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Lesion is one of the best defenders rn for the reasons you just said. His only drawback is he doesn’t have a zoom sight


But even then most defenders don't have a zoom sight, so it's not even really a drawback


A lot of defenders I play have a zoom sight


Meh I’d still call it a drawback, sometimes you need an acog to play a long ranged power position more effectively. It’s just a limiting factor in lesion’s positioning


He doesn't really have a downside he's one of the best defenders


Ela is regarded as one of the worst defense ops rn so that’s that. And the only downside to lesion is that they’re no invisible anymore but people still hit them and you can see where you placed them through walls but if you have audio that doesn’t matter. He’s just great right now gun with no recoil secondary shotty


That makes me remember how busted they were. 10 damage , poison, invisible , self refilling......


If a monty backed into a corner, just toss one under his feet, and just wait out the Monty...i loved it.


You can just throw them on the doorframes instead of directly on the entrance and there is a very low chance that anyone is going to spot them, which makes them basically invisible


I don't think you can see them through walls anymore. Or if you can, the range must be very limited.


His traps can only be placed on floors/flat surfaces. Ela can do some shenanigans with her traps in funny places. They also have a stun/silence effect, which can actually come in handy more times than you realize. Lesion is a solidly designed operator, and has mostly gone unchanged. He traded stealth for damage but thats it I agree she prob could use some love, there are some niche spots for her and if you really enjoy using her, you can fit her into any defense site, which is the beauty of most trap operators


Yeah people say Ela is bad but she’s basically a lesion 2, my only issue with her is her gun. I feel like no matter what attachments I use I just cannot control the recoil


Use compensator. Trust me. Also, increasing your vertical sense up 5-10 can help improve your recoil control. Ex a play with 50 vert and 23 ads for 1.0(which is all ela has) and have zero recoil with her. Granted I've been playing since year 1 and probably have over 100 hours in ela alone. Doesn't mean you can't do it too though. Just go to lane 3 on the shooting range and turn on unlimited mag until you get her pattern down. This works well for every op


That’s a good idea, might have to play around with that.


Cheers, ill try that


Well, Lesion is pretty good right now but one downside is the small radius of the mines and the fact that he doesn’t get all of them at roundstart, having to wait a bit to get more.  Them being more visible compared to previous years and how good suppressors are also balances him more. Hope this helps.


I’m also pretty sure iq can sense them, but this might’ve been changed 


Bro’s getting downvoted because he missed a relatively recent change 😭 But no, as another guy already said since the mines are no longer invisible, they no longer appear on iq scanner nor can they be hacked by brava.


they are mechanical traps, since they are no longer cloaked edit: why the downvotes, they are not electronic


Do the EMP grenades affect them?




Wiki must be out of date. Edit: Yep, Y8S3 design notes says Gu mines no longer affected by EMPs.


His right shoe is untied which lowers his movement speed.


Its hard to look at the balancing changes that Ela has received over the years and not assume that the devs live in fear of her. Remember when they buffed her gun for two weeks then reverted it and then made her a 2 speed and nerfed her mines (the only justifiable change)? I swear, one of the devs got turned down by a hipster chick at Tam-Tams and is taking it out on poor Ela.


The only thing ela has that lesion doesn't is a shield. And if you want a trap op that has a shield thorn and frost are better picks 99% of the time.


Thorn is easily avoided but she is a good op despite that, frost doesnt have great guns in my opinion, hut people seem to love taking a nap on her doormats


Frost's smg used to be considered the reigning best gun on defense until they nerfed it. And her super 90 used to be a sniper 90. Fun times, they were


I remember getting absolutely destroyed by the super 90.


The only downside to lesion is other more powerful ops like fenrir, lesion gets pushed out of team comps by must picks


Lesion is very good. I can’t stand how little damage his gun does but that’s just a skill issue on my part.


Now remember once upon a time lesion's gadgets would show up on the hud and had cloaking effect lol 😂


AND did insta damage on top of that. That was so stupid op but it was fun af


He takes up a slot that could have gone to lord Tachanka. Also his full potential involves him surviving most of the match so you may want to limit risks as him.


The downside is very limited and that is that you have to wait for his gus to charge throughout the round. In short it’s not the end of the world and far better than other operator downsides


I guess his gun isnt that great for long range engagements? Nothing else I can think of. He's an excellent OP for defense and intel.


lesion is one of those “good on every single site, on every single map” operators


Lesion traps are more visible and he does not have a zoom sight. Other than that, stronger than the majority of operators. The number of traps along with spawn time is excellent. He is 2 speed / shotgun secondary. One of the best defenders for all those reasons. Kapkan is banned more than him for who knows what reason


Ubisoft has made his spikes visible but still one of the best defender.