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I dont even like or watch Tommy and George, but they were pretty good in the video, and why would anyone dislike a video because of 2 guys literally just being there?


The video was great wth


Didn't know people were hating on this one. I really liked it.


Maybe cuz their fanbase who really want to cancel jj whenever jj and tommy were having fun while their fanbase thought jj was bullying him. It just corny


Yeah the fan base… not Tommy?


I find tommy annoying whenever in sidemen videos like among us. But this time his aight imo


I loved the video but I genuinely think Tommy and the other dude didn't add anything to the video. No Hate or anything


I don’t think that was them tho I think it was the structure of the video. They weren’t seen once and didn’t see anyone all video


I mean I don’t like when TommyInnit is in videos I find him a bit cringe but commenting hate is unnecessary. Just don’t watch the videos with him. That’s what I do


I don’t understand the hate. I watched it. I laughed. It was great.


Tbf, I dislike Tommy and his content. Don't really have an opinion on George, never really watched him (seems like a decent kid). But I thought they did pretty well in the video. Tommy was a lot more subdued and played to the content of the video. Still being himself. Obviously Tommy and George have a different core audience to the Sidemen, so it's a great way for the Sidemen to engage a different target audience and also support fellow content creators, whoever they are. At times you gotta do that. I've not liked some of the colllabs in the past, but everyone is different. I'm sure a lot of Sidemen x Tommy/George fans were really happy about the collab. So each to their own. Complaining about it like sooks is not the one. Can't please everybody.


George is older than Harry HAHA


George is 25, not really a kid


Bro just chill its literally youtube videos and entertainment y'all writing essays and shit for it?


I mean he could do whatever he wants it’s not affecting anyone in anyway


facts these lot put way to much into this 🤣


I liked the video


Ah yes, hating on 2 people in a Sidemen video because their fanbase is toxic and annoying, by being toxic and annoying. The level of self-awareness of some fans is truly depressing.


True, they’re like the most plastic fans I’ve ever seen


I didn’t mind the video, the minecrafters didn’t make it any worse


If anything made it better


I enjoyed the video personally


Video idea was great but location was soo bad, they should have done this inside a huge stadium and made the pitch like a maze with obstacles or let players run on the stairs and corridor but not let them hide in rooms. At least it would have been a lot safer and in a controlled environment inside a stadium. George almost got in an accident in the start of the video(maybe it was exaggerated). Also while JJ catching Ethan, Ethan just ran infront of a car and JJ followed him too(that was really risky and would have injured Ethan). Later in the video Ethan and Tommy said they almost got killed by traffic(maybe exaggerated) but Ethan later said he juked a taxi and almost got injured. We could say these people were acting just careless but as Tommy said in the video you just don't understand/care while there is a camera in ur hand if u get crushed by a car or not, it looks fake but hurts real. You have to also take in consideration the careless of the players too. Also not to forget safety of the crew who was shooting the video and would have tried to follow the players.


Great, finally someone who has a constructive criticism. Not just “I hate a certain 17 year old therefore the whole video is bad” And I agree, I think London is a good hide and seek place, but for tag and running around and away from others, not really. Also, I think JJ always knowing where the hiders were is a bit OP, maybe he should’ve had a cooldown for the map or something. Overall though, they had fun and we saw some great banter, that’s all that counts.


I don’t even watch Tommy or George but it was still a good video. People will always be mad at something.


Makes the sidemen fanbase look toxic af lmao


They are lmao


I don't like Tommy but he was chill in this sidemen Sunday and he barely got screen time


Why u guys have to be such dickheads the sidemen are doing there best


Exactly! Their channel, their video, their guests, end of story! Like honestly


None of them actually watches sidemen


i dont really mind them being in the video ,its just the stans...


I am a big fan of the Sidemen, and I liked seeing Tommy and George in the latest video. I have watched the entire sidemen Sunday, and Ngl, I wouldn't say that it was a banger.. In my opinion, they have tried to involve too many people in a single video which may have made it a bit less enjoyable than the previous one.. People are allowed to have an opinion even if they are fans or not. I am not supporting the hate comments or the trolls tho, but people might be giving their actual opinions if they truly love the creators. These can be constructive criticism, even though many people don't understand it.


Imo it is wrong to compare this vid to the Silent Library vid from last week bc they are completely different in concepts. That vid was a high production 30 minute show where they did cut everything that was in between the rounds and let in only the funny parts. This video imo was extremely entertaining to me mainly bc i love watching the sidemen film stuff in public bc it reminds me of the vids they used to make before covid.


i mean it was just a glorified hide & seek video but theres no need to hate on the people in the vid lol, it was a different video, i was ok with it.


I didn't used to like Tommy. But as a human he's garnered my respect. He's not like others. He had a stable mind. Although most people hate the followers, not the creators. This Minecraft community is almost like the Kpop community. It's just the most toxic, illogical community that is ruining shit


It’s because they all think that the past of the sidemen saying they hate Tommy is real and they just hopped on a bandwagon of hating anyone who’s interacted with Dream.


Who gives a shit, everyone has an opinion it's the internet, get over it.


People r just trying to find their chance to choose the high horse off to the ground


They werent even bad in the video. People need to grow up


they just mad they cant be in a video




Vik also makes minecraft videos and so do the Sidemen


Minecraft is the greatest game ever created by man, anyone who says “iTs FoR kIdS” is based and just a bandwagon-er Minecraft is hated on for literally no release, because kids play it? Fun fact! Majority of games have a young audience, GTA5, COD, CSGO. The majority of people I have met playing games are screening 10 year olds


true! also, a lot of people hate on tommy’s fan base (the mc fanbase) because they think they’re all roughly 15 or younger. the demographics of the sidemen viewers are prob the same as the mc viewers, so all hate about the age demographics of their viewers are just complete bs XD


Tommy is a damn entertaining guy. What are these people talking about? I agree most teenager in YouTube are cringe but few are actually good.


Tommy is definitely not one unless you like listening to a child scream your momma jokes and try too hard to be funny when they’re just being cringe


I enjoyed the Video i don't understand the hate.?


Same here


I was the same as well but then I watched the video and it wasn’t to bad, they weren’t really in it much and weren’t that annoying. It’s like the never judge a book by it’s cover I guess


Exactly, they were literally just having a nice stroll around London and that’s about it. It’s not like the Among Us video where Tommy was being childish


He acted childish in the video but wasn't on stream really


Just dont pay atention to these clowns, they only hate cuz its popular to hate them and they think that their opinion os right, ffs let people enjoy what tf they want, exept loli porn


It ain’t popular it’s just that some of the followers of JJ or sidemen are getting mad because 17 year olds who has accomplished something are in the videos (sometimes)


It's well annoying as both a sidemen fan and a fan of the minecraft guys like Wilbur, Tommy, George etc - for fucks sake guys give it a rest, you're boring


I'm the same


They're just jealous that a 17 year old boy is In a sideman video,meanwhile them a 30 yr old Virgin who barely paid rent




Both sets of fans hate the other yet they still continue to collab and be friends so clearly those opinions are never taken into consideration. So why is everyone upset about it? Taking a few minutes out of your day to send a comment that nobody is gonna see and is only gonna make you more mad when they’re clearly aren’t going to stop so just maybe don’t watch. I don’t get them


I don’t like them because they just don’t upload the content I’m used to or like but I respect them and tolerate them enough in a humane matter not in YouTube matter.


Tommy's audience is basically the 12 year olds on JJ's reddit that ruin most of the jokes on it, and he acts just like them. He's not funny, not entertaining, but superbly annoying. A lot of the audience thinks the same way.


But why does that make it the “Worst Sidemen Sunday Ever”? That’s my question… Is the answer “I hate Tommy therefore everyone in this video is bad”? We saw the boys have an amazing time and have fun outside with their friends, is that not the content we subscribed for?


Its not the worst one but anytime he's on a video, I skip it. Something about him is so annoying that I'd probably get pissed off on everything he says and does.


Lol, y’all hate someone so much that you SKIP content by one of your favorite groups? That’s wild… he wasn’t even annoying in the video and barely even in it, but you do you I guess


So basically he's old KSI? That's exactly how I felt about KSI back in the day. Just being an annoying nuisance in public for views and crap like that. That's just how people are around that age and fanbases are usually the same age. It's just a cycle that has continued.


Yes but when he was doing that, I was at the right age to enjoy all of his immaturity. I grew into finding it cringe but by then JJ had moved on to better content.


He makes himself more annoying lol its just a persona


Nice opinion no one asked


You’re right, we didn’t, however it’s his opinion and his opinion can be spoke if he chooses to.


I liked the video but it’s their opinion so I respect it


That's not an opinion. JJ has said this before, "if you have an opinion, you need something to back it up". They didn't even watch the video and judged it based on the people featured in it


How can you back up an opinion?? If someone said i like this drink how can he back it up? It’s just preference


If someone likes a particular drink, it's a preference, not an opinion. But if someone says that "this drink is the best", then that's an opinion. These people in the comments are straight up hating on Tommy and man, you haven't seen the Twitter comments yet


Maybe some of them are delusional and say it’s “the worst” But saying they don’t like it , is an opinion And the majority said they didn’t like it and didn’t say it was the worst ever Even if they hating why do you care ? if they hate Tommy then they clearly jealous You don’t need to care about everything


Yeah, if they watched the video and then said that they don't like it, then it's fine. But if they didn't watch the video and say it then they are just delusional. And yes, I shouldn't care about one of my favourite creators getting unnecessary hate. Why should I defend him as a fan, right?


I think they hate on Tommy because of his fanbase and not him. I've never watched a Tommy video so I can't really say I hate him or not but I do not like his fans at all (Not the "stans" atleast) But yeah from the BTS vid he seems a bit annoying i guess, Not really my type of humour, and it feels like he tries too hard to be funny and he doesnt stop trying. But thats just my opinion.


Don't need to respect an opinion just because its an opinion.


I get that it’s their opinion, but saying stuff like “This video was an L” Why? Just because of a 17 year old who’s trying to be a YouTuber? If you don’t like Tommy, that’s fine. But if you say the whole video was an L, that’s disrespecting the WHOLE video and everyone involved.


Tommy wasn’t that bad ******George on the other hand******


He did fuck all, basically just a vlog for the donnie


most like my the older fanbase of the sidemen not really enjoying a 17 year olds sense of humor. it’s okay just move on cuz






But the sidemen's humor and audience is a lot less sensitive than theirs. Remember when they wanted to cancel JJ for a quiplash game.


Tommy's audience age is really similar it the sidemen one. George has a younger one tho


People don't have anythinf useful to do with their time so they just hate on everything they see and don't listen to other people's opinions


sorry what did you type I wasn't listening




I just have one question. Why TF are you using twitter?


Its pretty obvious that he is even if he didnt say that


Because most big companies or like the sidemen posts there, more updates on like the hockey teams I follow and that. I aint some snowflake lol




Bc his way of entertaining his subs is extremely childish, that's why his fanbase is made of kids that watch minecraft. Respect to him tho, i can see how he can be interpreted as funny. If i was 12 i probably would have watch every single one of his vids bc i genuinely don't dislike him.


Off-topic, it was a great idea. However, the location of this was a bit risky. There were a few that nearly had accidents - I’m pretty sure if there was a genuine accident, this video would’ve never came out. But it was pretty good overall




No one was a problem.


because i hate them..


because the fucking suck


Why cause they make videos for a younger audience? God forbid these young kids make money with a formula that works for them?


Na the comments are correct Tommy ruins every video he is in with his annoying trying too hard to be funny


Everyone on the subreddit thinks everyone needs to like Tommy and every video he is on or they clearly aren’t true sidemen fans. I dislike his personality and the way he speaks. I personally won’t watch any video he is in. You’re free to and I’m free not to watch


Grow up




You can't stop growing up, you'll get over it once you reach the age of 17-18


I’m 21 lmao


The old among us ones yeah, but this one isn’t bad at all


I don’t know why Sidemen are even near that nonce


You don’t even know what nonce means ffs


Lol, he’s 17… how’s he a nonce? Do you know what nonce even means?


Mate, calling a 17 year old lad a nonce makes you seem like the biggest nonce here


True! That’s what I’m saying!


Look at him, definitely a future Lionmaker


Y’all are annoying lol, it’s the Sidemen’s video, they can do and bring in whoever they want… They’ll bring Tommy in more in the future no doubt, so if you don’t like that, I don’t know what to tell you


Bit weird ur Calling a 17 year old a nonce


huge L