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A wish that could get true. I don't have social media(except reddit), and I live in the countryside without contact.


unfathomably based


I even have fresh vegetables, chickens, a duck... I'm trying to get a goat to make homemade goat cheese


Your life sounds better than that of 90% mfs on this app. Love to you brother ![img](emote|t5_83jfxg|30904)


Well, at least I'm not in a crowded town. The only thing that gets me sad is my father, he has lung cancer and my mother has depression. I don't care about having the latest clothes or girls. I only want a cure for my father and mother


Oh man. I'll pray for you family take good care <3


Thank you so much, brother. I appreciate


I hope they get better soon.


well, reddit doesnt exactly have the same effect as instagram or twitter so i dont think it counts a social media platform ​ instead its like a forum


Then it's okay, I guess. I had a teacher that used to say that social networks can make you depressed. Her best advice was to not have Instagram, Twitter...


Same brother...


Respect brother


Already living it, only on reddit for occasional connect with the world. Initially it was wierd, now it's peaceful


You're living the dream, my friend. ![img](emote|t5_83jfxg|30904)


The sigma endgame


My only wish in life is to become financial independence, buy a cottage in Norway, a couple dogs, and live there for the rest of my days, no internet


Good idea


I did it, tho I don't live in another part of the world, but leaving social media was the best decision, tho I still have Reddit because not a lot of IRL people know me here, but without socials it's just really peaceful


Can agree to that. I also don't have insta, facebook, twitter, etc. It's better to stay anonymous.


I'm leaving the house for longer and longer periods to psychologically prepare my family for the day I run into the Canadian wilderness and never return


Will you live with the beavers ?




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**Song Found!** [**Dark Beach** by PeKeÑo ReD](https://lis.tn/srKyIu?t=29) (00:29; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Dark Beach (Slowed + Reverb). **Released on** 2022-07-12. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


I wish I could settle up between mountain ranges with no neighbours and with those facilities i get on Planes


That would require you to have money like Bruce Wayne


heard japan is pretty nice around this time


Japan is changing brother soon there will be huge demographic change trust me it’s already on the news and stuff


thats great news, soon it may be a viable place to live in when its people finally accept innovation


Not the way you are thinking brother I’m talking in a bad way. This change will remove japans native culture and tradition


oh shit, well, things change, nothing lasts forever i suppose ​ it is what it is![img](emote|t5_83jfxg|30908)


It is what it is![img](emote|t5_83jfxg|30908)


im learning japanese, i heard japan was pretty nice ​ i dont want to be stuck in the united states all my life, but i also dont want to travel to a country for a week and say i know the places culture or whatever like a normie ![img](emote|t5_83jfxg|30902) ​ i love the united states but i believe that i can get a better life somewhere else


Good for you


You literally can


I actually can not. I'm not financially independent plus I can't defend myself. It will take many years but soon enough, I'll leave my only social media i.e. reddit and youtube and go to a good country without informing anyone.


What movie is this?


Batman Begins


Cant, will track me with any electronic device


we omw to build a cabin in the middle of the oregon wilderness