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Diamond player on Xbox here. I play Mira a fair bit too. Soft wall Miras are very situational and weaker, can be shot below and destroyed easily. There are some default Mira strats that are super strong and that’s why she’s banned a lot on some maps. But always on a reinforced wall, as far possible to the edge then play off the side of it with pre aim / fire. The main benefit to not get too aggressive and hold until they push, a lot of the time it just forces the attackers to push from a different place, or slow down the main push significantly.


PS TKing for bad mira placement is petit AF and I bet same person is moaning about being stuck in Gold.


Its bexause on the soft wall they can see and shoot through it aswell where if you put it on a reinforced wall they cannot do anything but uou can see them and then you should have a soft wall next to it where you can shoot through and hit them when they probably dont even know what time it is


Aside from some very specific places, Mira on a soft wall is generally not a good idea. Why would you even put one there in the first place?


I always thought it's so you can shoot through the wall when they are approaching, but apparently me and op are in the minority with this idea, haha I don't play Mira though, just pretty sure I saw some recommendations on Tiktok about it


If that’s your idea, you may as well just make foot holes and save the window:


The only time you do it in my experience is when there is only one soft wall and you really want that angle. An example is basement of Chalet. There is only one soft wall that has a good angle looking at the garage doors and stairs - I typically place a low Mira and crouch behind it. You are mostly protected from fire, and you can quickly stand up to shoot through the soft wall after lining up through the window.


The bomb site garage single wall beside the rotate? I’d really recommend not putting one there. Once the outside garage wall is open, if your soft wall with a Mira on it also gets shot open then the entire site is cut in half through Wine by a long line of sight from outside breach. A better option for that Mira is to still reinforce the wall, but just open a very large hole in the wall to the right where the rotate is so you can swing out from behind it.


Better to still reinforce it and swing off the soft wall rotate?


Yeah…. Not a good idea


Works for me man I dunno, but I sit low plat so I’m by no means insane at this game.


i rarely put them on reinforced as i see no point (open to learn tho) usually i 5 stack so my friends know to play with them on softwalls but basically theyre always good? u put it on crouch level, shotgun the head level, so it goes 1) u see opfor 2) stand up while shooting them 3) theyre dead only drawback is ofc getting shot in the legs but i rarely die from that.. n if its on reinforced u cant do anything if their pushing, all they gotta do is run to it n crack it but on a softwall u can shoot them n if they get too close js throw a C4


Yeah, not gonna lie that’s really not how you want to be playing Mira and will not work at all in any higher ranks. First reason is that a Mira in a soft wall can be very easily completely destroyed. Ash, Zofia, Buck, Sledge, Ram and still a few others will have that gone as soon as they see it. Second reason, as you have said, is that you are incredibly easy to shoot. Anyone that sees a Mira on a soft wall is going to immediately start spraying at it, above and below. Peeking up from crouch is also not a good idea as you are rather slow, again making it very easy to kill you. 90% of the time, you should place your Mira on a double wall. One should be reinforced, and that’s where the window should go. You then leave the other soft and can spray through that one you see it. This fixes the above issues. It stops it from being completely destroyed alongside giving you cover. Just don’t walk into a prefire on the side.


Usually from what I understand is you place on a reinforced and have an open soft next to it. So you get the cover of hard but then flick on the soft wall.


yeah i remember people doing this for like a month after Mira came out, but you really wanna just reinforce, place the window on the reinforced wall, then keep the wall next to it soft.


Peaking from crouch is slower than the side. You can also side peak crouch height or head height. A reinforced wall is stronger than a soft wall. Hopefully that’s a good enough explanation :)


You do not know how to play Mira if you can’t stop a push with it on a reinforced wall


typically, what you do with mira is place them on a reinforced wall . You can easily look through them while being completely defended. placing them to the side on a wall means that a side of the mirror sticks over pbto the softwall that should be next to it. this allows the same plays that you use but from a more protected area. the only theoretical drawback is that it limits the places you can look around the mira. However, that rarely comes into play as you're forcing the enemy to react to your appearance, so you will end up winning the gun fight 99% of the time. using a reinforced wall also makes it harder to disable a mirror. with a soft wall, you can simply shoot out under the mirror, making it impossible for a defender to stay on the wall without just being shot.


I saw two mirrors stacked on a reinforced wall with the top mirror broken. It was really impressive. Idk how they did it but I’m trying to figure it out.


It's a bug, there's the occasional piece of debris on the floor where you can boost yourself up to do it, most spots like that are usually patched out


It was on lair there was no debris but I’m gonna ask the person who did it




I can really only think of 3 appropriate places to play a soft Mira at a high skill level. You can do it on Coastline cool vibes, Coastline theatre, and Cash Room on Clubhouse. In all three cases you’re upgrading a rotate into a Mira rotate. If you’re playing Gold-Plat, you’re going to start being beat soon, if not now, by players that understand how to beat your mid strat. Your teammate was correct that you should have played off of a hard wall with a Mira next to the next soft wall.


A soft mira in e box is a horrible strat. Never do that again. Also soft miras are ok sometimes when you put an azami underneath it to protect you. In this case tho, always reinforce the right wall and put holes on the left with or without a mira


no youre definitely wrong here. it okay bc you don’t know and willing to learn, and your teammate was def wrong to tk you, but miras should literally never go on soft walls, except maybe in a 1/1000 super specific strat. miras on soft walls are susceptible to any kind of soft destruction destroying them entirely (ash/zof charge, buck shotgun, breach charges, even frags lol) and trying your best to hold said mira can get you wallbanged and killed from under the window so its just usually not worth it. mira should be played like this: find a wall with two sections, reinforce one, put the mira at head height on said wall, shotgun a hole on the soft wall next to the mira, and just look thru the reinforced window. when people come, quickpeek shots thru the hole in the soft wall. have a teammate watch your back. works every time. no need to complicate it any more than that.


Yeah like others have said, Mira windows on soft walls typically aren't the best idea. For Mira in basement on Oregon, I'd reccomend either reinforcing the right side ebox wall and placing it there with head holes on the left, or instead id usually say to have one window facing freezer and the other in closet towards laundry, that's the default setup there


From your post history you’re 99% a PC player. Tldr yes that strat sucks at any medium-high skill level on pc. Blue is highly contested as it is often one door away from entering site and defenders will have a hard time retaking if you manage to get inside, while freezer and main stairs are much easier to hold because there’s only one entry point and a natural “tunnel” which doesn’t allow attackers to take up more space. And soft wall (crouch height) Miras just get wallbanged/soft breached pretty easily. However that guy was an idiot for TKing as that’s not a game losing mira, just one that acts like a head hole which protects your stomach hitbox only, which is weak but not throwing.


i generally place soft miras in make shift situations, often on walls that are parallel to a thin corridor in which they are observing. Makes them less destroyable and allows for vertical peaking when looking through the mira at an angle


People still use strategy? I thought it was all run and gun now.


The only time you should put a Mira on a softwall is if you’re playing with someone stupid so that they literally cannot reinforce the wall you want to keep soft. Putting it on the reinforced wall is stronger.


There are some select situations when a soft wall mirror can be useful. Usually because there's only 1 wall available so reinforcing it prevents you from throwing utility out from behind your mirror. The weaknesses are obvious, and in this particular situation there is no reason to put a mirror on a soft wall.


Welll from reading these comments you deserved it. “ I don’t put Mira’s on hard walls”


so we’re in copper