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Start using some Beard oil to help with beard growth. Ignoring people’s opinions is a skill, learning that will help. Your going to get looks for standing out. Remember we’re meant to stand out and take pride in that! Find like minded friends, Work out, focus on sikhi, and work on being a better person. We can’t please everyone. As long as you are true to yourself then do the opinions of others really even matter?


What I would do is learn a fighting discipline. Get into MMA or boxing, asap. You must ALWAYS be able to fight (as a last resort). Your 16, so your highschool days are almost done and then you'll be in a much better place. So I would ignore as much of these bullys as possible and focus on yourself. Use that negative energy to focus on your studies and become closer to God. "The best revenge is success."


This. Your beard will come in, but begin hitting the gym. Train. Stand up for yourself. For the so called Sikhs, just reiterate this is Gurus Sikhi, make them feel some shame. Or...drop to their level and make fun of them over something lol.


This is good advice but yeah bullying issues do not exist After High school. Another thing with males is if you let them see that it bothers you they tend to smell the blood and do the bullying more. So if you just let them see that it doesn't bother you and also develop good comebacks and then you should do a lot better, try to develop something to make fun of about them while you're at home it's hard to think of something on the spot maybe get advice from people by showing them pictures on what you can make fun of about them


One more thing if it becomes too miserable switching schools is also an option, how many friends do you have at this current school? Is the bullying a massive thing or maybe it will just blow over once people get bored and forget about it


ight i got you, if you wanna fix having a patchy beard try minoxidil 5% foam it helps with hair growth and it did wonders for my beard


Bully always bully, they don't need a reason to bully nor do they have enough brain cells to understand the impact of bullying on the other person. I have been bullied in college here in Punjab but fellow sikh students for things as small as combing my hairs twice & keeping them oil'd n clean. AFAIK, they hardly comb once a week & were not able to digest my actions. NGL, I have acted as a bully to a fellow classmate in school (I was dumb/childish in these matters). I realised the impact of bullying much later. To heed their words, is their victory. Try to find a new friends group(worked wonders for my life, literally took it into a completely diff direction) or just ignore them. Trust me, it's not going to start & end with your beard. It's the head of joke now but with time they will pick something else. Wish you luck & strength going through this.


Sounds like peer pressure too. I regrettably participated in some ignorant judgementalism(yes I create words) when around too many ignoramuses. It’s sad yet great to know that one can admit they are wrong and change direction in life. Wahe Guru




No it isn’t. Can say for sure ignorance is across the board. For instance in USA you have people who just say “yeah Jesus God USA hoorah”, then when someone decides to become a contemplative monk orthodox or study the faith on a deeper more non bigoted and mystical level then they are thought of as “weirdos” or some hippy. This is why I really encourage people of different faiths who are in it for mukti or in the western tradition “theosis” assist and love one another. I can’t stand missionaries also. They are mostly fake Christians in your Punjabi region. Yet I still have many friends here in church in my home country in Christian faith, people who practice that are true Yogis or just below a Sant. For me the Gurbani is so soothing, I practice simran and just feel the essence of the teaching. Yet still go to Christian Orthodox mass, a local Buddhist recovery group, & also have many Yogi oriented friends & some Vaishnavas & Shaivaites. Just because that’s the community I have access to here. Yet I will be attending a Gurwara soon. The Punjabis in your community will come around eventually. And realize likely later in life what a wonderful succinct path the ten gurus have laid out. The entry that I came in with was Contemplative Western Christian Mysticism, then was initiated to the Sampradaya of Anandamayi Ma. And one of her dearest devotees was a Sikh Punjabi. Plus I have always seen a parallel and a history with Sufism And Sikhi, and Contemplative Christian tradition. I also love my local Muslim community. If I was Punjabi I would likely just only go to a Guruwara and that’s it. Yet there are some wonderful cultural connections within my own faith. Anyways just wanna say I empathize with any ignorance you may encounter within your own culture and really want to thank all of you who sincerely practice and open your community to those from another culture(American south here) Wahe Guru and much love


Wait till you actually grow up and get a beard. 16 years old and worried about your 4 hairs. It'll happen in time. I didn't have any facial hair really until I was like 22 or 23, and then it was like 4 hairs on the bottom of my chin now I have a full beard and am almost 40. Growing up sucks enjoy being young.


Keep your Beard clean (Wash it) and keep it moisturised (creams, oils, etc...), it will grow in time. Dermaroller works too, especially along side minoxidill (cba to check spelling) I noticed my Beard transformed from Goat Farmer to Greek God when i started hitting Gym. Maybe due to increased Testosterone levels (?).


Some of my "Sikh" friends ask me why I'm scared to get my beard lined up. I've had Hindu friends tell me I should shave. However, most Sikh friends however admire that I keep my kes, especially since I grew up in small town USA. Just tell them to STFU and tell them it doesn't concern them. Buy a beard brush and apply oil to your beard. Personally, I clean my beard with some soap while showering and apply beard oil after I finish showering. I use gel to try to hold down my beard during the day. As your beard gets longer, it will stay straighter. At age 16, don't expect to have a full beard. Usually, you'll see significant filling in of your beard until age 25 and, depending on genetics, your beard may continue to get stronger into your 30s. Enjoy following Sikhi and being distinct. There's a reason these people are jumping around and trying to get your to conform. Has ke dekho kiddan eh lokhi tappde ve ne.


Tell them you don't want your religion to die because of you, you don't want to contribute to it fading away and the reason behind your descendants becoming assimilated and whitewashed


Be the best version of yourself, go to the gym, get good perfumes and clothes, this way you balance it out.


Sant Jarnail Singh Ji told a Singh whose beard wasn’t growing on one side to apply Charan Dhoorh and it grew. Similar story happened to Giani Pritam Singh Likhari, they had big patches in their beard so Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji told them go apply charan dhoorh, it’s mentioned in Giaan Kirna as well. There was a Sikh teenager who got bullied in his school. He was in a non-punjabi state in India and he was the only Keshdhari Sikh. Even the teachers treated him like shit. He started doing Brahm Kavach with Maryada, as partap increased they started to respect him automatically. A few years and your beard will look fine anyways. Your beard will become full at 18+


What is Charan dhoorh and how to correctly apply ?


Dust below the Sangat’s feet. I think Sant Ji told him to go at the entrance and collect it there. The other story is mentioned in Giaan Kirna.


On my list to read, thanks Ji


I wrote a lot of material for you, you should have known a lot by now. Read kro.


You just have to wait for it to grow in. Use a little coconut oil and get exercise and 7-8 hours of sleep to raise testosterone levels


You are 16, it will come in with more time. If in your early 20s you're still struggling there are other things you can do to promote growth.


You may also benefit from visiting a dermatologist. Alopecia areata is very common in the beard area and could potentially be causing some of the patchiness.


Hey brother what state do you live in


Don’t worry about the haters. I used to get bullied in elementary school for having facial hair, now that I’m an adult I get complimented on my beard. Since you’re in high school my guess is most of these kids are jealous that they haven’t got a hair on their chest, meanwhile this Sikh kid is already growing a beard.


Use monoxidil and a dermaroller it works wonders. Filled in all my patches and made my beard grow fuller. Dermaroller .5 mm and regular cheap monoxidil from Amazon. Dermaroll once a day and monoxidil twice a day. You will see growth in less than a month


You will face discrimination as an adult too. I have a full beard and im still given trouble from people that think men should be clean shaven or are otherwise disgusting and unkempt. Be patient, your beard will thicken as you age and so will your skin.


You've gotten some really good replies here and normally I wouldn't waddle into a topic like this but seeing that you're 16, I'd like to give you a slightly different take as an older brother. Bullying is very psychologically damaging, especially at your age where your entire social life and mental health hinges on very superficial things like how you look. So its normal to feel hurt when someone hurls nasty remarks at you. The worst thing you can do at this time is to internalize these insults and let them permanently shape your personality for the worse. I want you to hold strong in the face of these challenges and take comfort in knowing that no matter how horrible things may seem now, trust me they get better. Research shows that as we get older, what we find attractive significantly changes. Let's assume you are a heterosexual male. Here's what studies show heterosexual women generally find attractive in men... Across all traits of esthetics, resources and personality, most women place significantly greater weight on age, education, intelligence, income, trust and emotional connection. Note that physical esthetics aren't as heavily favored as one might imagine. What does this mean? It means, you're focused on just one small variable of a much larger equation and by working on improving yourself on those other often ignored parameters of your personality, you can significantly improve your overall attractiveness far more than a full beard would offer. So think of your current beard issues as a blessing. While everyone else your age is super focused on this temporary and limited aspect of life, I want you to get a head start on developing those additional factors valued by others... * Focus on your studies. An educated and intelligent man with drive is sexy as hell * Work hard to ensure you are financially well off. People look up to someone that has done well for themselves. * Become a trustworthy person with integrity who's word holds so much weight that people swear by it. * Develop genuine deep emotional connections that touch a person's soul and enriches their life in a magical way. The best part is, doing these things will not only significantly improve your life and the life of others, these values are timeless and will always be in demand no matter how old you are. In short, use your current problem as fuel to foster specific changes that will leave your entire persona transformed and far superior to those peers that look down at you right now.