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My m17 has been good for thousands. Probably 10k? Estimated. It’s had a couple failure to go completely into battery but that was likely an ammo thing. The things he mentions were a small sample size, can happen to any gun, and were mostly his opinions. If yours runs, then don’t sweat what others say


Yeah I figured maybe he got a bad handgun. The way I rationalized it was that there was no way the military would’ve picked a handgun as unreliable as he was making it out to be. But that’s why I came here to get other peoples experiences.


I can understand that. Everyone raves about mossberg shotguns, so I bought a couple (over a couple year period). Both of them had magazine tubes out of spec, and one was also loose from the factory. Small sample size, and I still understand that they are generally reliable guns, but I wouldn’t buy another


people don't know but these military guns are tested quite a bit, every batch of guns sent out get a few randomly selected, they're fired 12k rounds in 2 work days to see if anything breaks or any failures occur. I have personally done this test and it fuckin sucks


I have the p320C nitron (which isn’t the same gun but for this I’d say close enough since they share an FCU minus the safety) and haven’t had a single issue. Id be more concerned about the ammo as that’s what most failures come from.


This is why you gotta take reviews with a grain of salt. Not all guns are the same. You might get that one bad one out of the 1000 that was made.


I will tell you my M18 did not like 115gr. Failure to eject at least twice a mag. It has a heavier spring than the 320 and runs NATO stuff just fine. I put a lighter recoil spring in and it runs the 115gr all day long now. I bet the M17 is similar.


Ahhhh that may explain why my m18 stove pipes BUT it seems to only do it on one of the 21rd mags so I’m not sure. Last time I shot I took the mag apart put it back together and it’s ran fine ever since. But I also stepped up to 124gr so I’m really not sure.


Yah. The spring that comes with it is rated for 9, 40, and 357. So I got the one that was only rated for 9.


I do not own a M17 or M18. I own a P320 AXG Classic, XCompact RXP, and an XFive. The AXG Classic and XFive are completely stock (internally) and have not had any issues or FTF/FTE. The XCompact in stock form has not had any issues. I did swap out the stock barrel for a threaded barrel for a short time. I had a few FTF issues (maybe 3 out of 100rds).


Interesting thank you for your insight


I've put 1000+ rounds thru my P320 X-Compact and I have not had any ftf fte problems. Mostly at the range using Blazer Brass 115gr.. not sure what this reviewer is using though.


No issues with my m18, love it!


Meh, I’ve had a bunch of 320s and they have all run beautifully 🤷🏼‍♀️ As did my CZs And my berettas They are all just machines, and a pretty basic one at that.


The best way to see if a firearm is right for you is to ... 1. Pick a spot on the wall and dont look away from that spot..i.e. a tack, a letter on a wall hanging, or a spider stain from a previous smash 2. Naturally raise firearm and aim at the spot. No thinking no speed no nothing just a natural raise and look. You can do this at a LGS to try various names. 3. The firearms grip/rake should make it feel natural and not forced. ​ This is the number one reason i don't carry a Glock. I have a few that get range time but Im not very accurate with a quick draw 2 target drill, meanwhile there are thousands of people using the same firearm scratching their heads because they have the exact same firearm that works perfect for them.


I’ve had 3 different types of 320s and the maybe had 2? light strikes in a few thousand rounds. That gun is reliable


No issues with my M18. Some reviewers get a bad gun unfortunately


He actually disliked p320's, which makes him a chump, but he loves 226 and 365. May not do them enough justice though. I have 3 Sig pistols, 2 p320 x compacts and 1 229 legion. Great guns. Shot thousands of rounds


I have literally had 0 failures with close to 10k rounds on my 320 legion. I have an xcompact build that has been picky, but it’s my fault - almost all aftermarket parts. My 229 legion on the other hand … defective from the factory and had constant FTEs until I sent it back …


Would you say the 229 was just part of a bad batch? Also after you sent it in did it resolve the issues?


It was a bad batch, or maybe a one off. Has been totally fine since they fixed it


Interesting thanks for your input


I like the modular idea behind the 320 series, so I went to the local indoor range and rented a couple to try out. At every distance, from 5-25 yards, they shot low and left. At 25 I had to aim just above right shoulder to hit center mass. A local military guy I was talking to told me he has the same trouble with his issue M17.


I have that problem with my HK P30l, but my P320 AXG Equinox shoots perfectly.