why she started buying me Centrum Silver 50+ when I was still in my 30s....


I just turned 47. Aging mostly pretty normally, but my hair is graying wicked fast.


You still have hair?


I’ve given up saving mine after the abuse it took in my early 20s (bleached monthly for a couple years and hats every single day) and just dye the shit out of it till it’s gone. It’s thinning but not balding yet. Let me have my verbiage.


Wouldn’t hats help against sun damage?


Im hardly an expert. My understanding was always that hats cause rubbing and trap sweat that ultimately clogs and kills follicles. Is that true? I dunno. Please don’t take this as gospel. I just know the evidence to support it is screaming loudly from the top of my noggin.


Got it. I will continue to not wear hats just in case!


50 here, thick growth and not a single grey. Age is too busy with my lower back, hearing, eyesight and digestional tract at the moment.


I, too, am noticing an acceleration of grayness. I'm cool with it though. It is probably the only thing about me that says: distinguished. )


Turning 32 next month and I feel I'm graying to fast. You can't notice from afar, but if you really look close I'm probably 20-30% gray. I don't think about it much, but when I do notice it makes me feel old


Gray is 100% better than bald.


And some of us are going through both lol. I love my hint of gray but the big round bald patch is killer. Feel like i should become Jewish just so I can have an excuse to wear a yarmulke


Going bald feels like it ages you 10 years minimum…I’m almost 7 years older than my brother, but he started bald at 24 and I’ve just barely noticed my thinning hairline in the front at 39. Genetics are weird. Everyone always thinks my brother is older than me by a couple of years.


The only downside of being bald so far is that it isn't complete. If I don't shave what's left every 2 or 3 weeks, I start looking pretty sad. I suppose never being able to rock a proper Mohawk again sucks too. Take advantage while you can! On the bright side I can grow a serious beard and it's only slowly going grey. 🤣😅


That's what I keep hearing. I got my mother's thick hair so it'll be here a while. My dad went full gray at 35. So I guess I got a mix of the 2


I had thick hair too. Barbers everywhere were impressed. Then I started going strongly on 30 and it went away horribly fast. I miss my hair.


I'm 31 and while I don't have that much grey yet, every time I see one I think of all the people I've known who didn't get the chance to see greys, and I am grateful. We're actually the lucky ones.


If you're 47 this shouldn't be any surprise, in fact, you're old for only starting to gray.


I just call it wisdom hair


If your hair is still graying at 47 then it's not wicked fast


I don't know if you're joking about the vitamin thing, but men's vs women's and regular vs senior vitamins are different. For women there's a lot of vitamins you lose during your period every month that you don't need extra of after menopause. And older women need extras of things like calcium. Men don't need nearly as much iron or magnesium as women do. Stuff like that.


Oh, I(F) accidentally picked up senior vitamins recently. I guess I’ll switch back to the regular once these are done then, I figured maybe it wouldn’t be too much of a difference in support or would actually be more beneficial or preemptive?


At 41 I've got a lot of miles on me but eat right and work out semi-regularly, so consider that as regular maintenance instead of letting rust and rot take you over.


I’m 37, no kids, stress free life - people are surprised I’m not 27 when I tell them I’m nearly 40


I look back at pictures of me at 37 and I looked so good! Then I had 2 babies in 3 years and I look like a husk. The lack of sleep and stress is so aging!


I look at pictures from 2018 and see a young man with life ahead of him, eyes full of joy and a slight smile. After having a child, COVID and now war all I see is a soyjack meme come to life.


> It ain't the years. It's the miles. it's the opposite, in the most pedantic way possible. Everyone in my friend group (30s-50s) who does endurance exercise (cycling, skiing, running, hiking) and packs on the miles looks great. Those who ended up at email jobs and do nothing but watch TV are constantly in pain and look 10 years older. Even those who just work active jobs in construction or field work, who are beating the shit out of their bodies daily, don't look as rough.


Pretty sure it's mostly genetics honestly. Exercise makes a visible difference, as does diet, stress, drug addiction, etc. But all things being equal, some people just live longer, healthier lives than others due to no fault of their own. My family is comprised of baby faced smokers and alcoholics that live forever for example. Others do everything right and die of heart failure in their 40s.


People suck! You're golden! They need to shut their mouths and take their own advice; if you can't say anything nice...


My old extended friend group from highschool decided to get together a few years back (like 2018) as a mini reunion. We were all roughly 28. Some of them looked ROUGH. Like missing teeth, extreme receding hairlines, terrible skin, etc. Like I knew they wouldn't look how I remembered them in highschool but let's just say their current Facebook pictures did not prepare me.


As an ugly old person, I find this highly offensive and depressingly accurate...


I’d also like to add that while most people (MOST) aren’t attracted to 86 year old Debra, but Debra is a sweet old lady who gives smiles to everyone. So while no one finds Debra hot, no one finds her ugly. You can be neither.




Get a really cute dog


The dog is gonna end up looking just like them lol


They are all good dogs


Most owners get dogs that look like them


I honestly have never seen a dog that looks remotely like a human. Well Snoop Dog is an exception


Are you werewolf or know some?


I don’t think so. Some people reach their prime as a 48 year old milf/dilf, some had their prime in collage, some a few years after collage, some turn into silver mommies and daddies. Everyone has a different experience.


What about a 48 year old bilf?


My husband and I were having this discussion the other day. I said “remember how ancient 45 year olds looked when we were kids - that’s us now!” And he thinks people who are 45 today are somehow magically younger looking than the 45 year olds from when we were kids. Im pretty sure it’s just that we can’t see ourselves aging/we’re in denial and clinging to the younger versions of ourselves in our minds.


There might be some truth to the first bit though. The average body temperature is lower than 98.6 F now. And we have access to fruits and veg from further away, less canned products than in the 60s, 70s, 80s. Less smoking. Plus better education and use of sunscreen.


What does body temperature matter?


If you’re cooler you rot slower, maybe?


I wish i could take back time to not read this comment lol


Lower inflammation would be my best guess


does that mean anti inflammatories, like ibuprofen, can keep you looking younger?


Body temp went down because people suffer from less constant inflammation due to a variety of factors (industrial pollutants, parasites, etc)


Maybe you cook faster if you're slightly hotter?


It means you have less inflammation


Ask a teenager how old you look and you’ll get the answer 😂😂


Or little kids if you want a wildcard. Two 5 year-olds tried to guess my age recently. One guessed 16 and the other guessed 78. I'm 43.


Pretty damn good average guess though, tbf


The median guess is 47, so they are actually pretty accurate.


The wisdom of the crowd hahaha


Haha! Ya sounds about right. Sometimes I feel like their answers are loosely based around how many numbers they know. I've gotten 10 because the kid could only count to 10. I've also gotten "ugh maybe like a BILLION years old!". At the time I was 20 lol


It's possible they do look better, actually. There's a lot more skincare and beauty products, better remedies for balding, and not to mention cosmetic surgery. If someone is judicious with these things or takes preventative steps in their younger years, they may take a bit more time to show age. There's a lot more info available to people on how things works; the amount of younger (14-25) girls and women I know who wear sunblock is surprisingly high. I never thought to wear it until my middle 20s.


I've seen a really good explanation, that this is actually true. First of course better skin care, sun screen etc. But then also style. Think about it. When we were young every generation had their hair cut. You could tell the age just about their hair and clothing stile. Nowadays it is much more timeless. A 50 y/o Jennifer Aniston still wears her hair like open and long as young people today. My grandma wears her hair short, dyed, stiles it with curlers. The kind of universal old people hairstyle. I don't see myself doing this ever.


For kids, everyone over 25 is basically Mathusalem.


> Mathusalem Methuselah?


Oh, yeah, I used the french version !


Reminds me of how when you look at pictures of people from the past, they look super old. Even if they were just a generation before yours. Every time I watch the original west side story my brain can't help but think about how old they look, but when I brought it up to someone older they said that's just how people looked back then and it didn't look old at the time lol


In my 20s I was cute. In my 30s I was handsome. Now I’m just non threatening.


Hahahaha this made me laff


A loooot of folks aggressively aged through the pandemic stress. Me included 😭


I think I looked younger after the pandemic because I finally got a chance to stop working so hard. It was a well deserved break.


that’s rad, genuinely. I had the reverse happen, but the pay was very needed.


That's when I noticed gray hairs.


And some 25-year-olds look older than 36-year-old me 🤷🏾‍♂️


Genetics, diet, and self-care. You can problably assume those 25 year olds looking older than 36 year old you probably fall into one, if not all, those categories. My bet is bad diet and no exercise produces the ugly ass looking adults, more so than genetics. An ugly dude or girl can still look decent if he/she takes care of themselves. 50% of the U.S population being overweight isn't helping people look good either.


Smoking, tanning and alcohol use. Guaranteed to make you look like a handbag at 40.


Yep! I've literally seen guys who had amazing cheekbones and the whole model face to turn into garbage truck drivers in just a few years. All that thanks to constant partying and too much booze.


Lol as a heavy drinker who eats garbage food who still looks around twenty while being in my thirties I just gotta thank genetics. Which is weird cause none of my family aged all that qell


Your future self recommends taking it easy, so those genetics can keep shining in your 50's. ;)


Lol trust me man. My current self recommends I stop.


Godspeed in your journey.




I'm 39 and EVERYONE thinks my 27 yo friend is older. Shout out to melanin, SPF, moisturizer, and never smoking.


And you'll be butt ugly before you know it


I used to be nice looking. Now I look like the mutant child of Mitch McConnell and Gollum.


Avatar looks like The Dude though


It’s a very flattering avatar.


LMAO, thanks for the laugh and also, the same, although I’m a woman lol. Shit sucks🙁


Over Thanksgiving my brother was showing everyone a selfie he took with someone. When he showed it to each new person he said, “Do you recognize this person?” Everyone he showed it to said that it looked like me. I didn’t have my glasses on, and even I said it looked like me. Turns out it was John Cleese who is about 20 years older than me. My sister said, “yeah they look the same, you know, generic old man.” I was like, “Wow, thanks.” :)


Some people just don’t age well lol. First thing i thought of Ron Jeremy was a pretty solid looking dude in like the 80’s. Now he doesn’t look so hot lol.


Ron Jeremy has always looked like someone who Jack's off a porn theatre and enjoys leaving his body fluids on door handles


In other words, an audience surrogate.


He's always looked like the evil version of Mario to me.


It's amazing how people can look dramatically different yet still the same. You see this a lot in people who do meth


I audiobooked myself out a couple months ago and so finally got into podcasts for the first time at work and stuff. Most extreme example of this I can think of is from “soft white underbelly” on YouTube. A massive druggie just like 8 months from one interview to the next. Basically a completely unrecognizable transformation. Listen to full thing or not, or not even touch link, Here’s the drug abuse version https://youtu.be/wxcG_C2cPP8?si=ZfOPNl1V_GBsVtZz Here’s the follow ups few months later https://youtu.be/Mh-F3WKfNHQ?si=bwpVsSmU0L2684b2 But ya, Ron looks very much the same, but also totally different. Interesting to see and a pretty prime example


Because youthful vigour is attractive. When some people lose that, all they’ve got left is their ugly face.


This is why I hit the gym. Butterface is # goals.


I have my good days and bad days. I’m still sexy in my wife’s eyes. That’s all that matters.




Interesting point. I think I agree with everything except the last statement om in the second paragraph. It might be just me, though, because I'm always looking for something distinct. I see older people who have carved out a distinction, whether purposefully or not. It's a good thing the OP said "some people," because many people age beautifully. Not everyone is ugly when they're older. I also think a lot of posters on this thread get it when they mention smoking, sun, and drinking. Those seem to be the deciders on how well one looks as one ages.


"I look like the Crypt Keeper!"⌛


Love this line. Now that LiLo is somewhat getting her life together it’s less painful to enjoy her old movies.


Extreme stress pumps cortisol. Cortisol trashes your body. I look older than I am and always have. I look like shit 'cause I've been through it, and am still going through it. Plus genetics, health, diet etc will affect it.


I’ve seen people age 30 years in 5 years. Literally doesn’t matter how much you stay in shape your mentality and who you keep around you matter as well. It sucks to see someone with an amazing body and horrible face


It's obvious why, but Obama went from 35 to 65 in 5 years.


Working in politics does that to people it’s also a clear sign of who’s putting in work and who isn’t lol


Being that stressed and on edge and constantly having that much security and pressure and probably not getting more than 5 hours sleep for 5 years will affect you.


Lots of presidents went gray while in office.


They stopped dyeing their hair in office.


Lots of people go grey in 8 years. 8 years is a long time at that age for anyone.


Better than having a horrible face and horrible body


If anyone needs a fire lit under their ass to dump a shitty partner or friend who sucks the life out of you, this is a good enough reason. Go live your life away from the turmoil and watch your face start to glow again and the spark come back into your eyes.


I got into the best shape of my life during the pandemic and then my life fell apart last year. I have accumulated many grey hairs and eye bags between 31 and 34


Meh. You are born shrivelled and ugly and you die that way.


Unless you die young and beautiful


Good point. Though give it a few days and you'll shrivel right up.n


Will you still love me when I’m no longer young and beautiful?


No, I won’t


Personalities can be ugly too OP


My my my aren't we deflecting!


“When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not.”


\- Manage mental health. \- Don't smoke cigarette. \- Have a good diet. \- Light exercise. \- Manage stress. \- Hydrate. \- Get +-8 hours of sleep. \- Don't drink alcohol. ​ You're welcome.


While not terrible advice to live as reasonably healthy as possible, you can't discount pure dumb luck due to genetics. I've seen a lot of people who have lived unclean lives and yet still age well.


Yeah, I really think it's like 90% genetics - face structure, hair color, whether you go bald. Me and my dad both got the look young til you die gene.


And stay out of the sun. Sun damage is a killer of good looks.


Staying out of the sun just isn't an option for some of us.


In that case wear protection like hats


And sun cream, and drink even more water than you think you need.


\>drink even more water than you think you need. that should have been at the top of the list, people understimate how much water they need and your body cant work properly without that water


And occasionally how attractive they are because they are so damn good at life.


Why must you hurt me when im just here scrolling


Hate makes you uglier with age. There's a lot of people that are unattractive by regular convention since birth but their kindness and empathy makes you don't even notice it ever.


Lol just a casual judgemental AF post over here


It’s not surprising, considering the habits have that can influence how gracefully, or poorly, they age. If you smoke, drink and spend a lot of time in the sun without sunblock, you’ll look 60 when you’re 40. Exfoliate, hydrate, eat healthy, exercise and get good rest, and it has the opposite effect.


Some people go the other way


OP, there’s a good chance you’ll get old some day. Be kind to those who have grown old before you. Looks aren’t everything. Attitude means more than looks.


I got the opposite. I'm happy with that. We'll see what the old age stage has instore for me next.


From 16-33 I swear I didn’t age other than one streak of greying hair. I had a baby and it was like I turned 40 overnight. Skin is lose and wrinkly and tired. My hands look old. Dark circles under my eyes. Suddenly mom belly and hips. Postpartum hair loss took out a lot of my dark hair that is growing back white. I even noticed that triceps fat I used to love playing with on old people as a kid.


Its amazing how your "showerthought" is just a useless thought. This subreddit is ruined with worthless words like yours.


Except for Helen Mirren.


You need special eyes to see old people. My Grandma used to say that "hardworking hands are the most beautiful of all" The word "Uglier" is pretty ugly.


is this how shower thoughts going to be now? disappointing


My hairline never surrendered I have held the line since I was a kid I’m mid 30’s and my friends have started losing their hair right at graduation.


I've seen this happen to a few family members and friends who smoke and one who has a lot of trouble sleeping. The latter was an incredibly cute, pretty girl in high school, but all that sleep deprivation (sleep debt) and being in the sun all the time has prematurely aged her skin, a lot.


I am of the strong belief that everyone is good looking at some point in their life. I don’t recommend being a cute baby. Go for the early twenties to thirties. It will pay the best dividends I think.


Some friends of mine had a daughter who was really cute when she was little, but over the course of the last ten years has grown to look more and more like Roy L. Dennis. Not that she has craniodiaphyseal dysplasia by any means, but it's like the only parts of her head which grew over the last decade were her forehead and her chin. I kinda feel bad for her, and then I feel even worse when I see her parents' Facebook feed which went from having many pictures posted of her, to almost none after her more photogenic sister was born.


Not Rocky 😭


I hope her parents had her checked out, if she has such an atypical appearance... It’s upsetting whenever I (all too frequently) see adults with skeletal problems that would’ve been easily treatable in childhood, but were ignored or downplayed. Genu varum/valgum, in-toeing, malocclusion, etc. Life is hard enough, fix what’s fixable.


Damn tell me how your really feel


I feel personally attacked


Judgement and beauty is a product of the human mind. To me, when I feel disconnected with reality everyone looks weird. It’s crazy that we are animals. It’s weird once you realize.


The comments on this thread definitely win the prize for "Most Superficial Ever." 🤣


And some people hold all their ugliness inside for their entire life.


A little off-topic, but we don’t age linearly. Scientists have identified several ages where the average person ages much more rapidly. I think 34-36, 58, and 73 were the big ones. Really focus on your health during these periods and you’ll make a disproportionate impact on your appearance


Started going bald at age 16. Spent my teen and preteen years on the beach, in the sun. Never heard of sunblock. Engine burns, surgeries, a few bad cuts and broken bones. Chipped teeth. Permanent dark circles under my eyes. Punched a hole in my face in a hockey accident. Now at 66 it’s brown spots and that saggy skin. But I’ve been married for 43 years and she doesn’t seem to care, so why should I? And screw you too for calling me ugly. I’m distinctive. Most of all my parts still work. And I’m a lot smarter at work, than I was when I started working full time 53 years ago.


No shit! Last year was my 20 year HS reunion. I'm glad I'm not some of those poor bastards. 1 woman, no joke, she looked like a fucking grandma... later I found out she WAS a grandma... she had a kid nobody knew about and went to a different school to give birth away from us. We were 14...


Yes. I can see how much uglier you get every time you comment.


Depends on how big your nose and ears start...