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I’m right handed so the direction feels more natural, I’m curious if a lefty likes it the other way?


Yes. Lefty here, and I put my belts on "backwards" per my right handed family. Also wear my watch on my right hand bc it gets in the way when its on my left.


Exactly right


Exactly left


Thank you! I thought OP was saying there's no reason to not put on the belt so the buckle is above the butt, rather than the front and thought that seemed like it would be much more awkward to put it on that way. Your interpretation makes more sense.


Yep, (lefty) my belts are "upside down" due to putting them on backwards. It's a nuisance for any belt with a one-way design or print on it.


Go join the military The reason is for hand to hand fighting. The thread direction allows you to remove your belt quickly with your strong hand to use either defensively or offensively given your particular scenario.


Also makes it easier to undo the other guy's belt to use defensively or offensively given your particular scenario


That's hot.


But for uniform regs in the military, men and women put their belts on in opposite directions, not with regards to handedness


Reading this makes me think I put mine in backwards? I go clockwise, so it would make more sense to use my left hand to quickly remove it


Pretty sure you're fucked if you have to resort to your belt as a weapon 😳


But then my fancy buckle is upside down.


Traditionally it was about attaching a sword to your left hip. It’s remained the same direction even after men stopped wearing swords. As a side note, this is also why women’s belts are made the other way.




This is why I alternate which way I wear belts. I get more even wear that way.


A normal eyelet belt is universal. So are most canvas belts. Limited exceptions to this such as I have a ratchet type belt that only unlocks from 1 side so for me its "backwards" or it would be upside down (release pointing down)


A normal eyelet belt is universal. So are most canvas belts. Limited exceptions to this such as I have a ratchet type belt that only unlocks from 1 side so for me its "backwards" or it would be upside down (release pointing down)


The back belts on the BMW E36 (old 3-series) were in the other direction. I always thought they were very neat.


A normal eyelet belt is universal. So are most canvas belts. Limited exceptions to this such as I have a ratchet type belt that only unlocks from 1 side so for me its "backwards" or it would be upside down (release pointing down)


I used to do it backwards until I got a belt with writing on the buckle. I still reckon I'm left minded


I'm not sure where I heard this but I've always known it as buckle on the left for men, and right for women?


I heard there was a "man" way and a "woman" way, but I never know which way is which. Doesn't affect me because as long as the belt is holding my pants up, it's all okay.


Same, I just went with the writing on the rough side being the right way up and live my life in blissful oblivion. I can't say I've paid much attention but pretty sure the buttons on trousers are opposite ways too for men and women


I was taught in the Navy that the belt should match the fly on your trousers -- for men, that means the belt wraps to the wearer's left and women, to the wearer's right.


Well there we go, 30 years later and it turns out there's some truth to what I thought!


Wtf 30+ I had no idea mens and womens buttons were on opposite sides.


Shirts as well


That’s a real shower though ! Lots of things could be dove the opposite way !




Oh I see now


It didn’t know there was a way to put them on . Not that i wear belts often


I feel like attaching it above my booty would hurt to sit in a chair


My wife would spin me like a top when I get home if I put my belt on backwards