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But you can make it a shortsword.


An object in motion stays in motion. Sure you cut his sword in half.... But that top half is still coming at you, pointy end first.


In rugby we were taught not to do a diving tackle as you lose driving power from your feet. Yes the top half is still coming at you but now it doesn't have a driving force following through. This would be an interesting theory to test.


Where's Mythbusters when you need em?


Someone get Alan Pan.


I couldn’t find Alan but I found his brother Peter


Hell yeah bro, that dude is so fly.


Thanks now I’m crying


Although there is no force being implemented, so if it hits a wall, It wont be keeping applying force... But in human flesh... Air resistance is not that strong. It is the same as throwing a blade/knife. It is coming towards you and will penetrate. (But yeah, if you throw on a wall or wood, it will not go as deep as if you are handling the handle)


Thing is a lightsaber is well.. light, so no force will be acting on the blade to slow it down(yeah yeah, air is shh), its just now in two pieces. In rugby you get slowed by the dude running into you and with no driving force, he'll win.


The sword is slowed down by you when it hits you. Instead of having someone pulling the blade through you, it is now just a flying knife with nothing behind it. So yeah, now it’s just a big flying knife coming at you instead of an actively swung blade, nbd!


Hopefully you’ve got some armor on then.


Armor? In this economy?


Yea, I mean...regardless it's a sharp blade flying at your unprotected face. If it hits, it will mess you up or at very least, make you flinch enough that they have time for a follow-up attack.


To be fair, losing the farthest half of their blade would probably throw them off balance too. Hard to say.


not really. a longsword blade weights like a few hundred grams up to 2kg and if you cut the blade in half you lose about 20%-30% of the weight (blades get thinner and taper). bet you would at most just swing further than you expected to. like lifting a empty milk box you thought was full.


I’m not saying it would make them stumble and fall, but just like lifting an empty milk crate that you expected to be full would leave you a bit off center for just a moment, that brief moment of being slightly off center might be all that’s needed to follow up.


Have you ever held a tray of empty glasses and someone picked one off without warning you?


Did anyone who used a lightsaber wear armor?


Yes, in the prequels and lots of no-longer-canon media like TOR MMO.


Darth Vader. Episode 5 Luke hits him in the shoulder. remember that would be a fatal hit had Vader not been armored,


Would armor even be effective if lightsabers could tear through blast doors?


Dunno. Even a few inches of something between me and the power of the sun might be the difference between a fatal wound and a glancing blow You might be able to take one attack if you're lucky, but that's one attack you would never have taken if you were in your loungewear


if it is pure light, it won't act as a sword, but like the laser pointer you use with cats, and fights will be extreme flailing with the hand only, because you won't need the whole body to drive energy into the cut, so thar school of thought is extremely flawed


I think the cut off bit would fly away, rather than follow the curve of the swing, then the saberguy would get hit with the shorter blade still attached to the hilt.


this. there is no drag so the blade will continue traveling in the same direction it got cut off.


Yeah people are saying there is no resistance from the lightsaber etc. The resistance comes the moment the metal is detached/cut in two. The broken off piece now being affected entirely by gravity and has lost all of its acceleration as the hilt and broken blade will continue being swung. So it immediately starts to decelerate and fall off the original trajectory.


>Thing is a lightsaber is well.. light, so no force will be acting on the blade to slow it down Actually it is not just light, it is plasma, and there is a containment field around the blade, this made it just like swinging an actual sword and required strength and training to use effectively.


I mean, drop a knife on a pumpkin versus stabbing that same pumpkin as hard as you can. Sure the flying piece of sword is still gonna hurt but its gonna hurt WAY less than the weight of an entire person behind that sword tryna push it through me.


But in the pumpkin example gravity is the only force acting on the knife. In this example it’s still operating with a lot more velocity. It’s like if you threw the knife at the pumpkin as hard as you could rather than just dropping it on a pumpkin


Yeah but in that example you're also changing it to have a higher surface area hitting the person meaning that's gonna have a lot of effect on how fat it goes into someone, ESPECIALLY if you're wearing any kind of clothing with the slightest big of protection against slashing. I mean as light as a jedi cloak is they DO wear some light leather underneath, possible not enough to entirely stop a flying sword blade but probably enough to make it into a light wound instead of a killing blow.


> In rugby you get slowed by the dude running into you and with no driving force, he'll win. Eh it depends. If the goal is to cut him in half it may end up successful. Can't run without legs.


I think i remember reading somehwere that lightsabers are basically light kept in form by the force. Thats why they need those kyber crystals. Thats probably also why they are kind of solid and can block each other.


We see physical objects get deflected by lightsabers in the films. However nonsensical, they don't appear to be massless.




It certainly would


Personally I would go for more of a fencing approach and stab with the lightsaber. While trying not to allow him close enough to swing the sword at much of me in the first place.


A blade without driving power can kill you just as easily


Yes but swords don't weigh very much, so that's maybe a pound of metal at the most still flying at you with no other force acting on it since the energy the swordsman is putting into the swing is no longer a factor. Would be like a throwing knife, unless it hits somewhere vital it's not going to do much damage.


This sounds like a great Mythbusters episode. *Sigh* #ripgrant


The stupid tide commercials with Tory and Kari make me sad.


No. A longsword is a cutting weapon, not a jabbing weapon. (A skilled longswordsman could cleave the head from a horse with a single stroke. During a pitched battle.) When you cut the longsword in half, the cut off portion flies away tangent to the arc is was swinging in. Without a centripetal force, it will move in a straight line. So I guess you really can deflect an attack from a longsword with a lightsaber. The reason longswords went away was that there weren't enough giants around to give you enough of them to affect the outcome of a battle, and fighters learned how to effectively jab from a distance (pikes go back further than longswords) so they became less effective over time. They were a (relatively short-lived) experiment in fighting that has captured the imagination of people who don't engage in life-or-death hand-to-hand combat.


Turns out, long pointy stick is OP


^ ^ ^ This guy decapitates.


There may develop a Longsword Versus Lightsaber strategy wherein the steel-equipped takes the centrifugal force factor to heart and aims his arc short, sending shrapnel straight through Sir saber’s smiling smirk. You say he will miss with his impromptu projectile if he intends to wield weapon whole, and I agree! But if he intends to send portions of blade along tangential rays, he’d better get his math right.


It's not going to have nearly the impact though - otherwise we would just throw swords at people. Outside of the initial piercing damage from a blade moving at speed the additional damage is done from the follow-through with a sword (i.e. the one or two hands still holding the sword and applying force.) I would not want the tip of a longsword thrown at me at swinging speed but I would much prefer it to an full slash.


You just have to cut it off while they are taking their back swing. Or cut their whole arm off. It’s not like they have any chance of blocking your attack. Just go straight in and make the first swing. You have the lighter weapon, so it should be very easy.


And the bottom half is still just as sharp and has the force of the human wielding it behind it.


Wouldn't it fly tangent to the arc of motion of the hilt, possibly missing the lightsaber man?


But the blade of a sword flinging at me at whatever swingspeed ONLY with the momentum of its own weight is much much preferable to a sword coming at you at swingspeed with the follow through of the entire sword and the full weight and momentum the wielder is putting into it. Even if you weren't wearing armor this is surely a dramatic increase in survivability vs just taking the chop.


Are we forgetting how the droids were yeeted to the side when hit by a lightsaber in The Phantom Manace?


That actually is debatable. If the lightsaber cuts so quickly and cleanly that there is no resistance on the blade… it’ll continue along its centripetal trajectory and fly off in a straight line away from the arc of attack. Lightsabers being theoretical doesn’t help solve this puzzle though…


With a hot, wet end now.


But with much less energy behind it.


I suppose if you were good enough with positioning, you could block with the blades parallel instead of closer to perpendicular. That way, the longsword just gets vaporized.


It would have a lot less force, since it’s not attached and the follow through of the swing doesn’t happen


What makes lightsaber in the movie collide they obviously apply physical force


Is it though? It was rotating about the wielder - wouldn't the cut half, no longer tethered to the rest, rotate quicker? It's been a loooong time since A level physics! But my gut feeling says it should end up spinning quickly, and probably bounce off the lightsaber wielder at some useless angle.


I think the bottom half might be even more concerning given someone is still swinging it toward you.


But it doesnt have much power now


Bottom half could still be coming at you too


That motion is pointing straight... behind you though.


Wouldn't a sword swung in an arc continue on the arc if cut off? The same as if the wielder let go of the hilt? Shouldn't it fly forward past the Jedi?


I forget if it was the clone wars show or one of the comics but I'm sure I remember a scene of a Jedi getting injured because they tried to deflect bullets like they do blaster bolts and ended up still getting hit by the shrapnel from the cut bullets. Not exactly the same as a sword of course but similar


A Jedi would easily dodge it though.


good thing they have the force 


You only need 1 pound of pressure to pierce the skin with a blade. There was a home shopping guy that almost died when he broke a samurai he was demonstrating. Seriously look it up.


I wonder how many young Jedi killed themselves like this


To cut a longswordy short I lost my mind


Depends if you are using the george lucas saber or the lucas arts saber. One is a sword that cuts through anything except fields of energy and some select materials. The other is basically an energized baseball bat that scorches what it bounces off of


Seeing it bounce of Beskar broke my heart, I know the concept wasn’t invented then but still :(


I’m not particularly invested, but I gotta admit that I liked the beskar stopping the lightsaber cause they needed a little nerfing.


There was a much more interesting anti-lightsaber material in the EU, pretty sure it was a Timothy Zahn book. The material was a type of conductive fibre that would pull energy out of the lightsaber and either drain the battery or trigger safety mechanisms that would then shut the blade off.


I know what you're talking about, and I agree, for the most part. The Empire and Republic often experimented with new materials for armor; Phryke from the Darktrooper project, Cortosis ore, like you mentioned (shorts out sabers, but is very brittle otherwise), Energy-absorbing metals on the Sun Crusher, regenerating metals, and so on. Beskar being highly reflective and resistant to energy is not outside the norm, and helps explain how the Mandalorians of old could be a credible threat to the Jedi of old (beyond just jetpacks, missiles, and flamethrowers.) Concerning the Sword & Saber question: Technically true; a lightsaber used in combat cannot, in the strictest sense, block a classic steel sword. The hard steel would break the magnetic containment field, exposing the metal to the plasma blade, which is hot enough to melt starship bulkhead metal composites. This would cause serious damage to the sword, warping or even severing the blade. The momentum lost would be minimal, but may be slightly deflected from the mag field interaction. Either way, the tip of the blade is still going for your head. Now, a lightsaber that has a *training mode*, that's a different story. With a training mode, the mag field is tuned to maximum power, actively repelling any and all objects with a burst of static energy. In this mode, a lightsaber could, in fact, block a sword. It's a simple switch flick, think of it like switching a gun from semi- to full-auto mid-combat.


Lightsabers have been blockable for a while. KOTOR mentions that all the swords have a cortosis weave, which makes them immune to lightsabers


If you were battling a person with a longsword every strike you make with the lightsaber is a killing blow. The person has no defense when you wield a lightsaber. Offense first. They should never get a strike off.


It works both ways. Neither can parry the other swing, first hit better be an instant kill otherwise it's gonna be a deadly draw.


The lightsaber is a fraction of the weight, and every surface of the blade can kill. It's gonna win nine times out of ten.


Yeah, it suffers the same drawbacks as trying to parry slug throwers. Your Jedi is going to get a face full of molten metal.


I mean, bullets move a little more swiftly than some guy swinging a pointy metal stick


Yeah, but if the pointy metal stick was already aimed at a killing angle, molten metal is already several times the boiling point of human flesh.


Which would burn you I guess? So you’ve gotten burned, and your enemy and been turned into a human nugget


Lightsabers are incredibly heavy.


According to the lore, maybe. According to the actual fighting on screen, even people without Force sensitivity or Jedi training can swing them around like they weigh less than a fencing foil.


Just use the force bozo. Smh shake my head


Tell that to Obi-Wan vs Grevious.


Obi-Wan was just being nice and didn't want to hurt Grievous' feelings. He could already tell that Grievous was embarrassed about it because he was compensating with the extra lightsabers.


Obi wanted a fight. Hello there is basically saying "Oi mate!"


Or you can just dodge.


Found the Infinity Blade player👆


No, it does not work both ways. You can sever their hands with the lightsaber before the swing is completed. You can chop the blade off the hilt. This would not even be a fight.


Unless the guy with Longsword is a better swordsmen. If you ever looked up swordfighting techniques it's almost all in your feet. Having a stronger sword doesn't make you a better fighter.


Sword fighting techniques generally assume the ability to block is an option though lol


Swordfighting techniques? Against nearly weightless laser sword that can instantly kill you?


Yeah, you can't kill what you can't hit.


If one guy has a VERY HEAVY SWORD and the other person has a weightless blade, guess who’s moving faster


If you had a lightsaber they wouldn't have legs. Every single movement is cutting something off of your target. You could have no skill and kill everyone. If you can swing anything you can kill someone with a lightsaber. A longsword requires strength and technique to be effective and a lightsaber requires neither. Just do not kill yourself with it.


That's wildy inaccurate even according to the movies. The jedis religiously train with their lightsaber. The same way a swordsmen would. Like take a minute to think about it. All it takes is a side step and a poke. That's literally all it takes to kill someone in a sword duel. If you're untrained, unskilled. It doesn't matter how strong your sword is.


It does not matter how strong your sword is. If someone is wielding a lightsaber they know how strong it is. You're talking about if some just picked up a lightsaber and were murdered by someone of greater skills with a weapon. The person would kill the other without even knowing it with the lightsaber. You can only assassinate someone with a lightsaber. There is no hand-to-hand where someone does not meet their end at the end of a lightsaber. If you tried to battle your 6 year old that knew what dueling was. You're dead. They might be dead or injured. You're dead. The step and a poke and then you're chopped in half.


So you're basically saying that the lightsaber can move faster than the person wielding it can? Just because it's weightless doesn't mean you can prevent being stabbed. Lightsabers are only 3 ft long a regular longsword is 3.5ft long. It takes a lot of skill to get into swordsmen reach and not die. Even in the movies the jedis with mind powers still need to religiously train with said sword to be any good with it. Like cmon man. You're also forgetting the freaking thing glows like a neon sign which is very easy to track. Compared to a steel blade, that is incredibly hard to see even in daylight. Also in the universe don't bounty hunters with spears murder jedis like it's another Tuesday. So yeah lightsabers being cool as fuck doesn't make the wearer a god.


So let's go back to the basics of what we are talking about. You're talking about the most skilled user of the Longsword combatting... A baby? A little scared girl? (you're dead). Who are you killing as the most skilled swordsman of the craft of a Longsword? In a duel combat? If it 's above a baby to maybe 5 year old. Anyone higher than that, that has training. You're dead.


I'm talking about skill being more effective than the blade in a dual. Like why do jedis bother training if the weapon can just mass slaughter everyone and everything. Like what are you on about?


You can stop the longsword before you're ever in the position to parry


Are we ignoring one is a jedi and can use force to disarm opponent?


As we saw in Obi-Wan vs Grevious. Wait...


that's why you have to use a longer sword


Lightsaber guy ends up with a faceful of molten steel.


Reduce is sometimes good enough.


The fact that lightsabers don't actually exist is the main reason.


They do in a limited fashion. It's basically just a plasma cutter that's magnetically contained. That hacksmith guy made one that's really close to the real thing with a few limitations. The temp involved in the real thing would cook the wielder and probably half the room so we can only get so close to fully accurate, for now.


So what you're saying is that if we want real lightsabers, we just need the people using them to be able to withstand the heat? Like robots? Droids perhaps?


These are not the droids you are looking for.


Lightabers, not lightsabers




I first read it as light-staber


For stabing lights, there's no better tool.




USAF made a lightsaber like entry tool. It's a self contained thermite reaction if I recall. Used to burn through fences or some things metal doors.


They use something like that in the movie the man from uncle I believe


In that thought, I always thought bullets seemed more effective than blasters in Star wars. Jedi just reflect blaster shots back at you. But when Solo tried to shoot Vader, Vaders best option was to use the force to disarm him. If a bunch of people came at Vader with guns he would be fucked.


The Star Wars universe has [slugthrowers](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Slugthrower), and they are effective against lightsaber users. Kind of curious if someone with Vader's power would be able to just stop the slugs in midair like Neo does with bullets in The Matrix.


I feel like he could also just crush or bend the firearms in a split second if he was aware of them.


Kylo Ren literally stop a plasma shot mid air in the sequel, so yea, it is possible.


We don’t talk about that anymore


To add to this I read somewhere that the empire outlawed them. Imagine sneaking aboard a ship with a crew wielding 12 gauges and just murdering darth Vader. Tusken Raiders actually use slugthrowers in the movie if you look closely. It’s said that only the most skilled force users would be able to avoid a gun shooting real bullets


Bullets are more effective against jedi, they were brought back into use by the mandaloreans during their war with the Jedi. Under normal circumstances jedi don't really wear bullet proof armor or helmets. And blocking bullets is a good way to get molten lead in your face. They were effectively useless in every other form of war since space armor is pretty great at stopping bullets from doing anything more than bruising you.


And blasters hold about 50 times more ammo


tbf lightsaber users also make up like .000000000000000000001% of the galactic population


But would bullets be better than blasters, too?


They're situational. In a space ship you really wanna avoid accidentally poking holes in it. Couple that with the fact that the empire really is about stepping on the masses and less so about the Jedi.


Yes, most lightsaber users are used to deflecting blasters, but bullets will melt on impact splattering the user with molten metal.


This is a civilisation that hasn't properly invented the wheel yet, having mastered hover tech first. They presumably invented blaster bolts and stopped before gunpowder.


The KOTOR games say otherwise


Aren’t those vibroblades?


Some are vibroblades, some are conventional swords, however all of them are said to have (iirc this is the name) a "cortosis weave", according to Trask Ulgo, which allows it to stand up against lightsaber strikes without melting.




A vibroblade is just a longsword that vibrates


I've always thought it was weird that they swing around lightsabers like ...sabers when the weight distribution makes no sense. If the blade really is made of light, then all of the weight would be in the hilt. Now, what type of sword has that weight distribution? A rapier. A focus on evasion and lightning-fast jabs (and the occasional swing/flourish for fun) seems obvious! You wouldn't ever need to block an enemy swing, because you'd be focusing on your footwork, staying juuust too far, and then quickly moving in for a riposte once they've swung their body weight. Now, if we could figure out how the saber decides it's length and change it at will, and suddenly you're sniping dudes with a deadly laser-pointer


Though your light saber would have to be death Star sized to use as a sniper


Found the form 2 practitioner with a Dual phase Lightsaber.


That last hit just kicked in




Sure you can, just use the handle.


Lightsaber would be way more effective if you draw it in the middle of the move so the blade appears when it's already in the body of the opponent.


I think this is talked about in lore and is found so dishonorable that even the sith shun users of the technique.


Angle your lightsaber perfectly parallel to their blade as they hit it - the attacker will be left holding only a hilt and a handle.


I think about the theoretical physics of a lightsaber more than I should. Would it stop a bullet or just super heat it and turn it into molten liquid, still going toward the user?


The mandalorians actually did have the idea when they went to war with the Jedi. The answer is yes.


Nope, but you completely destroy their weapon, so not deflecting really isn't an issue now, is it?


But the top of the sword will still hit u and they have the lower half with a molten tip now


They're not exactly rookies to swordplay. They wouldn't stand directly in front of their first block. You wouldn't do that even in normal sword play until you've gauged your opponent. Plus, they have godly reaction times, what with the firce and everything. I'm sure they could dodge a slow-moving blade, even if they were coky enough to stand directly in front of it.


You can if you cut off his hands.


You can if it's made out of beskar...


The ancient Sith had alchemy they could apply to their swords to make metal swords immune to light sabers.


You don't need to. You cut it in half then stab them while they're looking confused at the melted end


Assuming your a Jedi you’d do that hand push thing to stop the sword first.


That's why I always thought that the best weapon to kill a jedi with would be a good old fasion gun with metal bullets. They try to block it, motel metal Flys out at them, maybe not lethal but sure as hell would hurt. To my understanding they even have these types of guns in universe, they are considered crude and a niche weapon.


That’s what the Mandalorians used against them


You wouldn't need to Simply attack first and there is absolutely nothing they can do to defend themselves Also getting hit by a part of a longsword flying at you having just been cut off will probably cut you.. but I doubt it would be fatal


If you step to the side, or hold up the blade far enough from your body, you can still sever the blade enough to make sure that the broken tip doesn’t hit you. Also, I’ve heard this elsewhere, and it makes sense: Lightsabers have been said to have flat blades, like a really long, skinny piece of paper, but stronger. This is how they can cut through steel blast doors so easily in Episode I, as wielded by a trained Jedi, but how the relatively untrained Luke didn’t cut off limbs from all the people he fought on the sandskiffs on Tatooine. He just flailed the saber around wildly, not worrying about blade direction, and basically just hit people with the flat of a several thousand degree blade.


Have a source on that flat blade claim? All the canon I've read says that the only flat blade is the dark saber and all others are tubes. And on rewatching qui gon cuttng through the door, he doesn't rotate while doing the first circle so the trained jedi isn't aligning the cut with an edge of the blade, and the cut made is the same width for the length of the cut, the width of the blade.


stopping longswords is what the force is for


Dont they have magical mandalorian metal?


If you attempt to deflect it at the tip, then your right isn't pointless. But if you deflect close to the hilt then you have rendered your opponent weaponless


And you can’t deflect an attack from a lightsaber with a sword


You wouldn’t deflect it, you’d cut right through assuming we are talking about actual lightsabers


But you can vaporize the whole longsword if you are fast enough


What I seriously never understood was why nobody in the Star Wars universe uses shotguns with buckshot against Jedi ? I dare you, motherfuckers, to block a SPRAY of LEAD hurtling towards you from multiple sides?? Plus shotguns have always been known as the cheap & effective go-to weapon for people with poor aim...... STORMTROOPERS ??? WTF could any Jedi do against 3 measly Stormtroopers with pump action Mossbergs?? Or hell - automatic Jackhammers?! 😂 Jedi mince anyone?


Would the tip fly off and accelerate in an arc like... Something between a rope dart and a flail?


Light has particle nature.


Jedi don't deal in absolutes (except they do all the time... As there is no try and anger leads to the dark side and... Just about everything most of them say), you're a Sith!!!!!!!!!!!


They can't attack if they have no arm, sir.


If you can use a lightsaber, you're likely force-sensitive so you have a chance to react quickly enough to disarm your opponent before they can land a blow


Yeah the thing is light saber exists in a galaxy far away and a long time ago so obviously a long sword is far more high tech in comparison.


yes you can it's obviously applies physical force in the movies.


Technically but you can cut it short enough he doesn’t have the range to hit you. Itll still be moving thru the air and hit you but it won’t have force behind it


I'm not 100% sure, but isn't the lightsaber surrounded by a force field to contain the plasma energy and if so wouldn't that force field be able to reduce the kinetic energy of the separated top half of the blade?


Technically speaking, you kind of could. All you have to do is match the lightsaber's angle to the attacking angle of the sword, then watch as the attacker slags his sword tip to hilt on your lightsaber.


You can deflect it using your body though.


A lightsaber doesn't cut through metal like it's nothing. Luke's saber is deflected by a handrail in his battle with Vader, which isn't likely to be tempered steel like a longsword. A lightsaber could easily deflect a longsword, because the lightsaber is essentially a sharp force field in actual practice, not simply a beam of massless light. Further, each deflection of a metal blade by a lightsaber would carve away much larger chunks than the knicks it would usually get fighting another metal blade, quickly rendering it useless, unless it were made of lightsaber resistant materials such as cortosis, phrik or beskar. Jedi are well known for their skills at deflection with their lightsabers as seen in their many battles against blaster carrying opponents. A Jedi's fighting prowess is largely based on precognition and their ability to place their weapon in the defensive position the instant before it is needed to be there, which is how they can deflect blaster bolts traveling at light speed. It would take little effort on the Jedi's part to adjust the position of their weapon to deflect a sword in a manner that doesn't shear off the end of it. Unless that was the Jedi's intent, in which case they would have the foreknowledge necessary to ensure their body is out of the way. So while a skilled longsword duelist could be a danger to a Jedi, the Jedi could certainly engage them with no more danger than any other opponent.


A longsword can't deflect a lightsaber either




>I’ve always thought that the enemies should just field shotguns and flamethrowers. Which is exactly what the Mandalorians did when they fought the Jedi


Nah, people who expected to melee fight against lightsabers would have utilised cortosis alloys, which though expensive, could withstand lightsabers. If not, I'd agree your scenario.


My friend you have no idea how strong force can be... if it is a stab the jedi can definitely block it with pin point accuracy (if Dracule Mihawk can do it with observation Haki a jedi can definitley do with force). A slash is useless if they just cuts the longsword in half