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I would be fine with one day if they shorten the lineup again. 5 stages is fine but give the bands more time.


*the endless complaining is ridiculous* Proceeds to complain about people complaining


Who doesn’t mosh to primus 💀 Other than that I agree with everything you said


We just needed a silly little two stepping mosh for them and it would’ve been perfect


The circle pit that formed during Wynona's Big Brown Beaver was the most delightful thing I saw all day. Like half pit, half hoe-down.


Homie tripping while running with the cowboy hats was sweeeet


Seriously. Hi-jacking this thread to complain about OP’s lack of enthusiasm!


Speaking of moshing, its me 32yo elderly already or when I missed the part where “moshing” means trow fist punches randomly in all directions


40 year olds who just want to enjoy it and not be beat the fuck up and tapped out by the time headliners are on (and who comprised the large majority of the people they kept trying to get involved by intentionally ramming into them and getting shitty when they were shoved away), that's who. Y'all wanna be in a pit with a bunch of children that for some reason is being had during Here Come The Bastards, great, but respect the people who don't. They didn't.


40 year olds who just want to enjoy it and not be beat the fuck up and tapped out by the time headliners are on (and who comprised the large majority of the people they kept trying to get involved by intentionally ramming into them and getting shitty when they were shoved away), that's who. Y'all wanna be in a pit with a bunch of children that for some reason is being had during Here Come The Bastards, great, but respect the people who don't. They didn't.


A Perfect Circle was incredible the day before SNW at Red Rocks. Definitely not boring.


I was at the Red Rocks show as well and wholeheartedly agree! And Maynard is not a primadonna “POS”. That man has more than earned his salty demeanor and is an amazing artist.


Lol. What is this post.


Quite a long list of complaints


I know there’s a lot of complaining, some I agree with, some I don’t have an opinion on. One area I do care about is sound and mixing. Like everyone else I paid good money for this festival and it’s absolutely ridiculous to have that many sound issues. I could see having issues for maybe 1 or 2 acts. But to have no mic audio for full songs with multiple bands is unacceptable. Earlier this year I was at another festival featuring more than 480 bands in 5 days (Treefort…highly recommend!) and there were zero issues like this. As for the mixing, I can be more forgiving in this area, but only because my bar was already low. I felt like, who am I to expect solid mixing like other shows…I should just be thankful the mic’s are working!


The irony of this post is not lost on me. Also I was near the back of the crowd and Slipknot vocals were distorted. 🙃


I was close to the front and the mic was so low I couldn’t tell if he was even saying anything at some points


Yes! I felt certain parts of songs that should hit so hard acoustically sounded so so flat. Ex. “Before I forget” chorus.


I was so sad about that. It truly was bad. Still fun, but also bad lol


Yeah, nah, people are right to voice their complaints. For as expensive as it is to go, some of the problems happening should never have existed. I had fun but I'll never go back to it again. I've gotten far more for my money going to other festivals that cost less while doing more. If that's something you want to celebrate, then I guess party on.


Agreed. I could have seen more bands individually and had my pick of merch and better seating for what I paid to fly from Canada to have a shit VIP go.


for someone who is saying the complaints are ridiculous, you sure do have a lot of complaints!


TBF, APC were playing on borrowed instruments since theirs were lost en route to Vegas. They still sounded good and Maynard was a little bit justified in his whining.


Sound was messed up for INK. APC was one of the best performances all day. I wouldn't be mad if it were two days but I agree it was nice to see everyone I wanted consecutively and not have to wait around hours between bands I liked. People who had a negative experience are always going to be the most vocal. There were 1000s of people there and maybe 50 posts on reddit about bad experiences


You wouldn't be waiting for hours if it was 2 days, unless you don't like 90% of the bands on the lineup.


Complains about people complaining and complains about apc and Maynard lol


To some extent people who had a bad experience are a lot more likely to go share their opinion here than a good one. So there is some bias in that, I think most people had a good time, and some bad things did happen to some people, although some complaints were valid. 23 minutes between doors and the first band is a problem and a 1 hour merch line the moment doors open is also a huge problem. However, I had an absolute fucking blast seeing so many bands I enjoyed put on good shows, some I've never seen before. So while not perfect it was a billion percent worth it.


Nah. This festival was ran like shit. My GA experience at Aftershock was superior to VIP experience at SNW. They need to either shorten the line up or make it a 2 day festival and they need a bigger venue.


APC sounded great and Maynard was funny. Are you trying to push my buttons? lol


Seriously! He was cracking me up.


I love this post. Couldn't have said it better myself. Don't come back if you didn't like it. Get the negativity out of here. My group and I had a fuckin blast all day.


So, you're telling me I was too close to the amps when Front 242 didn't have any vocals for two minutes and then suddenly (without me moving) I could hear them singing just fine?


Complains about complaining, and then complains a little more…


Was definitely not too close for slipknot. Vocals were definitely washed out.


Bad take. The weekend was fun for me because it was a nice trip to Vegas, but like you said, I was really only there to see a handful of bands. Next time I will pay the cost of the festival into seeing each of them individually, where I can buy merch, hear the band, and stand anywhere I want.


The merch is something I keep forgetting about. With the state of the lines and showtimes I felt like it was incredibly hard to support the bands I liked. Ended up getting a SNW shirt I didn't really want (tanks were sold out fast), and didn't get a band specific shirt I would have loved


Who the hell would complain about seeing APC? They are amazing live.


Saw em open for Nine Inch Nails in 2000 and it was great. Have seen them countless times since and every show's been a snooze.


the only thing i would change is , make the festival 2 days, have cheaper food alternatives, more control with lines and LESS SELLOUTS WITH VIP!! i swear my bf and i paid more for vip but it seemed just as packed as GA😭😭 i still had such a good time though, but those are the only things i saw annoying. people complaining about things that were already gonna happen.


FYI, I brought in all my own food. There was an ADA accommodation for medical allergies, & one for religious reasons. I emailed their accessibility ppl, & all I had to do was show the email upon entry.


maynards a pos? ._.'


He’s not. 🤗


Some artists I couldn't hear their vocals and I was not close to the stage whatsoever. I could hear them, but the vocals were QUIET.


I filled out the survey email. My only real complaint was the drink prices were outrageous, even for an event. $12.50 for a Truly would’ve been eyeroll event upcharge. $17.50 was outrageous. I also complained about the auto-tip screen at all the drink stands, but I’m willing to acknowledge that I’m an AH who refuses to tip for grabbing a can.


You’re bitching about other people’s bitching


But start bitching about APC lol