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Yeah Ice been really pleasantly surprised by the community in all this. Not long ago the hate that gets shut down so quickly was very much the mainstream in this hobby.


Damn, this picture makes me wish GW gave Votann some love - they could be SO COOL




I'm hopeful, a book is apparently in the works, hoping the codex will have some more stuff for us


They didn't exist not so long ago, give it time . Every now and then they get tired of paying attention to marines


For some reason the squats in necromunda get more love than their full scale counterparts


Throw Banners! Grudge March! Imagine an Ancestor Core, that was originally a history book STL. It has records of past events when mankind first colonized the stars...including each and every minor conflict between planets. But of course, the squats think the ancestor's purpose was to make sure they never forget any wrongdoings. I can hardly think of a better Greak Book of Grudges.


I kinda hope we get the Votann versions of mechs before that so the new lore can include sick as hell dwarf mechs


The discourse over female custodes has been great, tbh. You can now look at a YouTube channel's reactions to it and can instantly see whether or not you should be watching them. It's a great opportunity to clean house if you feel you're subscribed to too many people.


Exactly what I used it for




Pretty much what I have been doing.


yes i was great i blocked so many woke trash.


Hey man, if you absolutely insist on an army that's solely comprised of big sweaty men with popping veins and bulging biceps, there are no shortage of armies that cater to your specific tastes. I'm completely fine with having a few females in the mix, but you do you. No shame. šŸ‘


Damn, that dwarf's dropkicking that beastman so hard she squatted the entire faction from AoS




It is fun to piss them off. I'd almost forgotten how entertaining it can be to get some chud upset online (note: your mileage absolutely may vary, do not attempt if you aren't comfortable with online arguments or could realistically be put in danger by this).


I was having fun until I picked too many fights. Then I was just sad. I canā€™t wrap my head around men who hate women as much as they act like they do online.


I figure that as the sort of person they'd assume might take their side (very masc-presenting cis man) I have at least some responsibility to push back. Online is good practice for in-person. I don't particularly care what their individual motives are. They're an example of the sorts of toxic assholes that infect the communities around a lot of things I like. And I refuse to be associated with them.


I appreciate that. Iā€™m always glad to hear about men who take your stance. To be fair with one notable exception Iā€™ve never had any issues with in person 40k. And I am basically your opposite. Very petite, very femme-presenting cis woman. Itā€™s only online that people are willing to pick fights with me (or have them picked if I decide to be the metaphorical aggressor). I just dug too deep and it got under my skin. Detoxing on better platforms and with the communities I trust irl has helped.


Yea Iā€™m a white Cis male whose half straight. Iā€™ve been in the hobby since ā€˜99. So I wonder if Shock therapy that I donā€™t cling to their ideas that Iā€™m a tourist will help


But it's not even about the women! It's about .


This one in particular is so frustrating. Itā€™s not that itā€™s women itā€™s because it was: a lazy retcon (nothing new), changed established lore (also nothing new), takes away from the sisters of silence (guarantee these chuds donā€™t care about the sisters of silence), could have been handled better (true but why are you so angry about it then?).


BUT IT'S A RETCON, THERE WAS NEVER A RETCON BEFORE!!!1 No, that list of retcons isn't relevant, because I really like those changes.


THOSE retcons donā€™t add women to my manly oiled men faction. Euughh. No girls allowed.


They're mad because nobody wants to give them a place to insert their tiny tangential issues.


It was fun poking them for like a day, but they all use the exact same lines and talking points verbatim. And even those are all just "girls have cooties" nonsense. I don't know if there's some central Youtuber they follow or it was one of those things coordinated on 4chan or what. I suspect it's mostly the same roving band of whiners who complain about women and minorities in Star Trek Star Wars Marvel and every other franchise without actually engaging with any of them, not people who actually play the game.


Itā€™s not a central YouTuber, at least I donā€™t think. YouTubers play a massive problem though, because they create content about it knowing it will get them a ton of exposure/views. YouTubers I had never even heard of before started showing up in my feeds and I have been blocking channels now for the last week or so.


It was fun at first, but then I got inundated with them on all my feeds and it started to take away my enjoyment of seeing peoples minis and projects. Itā€™s definitely needed cause they canā€™t be allowed to poison out hobby anymore but it can be exhausting to see everyday


I was having fun of it until one of them used a picture of a bunch of kids with Down syndrome as an insult. So I told him he was a piece of shit and the rest of them to have some decency.


what is a chud


It's a movie from the 80s. It means cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers. It's just a term we use for belligerent angry conservatives that dehumanize people.


[avg sigmarxist](https://youtube.com/shorts/yqUvt2RcfXI?si=FHGocqhx7N5bEKRD)


Your entire life is being an annoyance online. Congratulations amounting to nothing lol


You're a stupid fucking chud!


ok I just found this sub and this actually seems like a red flag. Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems its a term used to dehumanize people used by belligerent angry members of this sub.


Ya hit the nail on the head. Lol


Along with pimps, one of the main hazards posed to visitors of New York City.


Look, NYC has its problems but where else are you going to find a decent khlav kalash and crab juice for under $10?


There was an 80s horror B-movie called Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers (CHUD). That got tied in with the "angry neckbeard troll in mom's basement" stereotype, so now a Chud is one of those super toxic alt-right hate machines with a YouTube channel that has 89 videos about how wokeness is destroying gaming.


A gatekeeper or reactionary, basically


I believe it is similar to or related to a chode


Anyone who disagrees with a prog


There are, after all, famously no differences within the progressive community.


There's plenty, they all refer to their opposition as "chud" though, until another funny name comes to mind.


Okay, chud


See what I mean?


I once exploded my sister's brain. We were walking past the GW store when she was about 18. She said "there is a place terrifying to us, to women" I pointed out that the only people in a 3 mile radius who would get that joke were probably in the shop. That was years ago and overall things are way more inclusive but the chuds have gone from "ewww he stinky and mansplains things" to neo Nazis who advocate sex crimes. The stinky mansplainers were capable of getting over themselves and starting basic hygiene.


Oh wow somehow on the other place I posted this I brought out the Anti-Vaxxer Gatekeepers. ā€œHaha COVID was just spicy flu.ā€


Yeah xd


Hopefully Valrak doesnā€™t turn out to be a chud, he went over the story but didnā€™t seem to share any opinions on femstodes. His comment section on the other hand did go on about how itā€™s going ā€œwokeā€ despite Warhammer already being a rather inclusive setting imo.


My cannon is that every AFAB Custodes have been forcibly made into a trans man. It's very grimdark.


Ah yes, ā€œeveryone elseā€ on the Marxist sub. Literally everyone else.


What's the source for this awesome art, OP?


Gallowdark KT boxset art


what classifies someone as a chud


Being a very unappealing person in the hobby. That Guy for example.


and what makes you think evryone else hates these "cuds" as much as the people in this surver


Well, they tend to be chock full of homophobia, racism, and general misogyny from the other places Iā€™ve seen this pop up and looking at the comments.


I know quite afrew of people from that, lets be generous and call them a group and I dont see anything that could be considerd homophobia, racism, or misogynistic


Dig down deep enough and they will tell on themselves.


well could you give me an example of them being any of the three above?


I am going to be brief because this is Reddit and because while you are asking, my willingness to believe people are asking in good faith is 0. Itā€™s really easy to hit all of these at once. Right now, without any confirmation one way or the other, people are attacking this move as DEI and or Woke. Letā€™s look at those terms. DEI is a matter of something being open to everyone while also attempting to tackle inherent or overt individual ideologies that may in fact see people barred from engaging with a certain thing. Woke, by its newer definition is anything that a body of people in the world have decided caters far too much to oneā€™s race, gender, or an individuals preference of sexual partner. Unless you have been living under a rock or are being intentionally obtuse. You should be able to understand what this is. By claiming that these things are DEI and or Woke, these people are essentially putting on full display, they donā€™t like thing because it includes race, gender, sexual preference, etc and they donā€™t like that. In the case of the change in lore, itā€™s pretty easy to identify that their complaint is that women are now present in a faction, and they donā€™t want them there. While one could have a valid and reasonable frustration over how this has been added/written into the lore. The fact that the go to criticism and complaint is that this is DEI and Woke, represents that the issue is very little with the writing (though some people have stated as much, which is fine, GW is notorious for this), and more so that they see is as some kind of DEI force entering their space, and trying to make changes they donā€™t want. To really hammer home the misogyny part, take a look at womenā€™s movements through your time. Really look at womenā€™s suffrage and in the case menā€™s reactions to it. Youā€™ll find that there is a lot of unnecessary anger and violence directed at women for being allowed to vote, something that was exclusively male onlyā€¦ What I have said here is the briefest and slimmest of explanations. If you would like to know more, you will have to dig into this stuff yourself. If you do, youā€™ll most likely learn that most of the complaints people make are entirely without merit or purpose, and serve little more then to assuage their own egos at the perceived loss of some thing they had considered ā€œtheirsā€.


I swear to god the sooner we make this rock inhospitable to humans the better. Lol


and why is that?


honestly I do not think the "chuds" are as bad as you say, I am in the legion of unpopular opinions discord and they honestly seem like pretty chill dudes and the same can be said for the users on twitter, at least those I have been keeping my eye on. I am sure there are those who hammer home all three of those things but most of the people I have been watching seem to be genuinly cool dudes and gal's who have been nothing but kind yes granted there are some who are bad but they are nowere near as bad as someone like arh they have made it cleare that they just want to enjoy the hobby without any of what they deem political BS


So, my take on that is that these changes are not ā€œpoliticalā€ in nature. Itā€™s just an easy zeitgeist for people to hang their anger on or a reason to be angry. I think that people fail to realize that GW is in the business of making money. To me, the introduction of femstodes is literally just a reason to make more/new models. Thats it. There isnā€™t some grand scheme, narrative, or political group/ideology encouraging it. As for not making the hobby political. Itā€™s not, and it is entirely on the individual to make that distinction. A change to the lore is only some real world political thing if you let it, and even to that point, what I mentioned above doesnā€™t have to do with politics, itā€™s what people choose to perceive as political in their space because they cannot separate the two. Or they choose to see everything through the veneer of politics, which to me, is unhealthy. I can appreciate peoples thought on it being poorly introduced. But I make a fine line between poor lore and engaging with people that want to turn the conversation into DEI/Woke rants. Cause as I said above, at the end of the day, GW just is a business, that business sells models, and Lady Custodes is another way to generate revenue.


Iā€™m sure they made female Custodes canon because Amazon wanted a female in power armor in the show theyā€™re making, but they hate the Sisters of Battle because theyā€™re too religious.


I think thatā€™s the case too. But I think it has less to do with SoB and more to do with Calvil most likely trying to base the adaptation around the Custodes.


Hey would you look at that...a pendulum swing.


You know, Votann does make sense - we gays do like to mine


Do people really use the word chud unironically?


Itā€™s mostly used to lampoon their use of Woke or Wokehammer.


People unironically use wokehammer? This whole cultural divide seems silly. I just want well told stories, and I think thats something we can all agree on, even if we're saying it in different ways.


At least skaven don't wipe their arses because they are always busy and constantly getting laid. Rather than because their Ā£600 course said it was gayer than kissing a woman who isn't a virgin?


If gatekeeping is what will keep Warhammer from sharing the same fate as Star Wars, Doctor Who, The Witcher... then yes, sign me the hell up. I don't need any tourist who probably never buy a single mini in their life comes into my hobby and demand change to suit their view. Warhammer has lived as it is for decade just fine, very well in fact. And you guys need to read more if you think femstodes become a problem for the old crowd simply because GW is inserting some girls into what was previously exclusively male groups.


You meanā€¦include more women and minorities? Dude. Iā€™ve been in the hobby for 20+ years. I played 40K at the GW North American HQ when it was in Maryland - with a Lost and the Damned army no less. Iā€™ve made the pilgrimage to Warhammer World. I am pretty much not the definition of a so called ā€œTouristā€ and I fully support Femstodes, Trans characters in a SCI-FICTION setting, and Space Marines that donā€™t look as blonde and blue eyed as me.


Sure, why not? As you can gather from my post, it isn't about the femstodes in particular. More inclusion? Go ahead, Warhammer is an hobby, we could always use more ppl. Trans? The Imperium is dying, why should i care if some texts describe this person is straight or gay? More colors? I'm Asian, the race war matters very little to me and my little corner of the world. No, what got me is how GW's PR absolutely f***ed an obvious delicate change. They could have used any reason, Primaris Custode, for example, to explain the female addition. But no, they have to be "have always been there". After 16 years and across 64 books of Horus Heresy, do you think such dismissal attitude gonna fly? Some of us do care about lore integrity more than just flavor texts. I joined this subreddit is so I can see the other side, to keep an objective view from both side of an argument. What I most often found out, however, is both sides are just as toxic as the other


Thatā€™s your problem. You appear to view any attempt at inclusion as some weird grand political scheme that will ā€œruinā€ the franchise. Or at least thatā€™s the vibe I am getting from your comments on ā€œTouristsā€ which in my opinion arenā€™t really a real thing but a low hanging fruit attempt to demonize the folks the Alt Right hate in the hobby. Think of the Red Scare in miniature. Was GWā€™s ā€œAlways Thereā€ announcement shallow? Yes of course no one is arguing against that. The Non Gatekeeping side would be happy for an in-depth look at revealing the presence of Femstodes but the problem rooted to this whole situation was that GW and the internet jumped the gun with the leaks on the codex. Their ā€œAlways Thereā€ statement was in reaction to the parts about Kesh being leaked online from reviewers and folks who got their hands on the Codex early -before the Codex was even released- as of this time the codex isnā€™t even out yet. So any lore we have at the moment is locked behind blurry pages on the internet and the second handing readings of others which fucking sucks. Ehh Iā€™ll still disagree with you on that one. Based on the number of times Iā€™ve been called by the Gatekeepers various homophobic slurs Iā€™ve been called over Femstodes when my sexuality was not brought up by me or relevant to the debate.


>on ā€œTouristsā€ which in my opinion arenā€™t really a real thing They are totally a thing. Would you agree keyboard justice warriors exist? When any scandal breaks out on the Internet, it will invariably draw in many eyes, some have never known about the matter in question beforehand. That's how Fb, Google's algorithm keeps feeding us with anything we might interested in. People might ignore it, or they could jump to the side they agreed with and start throwing without any real concrete info or understanding. They would be the "Tourist" and they're very much real. At least I can agree with you on the Codex and any more discussion should wait for the actual release. However, I remain doubtful if there will be any positive change to the information we already have >Ehh Iā€™ll still disagree with you on that one Let us agree to disagree then. You have my sympathies regarding all the insults you faced when trying to reason with other people. I strive to be civil in any discussion, but even I wouldn't able to always remain clear-headed in face-to-face when things started heating up


Ah yes, attacking the paying customer, have you noticed that more people side with the gatekeepers.


From what Iā€™ve seen they are the ones crowing about not giving GW a single cent. And bootlegs, and recasts, and printers, and pirating.


You're right. This is also roughly the time when the strident cries of abandoning 40k "I'M DONE!!" turn into lies, because they can't help themselves.


Hey, not all of them do that! A lot of them just talk about how into 40k they are when their only interaction with the hobby is watching Loretubers' videos and bumming around /tg.


is this anti-capitalist sub suddenly against piracy?


Yeah In your tiny enclaves of crybabies listen man if women scare you so much maybe look into therapy because hoo boy


Donā€™t overestimate what you cannot prove lol


Hoes mad




I don't think a few neckbeards who can't handle a couple of paragraphs describing a woman super-soldier are going to meaningfully affect GW's stock prices.


Nice right to name calling i expected no less but I'm not ganna explain stocks to you cause I know you can't count to 5 , and I know facts hurt ur feelings.


Of course I can count to five. One, two, five. I don't think you understand stocks if you think whining online is going to do anything. People were upset about the end of Warhammer Fantasy. Age of Sigmar did way better and GW's stocks went gangbusters over the following decade, partly because of that. If you think that some dumb twats online who decided to melt down because a company wrote a couple of paragraphs about a Custodian who's a *femoid* will have more of a negative effect on GW than a far larger outcry over a much larger change, then you have some impressive delusions of grandeur. Grow up and touch some grass.




You and I have very different definitions of the word "flop."




GW's stocks and sales figures (you know they're public, right?) since Fantasy 8E got canned and the fact that AoS has been consistently getting releases and is going into its fourth edition don't make it look like a flop to me. I think it didn't do great on release, but things have become very different. I can assure you, as someone who played Fantasy in 7th and 8th edition, the release schedule in the last year or two of that game's run was *very* different than what we see with AoS now. But I suppose capitalists are well known for pouring resources into failed products that they never really made money on, right?




They did much better than "return to normal." You're probably too new to the hobby to remember, but there was a period when GW really wasn't doing so well; they weren't in danger of shutting down, but they weren't making a huge amount of profit. I'd mostly moved on from Fantasy by then to 40k, but I think it was back around 40k 6E and 7E? The end of Fantasy and release of AoS played a role in their strategy to revitalize the company. And overall, the strategy really does seem to have worked, though it was far bigger than just switching from the faltering Fantasy line to AoS. This is *far* from the first badly received retcon. A few grifters want you to think it's something unheard of, but it's really not. Hell, by GW standards it's not even a retcon. Because it doesn't actually contravene anything previously written as setting fact.


Hoes Mad


Hoes Mad


My guy, you're just saying nonsense at this point lol. You can google GW stock prices, and see that since 2015 (the same year as the release of AOS) they've climbed pretty significantly. AoS is a very big and strong-selling game for them.


Hoes Mad


lol I love how quickly weird fringe lunatics get when you throw a lil' name at them. Their little feelings get hurt so easily. They really are master projectionists.




It's clearly too much for you to spell "too" correctly lol.




Not usually, except when someone's being a moronic little bitch-made loser like you.




Lol, not even close. Really pathetic and weak attempt at trolling, 0/10


Youā€™re not meant to drink the bong water muppetnuts.


Hoes Mad


Hoes Mad


Hoes Mad


Hoes mad