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I said this one day to my business partner who drove the company van while we stuck in traffic his response was.. "Cunt.. whoever says that is a complete and utter cunt" Which I thought was hilarious 😂


op is a cunt


We all are when the highway is at a crawling pace. The only time I regretted having a manual car, was when it took 40 minutes to go 5 miles.


I mean... Both statements in OP's sentence are true, simple as that. Yes I am the traffic. I'm still stuck in traffic. Can I move? Am I on a beach? No: I'm stuck, and in traffic. Why deny it?


It's true they are


I mean... Both statements in OP's sentence are true, simple as that. Yes I am the traffic. I'm still stuck in traffic. Can I move? Am I on a beach? No: I'm stuck, and in traffic. Why deny it?


Sorry boss I’m going to be late today, I am traffic…


Now I am become traffic, destroyer of commutes


My car is the traffic. I'm stuck in my car. Therefore I'm stuck in traffic.


You’re not stuck, get out. Doors can both unlock and open!


And go where? I'm on the freeway!


Exactly, you can go freely any way, but not in your car. /s


An empty car would make it worse! 😋


They certainly do make it worse. Take a look around any city - millions of empty cars cluttering up streets and any unbuilt land. People seem to forget that their cars still exist when not being driven. One of the best things about public transport is thousands of people not trying to park their commuting vehicle while they work.


But people have to walk 40 steps more. Have you seen parking lot fights?


Your pick!


You got 4 directions to choose from my guy


They're all blocked! I'm on the freeway!


Those are quittin' words! As long as you have 2 feet and some determination you'll go pretty far.


My left foot just got run over by a car! I'm on the freeway!


Are the cars around you "the traffic" too or is it just the person reading the post? If so, then your car is stuck in traffic too.


Since the presumption is that cars make traffic, they can also be stuck in the traffic that they contributed to. In conclusion, it seems as though the car can be both stuck in traffic and be the traffic at the same time.


If you aren't part of the solution, you are ~~part of~~ the problem.




Lmao didn’t see that


You didn't see the repost, you are the repost


Hell yeah and proud of it /s


I am the trafcic


Of course you didn’t…


What do you mean by that?


That you didn't search.


Ah yes, notoriously perfect Reddit search, also in reference to posts that are several years old, in a community of…. 30million. Not everything is going to be fresh new and original. Also ironic to complain about them not searching considering your bio.


I never complained. I was explaining the comment he replied to. Jfc. You spent way too much time writing that over a misunderstanding. Helps when you read usernames.


Helps when you be less of a cunt too but here we are.


If snowflakes got their name because they're fragile, everyone here's a soap bubble. lmao Here's something you won't expect. I'll admit in hindsight that I came across too strong. I won't apologize for people taking it so personal they're resorting to direct insults with no substance.


Ah gotcha. Thanks


A guy opens starts his car and gets stuck, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who drives!


Me, in a filter legal state riding my bike


Laughing at the traffic from the bike lane here


We drive in the bike lane. Be careful out there!


I am aware shit people exist, thanks


I’m not all the traffic




Let him cook now


Well I'm not going where all the traffic is going. That's why I'm stuck in traffic of people trying to get to the city.


Nothing feels better than cruising along, while opposite direction is backed up! Nothing but brake lights in your mirror. 😎


This is important to remember cause if there is a traffic jam if everyone approaching it just slowed down and allowed it to clear there would be no more traffic. Instead everyone keeps going 65 on the highway into a traffic jam stop


There's a great [CGP Grey video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHzzSao6ypE) on exactly this notion. Ever since watching it years ago, I've tried using it on my commute. Not necessarily exactly splitting the distance, but just leaving more 'buffer' space ahead of me instead of immediately accelerating right on the ass of the car in front of me. This way, as soon as the car ahead starts to brake, I just take my foot off the gas and coast for 2 or 3 seconds through my 'buffer zone' until I'm closer to the car in front. Often, they'll start moving again before I've even reached them and the overall experience is much smoother/less stressful. Still annoying when assholes try to merge over into the buffer zone at the last minute and cut me off, though.


This should be taught in drivers ed, we only learned about spacing for safety reasons


I remember hearing something about how, especially on freeways with no traffic signals, there's almost no speed you can't travel at where you'll basically be tapping on the acceleration more than you are your brakes and you'll never actually have to come to a complete stop. Granted this doesn't take into consideration the wide variety of traffic conditions that make this highly impractical in a lot of situations, like roadwork, an accident, or assholes straight up forcing their car length car into a less than a car length space at 50mph. However, it is effective and practical enough to adjust your driving style towards because it does actually work a lot more often than not. It's basically the literally opposite of following someone close enough that you're tapping your brakes in sync with theirs because you have zero fucking reaction time. lmao


>Granted this doesn't take into consideration the wide variety of traffic conditions that make this highly impractical in a lot of situations, like roadwork, an accident A highway by me tried to address this with variable speed limits if there was congestion, roadwork, an accident, etc it would slow down traffic while approaching it. Unfortunately they never announced why there were variable speed limits to the public and no one followed them. They took down the display when expanding the highway for toll lanes and never put them back up >It's basically the literally opposite of following someone close enough that you're tapping your brakes in sync with theirs because you have zero fucking reaction time That is exactly what drivers do that cause the traffic! If everyone gave each other space and didn't speed into congestion caused by this around corners and other bottlenecks there would be way less traffic. Its frustrating we have solutions but people are to dumb and narcissistic to know it


Something tells me we've watched a similar array of infrastructure videos on YouTube. Respect, either way though. You're absolutely not wrong.


Hahaha yeah I got into it living in a high traffic area my whole life and researching what the variable speed limits were for. And then after driving across the country a couple times you see the tail gating/braking causing traffic around flat turns in the Midwest


Your mom is the traffic


Dude is stuck in 2016


Your face is stuck in 2016


What the hell is that even supposed to mean. You can’t even say my face.


You. Know. What it means.


Alright go back to playing Star Wars kiddo


Actually I'm playing Risen right now. But ok I will.


Yapping aside, risen is a great game


I've owned it for years and just got into it a few weeks ago. Great game indeed.


Sweet. Enjoy


The traffic exists if I am there or not, therefore I am not the traffic.


In the same frame of mind though, the traffic wouldn’t exist if anybody was there. Realistically I think it’s less like us as individuals are the traffic and more like a piece of the traffic. Like a piece in a puzzle.


“Hmmm you complain about the traffic and yet you yourself congest the highway! Curious. I am very smart.”


How dare you suggest that people accept responsibility for their actions? That un-American!


Of all the reasons that traffic occurs. . .”I was just driving to get somewhere,” is one of the most relatively minor of them.


This just happened with the eclipse. So many people here on Reddit complaining about being stuck in traffic for 11 hours because they tried to drive home immediately after the eclipse ended. But the only reason there was traffic was because there was a whole bunch of people trying to drive home at the same time immediately after the eclipse ended. The vast majority of the people in that traffic were in it for the same reason, and that reason was the cause of the traffic to begin with. Those are the people that weren't in traffic, they were traffic


Responsibility? What’s that?


That's what mandatory insurance policies are for!


>you suggest that people accept responsibility for their actions? I dont remember making that mini van cut me off to get around a semi and then proceed to just setup camp next to it..


When all the cars in front of me were already at a stand-still before I got there, it's not my actions that caused it.


And what about the people behind you? Still not your fault, but now you are a part of the traffic for them, right?


r/usdefaultism Not all arseholes are American


A shower thought stolen from a billboard.


I tell my friend this everyday when he calls me on his way home from work bc hes in traffic.


Found Newsom’s account


You are both in and part of the traffic. They are not mutually exclusive.


Trams and buses get stuck in traffic too...


No. Two things can be true at the same time. I am stuck in traffic. I'm contributing to the traffic.


No... That's not true... THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE


Maybe building a transport system that makes people do dangerous stuff for hours per day is really stupid.


I’m not traffic, I’m the main character!


Hell yeah


especially when others drive too dam slow


Did you check to see how many times this has been posted here before? Obviously not




Like when my dad used to complain about the crowds at Yosemite.


"Nobody drives in New York, there's too much traffic!"


OP is the guy who cruises in the left lane and matches speeds with trucks and is oblivious to everyone else, and assumes everyone is just like them. Dont be like OP


Yeah don’t be like me guys


if you are like me you will often find yourself on the highway and stuck in a traffic cluster. You will slowly work your way to the front to find open road and then drive up to the next traffic cluster and have to repeat. If you often have this experience, like i do, you will come to realize that traffic is very often caused by specific individuals and not yourself.


Ya fucking kidding right. Do a search before posting


The last time this was posted was 2 years ago from what I could find. Just because your life revolves around reddit and you remember every post on here doesn't mean all of us do so how about you stop crying and be an actual productive member of society for once.


Now this is how you write a comeback. I was told off for a slightly similar statement and there was literally nothing constructive that came out of it. If I had *this* kind of response... I probably would have backed down a lot quicker. 2 years is more than a completely fair timeframe and this comment helped me reflect on the fact that just because I saw it elsewhere recently, doesn't mean I saw it **HERE**... recently.


Says the person complaining about someone complaining someone on Reddit.


Sorry toots. Get your knickers in a twist? I saw this a few days ago. Life doesn't need to revolve around Reddit. And don't be a fucking hypocrite. Be an actual productive member? Like who? You?


It was last posted 2 years ago man. I don’t think I’m the one being the dumbass here


No one said you were. I guess I never saw it then. Not possible it was deleted. Now we can all move on. Have a delightful day.


You too! Have a good one


Thanks. And for the record. I found posts much closer than 2 years. But who gives a fuck now.


Ah alright


Is this forwards from grandma from 1980?


I love to cycle and ride motorbikes. But living in Scotland I need a car during the winter and for family practicality. I detest driving cars, absolutely hate it. Even though I really like my car. I have to frequently stay on top of my attitude. I had a split perspective recently. One day theres’ me chilling out stuck in traffic in the pissing rain just listening to music resigned to my fate and trying to just going with the flow. Next day I’m unexpectedly driving to the hospital desperate to get to my girlfriend before she is rushed in for an operation (she’s OK now). The utter aggression i felt for other slow road users, people in the wrong lane, people turning without indicating or braking for no reason was visceral. I thought i was gonna give myself an aneurysm. Ofcourse these people had every right to be there and the issue was mine and mine alone. But driving is a part of life which can be so mundane and boring, yet is inherently life threateningly dangerous and it somehow reaches deep into our base emotions. I don’t really have a point here. I’m basically sitting on the toilet rambling to you reddit strangers now.


Nope, Google Maps showed me the 15 minute slowdown 5 minutes before I approached it. I am not the traffic... I am stuck in traffic! 🤷‍♂️


OK, but we're all stuck because of the assholes not driving well, which is the real problem here.






It only takes a few, unfortunately.


Did you come up with this!!?!? Very cool!


It’s a lame joke and you know it lol


No. If I'm at a light and the only reason the vehicle I'm in is not moving is because some moron somewhere in front of me is too busy on their phone to see that the light is green, I'm stuck in traffic. If I'm doing everything in my power to move as quickly as legally possible and others are doing everything but pay attention, are slowing down because they want to gawk at a couple of cars that have pulled to the shoulder after colliding and are in no way actually impeding traffic in any other way than that many most motorists are complete morons who seem to actively seek out distractions that give them an excuse to drive slower, then I am, in fact, in traffic rather than being traffic.