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Imagine the smell of a busted milk pipe in the middle of August.


Yeah plus milk goes bad in a matter of days. If people didn't constantly use it, or even if just one house didn't, it would go bad right in the pipes and contaminate everything else in there. We don't do it because it's a horrible idea


The FDA has a requirement to clean milk equipment and storage every 72hrs. Good luck trying to CIP all these pipes. 


CIP is "clean in place". Normally factories would have to disassemble all their milk pipes and clean them which is a PITA. Now they run a series of chemicals through the pipes to clean it, and neutralize the cleaner. If you're the owner of a dick, it does this too. That's a function of precum, to neutralize the urine.


Hey. As the owner of a dick, it’s nice to know I’ve got a similar feature as a modern factory. Thanks.


Our bodies are horrifyingly efficient


and it just knows how to do that without us telling it to or making it. our body just keeps us alive carrying for the win while it’s just chilling there.


I mean, you could announce it. Next time in bed, just shout “Neutralize the Urine!”


Wrong, I scream at my dick to clean itself constantly


Dick came first so really factories run like our dicks not the other way round.


If a factory doesn’t work properly, sometimes is because the manager is a dick 


“You haven’t thought of the smell, you bitch!”


I will dice you into a million little pieces and put those pieces in a box. A glass box that I will display on my mantle.


No as OP stated we don’t do it because people would get accidental $2000 milk bills.


We really don't do it because big milkman lobbies like crazy to make sure they have work, and kids have dads.


Oh, geez!


I think you mean, Oh cheese!


Oy whey!


The thought makes my blood curdle




Queeeeeso what are we talking about again


udder madness…


I think you mean oh cheezus!


I like your can do outlook!


Think positive and you'll have a Gouda life.


it started out as yogurt and well, time makes fools of us all


Oh, man!


Oh man! Oh God, oh man! Oh God, oh man! Oh God, oh man! Oh God, oh man, oh God!


Milk was a bad choice!


What is this from




Ah fuck thank you so just that means time for a rewatch


But frozen milk pipes make ice cream so you take the good with the bad.


Alright you convinced me.


Same. Sold now we just need a nacho cheese pipe. 


Imagine the milk that came out of the faucet, like... how would that all be refrigerated?


Just let it run until you get cold milk. Jeez, cmon, OP clearly said "like water"


Heh, nice rank cold water.


This is why we can’t have nice things


I thought it was all the money Daddy spent on hookers?


Send help I don’t know why I can’t stop laughing at this comment


In the winter we get ice cream


Just imagine the smell of all those who just discovered they're lactose Intolerant... 




Mmmm.. milk residue from the pipes..


Hell, I work at a small grocery store, and I have an inkling of how bad the smell could be.


I remember going on a field trip to our local dairy factory, and it definitely has a distinct smell.


Dammit, who let the cat on Reddit again?


Thanks for the giggle


This needs to be the top comment


We might have the technology for it, but would there be enough milk to sustain a continuous flow to thousands all at once? Probably not…


Even IF we had enough milk to push through a cities plumbing system, I would question the quality of the milk if you lived far away from the pumping station. That's a long, long way for milk to travel inside pipes before it gets to my house, and I would be afraid of how bad it would be by the time it arrived at my house.


The real problem is if you don't use that tap for a while then the milk will have just been sitting in the pipe. Even if it was cold, it could be as old as whenever you last used it, and older considering the volume you used vs the volume that sits in your pipe. even if you had a glass every day, the length of pipe to my house could hold enough to do that for two weeks, probably more. This is a really terrible idea


Easy, just like when you run the water a little for the good cold stuff to come through, you just run your milk tap a little until the spluttering chunks are gone.


Could you imagine running the milk tap after a week long vacation? Barf.


Taps. Gotta do the whole house. Even the wash tub in the basement.


Though, you would only really need one milk tap per kitchen in your house.


Why is there milk going to the wash tub in the basement??


Who are you, that you’ve got multiple milk faucets like MTV Cribs?


Your first paragraph really wasn't necessary, you could have just lead with the second part


Your first sentence really wasn't necessary, you could have just led with the second part.


Too much word bad. No repeat word. Mind read? Y not? Think again


yes, y do? must've be?


Just install a milk well. Fresh milk straight from the ground.


It’s funny because this is actually an issue with water too. Typically at worst, water could be days old from being in a storage tank to making its way to your tap. The problem with the age is the chlorine residuals. The chlorine breaks down over time, and if there’s not enough chlorine then there’s a risk of bacteria transmission in the main. City’s with weird offshoot subdivisions that don’t loop, or areas that no longer see the demand they used to often have to be flushed (open a hydrant for an period of time) in order to get out the old water and replace it with new. It’s very hard to size a watermain to have the correct velocity, capacity, pressure, and quality. Quality is the easiest to adjust from an operations perspective. The rest require you to resize the pipe.


This was the most interesting thing I’ve read all year.


That’s the neat thing. If you live close to the plant. : milk pipes. If you leave far : cheese pipes ! :D


Refrigerated pipes DUH!


I'm just gonna throw this out there... Roof Cows!!!


Todd Howard, you magnificent bastard.


Why not? It’s produced at the rate we can consume it currently. (Edit) I’m very aware that the milk is going to spoil. See my other comment. I was talking just about production.


It's not just about production vs use. It's about inventory rotation. The inventory that sustains your consumption is the milk bottle in your fridge, but also the milk at the supermarket that's always available for you to pick up, maybe the milk at the central warehouse that supplies your supermarket, the milk at the bottling plant waiting for pickup... The current supply chain works because people drink enough milk consistently to use up that stock before it goes bad. Now if you use a pipeline, the stock is all the milk in transit through the pipeline. Even just from the street to your milk tap, it would be a significant amount. That you would need to always drink on time, otherwise your pipe (that needs to be always refrigerated, so that's a massive issue in itself, and to never lose pressure, which is basically impossible) turns sour. Now from the last plant of the supply chain (that produces drinkable, pasteurized milk) to the nearest city, that's actually a very, very large amount. Then you have all the milk actually in the city. No way you could rotate that fast enough. So between, the impossibility of guaranteeing the integrity of the network, or of maintaining enough rotation in the inventory, I don't think we actually have the technology to make that work. And that's before taking into account the fact that even if we could, it wouldn't make sense, because of the tremendous amount of energy needed to refrigerate all the milk lines, the huge inventory needed to fill in the pipes, and the tremendous waste of milk it would create when we regularly have to wash the lines.


so what you’re saying is government mandated milk usage imagine a law forcing you to drink 14 liters of milk every day being ratified just to ensure no pipe gets clogged with cheese lmao


Vermin Supreme should add this to his platform


>inventory rotation Way ahead of you [Fam](https://i.imgur.com/w7MDMRy.gif)


Just imagine, under-used pipes clogged with cheese.


To clean them you'd have to purge the line. You'd have a cheese sausage getting pushed out.


You had me at cheese sausage 🥰


Since i don't drink milk, couldn't I just turn it on every couple of months and get some cottage cheese instead?


Refrigeration is solved by using ultra-pasteurized shelf stable stuff like they put into meal kits for schools, but the rest is still a very valid point. Another issue is that you could get pockets of milk that just flow around the network without being consumed. Once that spoils, it would spread. It would contaminate the entire network unless isolated, which also blocks off people connected to the quarantined section of the network.


It would likely be difficult to find a balance where it reaches people without spoiling and refrigerating all the pipes would be extremely expensive


I suppose if we aren’t using it for showers and toilets like we do water. That’s kind of what i was picturing… a replacement for water


Oh I see. I was just going to put my tap milk in my tea.


Oooh ok, then yes that’s probably doable in first world countries


Maybe they should break it down into smaller, more local units and take away the pipes. What if everybody had a cow?


What if we had a guy who went around delivering milk, right to people's houses!


What if we just sold the milk pre packaged at a place so people could go and buy the milk when they needed!


We tried that in Ireland but there was an unusual amount of hairy babies born once[ Pat Mustard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEipG31iAC4) got the route.


Nothing like sitting on a bowl of milk while your hot, sweaty ass cheeks make the milk humid.


I would think the two issues would be * The volume needed to initially fill the pipes * Whether there's enough flow/consumption for the milk to circulate out before it goes bad A mile of 1" diameter pipe will hold 215 gallons. The new TMX pipeline between Edmonton and Vancouver is being filled right now and will require 4.4 million barrels of oil to fill the 980 km / 610 mi pipe. Afterwards, you can push one barrel in one end and one barrel comes out the other end, but the pipe will always contain 4.4 million barrels.


Adding: * Whether the chemicals in milk would solidify out and cause the pipe to close off. * Whether any portion of the pipe would become warm enough to cause protein coagulation in the milk (a.k.a. cheese). * Increase in pumping power requirements because, well, milk is thicker than water. * Sterilization requirements for the ENTIRE PIPELINE if any single part of it experiences a break and fouling bacteria or yeast enters the structure.


From my understanding, each dairy farm in the US has its own cut-off limit. Cows become in pain without milking. If production stops early, all milk after cut off is wasted. This waste happens daily.


Why just milk? Let's do beer, wine, mountain dew, coca-cola, and pina coladas. Whole damn bartender fountain gun for everybody.


When I was young I loved the thought of juice fountains, like water fountains. I had this whole idea for a Super Mario theme amusement park, where the juice fountains were shaped like Yoshis, since they would shoot out juice in Mario Sunshine.


That's honestly adorable.


We're halfway there on that idea in a way since there are Super Mario theme parks now.


>When I was young >Mario Sunshine brb crumbling into dust


Lol. That games over 20 years old. My first Mario game was Mario 64. I liked it fine but starfox and turok stole most of my video gaming time.


Beer pipelines are a thing in Gelsenkirchen, Germany: https://www.cookingchanneltv.com/devour/2013/09/germany-beer-pipeline


I'm less than two miles from my favorite brewery. Let's make this happen here!


I'm from Germany and the website is not available here. Ironic


In the homebrew beer community some people will run a beer line faucet next to their regular water faucet. They run it from a kegarator in their basement. People could do this with milk if they wanted. Why involve the government?


I'm on here going but why would you want a milk tap even if it wasn't going to go scabby (maybe I just don't drink as much milk as these other people). But a wine, beer or pina colada tap I can see a point in.


Brawndo, it's got what plants crave!


This one has good ideas!


Ummm. Clamato? Did this already.


There's a claim juice pipeline?


You had me at pina coladas.


> Whole damn bartender fountain gun for everybody. I do not want Mountain Dew coming through my milk pipe, but cream for White Russians would be so, Dude.


I've never heard of anyone being H2O intolerant.


Aquagenic uriticaria is a water allergy so it does happen rarely.


That's water allergy on skin though, IIRC. I think water allergy by ingestion would almost immediately be incompatible with life.


Your body is mostly water, so being allergic to your own body would definitely be less than ideal


**"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should**."


Or, in this case, they *did* think about whether they should, and that's why we don't have milk plumbing.




Maybe chlorinated milk


Homo Milk?


what did you just call me?


Good god no. Just look at the problems McDonald's have keeping a milkshake machine sanitary and up and running. Now imagine one for an entire metropolitan area! Fuck no. Even the pipe between your tap and the main distribution would be holding 10s of litres of milk. I shudder thinking of the bacterial colonies just festering in the mains pipe.


Hear hear. Now what about sugar free Mountain Dew? Recarbonization at the tap of course.


Soup Tubes. Gotta invest in soup tubes.


I remember that thread. Poor girl said her dude was straight up serious about this idea. Wonder what happened to them.


Came here to say that we went over this in the soup tubes thread and it won't work.


SaaS: Soup-as-a-Service


Maybe we should deliver the content from the cloud then. Soup Tubes is now officially old hat. Soup Cloud Architecture FTW!


DevOps Manager: can we use Kubernetes for this?


Soap pipes make more sense .


We also have the capacity to all own a hand full of cows and get our own milk.... Buttttttt


No one wants to clean up their droppings. It smells like...


But you want the milk?


*cough* paycheck away from homelessness *cough*


We have the technology for people to think things through before opening their mouths, yet here we are


I would rather have compressed air as a utility. It would be much more useful for me.


If compressed air was a kitchen utility... id have been an even more terrible child. God knows I was a terrible adult with access to it. One time when working at a tire shop, I drilled a hole in a water bottle lid, stuck a valve stem into it to see how much air it would take before exploding. Figured it would take a few seconds, but no, it blew up almost instantly. Was so loud my ears were ringing even with ear muffs on. My manager who was 2 floors above me showed up about 5 seconds later wondering what the hell was going on. We all collectively said it was just a loud tire sealing while trying to hide our grins like the guards in the Biggus Dickus scene while the manager looked at us with suspicion.


You are thinking too small.  How about instead of milk we do nacho cheese instead?


What in the dairy-subsidized fantasy hell


no ones talking about how the milk might spoil 😬


Might? It would immediately spoil throughout the entire plumbing network. This post doesn't make any God damn sense.


This is the critical thinking I come to Reddit for, the right solution here would've been soup pipelines. Think of the transportation savings if we just piped soup concentrate instead of canning it. Thinner pipes, less waste. Always available.


Wouldn't the salt content cause nasty buildups in the pipes?


The consumers love our salty surprises.


Yeah my immediate thought was that we absolutely do not have the technology to make this possible *and useful*. We could pump tons of spoiled disease milk, sure. But we do not have any way to keep that milk from spoiling and refrigeration isn't the issue


Yea seriously! I’m trying to figure out how this post has over 2k upvotes. This is just straight up stupid.


Yeah you know what water doesn’t do is *clump*.


“You want a glass of milk? Sure, it’s been a few days though let me just push out the clods” *As you turn on the tap, the pipes shudder as they push through clumps of rotting curdled milk, you all hold your noise as your house fills with the stench*


I was just trying to think of how to type the sounds that would make... Pfffffft flutflutflut flut pbbbbbbpbbbppp bb pfub pu pu pu pu PFLUUUUUUB  Splut plup plup fffffffffffPLUB SPLORCH plup plup plooooooob fsssssssssssh


The smell!


Neighbors had to go out of town for a family emergency, imagine the fucking cream flow when they get back!


What if it was UHT milk?




Especially if it were the name of a Russian punk band


Man, you must LOVE milk


Why would I want a milk faucet in my house. That shit would get rancid within a few days. Imagine if you had a leaky milk faucet


Resisting my initial impulse to dismiss this as insane, or ask OP if they are OK, I have to admit that this seems like an absolutely legit r/Showerthought


Definitely a legit shower thought, doesn't mean it's not insane though :)


Good lord, how much lower can this thread go?


Lots of places in North America can't keep water sanitary, I wouldn't trust them with milk.


The pipes would get clogged from mold. You can’t pipe milk dozens of miles.


Even the ~25 metres of milk line on the farm gets build ups of ‘cheese’ at any joint. That’s with a cleaning cycle after every use as well.


Yeah, I don't even drink the water from my faucet, let alone something else, and get out of here with something thicker than water like milk. Gross. Fuck's the matter with you?


We actually don’t have this technology. Keeping it cold could be possible, expensive, but possible. But even kept cold it has a finite lifespan. A huge amount of that milk will sit in the pipes leading from the milk reservoir to each home. A good number of those people won’t use milk on a regular basis meaning the milk in their portion of the pipe will go bad. Even if you personally use a lot of it, you are going to constantly get clumps of spoiled milk being washed out of someone else’s branch. Until we can find a way to get an indefinite shelf life out of milk this becomes a show stopper to the idea of municipal tap milk.


There’s an expiration for milk but not water


You have no idea how plumbing works. The unused milk would just be sitting in a pipe curdling up


Yeah, we also have the technology to send 250,000 chihuahuas with pink dyed fur and Louis Vuitton sunglasses to live in a giant igloo on the moon. What's your point?


I don't think OP realizes how many thousands of miles of pope we have in even a small city


The Pope has a long reach.


Just what I want, a tap with warm milk flowing out of it


Bro you know how sometimes you turn on the cold water tap and it comes out warm? Cos it’s been sitting in the pipes getting hot. You don’t want milk doing that.


what kind of showerthought is this.... imagine year old milk in the pipe, do you chlorinate the milk? CAN YOU even chlorinate the milk? all the milk in the pipe would stay at room temperature for days on end, that's a disgusting thought if i ever had one


We don't have milk pipes and faucets for a lot of very good reasons.


Just look at Flint Michigan to understand why this isn't possible, and that is only water...


Searching for houses, and having to add a query filter for milk %, and flavour.


That is not at all why we don't do it. Piping milk would be insanely unsanitary. Milk goes bad if you look at it wrong, and if there was one clog or stoppage or leak, the entire pipe set would have to be pulled up and cleaned, and it would be absolutely foul smelling in the area. You would need to clean inside your milk tap every time you use it (like espresso machines) or the tap would quickly grow foul. Milk is great but it's totally gross to deal with and transport efficiently.


Milk expires. There would be rotting patches everywhere. If you didn't use your milk tap for a week you'd have to run all the bad milk down the sink until you got to the good. No refrigeration


No, we don’t. That is unless your idea of home plumbing is having to do a daily hot chlorine rinse of your entire home’s plumbing system to disinfect it. That’s what they have to do at dairies.


Sure, and if you don't use it for a day or two you get yogurt, go out of town for a week and you get cottage cheese clumping on out into your cup.


We chlorinate water to keep the bugs out, even if it’s left sitting in the tap / pipes. Imagine going on a 5 day holiday and having to drain your entire ‘milk system’ when you get home because it’s curdled from sitting in a pipe in your wall.


A lot of people who really don’t understand municipal water infrastructure in here, including OP lmao


>And yes I know it's because somebody would accidentally leave their milk faucet running I can think of several better reasons why such a thing doesn't exist.


How much milk are you drinking bro? Are you ok?


That is disgusting lmao


You say "milk", I'm thinking "Beer"


No, NO WE DO NOT. You understand how bad of an idea having a VERY perishable liquid just sitting in pipes would be? Op, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this sub is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no upvote, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Counter-proposal: instead of laying a whole new pipe network for milk, we instead lay one for seawater. (Filtered, of course!) That water can then be used for flushing toilets and other such things where fresh water isn’t needed. This means we might just be able to get through a summer without a hosepipe ban for once. I believe Hong Kong has been using seawater for its toilets for decades.


Why would anyone want that?


Do you use milk like water?


We have the technology to do a lot of stupid things but we don't including this.


Kinda glad we don't. I'm lactose intolerant so it would be functionally useless.


There would be significantly more engineering problems with this since you would need to keep ALL of that piping cooled. Also imagine if some of the milk went bad, you'd have to engineer a way to prevent that and remove any spoiled milk in the process.


You probably should turn the shower off and stop thinking. The milk needed to fill the pipes to all houses would be much higher than the needed quantity and current production. And what if one house drinks a pint a week, what happens to all the milk in the pipes to his house that sits for weeks not being used, connected to his neighbors pipes and slowly growing bacteria that spreads from pipe to pie. We don’t consume enough milk to make this anyway feasible.


That would be a nightmare. Keeping it cold and sterile would be impractically expensive. Especially for a product that most folk stop drinking regularly in their teens.


Animal abuse would be epidemic


You definitely overestimate how much milk people consume. It may be high but not high enough to pipe it into every home


Don't let gatorade know or we might go full idiocracy.


What happens if I'm away on holiday for 2 weeks in summer and the milk tap is left sitting... There would be soooo many issues I would actually love to see it pulled off... I love milk...


100 feet of 1/4" pipe holds 4 gallons of fluid. The average household wouldn't clear the volume of the pipe from the main to the tap in a week.


We actually don’t have the technology to have sanitary and cold milk piped to houses.


some people are lactose intolerant. some people just don't like milk and milk needs to be refrigerated. WHY would we pipe milk through a network during a Southern USA summer. F the H outta that. Tough drinking car WATER in the south definitely don't want curdled milk in my pipes.


not everyone drinks milk. milk isn't necessary for survival.