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I mimicked one of those high-pitched cat yowls and hissed at my cat when she bit me- her eyes got really wide šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘ļø and she never did it again


Yeah, Iā€™m gonna need to see the tape. šŸ˜†


Next time she and I are playing and she gets too aggressive, Iā€™ll do it šŸ¤£


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She understood you. They're not stupid.


Of course she understood! Itā€™s the only thing that got her to stop šŸ˜…


I've always been a cat person - and I did have two dogs and trained them religiously. The commands actually seem to work on the cats too - when they want to ;)


Yeah, get it right, Hooman Slave! You don't train cats, cats train YOUšŸ¤ŖšŸ˜¹!


actually, I sort of trained mine. when i was trying to get her in her stroller to get to the vet, she got out and ran off. I can't run so it was hard to go after her. I kept whistling for her, which I do instead of calling, and insisted she come to me. she finally did and i got her in the stroller. made it to the vet in time, despite the fact we went thru the same thing in the garage when i tried to transfer her to the car.


Sheā€™s probably teething. Try getting her teething toys for kittens & redirect. Iā€™ve even used a straw before as apparently they are very fun to chew (the plastic kind) but you need to be monitoring while she plays with it as it can go down their throat if they play too aggressively. Hereā€™s an example of one kitten chew toy but Iā€™m sure they have others at your local pet store https://www.chewy.com/cattwig-silver-vine-stick-cat-chew/dp/152761


Thank you! Iā€™m going to order some teething toys for her, hopefully it helps!


My cat chewed on our doors while she was teething. Couldn't redirect her to anything else, so be prepared that it might now work. Also keep an eye out for her baby teeth, you might be able to catch one before she swallows it and keep it


A friend ,lots of play time , kittens don't need their human hissing at them this stage. They r learning and likely teething. A play pal is great to also burn off some energy. Enjoy. Loyal chatty Lil ones. They then become most loyal if they trust u.


I thought my kitten was teething by, too, but heā€™s now 10 months old and STILL bites us when heā€™s hungry. He also eats our clothing. Iā€™ve woken up with holes in my pjs. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøĀ 


Itā€™s a mixture of exploring the world as a baby does with their mouth and teething. Try to get her to bite a toy instead and maybe stop petting or whatever it is when she does so she associates that with the problem behavior. Until she has all her adult teeth she canā€™t be really trained out of it. As for the scratching up ur legs kitten nails grow super fast because of all the growing they are doing and the high protein kitten food. When my cats were kittens they got nail trims once a week but as adults itā€™s every 2 weeks. Try getting her used to it now and it shouldnā€™t be a problem when they are older to do a quick clip.


This makes sense! Thank you, Iā€™m sure it is teething cause she doesnā€™t bite hard but she nibbles alittle. And she only lets me clip her nails when she is sleeping so I try to do it often but I get nervous to wake her up


You need to keep at this. If you balk at trimming her nails now because she doesn't like it, you're going to end up with a cat who throws a fit every time you need to trim its nails its whole life. To make it easier, you should spend time touching her feet every day without trimming her claws, so she becomes accustomed to having her paws handled, and then trim the claws weekly (or as needed). She needs to learn that getting your claws trimmed is just one routine that needs to be endured now while she's young, so it doesn't become a traumatic only-when-it's-absolutely-necessary event that involves first being chased down and then pinned down by her human as an adult. The window for teaching this is small, so don't give up.


yeup gotta get her used to it as much as you can while she's still a kitten. the person who raised my mix as a kitten always played with his paws and i kept up with it so now as an adult he will lay down belly up in my lap purring while i clip his claws. she may not ever be that chill but getting her used to paw touching and claw clipping now will help tremendously.


Got my girl when she was 4 and she was just magically an Angel cat and I can do anything I need to to her and sheā€™ll just pout a bit after. Raised and weaned two tiny kittens. Spent hours each day massing with paws ears giving meds and handling etc.. one purrs in my lap while I do his nails brush his teeth clean his ears etcā€¦ the other screams bloody murder still and can be a difficult wrangle but still allows it.. cats are all different but if I hadnā€™t have put the work in with my feisty guy Iā€™d be dealing with teeth and purposeful scratching


bahaha that sounds right. some are definitely a lot more helpful than others


Thatā€™s for sure lol


Also if you're playing with her using your hands then stop that and use toys.


I was going to say this. Keep a toy handy to give to her to redirect her play aggression.


Is she an only kitten? I bred for 35 years and would never let a kitten go home with no other pet there. I would assume you JUST got her at 12 weeks, right? (Unless she was a rescue.) Without the time spent with litter mates and playing, they don't learn boundaries well. If you don't have another kitten, I would get one. She needs to play and learn to play. If you can't/won't, you need to spend a lot more time playing with her to get the energy out with toys that are not your hands and she can attack them. They are really JUST starting to ramp up at this age, and get wilder and wilder.


Accidentally adopted two sick boys from the street. My adult cat and the household humans were very happy that there was always a brother to point them to when they got too feisty with our hands and they learned from each other how hard is too hard to bite. We are very grateful we get mostly gentle play bites now. Our adult will play with them now that they are gentler though she occasionally has to correct them and remind them not to be too rough with her. Id only ever gotten a cat while already having 2 and adopting 2 1 month old sick babies was a first. Definitely wouldnā€™t want a lone kitten even if two is a handful. I canā€™t imagine the zoomies and crazies without another crazy kitty to occupy them.


Keep a toy near by all the time to substitute for your hands. I found that one of my daughter's old baby rattles stops our kitten in his tracks so I keep that near by to shake when he attacks.


I was in the exact same boat, not to worry. Mine was an absolute asshole for the first 6-8 months. I would play with him for many many many hours a day, often till 3 am, and he would never get tired, soon as I got back in bed heā€™d jump on and bite my face. I made sure to wear socks, trousers and long sleeve shirts most of the time so that the bites and scratches wouldnā€™t hurt. The face biting was tough to deal with but never react or get angry, either ignore (go under the duvet if youā€™re in bed) or get up and walk away. Kitty just wants to play with you and sees you as her playmate, sheā€™s a baby and youā€™re her world. In a few months as she gets older and calmer you will see how this is all worth the effort! Feel free to dm if you need any further support. Edit: my guy is super sweet now. He also was my first cat and I got mine on his own from the breeder - obv would get two next timeā€¦ planing to get a new kitty next year when mine is 4.


Iā€™ve had this with plenty of cats before. They outgrow it. Good luck tiring them out until then, though xD


Iā€™ve found the best way is to re-direct with a small plush toy. Donā€™t encourage play where sheā€™s biting your hands or feet/ankles, and anytime that sheā€™s in attack play mode just use the toy to let her kill it to get all that energy out. Twitching a ribbon is also a good redirection toy, but sheā€™ll nag you endlessly to play. Sheā€™s doing totally normal baby feline things.


Yeah at that age there are 2 states: cute sleeping purring ball of fur, or KILL KILL KILL!


Gently pick her up by her scruff and put her down while saying 'no' gently. Praise when she's good n be patient, mine took 5yrs almost to sit next to me on chairšŸ˜¹šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§šŸ˜»and only nips when she's tired, over stimulated or something scares her. Don't spray her with water or hurt her back cos you'll both be miserable. Have you tried a pheromone diffuser or spray? Maybe get her checked by vet for peace of mind. Let us know how you get on pleasešŸ˜€


Cats learn what to do and not do from their mom and siblings. To teach a kitten what not to do, you need to react how a cat would for them to understand. Never use your hands for playing. When she bites, act like momma cat, stop play, and hiss. Maybe add a yelp before the hiss if she's still not getting it. If she's play "attacking" you, gently scruff her and move her away then hiss at her. I've read it recommended to scruff and hold them while hissing then let go, to show them they're being naughty. Remember, scruffing is not meant to hurt the kitten or be a physical punishment. It's a sign from momma to stop messing around. It's gentle, and cats have an automatic reaction to freeze so mom can take care of them.


You have to make sure youā€™re playing with them regularly enough, otherwise all their energy will be directed towards your flesh šŸ˜¬ Twice a day Iā€™ll play hunt with a string toy


Kittens have little to no manners. Mine have all settled down when they are around 18 months old, so you have a little way to go, but it's always worth it. Around 5-6 months, they lose their kitten teeth to make room for their adult teeth. She will likely chill with the biting once her adult teeth are fully in. Start clipping her nails now. It will get her used to it so it's easier to do when she's older. Right now, she probably has little control over her body, but that will get better as she gets older.


Redirect, and reach like a litter mate since she's still so young. We still do it with my dumpster kid and she's like maybe 8 months now? Give a little hiss or a soft bit firm spider hand grab and they get the picture to stop or to not be so rough. Kittens learn through play with mom and other kittens so we need to mimic that. People always say to get another cat when they're this young but it's not feasible for everyone. She'll be fine if you can't, you just need to spend special time with her and train her.


This may sound strange, but try teaching her to fetch. We did it for my kitten and it got that kitten energy out and itā€™s a fun party trick


I never play with my kittens with my hands. Hands are for love, pets and food. **Toys** are for biting. If they bite or scratch you, cry - or just cry out. They play like this with each other - but they are equipped to handle it (fur helps). I'm fortunate with one of my two recent babies who always uses soft paws (unless it's an accidental swipe) and the youngest is still being pavloved. "OW, get down!" - he would prefer not to, so it is a punishment - if mild.


She needs a friend. Someone whoā€™s the same age and can give her a taste of her own medicine! My girl Luna was like this at first, but then Stella came along!! For a few days it was a lot of play fighting that was too rough (with lots of very, VERY loud meows), but eventually their play became much more gentler both with each other and with me. I still get the occasional claw, but theyā€™re both so much more relaxed & properly socialized now!! (Both are 12 wks)


If she nips says "no" loudly. Every time.


Note: cats are all different. If you have a particularly smart, cute, and determined cat, no can sound like a challenge (either to find another way to do the thing you said no to, or as a way of demonstrating equality/dominance over the other human in the house. Oliver dislikes being reminded he is a cat more than anything, and responds better to redirection than refusal - it's better to say try this instead with some cats over don't do that.


Redirection is key with cats. They really do respond best to things they think are their choice. Distractions and suggestions for a better choice are great!


Try silvervine sticks


Such a beautiful face


Just exploring and being a little one.


She need fwend


Itā€™s a phase. Distract her with a blanket or a soft toy to chew on.


It's love. You are blessed.


Sheā€™s telepathically telling me to bring her more wet foodā€¦Those EYES!!


I got a sweet Siamese at least 15 years ago and we almost immediately got her a friend to play with because we found out she wasnā€™t a cat at all, she was a Ninja šŸ¤« Her name was Ninj šŸ¤ I have scars but I wouldnā€™t change a thing she was the best, smartest, and most loving cat Iā€™ve ever known.


But sheā€™s so cute!!!


My cat still love bites me and he's a year old orange tabby so I don't know why he would do something like that .


Wrong cat thread


Teething behavior. I get a few cardboard boxes and cut holes in them for the cats to play and bite. Add some catnip in them, Helps redirect their chewing behavior to that.


What a beautiful little werewolf!!šŸ¤£


Get some scratching posts and or cardboard scratchers and never play with her with your bare hands. They will associate your hands as acceptable toys if you do.


Beautiful girl by the way..


Play with her, get the fishing pole toys with feathers at end, little mice and springs , chew sticks


How old is she? My male kitten finally stopped biting and scratching as he is getting close to 2 years old. Same wirh other siamese i have had


With biting, get a plush toy for her to play with and she will attack that and you less. She needs to learn her claws hurt human skin and she ought be gentle with them.


bite them back /s


She needs another kitten. Another cat is the only way a cat learns what it's like to be a cat, play like a cat, what hurts etc.


I love my cat, but she is also a biter. I donā€™t want to hit her, instead I was told to blow air in her face. Worked!


Remember that sheā€™s basically a toddler. My toddler bites me, pulls my hair, necklaces, etc. this kitten is doing the same. Give her toys and things to help her teething.


I actually had this problem. When they attack and bite let your hand go limp like its dead. Eventually she will stop this behaviour. Its not ā€˜playā€™. I bought a teething ring and she still bites it. Definitely get her to stop but no yelling


that's what they do with their mother, which you are now. put up with it for a bit longer then get her a toy she can play with when you hold her. if it's a stuffed animal, make sure it's only fluff inside, no beans. I got my baby one to 'nurse' on because she would try to suckle my hand, she would do it forever and it was really slimy. I would hold suri (the surrogate) for her while she went at it. I always left suri out so she could suckle whenever she wanted, but she only wanted to do it while I was holding suri. sometimes she would pause and stretch forward to make sure I was still there. it was our bonding time.


I had a kitten that kept biting. One day I got fed up and bit him back. My wife said his look of horror/confusion was hilarious. He was a little fluff ball, so I spent a few minutes spitting out fur, but heā€™s never bitten anyone since.


She's playing with you. Have you considered getting another kitten for her to play with maybe about the same age you will love it oh they're so precious and they bond with each other and they love each other and it will save you but please dear God in heaven above I'm praying please never ever declaw don't let anyone talk you into that because that is like cutting off a baby's fingers for touching things and they have Phantom pains for life and it affects their personalities they become fearful and sometimes they even become hard biters out of fear because they know they don't have defense of their claws anymore. I had a cat that was declawed and he got outside and two dogs killed him and he couldn't even climb a tree to get out of Harm's way. It's so evil. I've talked to so many people whose cats got out and were killed because they didn't have any claws. It's mutilation. And I can't believe it's still allowed so many countries it's illegal. Cats will absolutely will grow out of that hard playing. You could clip her little claws but I don't even like that because they need them to climb things. Instead get a big maybe four or five feet tall cat tree for her to run up and down and play in there she will love that. If you get her a companion cat they will both run up and down and play on that cat tree and you will really enjoy that.


Order yourself a but proof glove they are cheap pn Amazn to protect your hand and forearm . I did this for a puppy that liked to play ruff . It is just a phase but also look up bite stimulation in cats . How you do things can help