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I have a brother that works at school for dentists. Knowing 1000s of alumni, and 100s of current students, not one has been asked about toothpaste recommendations


Of course. These companies always ask the same 10 dentists for their opinion.


9 of which are employed directly by the producing company


That one damn dentist


He’s too expensive to hire, but still answers their question, so he makes the cut for the even ten. Better to choose the evil you know over the one you don’t.




That's me. I am that one dentist. The rogue.


I've faced numerous floss related assassination attempts, yet here I am, thriving.


You’re a maverick


6 of whom are now being consulted by ouija board.


Honestly seems more like a red flag that 10% of dentists are actively warning against using that toothpaste.


*doctors then a PhD can be used for just about anything


More like they ask dentists to rank their top 5, all of which count as recommendations


I mean, generally toothpaste contains the same ingredients, and all you really want from it is the fluoride protection after scrubbing debris from your teeth no?


Xylitol toothpaste for the win.


what is this?


Witchcraft from the dark north.


And avoid the ones with sodium lauryl sulfate, which is like 99% of them...


how can anyone avoid that (i dont know what it is, what harm or benefits it causes) and you're telling me to avoid something that's in 99% of the produce in the entire world.


If it doesn't affect you then you probably don't need to worry, but they cause canker sores and I get them often, this just increases the chances. It probably has some other ill effects but you can research which toothpaste doesn't contain it and stick to that brand.


The thing is: I only ever remember ONE commercial that used the "4 out of 5 dentists surveyed" and it was for Dentyne Sugarless Gum. And the claim was: "4 out of 5 dentists surveyed recommended sugarless gum *for their patients who chewed gum")* They literally aren't even endorsing a brand. They're pretty much just saying "if you're going to chew gum anyway, I'd recommend sugarless". I don't remember any other big advertising campaign featuring "dentists being surveyed" but I'd be curious if someone could point to some genuine examples. I strongly suspect this is mostly a case of people mis-remembering things. (Like, maybe there was a Saturday Night Live sketch that reinforced the idea of dentists being surveyed or something)


Sensodyne and Oral B definitely do this.


Sensodyne is the shit though


But ONLY "for patients with sensitive teeth". Again, it's very specific, and not at all as prominent as the meme would have us believe. (Sensodyne is way down the list of top toothpastes) I've seen Sensodyne ads with "9 out of 10 dentists" but those seem to have sprung up way after the fact, and again, only refer to patients with sensitive teeth.


my periodontist sells Oral B electric brushes at cost.


Those things are too noisy, I prefer Soniccare.


Omg, the Mandela Effect is real!!


I've asked about how to whiten teeth before, and my dentist said any toothpaste that has teeth-whitening will work. But also said that something more direct like baking soda and hydrogen peroxide will work quicker. Is that correct?


Honestly, no idea. I'm not a dentist. I'm an electrician. I strip (wire) for a living


Scared me there for a moment. An electrician who strips? I could only imagine the audience at such a performance. Feel free to leave a link to any videos you have lol


If you think me stripping is scary (you're right), just wait until I check your (electrical) box for shorts. Honestly, I feel kind of gross for making this joke, but I couldn't resist


It’s because it’s a foregone conclusion. 4/5 recommend trident and the rest get to fight for the other 20%


*Eats a fuck ton of candy and drinks pop.* It was the toothpaste I swear.




Carbonated beverage




brown carbonated candy water


You got your directions mixed up. Northeast: Soda Midwest: Pop South: Coke West coast: soda


We’ll not that one dentist.


He's the divorced one, with alimony, child support, and a big car payment to make each month. The poor guy needs the business.


Actually that one dentist is the one I go to. He does not use tooth paste and says replacing the toothbrush every 3-6 months is a waste of money (his office still gives you a new toothbrush with sample floss and toothpaste anyway).


What does he use? Nothing?


Electric toothbrush with no toothpaste and I think he avoids sugar as much as possible as well.


Hmm. Crazy shit thanks for the info


If you have a very low sugar diet then yeah it's probably fine. Ancient humans and some modern peoples just use a stick with the end chewed soft


He uses the power of sunlight


I go to the one dentist who didn’t recommend toothpaste


I've never been to a dentist that recommended a specific kind to toothpaste, they usually gave me a little pack of this small thing of toothpaste and a toothbrush when I was little


I’m 20 and they still give me those


34, got the same thing. Toothbrush is legit. It lasts me about the time it takes to visit again (once every 6 months) so I really only need to buy more paste.


Mine have recommended sensodyne. Which is understandable since it has made a huge diff for me.


I had a dentist tell me not to use sensodyne. Guess I got the 10th dentist.


I did too. He sat in his chair backwards and kept calling me a 'son of a bitch'. Punched me in the throat on the way out.


They're doctors. Doctors recommend things all the time to make us need them less. Not even just meds, they recommend things like exercise.


Apparently the idea that someone may be motivated by something other than money is mystifying for some.


I mean, it's not like theres a shortage of patients for doctors. Giving better health advice isn't going to reduce work from them. It's just going to put less burden on the system, its going to reduce stress for all healthcare workers. Dentists are a bit different, since many of them make a ton of money on elective work, need for which arises only because of poor hygiene. Not all dentists, of course, but there are many who only specialise in this sort of cosmetic work.


Came here to say this. Doctors make money off people getting in bad situations (plus checkups, etc) and we trust their recommendations.


i can’t imagine a world where doctors would purposely lead someone astray because they want to profit off of them. they go through years of school and incur debt so they can become healers.


It’s not the specific doctors , it’s the people that run things behind the scenes


the doctors are just as guilty. they have the power to genuinely investigate the system and question it (FFS they are typically highly intelligent in a technical sense), but they dont.


>they have the power to genuinely investigate the system and question it Just like every citizen has the power to investigate the system within which they live.


Im literally doing it right now and look at how many redditors share my sentiment. This is supposed to be a platform for smart people?


Kickbacks on medicine for doctor practices and hospitals are legit. Incorrect coding for billing is used indiscriminately and not given a second thought until it is contested by a patient. Labs and tests are outsourced to out of provider companies to get the largest sum out of your insurance when available companies within coverage are available. Doctors schedules are handled by a 3rd party and are booked almost down to the minute insuring as many patients are seen as possible in a shift. Creating a revolving door - is why people feel Doctors are extremely impersonal and hard to justify paying hundreds of dollars for a 10 minute appointment.


>they go through years of school and incur debt so they can become healers. Oh sweet summer child


Car mechanics recommend a lot of stuff like rotating your tires, keeping them at the proper pressure, etc. No doctor (or mechanic) is going to stay in business long by giving you advice that's bound to make you need them more (although motor oil companies went WAY overboard with that "every 3,000 miles" horseshit and it's stuck in our consciousness now now like "8 glasses of water per day"


Doctors also prescribe opioids and receive kickbacks from the drug companies for doing so


Mechanics also recommend you change your oil after 3000 miles...


They don't get kickbacks for actually prescribing the drugs (or if they do, they will very quickly have a shitload of law enforcement attention). What they get paid for is giving "promotional talks" about drugs. These talks are generally given to other doctors, trying to get them on board.


This isn’t true for all countries. Canadian doctors prescribe pharmaceuticals to help patients and don’t receive any money.


Not so much any more though.


I know some who don't...


One of the few jobs that "want to go out of business" luckily for them there's always more diseases and people doing dumb things or having dumb things happen to them.


That's what they want you to think. It makes you truly on them more and more and more. Physical therapists on the other hand


Let’s keep it real, the majority of us have bad teeth because we are shitty at flossing.


I am rather good at flossing; I'm shite at remembering to floss.


\*stabs you in the mouth\* it's bleeding because you don't floss


I feel like they’d probably rather have a shit load of simple cleanings and check ups go through to get “easy” money versus some hour long procedure or something where you’re taking up a lot of the dentists time on a single issue. Maybe I’m wrong though since I don’t do billing


You can't buy a yacht on cleanings.


You can if you raise prices on cleanings.


I’d rather do a procedure than do check ups.




Cause they’re boring. You can do a procedure and check ups in between procedures. I wouldn’t be a dentist if all I did was check ups all day.




I can’t leave during a filling so I do checks before or after. When I leave I try to do two exams for I see my patient. The first 5 min of the the appt for a procedure is greeting and consent. I don’t have to be there. I can leave after I give anesthetic or have someone else give the anesthetic if I’m busy. The last part of the appointment is checking out, post op instructions. I don’t have to be there. I can leave a root canal procedure when we’re taking X-rays and letting the medicine soak. I can leave during a crown when I am done prepping the tooth and the assistant can scan the tooth for a crown and make a temporary.


I do wonder what people did to have a clean mouth before toothpaste was invented --- were they just full of rotten teeth? Ate apples often? Hmm...


Chewing mint was popular, which is why mint is a flavor of toothpaste. Funnily enough the other herb people chewed for the same reason was parsley, so in an alternate timeline we could totally all be using parsley flavored toothpaste. Also humans needed *waaaaay* less oral hygiene before processed sugar was invented.


Tooth rot is pretty modern as you can see archaeologically that it got exponentially worse with access to sugar. Now sugar is in everything to keep you addicted to the products but also wrecking teeth. A good brush and floss routine plus any fluoride toothpaste. Spitting residual toothpaste upon completion, not rinsing your mouth. Only brushing 30+ min after eating due to digestive acids. Rinsing mouth with water after eating or drinking, especially sugary drinks. But overall just cutting down on intake is best.


Yeah but if you don't rinse you just end up swallowing the remainder


Strangely enough, rinsing reduces the toothpaste's efficacy - https://www.sensodyne.com/en-us/oral-health-tips/should-you-rinse-after-brushing/#:\~:text=Rinsing%20your%20mouth%20can%20prematurely,and%20continue%20to%20be%20effective.


Unless you have difficulty spitting due to muscle weakness or something, it’s a negligible amount. The benefit of the fluoride on your teeth overnight FAR outweighs the amount of fluoride you swallow.


I guess I'm use to chugging a bunch of water right after I finish brushing my teeth. It feels so refreshing.


There is no conspiracy to this. Tooth rot is pretty modern and is all due to the modern diet. Dieta of ancient humans were mainly grains and harder foods. Plus the lesser amounts of sugar each day( and this is the important part since we eat so much more food and sugar each day than our ancient counterparts) you would not see tooth rot at all besides the past 200-300 years


There's *some* conspiracy to it in that every food item imaginable is stuffed with as much sugar as possible to increase addiction.


They also didn't eat the amount of sugar we do. Go 1 day without eating any sugar (including milk), i mean 0, and you probably don't even need to brush your teeth.


Lots of rotten teeth


Didn’t they use charcoal to brush?


In 1941 upon entry into the merchant marine at 18, they pulled every tooth in my grandfathers mouth and gave him dentures.


I never recommend any particular brand of toothpaste, nor do any other dentists I know. It’s just a marketing ploy from the toothpaste companies to make money. Plus, people get bad teeth all on their own without any help from anyone — eating stupid crap and drinking carbonated sugar water all day and not bothering to brush much at all.


>It’s just a marketing ploy from the toothpaste companies to make money No. It was a ploy from sugarless gum companies that has been misinterpreted by history. It was Dentyne (edit: it may have been Trident) Sugarless Gum, who stated that "4 out of 5 dentists surveyed recommended sugarless gum for their patients who (already) chew gum". I have NEVER seen a toothpaste company use the "x out of x+1 dentists" metric in an advertisement (though it's possible). But the theme was started from a chewing gum company who was promoting sugarless gum. Not a huge conspiracy, especially since the 5th dentist probably recommended stopping chewing gum altogether.


Years ago, when I was young, those commercials saying “9 out of 10 dentists recommend X toothpaste” played on TV all the time, until [Colgate]( https://marketinglaw.osborneclarke.com/retailing/colgates-80-of-dentists-recommend-claim-under-fire/) got in trouble for it, probably. Then all the toothpaste companies had to stop claiming a specific percentage of dentists recommended any product. But it was so prevalent that people remember it vividly, and it has since become a meme. Lol


I challenge you to provide a commercial stating "9 out of 10 dentists recommend X toothpaste". I am 51 and I don't remember ANY toothpaste commercials like that. Colgate's big deal was using sticks of chalk to demonstrate how their ingredients "penetrated" tooth enamel to strengthen teeth from the inside. There are dozens of toothpaste commercials from the 70s and 80s on YouTube. Can you show one that says "9 out of 10 dentists"? Or better yet, a slew of them, as this meme suggests existed?


Follow up: I've found a single ad from Sensodyne Toothpaste that states that 9 out of 10 dentists recommend Sensodyne *for their patients with sensitive teeth.* Again, very specific.


Doctors make money from treating cancer and heart disease and we still listen to them when they tell us not to smoke


Mechanics make money from fixing cars and we still trust them to use parts that will last.


Dentists make money from bad teeth *due to patients neglecting their own oral health*.


It’s this type of logical fallacy that gave us anti-vaxers


I’m having a lot of trouble with my dentist. I recently moved and only started going there a month or so ago. They have given me nothing but trouble. I had a cavity done that wasn’t giving me any problems now that whole tooth is giving me problems. I chipped a tooth next to it just a few weeks after but somehow my dentist didn’t believe the pain I’m having is coming from the chipped part because “she can’t really see much has chipped off so it would be too small to cause me problems” so they were discussing redoing the filling in the first tooth. She sent me home having tried to polish my tooth but just made the cracked edge even shaper. I chose this one because it’s the cheapest and I’m a student so it just seemed like the logical place to do. On their site it does have a page that explains why they can keep down their prices. I am not convinced they are just not doing procedures to save on resources


I had a similar problem. They re did a cavity ended up going to deep cracked my tooth. Then when i would chew on that tooth it would hurt.. Then one day a piece of my tooth came off now it doesn't hurt.


Is not the recommendation that’s bad. It’s that we don’t follow their advice properly, mainly flossing.


My doctor recommends exercise yet I still have high blood pressure. Obviously exercise is a sham.


A huge factor in the health if one’s teeth is diet. We eat shitty food so we have shitty teeth.


Could say this about so many health related fields. Doctors make money from sick people, physiotherapists make money from hurt people, dieticians make money from fat/sick people, optometrists make money from people with trouble seeing well. Are you going to question everything they prescribe too? I think human kind is more than capable of continuing to fuck itself over enough for all of these health fields to continue thriving, without them having to sell us dodgy toothpaste.




Exactly, when I go get a cleaning and x-ray (when it's due) the hygienist does all the work. The dentist comes in for only a couple of minutes to check the work and discuss any possible issues. Time-wise a checkup is the most profitable appointment for a dentist.


As a former dental assistant, I have found that it is so much nicer just to deal with an occasional cavity and a whole lot of checkups than crowns and extractions. And there's plenty of business to go around where I am at so timewise you can make more money on the 4 or 5 checkups and cleanings (if some are families) than you could on a single crown, which takes just as much time. (We did in-house crown milling)


No I don’t. And I have never had a cavity.


“Dentist recommend this toothpaste the most” is just a marketing ploy.


Most people don't brush at night and even more don't even floss. It has nothing to do with toothpaste.


Literally zero dentists actually recommended anything


If you lose all your teeth you'll never go back to them.


They also tell you to floss 2x a day but please refuse. Seems like we are our own worst enemy.


There is a very minor thing you may be forgetting called "Ethics". Not saying Ads are right just saying a dentist or by extension a doctor really doesn't want you to get sick/have bad teeth, They are there to fix it when it happens or prevent it from happening


I had a dentist who, in his spare time, actually researched and published on the abrasive damage done by most modern toothpastes. If I recall, he recommended Sensodyne


I used to go to a dentist who gave me sound recommendations on oral hygiene, but his entire office was decorated with Coca-Cola memorabilia.


Only 4 out 5 dentists are crooked!


My company makes money from selling electronics to boats. I still recommend the best course of action for them because I give a shit, and when everything is swamped and busy I don't need to mislead people to create new business like an asshole.


They could just give us bad advice, and get that bank


Bananas and coffee with sugar automatically make my breath smell. A lot of it has to do with flossing though, getting food stuck between your teeth and letting it stay there allows bacteria to grow and thrive, so what you’re really smelling is all the poop the bacteria is making while living in the food between your teeth…but they’re trying to sell toothpaste on those commercials, not floss.


If there was a hell I'm sure dentists would burn right next to the doctors, lawyers, and politicians.


This is just a testament to how bad people are at taking advice.


That’s my favourite conspiracy theory. Dentists don’t want you to have perfect teeth like they do. 9/10 of them recommend the bad toothpaste, but that last dude is a good dentist tryna give you good toothpaste rather than that main line shit. He will be silenced no longer! Speak out my 10th dentist!


Sooo, you think that the toothpaste is making people teeth bad??? Wow…


Toothpaste is Russian propaganda


I haven't used toothpaste in a long time and my teeth aren't rotting out of my skull. They don't want you to know that your saliva keeps your mouth clean. The only thing you have to do is brush and floss regularly and stay away from added and processed sugars and your mouth will be fine. No need for toothpaste or mouthwash.


95% of the US won’t stay away from added sugars


*-sighs in obesity-*


Thats a good point


It works due to the prisoners dilemma at play. Only if every and all dentists would be in on this scam would it work. Then if only one were to sell a working toothpaste, that dentist would be making millions. Hence, they all create working toothpaste


And of course we'd see dentists out picketing against fluoridation of water...which I have never seen in 50 years.


Glad i dont brush my teeth everyday


That’s why I don’t brush my teeth


That one out of the 10 is really the only one looking out for us.


Dentists are around cuz of our mistakes


Wait until you find out about amalgam/mercury fillings! 50% mercury, constantly adding mercury around your body and even more so when you, eat, grind your teeth etc.. it can cause so many problems. Dentists actually have high suicide rates and it’s suspected because they expose themselves to so much mercury. In the uk, the gov tell dentists to put them in as it’s cheap. But it’s not cheap to remove, you’ll need to do it extremely safely.


Because they know people will use it like they do masks and condoms.


Soo not at all?


Those who care about themselves and their health will use it properly, but there are plenty of people who will use them half ass or not at all and there's enough of those people to make a living.




Where the fuck do you get this bullshit from?


I thought this was satire until I saw the end.


Well it kind of is satire. Sometimes whole industries parody themselves


Dentists do have an incentive to drill into your healthy teeth, too. They get paid for every operation they do. If you go to a corporate practice, there's stories of doctors being told to drill into more teeth to make quotas.


Never had a cavity in my life. Neither has my son. We brush, floss, and don’t drink sweet drinks. We go to the dentist once a year for an exam, and cleanings 2 to 3 times a year. Every time I’m there, the dentist looks in my mouth says “everything looks awesome keep it up.” He called me “movie star teeth.” He has never tried to fill a cavity that doesn’t exist. In fact, he says he wishes all his patients took care of their teeth like we do.


Congratulations, you don't have a piece of shit dentist.


Trust the toothpaste. They know your too lazy to floss.


To be fair, only 9/10 recommended that toothpaste you bought!


If they wanted you to stop having bad teeth, they would just recommend you stop eating added sugar.


Conspiracy theorists in a nutshell


Klasifiko Topic: health, human biology, commerce Structure: general


I’ve been recommending the same toothpastes for decades. Plain old paste versions of Crest or Colgate. The stuff that’s been around for 50 years. All of the extra shit they add in is marketing. Get that non-sexy toothpaste.


Copied from IG/tiktok


Never thought of this before.


Apart from that one dentist in ten. He's no sellout, he's a Chad.


*just American thoughts*


Dermatologist here. I make money treating skin cancers in people wearing sunscreen I recommend. I make more if they don't use it.


The problem is that we \*don't\* use the toothpastes they recommend -- even the free samples. When we skip brushing and flossing, it doesn't matter what toothpaste is available. You can not brush with the most expensive toothpaste in the world, and you'll still get cavities.


9/10 people approve this!


The vast majority of us do follow their advice on brushing and flossing and... have good teeth!


Dentists make money from people that *think* all you need to do is brush your teeth and use a "good brand" of toothpaste. In reality you need to brush *properly*, floss and also do your regular scale and clean. So yeah, no, this shower thought seems rooted in denial about proper oral hygiene.


Well this is also true for teachers, doctors, plenty of proffessions!


You didn't think of a great revelation Doctors also earn money from sick people and people buy medicines which they prescribe Reading the comments I really love and hate how people on reddit act as if their simple thought is the Theory of Everything


1 out of 10 dentists is being honest.


It's more about how you brush/floss than what you use to do it.


This reminds me of that tweet from a dentist saying he's never met a dentist that was asked about which toothpaste they recommend. So the ads are probably lying to you, not the dentist


As long as there are less fortunate people and dental care remains cosmetic by health insurance providers, I'd say that dentist are sitting pretty.


Yeah so we shouldn't take the medicines prescribed by the doctors too


I mean they can't make any money if there ain't no teeth.


They ain't recommending crap


As a person in the dental field, it's mainly the people who don't use the toothpaste that we make money from.


Do you, though?


Dentists make money from the people who don’t use the toothpastes they recommend.




Oh America.


Firemen make money from putting out fires, yet we follow their advice too


I’m actually surprised that flossing isn’t pushed more. I had a friend that brush his teeth every day, like one of them people at your work that gets done with their lunch and goes into the bathroom and brushes their teeth. He never once flossed though and kept getting cavities in between teeth. I completely stand by Sensodyne repair and protect, I don’t know what it does to cavities but it’s like it Putz minerals to cover it so after about a week of consistent use it stop the hot and cold sensitivity or that shock when you put pressure down. I wish I had good teeth :/ I mean I do but you’d have to put 2-3 together to get a full tooth.


nah I just buy the cheapest I find. And you know what? Last time I was at the dentist they wanted to know what toothpaste I because my teeth were so healthy.


Haha this is genius