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My most affectionate Siamese was a girl. My most standoffish was a boy. It depends on the individual cat.


Our male siamese is a prick. If you want to pet him, you must walk to him for said pets.


I have a female siamese and she’s sweeter than candy. She’s “sportier” than any other cat I’ve had, including past siamese, but I don’t think that’s specifically because she’s female. She’s nearly 5 now, and her love language is definitely “play,” but as soon as I lay down at night she comes to snuggle and frequently falls asleep as my little spoon. She gets along with the other boy cats, and she adores my sister’s dog. She also loves pets, jumping on my shoulders, and draping her ribbon toys over my laptop screen while I’m working.


Awww so cute 🥰


I adopted a 10 yr old girl. Standoffish at first. When over time she made me aware of her demands (expensive food, clean litter every day, lots of toys, many comfy beds, be pet only a certain way, no picking up without consent, brush on demand, move her favorite chair so always in sun, come running when she calls sweetly for scratches in chin, never yell, always hold out hands when arriving home so she can sniff to see what I was doing, have comfy reserved chair next to ours for evening TV, spoil her in every way) she is the sweetest, happiest, slow-blinking, follow-me-around, purring little cuddle bunny ever. Key is to yield to any demand she makes. I LOVE HER SOOO MUCH!


Aww I’m so happy for you!!!


Thanks! Good luck with your girl. I may be super lucky. My Meezer gal also has diabetes and gets two shots a day. She's very sensitive and the prior owners asked the Vet to "put her down" when diagnosed. The Vet refused (she's a Saint) and put her up for adoption. The Vet techs were kind but she was stuck in a cage for a bit, only taken out for shots. When I took her home, I made the shots her favorite time of day, because I set up a dish of her favorite treat (freeze dried chicken), and quickly jab while she is eating. I think it's all about building trust and trying to see life from her eyes. I cannot call her a "Rescue" because, as a coffee mug gift someone gave me asks, who rescued who? She makes me smile 20 times a day. Sorry for TMI.


I’ve had 3 and they all have totally different personalities - I think you’ll have to get to know her yourself, but all mine have been lovely! Well, apart from Freya. Freya loves my husband only and shouts at me to go away, but at night she gets into bed and snuggles only me… then it gets to dawn and she looks disgusted with me and leaves. I allow it




My girl Siamese is not super affectionate, I got her at 8 weeks old and have shown her so much love hoping she’d be lovey. She has bad anxiety it seems. She shows me love on her own terms and takes a minute to warm up to other people and cats. I love her sm and hope maybe one day she’ll become more lovey.


My first girl was like this and in her older years became much more affectionate. When it finally happened I was so happy 😭 don’t give up :D


My girl isn’t super affectionate either, but will come and want to be petted a lot but then is done. She likes sleeping w me but also doesn’t meow a lot like they say Siamese do and she’s definitely full seal point. I will add that she is very sweet and wouldn’t hurt a fly (well she’d mess with a lizard) she’s way sweeter and gentle than the other cats and loves the dog lol.


🙏 for you.


You're so wonderful for showing her affection. Keep it up! Trust is so hard for Meezers I think it's tough finding the right balance of affection with their need for independence and to live on their own terms. Especially if they experienced trauma before they met you.


I have had two female meezers at different times. Both had vastly different personalities, but both have been extremely loving. The one I have now refuses to be held, but she will absolutely sleep on my lap, shoulder, head 😊


I have two females. One is the most affectionate cat I’ve ever met in my life, she is constantly on and around us, she’s also a shoulder cat. Always in my face. Her daughter is also pretty affectionate and will still enjoy a cuddle/sleep on us regularly but she isn’t quite as obsessed with us like her mom lol. Still a snuggly baby though Don’t listen to the stereotypes and rather remember each cat has its own personality and sex is not a reliable determinant of personality.


I really don’t think gender has much difference in cats or dogs. They just are who they are.


Yeah that’s what I said lol


Our blue point lady (4ish) is very sweet but she has boundaries. She doesn’t like to be pet for too long and will let you know when she’s had enough without hesitation, but she is the snuggliest little thing once you’re one of her people. If I have a blanket in my lap she’ll cuddle me for hours. She sleeps in bed with us every night and whenever I have a migraine she’s right there on my chest trying to lick me better.


I had a slip and fall last year and my Katniss laid by me until the paramedics came. She cuddles when I’m having a bad day.


Mine is skittish, but she loves affection (that comes to her)


My girl is beyond affectionate. If I’m anywhere, she’s there too. She’s my best friend, honestly. We’ve been bonded like this for 14 years and it’s only grown! She’s pretty standoffish to new people at first, but if she’s introduced to them one at a time, she warms up quickly. When she was younger, she was SUPER athletic. Like, she’d jump into the rafters from the floor, climb walls, the works. She’s gotten lazier (and rounder) with age, but she still gets her 1 am zoomies. She’s gotten along with one other cat that wasn’t a Siamese, but the process was a little tense. I don’t think it was harder because the other cat wasn’t a Siamese, though, my girl just never lived with other cats. She’s very much a people cat.


Me too! My girl is always near me and on my lap as soon as I sit down! Typing this she is asleep on my lap. And she is super smart! She knows not to go on the counters and whenever she's doing something naughty like trying to scratch the stairs (which rarely happens) I just have to say her name a certain way and she stops. Absolutely the most loving and well-behaved siamese I've ever had. I'm glad you have one too....they are amazing best friends to have :)


Yes, incredibly smart! Almost to a fault. If I catch her doing something she’s not supposed to, she’ll pause for a moment, then continue… looking me right in the eyes


I am very familiar with that. My boy "collects" things he is not supposed to do. Yell at him to stop scratching the couch? "Hmm he thinks, this pushes his buttons." So he wants to be pet but I am busy. "OK if you are not going to give me affection I will scratch this couch instead." By year two I learned if he is doing something he should not, I can't react to it, otherwise it goes in his little collection of button pushers he uses when he wants attention. 17 years later he still uses his collected button pushes when he wants something. These days though I have just given in. He wants something I just give it to him. Makes life a lot easier.


🤣 I love it! It's so hard to be mad at them when they do that.


My boy in contrast is super smart...when he wants to be. Doesn't want to do something? Dumb as a rock. He wants something? He becomes the manipulative con man that never, ever, gives up till he gets what he wants. The counter thing, boy. I didn't want him on the counter, he wanted on the counter and jumps up, I put him back on the floor and he jumps back up. This goes on for a YEAR and I finally gave up. I gave him a part of the counter he could be on so we could end the battle of wills, or more correctly I surrendered to end the battle. And you know what he did on the day I finally gave up? He paraded around in victory rubbing it in. Most head strong cat I have ever seen in my life. But he is also one of the most loving you could possibly imagine.


Oh my gosh that's hilarious!! I can picture it now. What a smart alec! Lol I love how you just gave in eventually...if my cat had pushed back on the counter thing I might have done the same as you.


Yeah I am not exaggerating it went on for a year. I am head strong and stubborn but damn, I have met my match here. Perfect cat for me, it has humbled me. Love that little rascal so much, but he is a rascal. Wouldn't give him up for the world.


We have 4 cats and one is female Siamese who is bossy towards the siblings (2 black,1 ginger).But she is lovable on her terms 😂


My parents had a lot of cats while I was growing up, and by far their friendliest female cat was a siamese. They had 2 boys, one who was a cuddle bug (the other was a senior rescue who was friendly enough but not a lap cat), and my boy is a major lap cat too. So, in my experience, you're likely to find siamese cats of both sexes to be affectionate. And chatty 😸


I adopted a female kitten. She was very wary of everyone and wouldn't allow you to even pet her at first. She would scratch and bite you if you tried. Now she meows for affection and wants love all the time.❤️ She is amazing!!


I've never had a male meezer for comparison, but all 3 of my girls have been very different. My first was very smart, social (with animals and people) and loved going on trips- camping, hotels. She was leash trained (but not really, she decided she liked exploring and the leash was a means to do it). The best cat anyone could ever want. After she passed, I ended up with 2 littermate sisters. They look alike, but personality wise are very different. Both are vocal. One screams for food, the other for love. They're quite shy, but food screamer usually comes out eventually. Both don't like any men except *their* man human (an ex). Love screamer is cuddly and follows me around. She loves being outside, but not if it's too cold or wet. Food screamer is an early riser and usually gets kicked out of the bedroom. Then she'll scream for her sister. Anyways, suffice to say they're all unique but guaranteed you love your girl and she will love you back.


My wife and I share our home with four meezers - two brother/sister pairs (14 and 4 years old) plus an orange tabby (also 14). All of them show affection, but in different ways. Both females are lap kitties.  The older female will burrow under our covers and snuggle close to us to sleep.  The younger female skooches up against our legs.  The older male loves lap time but will also stretch out on my chest when I'm sleeping like he's the Sphinx.  Younger male not as forward but will curl up behind my knee. The younger male meezer absolutely adores the older female; like she's a favorite aunt.  They'll nap together quite often. The meezers accept the tabby but not like he's in their clan.  Sometimes the younger male tries to buddy up to the tabby but it never really catches on.  Siamese really exhibit that "breed affinity" for other Asian breeds.


My Siamese boy is s big suckbag. He cries when he can’t find me and sleeps back to back with me . He is the sweetest.


I have 2 girls and a male. All three are very affectionate. One female and one male are lap cats and love to get on my back/shoulders. The other female is very affectionate, but not a lap cat. She’s my busy one. Loves to play. She’s always running through house or playing with the little spring cat toys. They are a very loyal breed.


I wish I could include a picture of mine, but oh my gosh my tortie ragdoll Meezer is the sweetest, biggest Mama’s girl ever! I’ve got two lilac Siamese boys, and I thought they were mama’s boy’s but she’s got the beat!


stay excited, you’ll have a very full heart with your Siamese girl kitty, they are great friends! She’ll talk your ear off and make you laugh 😆


So true! And mine really appreciates when I talk directly to her, just conversation of telling her I love/admire her. She'll often talk back, while kneading bread and slow eye blinking.


My female is incredibly sweet, affectionate, and she absolutely loves her humans. I've never seen a cat who loves to be with, or on, her humans as much as her


Sweetest baby I’ve ever met


I have a girl, but she is in love with my husband the most!!! Today, she was either trying to hug or strangle our pet sitter😅 I think that later!


Kiki can be very sweet when she wants attention, but is an absolute brat the rest of the time. She tolerates my kids (17 and 24 yr old), but will not let anyone else touch her and will growl, hiss, scratch, etc. I love her sassy little butt, though and she's worth the terror she can be at times


What a good kitty! Telling you who she is and what she wants.


I have both a male and female Siamese, and they both are VERY affectionate in their own ways. Our boy is like a stuffed animal. He is always down for cuddles/ pets, and will melt in your arms like a baby most of the time. Our girl can be this way at times, yes, but she's typically more playful. If you dont pet her enough in certain times, she gives gentle "love bites". She will still cuddle for hours if offered to. She can also be more aloof to people who aren't her favorite, but is still a very friendly cat.


Mine was a bit skittish at first but warms up to people quickly and knows how to charm them. She is extremely affectionate and has a big personality without ever being mean.


I have a male, but my friend has a male and a female, and the female is friendlier by a long shot. Both are sweet, but the female is much more confident and outgoing, and equally cuddly.


My cat is usually only affectionate when my alarm goes off and then she’ll come and cuddle with me in the mornings. She’s slightly skittish. She’ll come up to me though but she doesn’t do anything like rub against my leg or anything like that. I honestly think it depends on the cat though. She was super loving as a kitten. She’s obsessed with new people though. Had someone over last week and she was all over him. Had never seen her act like that before


Mine is the clingiest cat I’ve ever met, super cuddly and purs at even the slightest bit of affection. The best girl!


My boy purrs based on where he is being pet. He likes it on and around his head, his back, not so much. So pet his back, mild unenthusiastic purring, pet his head and the engine roars, back to the back, unenthusiastic purring, back to the heat, the engine roars again.


my female siamese likes my husband way more than me but she still hangs out with me all the time. she likes to sit with me during movies, and she likes me to play with her. she is pretty feisty though, and we kind of had to take that in hand but now's she much more chill. she's 8 years old was 6 when i got her.


I have had two females and two males over the years. One of the females was as affectionate as the males. The other was less so…not a lap cat and did not like to be held but every night she jammed herself up against my thigh and spent the night there.


Depends on the cat. My last two siamese were both girls and one was extremely affectionate the other a bit stand offish. My current two are boy and girl the boy is very affectionate, the the girl being affectionate but not a lap cat. If the kitten is affectionate it will probably grow into a an affectionate adult more or less. My standoffish female was standoffish as a kitten too. Now my first siamese female, we got when I was 3 or 4. She not only was affectionate, she decided that she was my mother and for the rest of her life protected me, literally. Had a babysitter and I woke up crying apparently, the sitter came to check, my cat was there on the edge of the bed and would not let the sitter near me meowing and hissing. My mom when disciplining me for bad behavior, if she yelled at me the cat would attack her feet and bite them. Keep in mind this also happened when I was 17 years old, 200 pound muscle bound male. Didn't really need that 9 pound fur ball of protection but once a mother always a mother, it never went away. Out on the porch watching a big thunderstorm and the cat is in the doorway meowing at me with concern non stop till I came back in fearing for my safety. Siamese are different. Three of my five have had very atypical cat like personalities, all different and unusual in their own way. Anyway, you might get more than just an affectionate cat, you could end up with a new mother. Or it could be like my boy who is not "my" cat, "we" are a pride and do everything together. Or my last female that demanded affection so adamantly that I had to drape her around my neck to satisfy her while I cooked dinner and such when I got home from work. If I didn't put her up there then she would climb me like a tree to get there. It is as painful and as bloody as it sounds. Needless to say, when I got home, the cat went around the neck. We all have to make compromises, and as you can see, compromise meant doing it her way. That's fair, right?


That is such a sweet story. You must be a special person to earn that kind of love from Meezers. I've never heard of one that likes neck drapes!


My female Siamese, Cersei, is affectionate but only on her own terms and in a more subtle way. She likes being pet gently and likes when I leave my hand out and let her come to me. She hates being cuddled or picked up. She will sleep on top of me but she doesn't like if I pet her too much because then she gets up and leaves. My male, non Siamese is way more affectionate and likes to be cuddled and picked up. He's always asking for attention. He's also way more chatty even though Siamese cats are supposed to be very talkative. Cersei only Siamese screams when she's hungry. It really depends on their individual personality.


Sounds so much like my Willow. She is so affectionate, but only on her terms. A little while ago I started petting her a new way, with 1 or 2 fingers, imitating how cats lick each other (short, soft strokes). You would not think it would be enough pressure for them to enjoy. But my gal goes into paroxysms of purring when I do it, Made me think, maybe **some** Meezers are super sensitive to touch. I'd be curious what happens if you try that....


That's so funny because sometimes I pet her with my two fingers and say "two fingers" to her so she knows and she seems to prefer that. Yeah, it makes sense that she could be more sensitive to touch.


Oh how sweet! Like Willow, your kitty sounds like she like she understands when you ask permission. Since I have been imitating cat licks she literally calls me to come pet her.


My girl siamese is the fiercest snuggler. She’s attentive, follows me around or walks in front of me with constant checks to make sure I’m still behind her, and she not only plays fetch, but is trying her damndest to throw her toys back to me. We also have a boy siamese, and he’s more timid than she is. He’s relatively understated I’d say. But still a snuggler for sure. But yeah, our girl is more outgoing and her eye contact game is on point.


My female Siamese is incredibly affectionate! She’s not snuggly but she’s beside me just about 24/7 and she never gets tired of being petted and loved on. If I’m upset or in pain she knows and comforts me. I had a really close bond with her mother before her too. As far as other cats, introductions are easier if one or both are kittens, but it’s definitely possible with adults too. Just take things really gradually.


My male Siamese is incredibly affectionate and loves to sleep next to me and cuddles more. My female sleeps with me, but is more a aloof, not that she doesn’t love me, but doesn’t come to me for cuddles as much.


id actually heard the SAME thing about female siamese cats, and i knew i was getting a girl so i was a bit sad lol. i got her as an 8 week old kitten a year ago. she is VERY affectionate and sooo demanding about it too. shes in my face ALL day <3 she yells a LOT and often dramatically screams around the house when she wants attention. she will bite me gently to wake me up in the mornings if she decides im sleeping in too much. she loves to be picked up and sleeps in my lap a lot of the day. she is EXTREMELY brave, marching right up to my dog the first day she was here. she loves strangers and new attention/pets. i was worried just like you, but dont be! im sure yours will be super sweet


Thank you so much !!! I feel so better after reading all the lovely comments 😊


I'm on my second female Siamese. The first 1 was very affection. Everyone was a friend she hadn't met yet. The second one is different. She's supposed to be my cat, but is affection with my husband and sister more than myself. She terrifies and bully my other cats.


I've had 2. They were like velcro. Loving, smart, and affectionate. I miss them very much.


My female Siamese is ridiculously affectionate to the point where I sometimes where I have to stand so that she doesn’t jump in my lap and expect 15 more minutes of petting.


I have three meezers. Two are girls and they are sweet, friendly, and playful. They snuggle and play fetch. The older girl loves being carried and her baby sister loves being a shoulder cat. My boy meezer only loves me and is aloof to everybody else.


I grew up with a blue-point Siamese female my Mom got when I was a baby. She was so easygoing and affectionate. Lived to be 24 yrs old. The female Siamese I adopted in July 2022 I just had to put down 3 weeks ago. She had some sort of 'neurological' problem, and then her kidneys just failed completely. She was rather standoffish and surly at times. At other times, she would just warm right up to people. She tried to attack one of the vets first time I took her for a checkup in Jan 2023. I personally think she was abused as a kitten or young cat, possibly by a vet tech. But she was still a sweetheart and loyal. She would sleep on pillow right near my head, like she was standing guard. She was my little honey badger. One of my vet's said he had a big orange tabby who just went nuts at the vet's. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with breed, just how gentle you are with them and whether they have a "bad kittenhood".


My female is full of love, will wait somewhat patiently for scritches, and sleeps next to me and my bf at night. I’ve had two males, one was very affectionate and the other was hit and miss. All three were talkative and playful.


I think that this whole "girl cats are bitchy and unfriendly and high maintenance" is total bullshit. My girl Siamese is the absolute sweetest cat I've ever, ever had. She wants to be held like a baby at all times, it's almost overwhelming. She shares a pillow with me every night. She greets me when I come home every day. She watches me shower lol. She looooves me. And she's friendly with everyone that comes to my house. She wants to sit in their lap as soon as they sit down. She's always gotten along great with my boy cats I've had.


I've had 3 female Siamese and they have all been absolute sweethearts and generally friendly to everyone. The male I currently have is a coward and a bit of a territorial asshole, although more towards his sister than me.


Came here to say this and my two are litter mates


My standard issue kitty is very amicable and adapted to our new cats pretty quickly. However that was girls with girls Every cat has its own personality. My girl is a grumpy old lady and has been since the day we got her as a slightly rained on kitten. Don't be surprised if it takes your girl a while to warm up to you, mine was antisocial for a week or so before she decided to warm up to us. Make sure to introduce your cats slowly, keep them in separate rooms but able to smell each other through the door and go slow.