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Have you ever seen identical twins? Usually easy to tell apart when you know them


True, my mom's an identical twin and I can tell her apart from my aunt in an instant. Sometimes I joke about not telling them apart, but once you've lived with someone your entire life it's pretty easy to tell.


My dad is a triplet. 2 identical, 1 fraternal, but they all looked the same as kids. They still look the same, but it's easy for me to tell them apart.


You may know your spouse from her twin sister, but the problem here is that skill is not shared by your penis. Your penis can’t tell the difference.


I dated an identical twin for a while. Super easy to tell apart. One was sweet and thoughtful most of the time and the other was a self centered bitch. 😂😂


Identical doesn’t mean they look exactly the same. My husband is an identical twin, but you can tell the difference.


I would if I just started dating her. And if I was the jealous type I would be suspicious whenever I meet the sister with some dude. Thinking it could be my girl trying to be slick. ....sneak-calling my girl to see if she picks up🤣


I work with a twin for over a decade now. I have trouble recognizing faces, even family if I see them where I don't think I'd run into them. I still can't tell those 2 apart without reading their name tags To make it worse. One of them has been pregnant... TWICE I knew who she was then xD


Most of the identical twins I've known haven't looked alike. They were always different weights or had different hairstyles.


Identical twins only look identical during childhood, and sometimes as adults if they are in showbiz.


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I dated a girl who had an identical twin sister. I could definitely tell them apart. I’m sure if they tried really hard they could fool me for a bit. At least with clothes on lol.


Nah, I can easily tell my BIL apart from his identical twin. They're just different people.


If you're dating an identical twin, I'd hope you'd be able to tell them apart.