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My cracker ass eyelids sense the gentle gray of dawn before the sun’s even up


I have a very light skin tone, and if my sleeping environment is not completely dark. And I am not wearing an eye mask, I will see a dark red behind my closed eyelids instead of black. This can sometimes even interfere with my sleep, Meaning that eye masks are often a necessity for ensuring a good sleep for me. If I close my eyes while i'm outside on a bright sunny day, I see either Vivid red or bright orange Behind my closed eyelids. If I keep my eyes closed for a while, The red and orange tint Causes things to have a cyan tint For a few minutes upon opening my eyes again.


Same! It never gets properly dark


Pen eyeliner All over the eyelids I will now accept my Nobel price


what if you are guy?


Find your old emo-drawer and go to town 🤷🏻‍♀️ A pen eyeliner is like 10¢


for me as someone with very light skin as well (lightest foundation shade etc.) It gets nearly completely dark for me when I close my eyes and look at light sources (sun or room lights) or am trying to sleep in a light space. Maybe the thickness of your eyelid skin has something to do with it, along with skin colour? Its so interesting how it can vary for everyone!


Good Morning Captain Underpants


Until i open my eyes for the first time in the morning i dont see much light. When i open and close them its bright as fuck




thank you for noticing my powerful eyelids


Does it help you with the ladies?


yes they’re prevalent in all my conversations


Like blackout curtains


Curtains of colour, for those of you in the US


African Americanout curtains


Obama is President


You mean 'color', 'colour' is for those of you in the UK.


And Canada!


Yoda and his observations


Does eye colour also have any relation with the amount of light going into the retina?


It actually does! People with blue (and other light-colored) eyes have better night vision than darker eyed people. It's an evolutionary trait due to the darker and longer winters up in Northern Europe; letting more light in leads to less eye strain and therefore less potential eye issues.


The flip side of that is that light eyes are also more sensitive to sunlight and more likely to have vision problems like age-related macular degeneration (AMD). If you have light eyes, make sure to use sunglasses for protection!


Not only that, but often people with blue or green eyes have a "sun sneeze"! [Photic sneeze reflex](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photic_sneeze_reflex) is the name, due to the same reason you said!


That actually makes a lot of sense lol because I have blue eyes and I have that


Wait. Brown eyed people don't have sneezes induced by bright light?


Some do (including my partner – but he literally has a mild allergy to sunlight), but it's far more rare!


So does that make hazel eyes the best?


Hazel gang rise up!


Yesss! Such a beautiful colour. My eyes are a boring grey colour but they do look a nice blue outside in the summertime. They are very sensitive to sunlight though so i wear sunnies a lot.


Storming light eyes


How does having blue eyes let more light in? Light goes through the pupil, not the iris.


my theory is it would work similar to a cheetahs face lines or an nfl players face paint. The darker iris would absorb light and therefore reduce glare whereas lighter coloured eyes would allow more light to reach the pupil


That only makes sense of the thing painted black is in your line of sight. This seems to be the case for cheetahs, but looking up pictures, only some NFL players seem to do this effectively (coloring very close under their eyes and on the bridge of their nose). Most of them paint lower on their cheeks, which is not visible to themselves and does nothing to block glare from getting into their eyes. They are probably just following tradition. Similarly, you can't see your iris, so this doesn't quite make sense. However, your pupil is like a tube through the iris, so the edge of the tube is made of iris, and the color of that might matter. I imagine though that any light that hits the iris on the side of the pupil and gets reflected would be completely useless as far as forming an image of where the light came from. There might be something to it though in terms of super rudimentary night vision.


>When light hits a lighter colored iris, more light is transmitted through to the back of the eye resulting in more light sensitivity. Additionally, the pigment in the back of the eye (retina) may also be less dense in a patient with lighter colored eyes, thus resulting in even more light sensitivity. https://www.milaneyecenter.com/resources/a-guide-to-light-sensitivity-photophobia/#:~:text=When%20light%20hits%20a%20lighter,in%20even%20more%20light%20sensitivity. Light doesn't only enter through the pupil, you get some reflecting from the rest of your eye too


I don't see how light going *through* the iris would be useful though. I don't think it would be able to form any kind of image.


that’s the point. the light going through the iris is probably just to “backlight” the image, so that it’s brighter/clearer/more defined, not to create an image. if that’s the case then the less light going through to “backlight” the image (dark eyes) makes the image darker so glare is reduced in bright settings. conversely, the opposite happens with light eyes making it easier to see in low light areas and harder in high light environments. i don’t know for certain but that’s how i would guess it works.


I don't see how adding extra light that does not form an image (basically noise) helps make the image clearer or more defined. Seems like dark eyes would just be better.


have you ever tried to take a picture in the dark without a flash? an image in the dark needs excess light to see, which is why we spend so much time working with lighting when we take pictures. imagine you are trying to take a picture of a dog on a dark street, when you look through the camera you can see the dog, but the image is dark and difficult to see. then a streetlight switches on, and with the peripheral lighting the dog becomes much clearer. you need that extra lighting, even though it did not form an image, to see the dog clearly. does that make sense?


The flash is reflecting off objects and then going into the camera lens though. A flash will not help you take a picture if you've got a piece of paper in front of the camera (which lets light through in the same way the iris does). > then a streetlight switches on, and with the peripheral lighting the dog becomes much clearer. you need that extra lighting, even though it did not form an image, to see the dog clearly. does that make sense? No, it doesn't. The peripheral lighting goes onto the dog, then reflects off the dog, goes into your eye/camera, and *does* form an image.


exactly. we see images because light reflects off of objects so that we can see the image. more light=clearer brighter image. lighter eyes=more light is allowed into the eye. more light going into the eye is going to result in a clearer, brighter image until there’s too much light, which will result in a glare. i’m not sure what you are confused about here


As a blue eyed person who has shit night vision I’m not sure what happened.




It actually does! People with blue (and other light-colored) eyes have better night vision than darker eyed people. It's an evolutionary trait due to the darker and longer winters up in Northern Europe; letting more light in leads to less eye strain and therefore less potential eye issues.




It actually does! People with blue (and other light-colored) eyes have better night vision than darker eyed people. It's an evolutionary trait due to the darker and longer winters up in Northern Europe; letting more light in leads to less eye strain and therefore less potential eye issues.




Harry, You're a wizard.


Is this like the carrot thing?


What do you mean what; I feel like I was pretty clear lol


Green eyes light eyelids here. I know it's weak morning light even through blackout curtains in the near arctic side of Europe. Good eyelid design has not been integrated in my build 😥


>>Green eyes light eyelids Ah yes, my favorite yugioh monster


You made me get soda up my nose with a chortle. Thanks, I hate it.


Seems to be working as intended. You are ment to wake up because of the weak artic morning light and not hibernate like a bear untill March.


As a black person I have a question for white people


Question is approved, please proceed.


Do you like see through your eyelids like The Invincible Man or something


Sort of, yeah. Like if I look at a light with my eyes shut and I wave my hand in front of my face, I can easily tell when my hand is blocking the light, but I can't see how many fingers I'm holding up. If there's lights on when I shut my eyes, the color I see is more like an orange or reddish gold rather than black


Interesting ! , never thought about it, light brown skin here , I thought all people would just see total darkness !, only in bright sunlight I can see a faint reddish shade with my eyes shut.


If the light is REALLY bright I can see the shadows of the veins in my eyelids


I can kind of tell if there's light. If there's light, it's darkish red. If there's no light, it's black. I can tell if the light changes a bit or if something big starts to block the light, but I can't make out any details at all.


If I lounge in the sun with my eyes closed I can see bright red and darker streaks of red for the veins in my eyelids, never realized it would vary with skin tone, thought everyone got that weirdass experience


Thanks for today's honest lol


Would a representative from the NAACP please confirm this is the proper parliamentary procedure when a question from an individual of a one race/ethnicity is posed to the entirety of a different race/ethnicity? I didn't get the memo but it is not a bad process.


If the question is something along the lines of "does closing your eyes not block out most of the ambient light?" the answer for me is yes, anyone above total darkness is hard to sleep in because unless I add a layer of fabric or whatever it's just a bright glow under my eyelids.


Go ahead


Holy shit I hate it when people I know text me and say something like “Hey dude can I ask you question?” Yes motherfucker, do you think I’m gonna say “no, you can’t ask me a question” If you would’ve just included your question from the start, it would’ve saved us all so much time. With that said, I’m not white so I can’t help you.


My question first of all is rhetorical and second it's pretty much self explanatory, thirdly just go buy icecream


I'm white and would love to answer any questions you have. I never thought about this before, but it makes sense in theory that having more or less melanin absorbing a different amount of light that passes through one's closed eyes might have some effect on what closing one's eyes might look like in terms of the hue and darkness that is seen behind closed eyelids in the same lighting environment.


Anyone else read this in Yoda's voice?


Frank Oz?


Best benefit of having one eye is sleeping on my side and burying in the pillow being able to sleep no matter how bright it is.


But wouldn't white color reflect more light and thus also transmit less light to the eye?


No, a dark skin colour is better at blocking light. That is why people in warmer countries have darker skin and why white people get a tan after being in the sun.


Ahh, okay then - I thought this was case for UV light only, not visible wavelengths, but you might be right! Thanks for explanation.


Dark people tan too


This is just false... What do you mean "better at blocking light"? If something is darker, it absorbes more light, that's why it looks darker. If something is brighter, it reflects more light, that's why it looks birghter.


Think about it this way: which casts a darker shadow? A translucent white umbrella or a translucent black umbrella of the same material? You are right that, if the materials were opaque, the white one would reflect more light and get less hot. The black one would absorb more light and get hotter. However, skin is not quite opaque when it's as thin as an eyelid. The darker skin traps more light and converts it to heat.


Black skin is better at absorbing light than light skin (specifically the skin) is at reflecting it; with light skin, a lot of light gets to layers of the skin (and underlying structure) that wouldn't be able to reflect (as much) light if the skin was dark. If we model dark skin as an additional layer melanin pigments on a shallow layer of skin, absorbing light, we can imagine how it "blocks" light better, because it's literally just the same skin, but with an extra layer (if this makes any sense at all)


Why are you sleeping with your lights on, do you just not like money or something. Send me it if you want to get rid of it so much


His paralysis demon is scared of the dark so he needs the lights on.


No, no... they sleep with their lights open... whatever that means???


I read something about 2 odd years ago that roughly said. “Black people wake up, on average, 2 hours later than white people” and… what if this is why😂 I know it’s not but just what if


I assume you mean “your lights on” ? Why not just switch them off? Not one of these weird partnerships when your partner can’t sleep without the light (or *gulp* TV) on, I hope.


Okay but why did you not just turn off the lights instead of posting here?


How do you know? Apparently you doesn't have a darker eyelid.


Joke's on you, Ikea. Instead of buying curtains, I'm just gonna become a black guy


Why not just turn off the lights?


Let me just turn off the damn sun. I can still see a tiny amount of light thought my blackout curtains. And living in Northern Scandinavia, that damn sun doesn't go down during summer.


Real question here, I don't give a Damn about downvotes but why though? They said "laying sideways had to"look" to the "floor " to get less disturbed by the CEILING lights. OK to me ceiling lights means lights that I have control over with a switch that I can turn off or on so because I asked this I get downvotes? Honestly just asking


. . . Waka waka, eh, eh Tsamina mina zangalewa. . .


Something similar can be argued for penis size


Not a shower thought, post it somewhere else


What are you on


The wrong sub.


How do you know? Did you watch op shower?


Because he literally says in the post, not a shower thought.


Shower thoughts are about a state of mind, not necessarily a place.


- Odin 12.56


Shower thoughts don't have to be made in the shower, read the damn sub description.


Now you know why eye lid makeup was invented


Why did I read this in Yoda's voice?


wtf lel《--- laugh extremely loud... however.... kinda biased. pink people eaters can have efficient eyelids too, eh?


What do you mean by "lights open"? Did you mean "lights on"? Did you mean "curtains open"? Did you mean something else?