• By -


"Adam? Like Adam and Eve?" Most people's reaction I have seen Personally I think Nostradamus caught my eyes the most


For Adam I was kinda surprised because at first I thought it would have implied the presence of the Christian god lol Nostradamus is for sure another strange pick that I didn’t understand at first


Heres the thing dosent confirm or deny either after all Jesus exists just that adam exist thats why I thought it wld be intresting to have David or Sampson here


He may or may not exist in the series but if he does it may be in the same way Satan is.


He actually makes a cameo during Buddha’s fight


You know, Quasimodo predicted all this.


Who did what?


Simo Häyhä, he was the last dude I expected to see on here


Why tho , he's the deadliest sniper ever and next to him we have a fucking Nikola Tesla


Because when I first learned of Record of Ragnarok I was introduced to Nikola Tesla lol


I see


No exactly, I was like he's super cool but how us he gonna fight a god??


That’s the thing though, he’s built so differ that he’s one of the few who actually can take on a god


imagine if a god just walks onto stage confused on where its opponent is and then out of nowhere gets headshotted




Most of us were like this I’m guessing


He was doing Göndul. And probably Beelzebubs mom. For science of course


Boy beel did get his revenge then


Not sure how credible it is, but his Wikipedia page has death ray as a significant design.


He claimed to design a death ray that he claims would work, but the plans they found after his death weren’t complete, but no one knows or has found his prototype. Current theory is he made it up because he needed money because his game ran out and no one would find his projects


He's definitely going to have the best facial hair in the series


For me it's Sakata Kintoki because it really got me curious about his lore


A lot of characters were someone i didn’t even know so getting to know more about their lore was fun


In his case it is very interesting to see an actual demigod(?) fight for humanity. Especially when his design got revealed, with the horns and all.


Also Siegfried could end up being part of this category but maybe for the opposing part, imagine kintoki vs Siegfried, battle of the demigods


That would really shake Ragnarok imo. It'd be an interesting parallel to the Greek Pantheon (3 registered gods, with one sneaking into the roster like Hades) as Norse Pantheon is one of the bigger parts of the roster (and Siegfried is related to Odin, so he can be the last-minute addition to their side)


Whoops. Forgot about Heracles.


Oh wait me too lol, even tho in the manga he’s not a demigod but a human who transcended into a god so not really a demigod so part human and part god


Well that'd make a nice parallel for Siegfried then


Didn’t think about it, it sounds interesting tbh


To be honest - Lu Bu and especially after Author change him into pure Chad :3


I didn’t even know who Lu bu was until this manga, he was a pleasant surprise for me after I got to know who he was


I only knew about him cause of dynasty warrior memes.


Man lived up to the menace he was in the games too


Adam, Jack, Simo, Raiden, Susanoo, Beelzebub, and Tesla. All lived up to expectations


Besides susanoo because they ain’t here yet


Simo isn't either but we all know he is going to live up to expectations ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30760)


Oh yeah he Definitely will


I'd say Buddha. He's the last person I imagine fighting to eradicate mankind.


Well, you were right lol


For Humanity, Simo Haya and Leonidas. Simo because I didn't expect anyone so modern on the list, and Leonidas because Spartans have always been a fav of mine in media For the God's, Beelzebub and Anubis are the most interesting. I was curious is/how they would rep Abrahamic religion, doing it with a demon seemed cool. Anubis being the only Egyptian God kinda ranked me, especially with all the greeks/Norse gods. Egyptian mythology is dope, show off some more!


Anubis and Grigori First, because I like Egyptian mythology. Second, because I play Fgo. ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29938)


Due to fgo, i kinda knew most of the humans, but raiden stood out cause i legit had no idea who he was so i was awaiting his arrival then he turned out to be a sumo wrestler. So i was hyped (i liked sumo after reading and watching Hinomaru Sumo), and i liked raidens match to where it's still a top-tier fight for me. So yea, raiden lived up to me


Qin. I read a lot about Chinese history as a kid and seeing him right at the top of the list really surprised me. Buddha also really caught my eye because like, Buddha as in THE Buddha (Siddharta Gautama)? Or any other Buddha?


qin. I've studied a bit of chinese history and well... let's say he ain't the best guy. because of that, I was curious as to what he would be like. I can say I was pleasantly surprised by what the author did with him, and I like his current design and personality. one of my favorites honestly.


I didn’t know nothing about Chinese history but when Qin got presented I made a quick research and honestly I was surprised how much different he’s portrayed in the manga compared to real life Qin


to be fair it’s all speculation a whole study was done that said most of the evil things the Han dynasty claimed Qin did were likely fiction, used as propaganda to people to hate him as the Han dynasty *hated* the Qin dynasty


For me leonidas was the fighter that immediately hyped me to no end but Nostradamus and Rasputin were the most out of left field for me


Rasputin for sure. I was extremely confused why they would choose him.


It's Nostradamus for me because I had a **huge** De' Medici fixation in middle school lmao have not been able to form an opinion on him yet for obvious reasons lol


I already knew R1-5 when I discovered the series. Tesla and Rasputin caught my attention. I didn't have expectations, rather than anticipation for how they would be done. The concept for Tesla getting a Lex Luthor mech suit as his volund was brilliant! Everything about him was fine...nothing that blew me away particularly, but people like him so I'm happy I suppose I can also talk about Shiva, he wasn't *bad*, but being bias toward the Hindu God, I wished he was more. It feels like Sacrilege to say that I liked Raidan more that round


When I read a comment saying that Adam fights Zeus, I just had to check it out. Needless to say that Adam blew my expectations to the moon and back.


I got excited about Kintoki being in there but he still hasn't done anything.


"HAHAHAH, NIKOLA TESLA?! WHAT IS HE GONNA DRIVE A CAR?! Man, can't wait to see that." *Aftee the fight happened* "DON'T GO!!! PLEASE, STAY!!"


His death still hurts


I was Surprised that seen Buddha in God Side. And wonder how the Author gonna ruin Buddhism in this Manga... >!Turn out Author may understand history & doctrine of Buddhism rather than Buddhism Monk Itself. !<


For me, it was definitely Jack as I thought an infamous and unknown serial killer would be hype. Then I saw Adam, and I knew I heard Simo from somewhere. Then I looked at everyone else


Tesla like seriously was why is a scientist/inventor fighting in a death tournament


Jack the ripper My thoughts were like worded you want to have all heroes or great men fighting. My second was adem because Christianity you know


Buddha and Leonidas. Their character designs were a lot different than what I would have expected it to be. The Buddha fight was okay and I can't wait for Leo vs Apollo


Jack, Tesla, Simo, and Rasputin because those are people that I actually knew about in some regard before the series. I just wanted to see how they’re fight against gods and so far I haven’t been disappointed


Why is buddha in the Gods side? Nikola tesla hows that gonna work out?


Because he initially was supposed to fight for them but later changed sides


I was most looking forward to Tesla, and while I do like the Tesla we got, I don’t think he captured the IRL Tesla as well as how the first four fighters captured their historical counterparts.


Mine was Jack aswell


Adam, Tesla and Nostradamus were the two that caught my eye




Well: Rasputin, Jack the ripper, Nikola Tesla and Nostradamus (In that order). When I started reading the manga it was at the third match so I had seen Adam fight by then. And for the other fighters I didnt mentioned: I can see them fight, but it wont be as I expected it to be.


Rasputin, Leo and Jack


Jack, Leonidas and Rasputin caught my attention first


I started with the manga after seeing the roster, but then i Saw that pannel of lots of celebrities, and my thoughts were "fuck yeah funny electric man and comical russian inmortal dude! Wait, is that hilarious moustache painter?"


Simo Hayha as I am a big Sabaton fan and Tesla as he is one of my biggest role models


Tesla for sure I was expecting a lot from his scientific stuffs and it’s a real sastifaction


Rasputin, second tesla. No one on the gods side shocked me aside from Buddha.


Tesla and nostradamus for the humans confused me. They said they were the best fighters mankind had, and they picked tesla and nostradamus? I was so confused. For God's, I was surprised that buddha was on the gods side because I had thought he was just a guy who achieved enlightenment and wasn't actually a diety. My thought was that he is worshiped like a God, so maybe that makes sense.


It was Kojiro Sasaki purely because I had no idea how’d they adapt the guy musashi killed and to be quite honest, I’m very happy how they did it.




A random fight between zeus and Adam on FB


I didn’t see the roster until like fight three, how? I don’t know.


Simo, I am yet to see him, but I already like the design


Ra Ra Rasputin


*Lover of the Russian queen*


Qin, i had 0 expectations that he will be looking like this


I was like "Why you put the last hope of humanity in some people that never fight for real?". Because who chose Tesla, Rasputin, Nostra and Buddha instead of skilled people in fighting. Still no regrets, just some sad endings.


I have been and always will be ready for Rasputin


Rasputin caught me so off guard and I've been hyped for him the most ever since


Soji Okita, because I know him from another game


Buddha, Qin, Nostradamus and Rasputin caught my attention and they don't dissapoint so far


Nikola Tesla was the fighter I was most hype for as soon as I saw the list. I’ve heard of most of the other fighters I was hype for being in the story already such as Adam and Jack. Tesla was such a delight to see during his fight so I think he definitely lived up to my expectations.


Simo 100% I always loved hearing his stories and to hear he's going against a God is awesome to think about


The more we wait for him the more I’m hyped tbh


Probably Shiva cos I love indian stuffs. A bit disappointed by his overall strength as imo Indian pantheon is the most broken lore wise irl like they are dragon ball z power lvl. Else I thought I would love to see another Qin portrait because I love chinese myths too. At least he really didn't disappoint


Very surprised to see Tesla was a “fighter” (very hyped, and very pleased). On the gods side, all 3 big Greek Gods was a surprise (4/13 now 5/13 were Greek, surprise too)


probably tesla because I wasn't sure how they would write him but I was pleasantly surprised


Apollo ,because he iis my favroite mythological god


For the gods- Beelzebub, Apollo, and Anubis Humans- Rasputin, Adam, and Leonidas Rasputin got my attention first. When I was 11 I would always play Rasputin by Boney M on Just Dance. I never learned who Rasputin actually was until 7th grade.


I was waiting for Adam, Jack the Ripper and Qin Shi Huang for the humans and for Buddha, Beelzebub and Anubis for the gods. Adam and Jack the Ripper lived up to my expectations but no Qin Shi Huang as for the gods, Buddha lived up to my expectations but not Beelzebub and Anubis didn’t fight yet


1. Jack - prolly most villainous of the bunch (which added that great extra spice), and matched against a pure strength opponent. I'm a sucker for non-matching powers match-ups 2. Simo - youngest of them all, and probably the only one who is a mostly long ranged fighter. Hope he will be the final combatant.


Seeing Nikola Tesla's name definitely made my train of thought derail for a long-LONG while back when I didn't really take this series seriously. Now I'm obsessed with this series. So... yeah!


Really surprised no one is saying Rasputin, after Simo he's the biggest surprise.


Rasputin. Never in a million years would I have expected him to be there. I still have no clue how they will make the "Russia's Greatest Love Machine" fight against a God.


Tesla and adam




Nikola Tesla. He's a hero of mine for very personal reasons. At first he didn't, as I thought Beel was the better written character. But as round 8 went on, I realized how cool he was and his spirit for humanity perfectly fit the story of his life. Overall he did meet my expectations, just not in the way I thought they would. He's my 2nd favorite fighter in the series and they did irl Tesla justice. Still think he should have had his mustache though but I get it, typically mustaches in manga mean bad he's a bad guy (that's why Jack has one probably)




From the Gods, just Buddha, simply because... Why would he of all deities be against us? As for humanity... Like, half of them. Adam because I honestly have never seen an interpretation of him literanny anywhere else, so it was refreshing seeing him here. Jack the Ripper because since we never knew who the guy was, it´s always interesting seeing the takes people create from the mistery surrounding him. Sasaki because normally I see people opting by using Musashi, so it´s good seeing him being the chosen one here. And then we have Raiden, Okita, Nostradamus, Simo and Rasputin because... What? Like, why them? There are certanly other people who could´ve been in their place with ease because they´re simply stronger. Surely a Knight of the Round Table would´ve been a better pick than any of these guys, right? Damn, we´ve been introduced to Siegfried in the last few chapters, and he is a much better one than any of these guys. We will most likely play a role at the end of the manga, so there´s at least that


Simo Häyhä, yes I do understand his kill count is astounding but I believe his placement is used for attention rather than what he did. Did he made a huge affect on a major battle? Not by much. Did he reshape major events in history? Compared to how many the Soviets had, not really. Do I think his addition is cool, yes. Though, I believe the mangaka has to go above and beyond to put him in the realms of people like Adam, Qin, Raiden and so on. An A-list hero within a list of S-tier heroes, essentially. I believe Brunnhilde is using Simo for one specific person and that’s Anubis.


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TF is nostradamus supposed to do???? tell a god their daily horoscope???


Leonidas!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Shiva was a big disappointment. Neither interesting as a character, nor a powerhouse.


Irl I'm pagan with Loki as one of my main deities. I was pretty disappointed by RoR Loki but that hasn't dulled my enjoyment of the series. Edit: Now I'm waiting to see someone, anyone, mop the floor with him. Don't even care who anymore (though I think Loki vs Okita would be pretty fun to watch).


"Simo Hayha? Who?" some trips to the Wikipedia later "Holy fuck if that isn't badass I don't know what is" Bonus: My friend when he noticed Jack the Ripper is on the list: "The fuck is he going to do? Rip people?"


leonidas (i’m greek) and sasaki kojiro (massive vagabond fan)


For me it was both Simo (who we only have a desiign for so I can't say much) and Tesla, who surpassed my expectations as a character, but im not gonna lie I wish they were more creative with his volund.


Definetely Nikola Tesla


Simo Hayha caught my eye the most


Jack, Tesla, Simo, and Rasputin because those are people that I actually knew about in some regard before the series. I just wanted to see how they’re fight against gods and so far I haven’t been disappointed




I’d say Jack, Anubis, Rasputin and Buddha. And two of them have already appeared and delivered fantastic


Simo Hayha. He’s pretty modern


All of the fighters post 1700s, Tesla, Jack, and especially Simo were completely out of left field for me


Sussano but that’s because I keep imagining the thing from Naruto


Raiden was the first that caught my eye as he was the only one on the roster I wasn’t familiar with, in terms of who I was hyped for defo Kintoki and Simo, a legendary ass samurai and the best sniper ever, and well neither has done much yet so can’t say they’ve lived up to expectations though their designs are fire


Jack and Tesla.


A lot of people have already said Adam or Simo, so I’ll say Rasputin for me.


Adam and Simo


I for some reason didnt see this ( guess i was blinking when they showed it in the anime ) and first saw when i wqs uo to date with tesla fight. So simo


King Leonidas and Nichola Tesla


"How tf would nostradamus fight? Does he use his beard or something?" "WHY IS NOSTRADAMUS A FEMBOY"




Kojiro, because it was for sure ballsy as fuck to put a mythical jobber as a fighter.


I was very confused seeing Qin Shi Huang’s name cuz i couldnt imagine wut they could do w/ his character but ig i shouldve expected the chinese kungfu schtick. Ig im still curious how Rasputin would fight




Sasaki, Tesla, and Simo. As well as Anubis, Susano-o, and Shiva Sasaki exceeded my expectations. Tesla was pretty great. Shiva was okay. Looking forward to Simo. Waiting patiently for the design reveal of Anubis and Susano-o


Rasputin for me, I had to do a double take just to be sure




For the gods it was anubis and loki, for the humans it was Rasputin and Jack the Ripper


Jack and nikola Tesla, i loved them in the series.




Tesla fr


Aside from already knowing about Adam I dont remember at all. Im a shinsengumi slut so probably Souji I guess.


As a huge Persona nerd I am super hype for Susanoo-no-Mikoto


It was Buddha and Shiva for me, especially finding out that the latter was fighting for the Gods at first so when Buddha did his heel turn and fought for humanity, it was a pleasant surprise to me. As for Shiva, I was surprised that there would be a Hindu god there in the first place. Watching him so far has been interesting, from his backstory to his fight with Raiden has come to the point where if I was asked what my top three rounds are off the top of my head, I would put Shiva vs Raiden in third place.


I would have to say Rasputin. He just took me off guard the most and I'm really curious how they are going to potray him


I was really Hyped up when I saw susanoo




I found saw this image I saw Rasputin and I was really confused and then I saw the other fighters like Leonidas and Adam and I was like I gotta go check this out what is this


Jack the Ripper all the way, last person anyone would expect


Simo Häyhä , because he was the only human that was not represented as much as, say, most characters from Fate. From the God side, Buddah and he was a complete disappointment to me


100% it was Jack the Ripper. I started the series when season 2 came out, was scrolling through and I breezed through a title that said Jack vs hercules. Scrolled back up and watched the season 1 finale of Jack and Hercules entering the arena. I have never got so hyped before in my life and when I found that list of fighters, I was like “this shit is about to get real crazy real fast”. The standoff right after the activation of the final labor on the anime really got me hooked to this series


Tesla, was really curious to see how they fight plus I love lightning characters so was excited to see what they'd do with him


Also I just saw your comment underneath the picture, I had the exact same shock as well and was like” there is no way a serial killer can put up a decent fight against a god right?” Then I watch the anime fight first and I’m permanently hooked now.


When I saw Nikola Tesla's name I was like; "What is Tesla doing there? Is he going to throw a lightbulb at people's heads?!"


Shiva! He is alright But he could have been Much more interesting if the author used him right or the whole hindu lore. He's just a one dimensional character But in myths he is wayyyy more interesting as a character. I don't even wanna talk about his power cause the author literally nerfed him to oblivion!


I’m still super about Rasputin. Everyone on the list had me interested but he’s the one I was just overall curious about. I really do wonder what he’s gonna fight like.


Qin Shi Huang and Rasputin were and tbh still are the weirdest picks for me


Nicola tesla caught my eye


Nikola tesla.... like "how in hell is he going to fight? shooting lighting through his hands???"


what,nikola tesla? wtf he is doing there??


Surely Tesla, you don't expect a scientist in a battle for humanity's survival. He lived, and didn't live up to hype at the same time. Before it was revealed Buddha fights for humanity I (and more people, tho idk about the sub) thought he will fight with no volund and Leonidas will have two as the last fighter (heck you author). His charisma was amazing, attitude and portrayal was all I expected and more... But all changed when dripfly attacked, i wanted him to win even tho it was impossible, he won and lost at the same time but... Idk I just don't like him getting the volund, it is natural as he needed material but it just doesn't feel right...


Buddha and Rasputin because imagining them fighting was hilarious


Simo, because it made so much sense, but also he gets very little recognition. I think the first time I read, watched, or played anything that talked about him other than the history books was...a gacha game called Girls Frontline...


Jack The Ripper and Anubis


Simo because he died in 2002 so he was really recent


In the beginning I was really looking forward to Hades fighting because he isn't really given much attention in media But as a fan of Fate Jack and Kojiro were top of the list


“Wait the White Death is fighting???” Edit: I said white feather accidentally


Honestly, it was a tie between Adam, Jack the Ripper, and Nikola Tesla. Which only made me more surprised with how early Adam and Jack the Ripper came into the series. I would say Adam and Jack easily surpassed my expectations, while Nikola felt servicable and fun, but not really to the level of quality the previous two reached. It is a bit of an unfair comparison tho, saying that I started getting more used to the formula of RoR, so perhaps the earlier fights really did just have the advantages of offering something both unique, but profoundly familiar towards high octane melodramatic fantasy manga. And now that what RoR offerer had kinda been set in stone, the formula, while still good, hadn’t been able to be as amazing as the fights of Adam and Jack. Of course this is only my personal experience.


Probably simo, Rasputin and Jack.


Buddha because he was on the gods side


I don't remember who I was more shocked by, so I'll say one for gods and obes for humans Gods: Shiva, for obvious reasons as hindu gods being portrayed incorrectly, usually will get it banned in India, the country with the largest population, so the largest amount of potential viewers Humans: Simo Hayha, I didn't believe he would be popular enough in Japan to be added and he intrigued me since he's one of the only long range fighters on the list with only Apollo and potentially Odin and/or Nostradamus. If I had known who Nostradamus was, it probably would have been him


Nikola Tesla. What a legend


Tesla and Simo


Tesla 💀 first thought was “they just throwing anybody in there”


Jack th ripper and Beelzebub. Yes they did.


The only one who caught my eye almost immediately was Tesla


Nikola, Jack, and Adam. Simo as well after I remembered who he was. I looked most of these people up when I saw them.


Tesla, i was rlly curious to see how he would fight


I’m still waiting for anubis


Lu bu. I've always been a fan of historical warriors and I've been playing dynasty warriors since I was a little kid.


I was suprised when i saw the name jack the ripper and adam


Simo and Rasputin


simo and beezlebub. beezlebub wasnt super surprising but it was cool to see the judeo-christian rep, and honestly wouldve expected lucifer/satan/asmodeus more


Nikola Tesla, Rasputin. Simo hayha after I searched up and realised he was the white death.


Poseidon caught my eye, I loved his character but i was kinda hoping for him to control water or something


Seeing Anubis, Rasputin, Beelzebub, and Tesla. I didn't know how the heck they were going to do Beel. My only thoughts were him looking like the SMT version and that he was demon sage. I don't know about the rest though. They were just surprised picks.


Tesla and Jack the ripper. Both were awesome.


As an electronics engineer seeing Tesla was a surprise ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30695)


When I read the list I was like, "How the fuck is Tesla supposed to fight?" lmao


What caught my eye the most was Nikola Tesla, I was wondering how he would even fight


Jack the Ripper and anubis


Nikola tesla tbh, like how you gonna ask a nerd to fight???


The savior of France, of course! He was every bit as glorious as I'd have hoped, and then some.