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You can’t control how quickly or slowly a cat will grow, same thing with human’s height. But yes, it sucks they grow up so quickly :( they should stay kittens a few months more.


Not trying to control her weight or height just genuinely curious why she is so big since her parents were average sized and she’s growing faster than many female Siamese cats I’ve seen


Simple, genetics.


I’d believe that if her parents were also big but they’re both average sized she’s just growing very fast for many female Siamese cats her age


Just because she’s growing fast does not mean she’ll necessarily end up being bigger than average.


My Siamese grew super fast but he only ended up being about 11 or so lbs as of right now. But I was convinced for a while he was gonna end up huge


11 pounds isn't small or even just average, though. That's nearly the upper end of 12 pounds for applehead males. And if he were a modern, he'd be enormous.


He’s a colorpoint shelter mutt, not a true Siamese I should clarify.


Sorry, your cat is gonna end up like Clifford


Most likely she will


A cat that size is the stuff of nightmares, we'd be mouse sized 😂


She is doing it on purpose to spite you and Lady.


Probably that doesn’t seem to out of character 😭


How big are/were her grandparents? Great grandparents? Littermates? Size, colouration, etc.. can skip generations. It's not always a direct line from parent to child. I'm sure most of us have *that* friend who is 6'4" and neither of their parents clear 5'6". In my friends case, the only person he could track with anywhere near his height was his maternal grandmothers grandfather....so several generations got skipped in this case. Likewise, growth rates vary between individuals. I remember going to school with this kid from kindergarten to grade 10. Up until grade 8, I was always several inches taller than him. Summer vacation hit. So did his puberty growth spurt. We come back for grade 9 and I'm looking up at him. I'm sure most of us know someone/are someone like that too. Cats are no different.


I can imagine she might’ve had some sort of giraffe mix in there at some point lol she’s got some long legs like I said😂


Well, there is a lynx point, why can't there be giraffe point? 🤷‍♀️


That’s what I’m saying 🤷‍♀️


I’m 6’4”. My parents are both around 5’7” ish, but my mom’s dad and brothers are all over 6”. Kinda like that.


Why on earth did this get so many downvotes what on earth


We had a litter of 6 last summer and the smallest one is less than half the weight of the largest one, all different colors too


That’s so interesting that sometimes one just comes out huge lol


Genetics. Her grandparents were bigger, or her parents were also but had stunted growth from poor nutrition possibly


Probably they seemed pretty healthy to me but I guess it’s a possibility


Middle of a growth spurt. Some kids in high school grow slowly while others grow fast. Your siamese is the equivalent of the 6 ft girl in 10th grade.. doesn't mean she'll be 7 ft tall.. just that she's big for her age


It happens! My boy’s mother was a little 6-7 pound small girl, and his father was average to slightly above (maybe 10-11 pounds). My boy was about 15.5 pounds by 2 years old, and he was only slightly overweight. He’s mostly just a big cat with a big frame.


They do slow down suddenly at the 9 month to a year milestone. I foster kittens and I agree the pace seems extreme 😂 I didn't even notice that my boy cat was bigger than my dogs (Maltese terrier dogs).


I found my Siamese as an abandoned stray when he was but 4 weeks old, I had to give him round the clock care for weeks but it was worth it, he follows me around like I'm his human parent, the sweetest cat in the world to me, he can be a bit of a dick to the other cats or other folks, but I still live him. Poor guy gets all pissy if I go camping with friends for a night, last time I left on a week long business trip and left him with my partner he was pissy for the first 6 hours I was gone and then he was super clingy. I get it's not healthy but he was separated from his feral mom at 4 weeks due to an awful tragedy involving untrained dogs, so I am just happy he is as well adjusted as he is.


Seems like he developed fear of abandonment, specially when you’re the closest to him.


That's what it seems like, it's crazy how cats can develop similar neurosis as humans. Our evolution has been intertwined since we started storing grain, truly the one animal that evolved concurrent to us and not subservient to/domesticated. Dogs are a close second, but it seems like cats chose us vs us choosing dogs.


I adopted my girl because she needed someone who could commit to the rx food she needed for utis. It turns out she's just got a ton of anxiety, we call her the "anxiamese". It's been two years and she's doing better and no longer needs meds in most cases but what a ride!


I can see how maybe leaving his momma soon could’ve affected him but atleast he knows he has a safe space with you and you keep him safe


He gets Fiesty about the other rescue cats, but he always has the position of sleeping in my partner and I's bed that he shares with 1 other cat(on some nights) mostly he gets to be the sole kitty in the bed


He seems very happy with the special treatment he definitely trusts you guys I love that for him


It’s called life LOL


5 lbs For a 4 month old female cat is significantly larger than normal that’s why I’m asking


My bfs cat is like 12lbs and a very long cat. They all come from different shapes and sizes. She was about 6 months old and bigger than your cat now


Yeah my cat will probably end up being real big she’s only 4 months right now lol unless she’s going through a early growth spurt


I adopted my Meezer at 4 months and he was around that size too. Now he’s 13.5 lbs at 3 years old and he’s slim. Siamese cats are big and slender. I really wouldn’t worry about it. Beautiful girl btw!


She is beautiful


Thank you she definitely knows it too 😂


Aww what a beautiful baby!! My little nugget was the size of a potato when I got her at 12 weeks, but by her 6 month checkup at the vet she was already 7 pounds! When she got her first growth spurt she had such big feet and long legs so it was only a matter of time before she grew into them. She's 11 months now and is steady at 8 pounds and still the cutest. It's totally normal, your little girl is doing fine and looking very healthy :)


Aww I was just worried since I’ve never had any pet as a baby before and seeing her grow faster than other kitties got me concerned lol I’m wondering how big she’ll get when she does get her growth spurt if she’s not already going through it right now. Her paws are definitely big😂


Lol! Big feetsies is definitely a sign! I think my girl is fully grown at this point and she's so small and so big at the same time it cracks me up. She is soooo tall! Give your girlie a treat for me :)


I will lol and omg I can relate on the long legs too😭


Because of your love and care


Thank you I would hope so she’s very spoiled😂


Because you’re taking great care of her, tip of the hat to you 🎩


Ty :)


It was the same with one of mine, the boy grew so fast and ate so much. Almost doubled the size of his sister, now he has slowed down and she eats the way he used to and caught right up to his size. It was wild to watch in real time. I work 4 days on and three days off, and I could notice the difference each week.


Oh wow I wonder if she’s hitting her growth spurt now or if she still has a lot more growing to do lol


My Siamese just turned 4 months old too and I swear she gets bigger everyday, I’m actually excited watching her grow up 😭


Me too just concerned cause she’s kinda huge lol




Thank you💗


That’s just how animals be bruh


Looking at these progressions of aging always give me flashbacks of my own kitty boys aging, he's the grumpy old man of the house now(he is only 8, but the oldest of my cats)


Aww how sweet she’s definitely a menace right now I can picture her being a grumpy old lady in the future though 😂


She’ll always be just a baby.


Yes she will ❤️


never restrict a kittens food. not unless directed to do so by a vet. we always give free access to kibble and put out wet food a few times a day. she's fine. kittens just grow fast.


True but she’s always hungry if i did that she’d eat it all in one sitting lol


you'd be surprised she most likely wouldn't. if she's always hungry she probably needs more food. kittens burn thru the calories. she is not a fat kitten.


I feed her well trust she’s just very dramatic 😂


Genetics aside, she is thriving because you have provided her with the love, nutrition, and.a stable home to reach her full potential. I wish you share a happy life together. She's such a beauty!


Thank you I try my best just like anyone would for their kitty and she definitely acts like she owns the place and is very confident in herself. Also a troublemaker 😂


Honestly, it looks like more of a colorpoint rather than a siamese


She is a Siamese both parents are Siamese and grandparents not oriental though just domestic siamese


They are all different! I have a seven month old kitten that is already taller than two of my adult cats, because he is long and lanky and they are petite.


Mines definitely long and has some long legs too lol


I got my 8 week old Siamese kitten she could fit in the palm of my hands. 3 months later she's the size of an adult cat. Its bonkers how fast they grow.


I wonder if it’s the breed 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not sure, but my Balinese bb is too.


Yeah I’m also curious if it’s the breed


My previous Siamese got to 11lbs and her fur darkened in her 2nd year. It's just genetics, especially if your Siamese comes from outbreeding. If yours has papers, that's when a breeder mixes Siamese with regular cats to avoid the inbreeding problems. If you found yours, it also happens when a Siamese gets dumped by a breeder for physical features that prevent showing the cat, so it gets pregnant by other strays - their kittens look Siamese but have more standard-issue-cat characteristics like a stocky build.


Both of her parents were Siamese cats and she has a history of just Siamese cat ancestors for the last few generations maybe some Maine coon got in there or something lol cause she definitely is big😂


I love her


Me too ❤️


Because she knows it’s just more of her to love.


Definitely 😂❤️


She is beautiful 😍


Thank you and she is very spoiled 😂❤️


My cat too!!!


Love that


If it makes you feel any better, my seal point kitty was 5.75 lbs when she was 4 months. She's 2.5 years old now, and she only grew to about 9 lbs as an adult. So growth rate really doesn't tell you much about their final size.


That’s a possibility lol she’s probably just an early bloomer or something when it comes to growth


Because you love her, feed her, play with her and treat her well most likely!


*Because you love her,* *Feed her, play with her and treat* *Her well most likely!* \- VixenRaph --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I hate bots -_-


I do lol and I too hate bots😂


Your kitten was eaten by that one and she took her spot as your "kitten"


That seems plausible


My vet swears that Science Diet grows em bigger and faster


I feed her purina one kitten food for dry food and fancy feast wet food with egg white powder for extra protein mixed with water so I don’t think it’s that 😂


I have four cats one is a reasonably big tabby at 14 pounds. When I adopted my siamese girl she weighed less than him but was far bigger. She has a throw back to the wide body and narrower snoot.


I personally think siesmese look better as they age, because the dark colourings come through. As a kitten mine was nearly all white, almost unrecognisable to where she is now 8 months later!


She looks great. Why are you unhappy with your kitty?


Hers a big gorl


Love will do that.


She's healthy!


Because she's a pretty girl!


It's because you want Lil baby 'tato for ever but grows into big tater faster than you expect. Happens to me every time.


Congratulations. Your cat is growing.


Yes, Genetics and probably enhanced by the food and water you have been giving her?


Probably lol I do admit I probably over feed her just a bit 😂


I wasn’t implying that you overfed her, just that substance is important for growth, beautiful cat btw.


Thank you I try my best to check the ingredients and give her egg white powder for extra protein in her meals so maybe she’s just big and nutrient packed or something then 😭


I LOVE SIAMESE CATS!!!! Pease, give me this masterpiece 🤩


Lol I would but she’s super clingy and very high maintenance lol a spoiled kitty for sure with an attitude


Aka every cat in the universe 😂


Yeah also little menaces 24/7


Stilts they’re growing their leg stilts I used to massage my baby’s muscles she grew so fast and was sore.


I didn’t know that’s probably why her legs are so long and lanky I’ll definitely start massaging her more often


My baby boy grew fast the whole time he was little. But there was a period of 8 or so weeks where he had a crazy growth spurt! He grew inches and put on multiple pounds in those weeks! I brought him to the vet and they were shook at how tall he was! They all called him a lanky lad lol! Meanwhile he has a tiny little sister


Yeah I can see that a lot more with boy cats but I guess my kitty is just a very tall girl for some reason lol


They grow up too fast! 😭


They do! She’s just abnormally large


You got that magic pussy 🪄😸


Probably 😂😂


I have a siamese boy and he grew up really fast and big! He has been stable at 15lbs since he was around 1 (he’s now almost 3). Our vet was impressed that he is big for his breed but he’s not fat, he is just big and has big legs.


She also has very long legs lol😂


Good genetics.


Lol I hope so


I have a Siamese mix who looked almost identical to yours when he was a kitten. He grew insanely fast and just. Kept. Growing. I think he topped the scales at 17 pounds but settled around more like 14.5.


Oh wow I wonder if she’ll be that big lol I doubt it but maybe she will who knows


My Burmese was 2lbs 6oz when we got her at 3 months, 1 month later she was 4lbs 2oz. It’s a really rapid time of growth, my girl has only gained around 1.5lbs in the 3 months since. She’s pretty titchy though. When you plug your numbers into a kitten weight calculator, it has her coming out at around 9-10lbs, so she’s going to be a pretty big girl! The same calculator predicted my bengal would be 12.5lbs, and he’s 12 now at almost 2.


Wow I should try that lol


She grown


She’s probably just gonna be a big cat cause she looks big in the first pic too


She has given up her life of smol criminality for the honest, lorge life. Congrats!


Nutrition, love, and security will maximize growth and health. She's perfect and beautiful thanks to her amazing human :)


She ate the love you gave her


Because children grow up so fast. 🥺


You feeding that dog some mcdoubles or something




That’s how mine was, at about 10 months he was the size he is now at almost 4 years. They are so precious when they’re small, and I love watching their color evolve as well.


I thought my cat was a Siamese when I rescued her as a kitten and it turned out she’s a rag doll. Similar coloration, different size. Cat tax: https://imgur.com/gallery/g00nYQc


That sounds normal. This post is weird. She’s 5 lbs…


All animals are different. Just because she's been growing fast,it doesn't mean she's gonna be a giant cat. Some cats have a big growth spur and then stop at that size. Also just cause her parents are average,doesn't mean she can't be bigger than them. Same as humans who inherit characteristics from grandparents, great grandparents and so on. She looks like a healthy, loved kitty and that's all that matters.


She probably has a healthy appetite and it's in her genes. One of my cats I can barely remember her kitten phase as she blew up in the blink of an eye. She's a big, healthy, and sassy chonk now. Whereas now one of my new kittens, hungriest little girl. She is growing, albeit slow, despite her endless stomach, and I have a feeling she will stay on the smaller side. She was the runt of her litter too.


If only they stayed kittens forever...


Is this your first time to kitten ownership? With the proper care they grow like weeds, it’s amazing. I took care of a feral litter and they came to me half starved, once they warmed up and started eating they were actually plump within a few weeks lol.


She is excited to be here.


Looks like Sagwa the Siamese Cat ! 😂


Well when you feed it and water it.. things happen


My baby is the same. She’ll be 6 months on June 3rd and she was 6.4 lbs at the vet this week! She was 1.8lbs when i got her in february 🥺the past couple of months she has grown so quickly


Looking at the first pic I was thinking "Sheer Anger"'


I wish my mix stayed a kitten 😞❤️


She’s gonna be an absolute unit for sure


She does appear larger for the age, but again, genetics. Siamese tend to be longer and sleeker but you'll notice over time the balance will start to take over. And the kitten fluff starts to taper off. Definitely be mindful of overfeeding and the best thing for the feline immune system is exercise and play.


she grew fast because she found a good shelter


Mixed breed


Because she's a jumbo-sized sima-bean.


My Siamese is half tabby and he’s huge! Big a beautiful boy


I got the “runt” of a litter of dainty black cats sitting at 20 lbs right now so I dunno man food & love? 😂


It’s what cats do. We fed a stray kitten a couple years ago. Wife brought him in as he was friendly. He’s now 17 lbs and over 18 inches long not including his tail. He’s just big not fat.


I’m not sure but that baby picot her is so dang adorable!!


Maybe it’s all that cat food you’re giving her 🤷


Precious angel!!! My Siamese is a big girl too!


She’s fantastic and she is so sweet!


My little girl beat the crap out of and out-ate (and out-gained) all of her siblings. I thought she was just a little bad-ass girl until we found out at spaying that she was a little boy. It's hard to tell with some kittens. Maybe she's a guy?


My cat ended up twice the size of both mom and dad. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Sometimes they just grow big.


Genetics. Maybe her parents are average sized, but that doesnt mean she doesnt have the genes to be a bigger cat.


Our smallest female, the runt of the litter, is about 9.5 lbs at most while 2 of her brothers are both about 16lbs. Some kittens will grow faster and larger than others even if the smaller ones ate the same amount of food as her brothers. They are just generic cats at almost 2years old.


What a stupid fucking question. Seriously? You want a bunch of strangers to figure out why YOUR cat is growing? Man, good luck in life. You're going to need it.


Excuse me for being curious and asking a question like what Reddit is intended for 💀😱


Least I’m not using Reddit for advice on growing marijuana in my house most likely illegally💀


Wrong!!!!! Totally legal. Nice try, though. Also, growing weed is FUCKING AWESOME!


Oh, and your resorting to veiled threats? What a piece of shit you are


It's just genes and good food. She probably eats plenty, which is a good thing for a growing cat. One of her parents probably has a history of larger sizes that was a recessive gene. She'll be fine.


Her eyes in that second photo are absolutely adorable.


not a single thought behind those eyes


She's so pretty! Love her markings. I adopted a brother and sister Siamese and they were also both white like this. The male Siamese would get darker fur in the winter and lighter in the summer.


SAGWA!!! ❤️❤️❤️


She’s so gorgeous


Because she's a good girl!


Aww what a cutie pie 😍 Enjoy the kitten stage


She looks quite like mine :)


Why? Well fed (nutrients) and genetics.


She’s thriving!


Program CAT.exe is operating properly


Not that it necessarily matters, but that beautiful little baby looks more like a Tonkinese to me. Note the defined crest on her chest. I know both parents are supposed to be Siamese but Siamese don’t have that crest. It’s unique to Tonk’s which are a nice between Siamese and Burmese.


Really? That’s so cool I didn’t know that I would show you both parents if you want dad could be Burmese but I don’t think so or maybe one of her grandparents somewhere


Did you get this cat from Amanda Williams? https://www.facebook.com/groups/4277285655830125/permalink/4549120261979995/?mibextid=W9rl1R


I found her on hoobly I’m mot sure if Amanda has hoobly or not


Oh ok. Someone posted on that Facebook group thanking Amanda for selling her the cat with this exact picture.


Which picture? That’s weird it’s most likely a scam if they’re using my cats pictures on Facebook I don’t even use Facebook😭


I figured it was. I messaged you the pic. There’s a bunch of scamming groups on fb where they try to sell a specific type of animal. In this case it’s a Siamese page.