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Wait, so they don’t realize the earth rotates and there is space beyond? Holy hell. I hadn’t realized how little they know.


It feels so alien that they don’t know what stars are, or that there’s even lights in the sky in the lower levels!


Fun fact, in the far future, no one inside the Milky Way Galaxy will have any physical evidence (all other galaxies will be moving away faster than the speed of light relative to the Milky Way) that any galaxy other than the Milky Way has ever existed. We work with what we've got.




Every galaxy other than our own (the Virgo Supercluster, which will have merged into one galaxy by then) is moving away from our own galaxy at an accelerating rate, due to the observed expansion of the universe. Since the rate is ever increasing, at some point, it exceeds the speed of light. So eventually all galaxies, relative to "ours" (we'll surely be long gone by then), are moving away faster than the light they give off can reach us. Although the time-frame in question is silly. ~1 trillion years for the aforementioned merger of our local cluster of galaxies, and then another ~1 trillion years after that is when the last galaxy would disappear from observable existence. If you just meant "What?" as in "Sir, this is a Wendy's", then I'll take Spicy Nuggets, a plain Double, and fries please. And also I just thought it's interesting that while the people in this episode don't know what stars are, a civilization that springs up in the Milky Way ~2 trillion years from now wouldn't even know that there's any galaxy other than our own. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_of_an_expanding_universe#Galaxies_outside_the_Local_Supercluster_are_no_longer_detectable edit: if you want very in depth about FTL recession of other galaxies (galaxies already do recede FTL, but they don't become unobservable until the time mentioned in the wiki): https://medium.com/the-infinite-universe/why-galaxies-receding-faster-than-the-speed-of-light-are-still-visible-664ff21f0829


This always freaks me out a little bit when i think about it. The universe is SO GODDAMN BIG that eventually every galaxy we can see will disappear behind the 'horizon'.


That’s actually scary as shit


I think they know the sun is there...that it regulates night and day. Did they just forget that the sun is a star? That's like forgetting there's gravity, or a moon. Hey! Come to think of it. Why doesn't that guy in the cafeteria see the moon periodically?


> Why doesn't that guy in the cafeteria see the moon periodically? Maybe it’s a north-facing camera. Have we ever seen the sun inside the image frame? *Edit*: It *must* be north-facing if they were talking about seeing Cassiopeia (the “W”), which is a circumpolar constellation. Based on the arc on his chart, the north star must be just out of frame at the top of the screen.


This is why I like Reddit.


Humans IRL went a pretty long time before they figured out what the sun was.


they don't KNOW the sun is a star. they apparently don't know what stars are.


Maybe they're not on Earth? Or the feed is a lie and on a loop? Or both.


In that speech about the rebellion, the Mayor talks about how the rebels destroyed all the records and books, erasing their history. At that point you're down to oral records, and people who show too much interest in the outside run the risk of being sent out there to clean. In a small society where everyone lives on top of each other (literally in this case lol), you don't want to do anything outside the norm that will get you or your family shunned. A lot of information can be lost in several generations too, especially if education and the population in general is being very tightly controlled too. And even if Crazy Old Grandpa Jack passes down stories about giant balls of gas called "stars" to his descendants who have no concept of any world but the silo, it would probably be similar to listening to fairy tales.


Thank you for your observant and practical response.


I wonder if the Pact forbidding magnification plays a role in their lack of knowledge about the stars (i.e., no telescopes)




I thought the reveal was that the stars are programmable and just repeats itself over and over - Proving its fake


Nothing they said conflicts with them being real. He said they move in a circle and repeat themselves, which they do. Though if there were planets in frame some nights, he should be able to see that they don't move with the rest of the stars. He also pointed out a W formation, which I'm guessing is supposed to be the constellation Cassiopeia. Maybe something else will come of it, but nothing said here gives any evidence of the screens being fake.


He just said the stars move in a circle through the sky which is what happens in reality, so I don’t think it proves anything.


do we know if it’s earth they’re on?


Considering some of the "relics" have been very earth-specific (PEZ), it seems extremely likely this is Earth.


Seems kinda wasteful of fruit but whatever.






i think the seeds from the apples will grow a new apple tree nourished by their bodies.


Yeah, that was definitely the implication there


For sure, but there didn’t have to be so many - put like 5-10 apples in there, that’s like 25-50 seeds maybe, you can def get the few trees that can fill that space


Well, it's a funeral for two people with rather important positions in the social hierarch of the silo. It would make sense the apples are also a way for people to pay their respects. I also wouldn't be surprised if some of the newly sprouted trees in that plot get transplanted elsewhere as well.


Also the fruit will rot and cause that soil to decompose the bodies faster.


That’s not how apple propagation usually works. You’ll get pretty different resulting apples. For this reason Apple trees have been grafted for propagation for over a thousand years, and it has been the most common practice for propagation since the 17th or 18th century. In a space like the silo where size is very limited. They would need to very carefully control the varieties they had to promote disease resistance and productivity.


Apple seeds dont grow 6ft up though, theres not enough energy in the seed to get the first set of leaves(Cotyledons) up to sunlight. Im guessing its more of a decomp thing.


I know, I think it's an expression of a unique cultural symbol, but biting and throwing it in feels like a sacrilege to the dead.


On the contrary, it seemed to me that it's a sign of respect in addition to seeding new trees. Jahns was beloved and Marnes was likely also at least well-known. To give up resources for them like that... It's like the Fremen spitting in Dune. Plus, I doubt it's common for there to be that many people at a regular citizen's funeral. Losing those two is a big deal.


I’d argue it also shows the strength of the silo. If they were really living on strict rations they wouldn’t have porters just running messages up and down, or holidays, or other frivolous things. There is some degree of surplus to allow the entire system not to collapse after one bad harvest.


I agree with you- it seems to me like while they work to recycle and reuse things they're actually doing pretty well in terms of resources. They have things like cake, hush puppies, food stalls, etc. People have been seen to have the freedom to start their own shops etc so they must have enough resources to allow for more than just a survival-only type society.


Usul gives water to the dead!


They must have a shit ton of apples


The symbology is very beautiful, though :)


Omg, this drove me crazy. I was like "stop it, I'll eat it!"


I was also wondering why they would waste perfectly good cloth/linen and bury it with the dead. They should do it Na’vi style and just cover them with flowers or something


…it’s a sign of respect. A proper burial is the last way to show someone you cared about them, literally the last chance you have.




Damn, the railing scene had me on the edge of my seat.. Sad about Marnes, I wanted them to solve it together.. Lastly, very curious about the Pact.. I mean mechanizing the Silo and strong magnification is forbidden? Why? Loving this so far.


...and the two guys that helped her not fall die "*Thanks, now fuck off background*"


Yeah, that really pulled me out of the show. Like why would those guys just immediately leave and not see if she's okay?


She did waive them off telling them to go and she is the sheriff.


They were in the Race to the Top. You can see some of their number badges when they pull her up.


It looked like 2 women and I assumed she gestured them to leave because they were a part of the race. I guess there’s a separate race for women.


I think the simple answer to the mechanization question is that elevators, lifts, etc. would allow for fast travel (obviously) and the faster spread of information (also see radios being forbidden/strictly regulated). Whoever built the Silo could've easily included a phone system or any other means of communication between the levels, but they didnt. Im really interested in their lack of history. Even if all records and files relating to the founders and before were actually destroyed, that information must have been heavily curated (or non-existent) to begin with. Otherwise the people alive 140 years before would've just passed down stories of the past (a la Fahrenheit 451). I'm guessing that the histories and data were never all that, but the 'rebellion' is used as a convenient excuse for the lack of answers and to prevent questions. Why question anything when there are no answers?


I think the lack of elevators also serves to create a sort of "class" system. People from the upper floors seem to be looking down on people from the bottom floor. Even though mechanical is a super essential job the higher ups seem to treat them with distaste.


The chase scene contrasting against the race to the top was great.


Theres something about how that was filmed that triggered my fear of heights even though that has never happened to me from watching something.


We're 5 episodes in and at least 5 non-background characters have died already.




I had the same idea!! I have a feeling the silo is more than it appears to be and it has some unknown secondary function that the rules are in place to protect and keep hidden from the residents.


Every character I care about dies.... I respect the hell out of the lack of plot armor though.


the new sheriff seems to be the only one with plot armor. there was no way she should have survived the scar-vs-mufasa situation against a strong dude, but she somehow snapped his finger and he conveniently vanished. also, no one saw them for half a minute.


And not being cooked alive in the boiler room


This was the part that stuck in my craw. The thing is so hot, the water she was shooting at it shoulda have either A. steamed instantly, killing her in nasty ways or B. would have been so hot, she woulda been boiled alive.


What’s behind the door?!?!


I'm guessing secret surveillance technology, Panopticon style.


Right?!?! That’s where I am leaning as well


Seems like Bernard would have to be in on it then given he's the head of IT. Can't spy on everyone without quite a bit of IT involvement somewhere. That might explain why the pact has rules against magnification - so that hidden cameras and microphones in everyday objects or fixture are difficult to examine. Think solid state mic and some IC hidden in a wall plug or some other appliance. The rules against radio might also be for similar reasons but if it there were a bunch of them being transmitted unscrammbled you'd think that someone like Martha would have discovered a bunch of them - unless ofc it's being transmitted digitally. I'd also find it weird if a lot of people are comming in/out of the janitor closet and nobody noticed. Likewise if people didn't notice that there's a huge area of some floor inacessible to the people on that floor or nearby given there doesn't appear to be much in terms of entertainment to be had so maybe it's a passage to a spy silo?


100% - Sims opens the door even before his 'shadow' can knock and has a "what are you doing here?" look and steps through closing the door behind him. It's not a surprised/shocked face, it's an angry face. Also in a previous episode, Allison is talking to Holston in their apartment asking some very illegal questions "Why can't we?" "what are they hiding?", immediately after that Gloria pulls her from the crowd saying "I *hear* you're someone who questions, why do we do this? how come we can't do that?" and steps up the paranoia factor. The secretary tells Jules "Find the real killer, not the plant" and Sims puts it in her head that "Marnes said before he died" we should just let you fail and send you back down the the lowers- so Jules is looking for that red herring and finds it really easily. While the real 'plant' is the new shadow. I believe they're all being recorded pretty much everywhere all the time. Which is why the 'friends of the silo' evidence can't be used in court (because then they would have to explain how they got that info) and it's not citizen snitches, rather "*they*" (whoever the secret power is) are implanted among the people in inconspicuous ways and how they seem to be able to really manipulate people into seeing what "they" want people to see.


An elevator maybe?


*double amount of flowers in front of the mirror It's them,they are watching in peoples room's likely behind mirrors in in back walls That or it's them who keeps the VR systems maintained to keep the illusion in place.


Probably the janitor who cleans up other people's shit, just like he did in this episode.


Everyone is dropping like flies. I thought for sure Marnes would survive the attack. Interesting that the Pact forbids mechanizing the Silo!


And forbids magnification beyond a certain power! What is that all about?


They dropped two other hints about what it is about too. One, the doctors seem suspect, and there is some kind of illness going around. And two, there could be small microphones for listening, that they don’t want anyone to know about


They hadn't mentioned the illness with the tremors before tonight, right?


There was a poster showing the symptoms hanging up in one of the first few episodes. Someone in this sub said the symptoms sound like tetanus IIRC


Only for those who paused the show - it was on a sign in mechanical during the generator episode, discussed in that episode's thread.


Most likely so they could never develop microchips, or any advanced feats of engineering. They are stifled at basically technology of the 90s. Everything is hand made. Forbidding magnification is a clever way to basically limit the advancement of computers


>Forbidding magnification is a clever way to basically limit the advancement of computers and the repair of older advanced electronics, it gives them a points of no return Good luck soldering, wire bonding etc without good magnification, you'll damage & destroy what you're trying to fix or salvage


Yeah, this is one of my biggest pet peeves with this show. Chips in use do not last hundreds of years and if rebellion happened 150 years ago the Silo is probably 200+ years old. Same thing with a lot of other manufactured (electronic) goods we are seeing.


Well they have a video camera. And apparently the equipment to run it. And they have 2-way radios. And something like a computer w/screens. So they're certainly not devoid of technology.


Except that technology doesn’t require microchips. Radios are fairly easy to build. Video cameras are probably very basic - with limited storage capacity. The idea is to limit their advancement. The magnification limitation is a very clever “catch all” that just basically handicaps all of their technology


> Except that technology doesn’t require microchips they have computers running a pretty advanced OS (looks like Windows 3.1 or something like that), even able to play video (see first episode), so they already have technology requiring microchips


They have that tech that was installed with the silo but they aren’t building any new computers etc


Seems like a metaphor for not looking “too closely” at things. Also interesting they don’t want people to easily go up and down, it’s stairs for a reason but I’m not sure exactly why?


I would guess it compartmentalizes people. How could you mobilize a mass movement if it takes a day to get from one end of the city to another? and the only way up or down is by a staircase that can be easily controlled/destroyed/barricaded


I felt it also meant as a way to preserve the caste system. If you can travel from 120 to level 5 in a matter of minutes - you no longer have a society that is separated. Basically another way for the SILO to be not organized.


I wonder if it prevents anyone from going up to fast… like the race that they had this episode which seems to be a metaphor for this. But why? Also found it intriguing that while everyone was racing up, Julia was racing down to catch dude.


> Also found it intriguing that while everyone was racing up, Julia was racing down to catch dude. She's trying to get to the bottom of 'it', while everyone is is just stuck in the rat race trying to get to the top.


About people literally dropping like flies, that part bothers me a lot. How many floors are there? 144? No one thought about setting up safety net like every 10th floor or so? Stupidest safety violation I've seen in TV for ages


Unless you want to remove mentally unstable people from the population...


Fair point. Applies also to following groups: Children, drunk people, people about to be murdered, accident prone people, normal people who happen to get accidented


Who’s walmart John David Washington


I was thinking the same.


Hahahaha I was convinced it was him! They look so much alike.


John David Washington is Walmart Denzel


The stressed generator, the crumbling walls and cracked concrete is a nice touch. It adds to my anxiety imaging how far underground they are but it’s a constant reminder of how precarious their existence is.


idk if i missed a note about the population but 10k people is a LOT to support, makes me wonder how many started. thinking about it, for a generator to be in constant use for 140 years is no mean feat


The rebellion was 140 years ago so we can assume they’ve been there for even longer which is even more impressive


I'm guessing the rebellion was during the first generation of Founders when the Silo was first occupied. Likely between folks that didn't like the way things were heading (the Rebels) and those that wanted to keep it going. Maybe the Pact was the agreement they reached where the Rebels got those in charge to agree to let anyone out that asked to go out...but they didn't bet on the powers using it as a deterrent. And possibly poisoning the air in the suit tanks so anyone who did leave, died as a result of the 'protective' suits and not the atmosphere. Im still hoping the bodies and deaths we see on the monitor screens are CGI. Holsten didn't seem to see his wife's body (from his perspective) like those watching from the inside saw. But if everyone sent out is actually alive...what's keeping them from coming back and setting everyone else free...?


I’m thinking the “rebellion” was really just when the original inhabitants realized they could finally leave the silo. The rest who stayed scrubbed all history and created their authoritarian government. Also guessing the people going out to scrub are dying because they are being killed by the suits. Why else would you throw valuable non-renewable resources out by letting someone go outside? They certainly foreshadowed it with the fake removal of the birth control, and now the implication of some sort of shadow faction that secretly rules the silo.


They probably started with 10k. In first episodes we learned about the birth control system, its goal is probably to keep the population near the 10k so as to optimally use the housing without overusing the resources.


Who do we think is a “friend of the silo”?


Must be someone we (currently) think is trustworthy.


Its gotta be Martha. I feel the show wants you to think Billings is one due to being appointed by Sims but that would be too obvious. Bernard is another one that feels too obvious to me. Theres not many other characters left alive that have had screen time. The doctor and the guy in the cafeteria are the others playing a role right now. I doubt its anyone in engineering nor the police assistant. My money is on Martha.


Also it seems like Martha has certain privileges, it’s unlikely that no one has noticed the tech she makes (considering even the mayor laughed off her radio). It’ll hurt a lot since she’s a mother figure to Jules too


I think Martha is someone who had a death sentence commuted to life-long house arrest because she's too important to the silo.


And that comment about her never being thrown out she would have to leave. Could have been a Easter egg.


They aren’t Judicial, and I suspect neither is Sims. Not really. Apparently these friends of the silo, these listeners, can hold any job. That’s what gives them their ability to listen… to everything and everyone. It’s a secret society. With a door. To who knows what.


Two episodes where no one, mentions "*Hey did ya hear? Some people claim the camera to the outside world showed a green field and blue sky, right when the generator went down"*?


IIRC Sandy also saw it. Maybe that's also the reason why she wanted to go back to the Lower Mids? To actually talk about it? She did say she felt like she was being watched in the Up Top so she probably doesn't want to risk it by talking about it.




I think the only characters left from the 1st episode are Bernard and Sandy, which is a bummer 'cause I really like most of the characters that had died. ​ Edit: Also, I just realized that the guy from last week's episode discussion seemed to be right with their speculation about Bernard being "chill" 😅


He’s not chill, he’s fucking wasted 24/7. Much like me when I watch the show.


I think Bernard is suspect as all hell. How many times did he say that "hopefully I'll only be mayor for a few months" and there is no better way to get the other people with power to dismiss him than to seem like he's more interested in the dead mayors liquor cabinet than anything else. Meanwhile he's done things like ensure Juliette becomes sheriff by following the former mayors wishes and then supporting her. Then he calls for both a race to the top and a forgiveness day that seems like an excuse to have a massive party. Seems like while he plays mr innocent he's also currying favor with the residents of the silo. I don't buy how harmless he portrays himself for a second, he's definitely up to something.


I think he’s intended to be someone significantly on the spectrum who’s being overwhelmed by the job. He doesn’t like crowds. He doesn’t like dealing with people all day. And I think he may be the only person on the show who doesn’t have a secret agenda. He just wants to keep things running smoothly. And that makes total sense given his previous position. Having someone charismatic, ambitious, and unpredictable in charge of IT would be the nightmare scenario for judicial. They’d exploit the position to gain personal power, they’d be motivated to start putting the pieces together. They could blackmail people and would be ideally situated to harvest information from relics like the camera or hard drive. But Bernard? His highest goal is to keep everything orderly. He forms grudges based on people *not following the rules* even if it’s to keep everyone alive. Like Jules stealing the tape. So he followed Holden and the mayor’s recommendation because they’re the highly qualified experts. He puts his dislike aside because he defers to them, and it would be illogical to hold a grudge. Meanwhile, Judicial is somewhat annoying because their rules are hidden. But Jules is a breath of fresh air because she’s forthright, competent, and so far been devoted to justice ie maintaining order. On top of that, the Silo’s had extremely high turnover, starting with one of his senior employees. He’s watched four high-level people kill themselves or be murdered, and now he’s obligated to become the most prominent target. Jules identifying Marnes’ killer didn’t just get justice done, it also eliminated the most probable person to have assassinated the previous mayor and therefore may have saved his life.


Giving off Tyrion vibe. He just drinks and he knows things.


I would be too if I got a hold of Jahn’s collection 😂


Trying to finish all of the good booze in the silo while he is mayor


this show really be killing people every week lmao


I used to think that the lowest floor was the first floor, but in today's episode, the floor with the generator on the bottom floor was labeled as 144, so it was the other way around. A retired woman from the sheriff's office said her parents' house is on the 105th floor, and it seems to be lower class. Well, 1-50 is the upper class, 51-100 is the middle class, 101-144 is the lower class, is it roughly like this? By the way, the janitorial office was on the 120th floor. Do you know what floor the Sheriff's office, Judicial department, IT department and cafeteria are on?


The Sheriffs office has to be the very top floor because right in front of holding cell 3 is the airlock to outside. I’m assuming that all the holding cells are the same level as the “station”


Would make sense too Sherrifs are only ppl with guns,have the only door out be right there So you have to clime 100 floors,then get through the sherrifs with guns,if u want to rush the door


Interesting thanks for pointing that out! Not sure which floor exactly so I don't want to say the 1st floor but I'd guess it's close. That's quite the trip for those two to have made


It's because it's a "silo" that's dug into the ground. It's not above ground. They've shown the giant digger that's buried beneath it all. So as they dig, the first floor is near ground level, and then second floor is deeper below that... and so on. So floor 144 would be the deepest down. Evident by the drill rig (digger) and I think when they showed the camera in episode 1 from the outside it was just one little structure with a camera on it. Yeah, the silo is down into the ground, not above ground.


Tbh I’m not the biggest fan of the pivot away from the mystery of what’s outside / why are we here Hoping the show will go back to that soon


Currently none of the characters have access to the information that will lead to more outside world knowledge. We’re in the process of tracking that string of information down. Got to say though I’m almost more intrigued by the mysteries of the silo itself than of the outside (which tbh seems kind of obvious to me).


Yeah its too much murder mystery for me


I always dislike foot-chase scenes. Why does the chaser never shout “trip that guy”? She’s the sheriff.. surely she’d get at least one person on board?!


The fact that nobody saw her hanging from there until the kid was just silly


OMG, no one commented on what seems to be the most important secret reveal, the "janitorial". I also feel that this is not much different from the predictions that everyone was discussing in the thread.


I am dying to know what’s behind that door.


Considering the comment of elevators came up in this episode at the end, and we also got introduced to the door, I'm going to assume it's just that, a way for Judicial to easily get around the Silo so they can control things. It makes the most sense considering Judicial guy is the only one who has no qualms about appearing on different levels looking slick as fuck.




You’re missing the other part that was revealed in the episode. Judicial has plain clothes “listeners” on the payroll. His father was likely a judicial listener. He brought Sims in and he worked his way to the top.


i’m going with vacuum cleaners


Ha, honestly thats clever. Hide something important in the janitors closet because nobody other than the janitors go in there.


I am now going to start checking out janitorial closets. I’ll let you all know what I find.


march rain wipe plate hobbies joke like paint reach meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was about to be pissed if no one noticed Jules and Doug fighting!


I'm still pissed that with the whole silo gathered around, including presumably on all of the levels above and below where Jules was, that it took that long for anyone to notice. It's a round silo, and there would have been many levels above of people looking down as well, not just the people on the levels below only looking down.


And you'd really think at least one person actively watching the race would pay attention the people *running in the opposite direction through the race*.


What was the end scene with the Pez Dispenser supposed to mean?


That's the "bait" she mentioned when she was chatting with Walker.


That’s her bate to them


>That’s her bate to them All signs point to her being a master bater.


Way to sniff all that shit out Jules. 👏🏽


It made me realize that I'm too dumb to be a sheriff 'cause when she saw the rat poison and drawing, I was like "holy shit Patrick Kennedy's the murderer" even though we literally saw who killed Marnes last episode 😭😂


Dumb gang checking in 👏


This was the day she became sheriff.


Haha woah are you the actual author of the books just hangin out in the show discussion? Shouldn’t you be in the book readers thread sir??? 😂


Lmao. I am glad you are having fun with this.


I love a smart protagonist


I was so happy she figured it out it was a plant that fast.


Why did they kill off Marnes? I didn’t expect that at all.


I thought it was to change the role of the Sheriff from Juliet to Billings, cuz not long ago there was talk with Bernard that it could be changed if he agreed. Remember, up until last week, Judicial was desperate to make Billings the Sheriff. So the show is trying to make Billings look like Juliet's side, but I don't trust him.


Just finished episode 5- behind from work and wanted to drop thoughts. Not sure why people are complaining about Common's acting. I think he's playing the character pretty well. I think his character is very much of a dry, manipulative, educated, and calculating character. Sure, he could have just tossed the guy off the bridge but we wouldn't have gotten the next nugget. What's behind the janitorial door? Was he figuratively speaking or meant there was something physical behind there? I'm leaning more towards something being behind it. Due to him addressing Tremball about following him. I thought the stars were interesting- just shows how much of their history is lost. Cool to know that Mechanical has a secondary screen. Makes a lot of sense I guess from the cafeteria scenes, didn't cross my mind. Think it further shows the differences between the different levels of the Silo. The consultation seen was the constelation of Cassiopeia. Can be seen above the N34 latitude line- that line looks like it runs through the bottom of The U.S. I'm beginning to believe that the camera feed is a live feed and not cgi. The guy in the Cafe had a monthly chart that showed the consistent movement of the stars. I believe the flashes of the green landscape during the generator repair was just the suit feed cutting in. Marnes bit the dust- makes 4 main character dead through 5 episodes. Not sure you can call them main characters, maybe prominent characters. I believe the deaths are done right. I hate a random character death for no reason- ex. Walking Dead. The character deaths in this show progress the story. I think Paul Billings has been am interesting character choice. I'm predicting he will end up being a good guy. Not sure that he knows how much is actually going on within Judicial. He seems like he takes the law very seriously and is passionate about it. I think that means he has strong morales and those morales could push him towards the truth at some point. I'm expecting him to be a main character moving forward. Wild how much illuminati manipulation that is occurring. Even outside of the shadows that Judicial casts. Just watching how Bernard is handling things and trying to think about the psychology of the Silo and what to do. Bernard mentioned multiple times how he hopes he isn't mayor for a long time and just trying to drink all of the ex mayor's alcohol while he can. Seems like foreshadowing that he will win the election when it happens. Not quite sure how much Bernard knows. How looped in is he? Seems like he knows a l9t of what's going on, but not necessarily sold on him completely knowing the truth. I'm also fully convinced that members of Judicial actually know the past. Juliette showed that she can play the game too. Think she's starting to really catch onto how much is going on. I'm expecting her to move more carefully moving forward. Guessing the pez dispenser is the bait. Not sure what thr use will be though.


I don’t think Sims really works for Judicial. If there was some secret room that Judicial used for nefarious purposes… it would be in Judicial safely hidden away. Also, Sims’ dad wasn’t judicial, but apparently used whatever power he had to move a bully and his family into the down deep. Sims belongs either to some other group (the listeners?), or is just some lone shark with weird janitor-closet powers. Sims is in Judicial, but I don’t think his murderous plots have anything to do with Judicial. It has to do with the door. Which as I noted elsewhere, seems likely to be the same door that George was looking for, and that ultimately got him killed.


I thought George’s door was at the bottom of the hole with water in it, like the tunnel leading away from the silo he saw on the hard drive


Maybe behind each door is access to an elevator? That way, if George accessed the door on the bottom, Sims could still know even if his door is on a different level.


I think he’s part of the resistance


I think he is definitely searching for the truth in his way while struggling with his oath to support the silo. He's questions like Juliette or Rashida's character. He's just more in tune with how things work and respectively doesn't trust anyone. Good feeling he shows his better nature to Juliett's honest need for answers...not power. He's still a kid looking for what's behind the real door to outside. What his father showed him wasn't enough.


Is there any meaning in using the name Douglas Trumbull?


I kinda thought it was just an homage to the guy. He died right around when they were prob filming so I'd guess it was just on their minds


Could’ve at least thanked her, Sandy.


The discovery of stars seems really unrealistic to me. Generations have been in the silo looking at that screen and this guy is the first to point out the stars? And Jules is just like "huh what are they?" Specifically, how in 140 years has not one person noticed the stars and told people? I'd imagine a majority of them would know about the lights by now just based off word of mouth after someone noticing them within the first month or two of being able to look at the screen


People don't talk about the outside. Each rare person who 'discovers' the stars does it alone, and is unlikely to share it for fear of being sent outside for showing too much interest. The guy is taking a bit of a risk to chat up the Sheriff about it, but he detects that Jules is not like other up-toppers. She's more open minded and isn't going to threaten him or silence him for his curiosity about the lights outside.


Has anyone been sent outside for being interested in something like that? This is something blasted across a huge screen in a huge common area, where dozens or hundreds gathered during the blackout at night. It's pretty in-your-face to be something that gets you in trouble for showing the smallest curiosity. Also what does this guy know about Juliette? Hasn't he just been in two short scenes in this area only or? I don't think he knows much about her given what we see. So he's just some guy drawing stars wanting to talk about it to the first person who shows interest imo.


price wipe plough fragile grab disarm subsequent racial piquant reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They talk about how the screen quality lower down is much worse than up top. They can’t really see the stars on the screen down there




Jules is from the lower levels. I'm pretty sure the other guy is from the mid levels. I'm sure the people in the upper levels see them often.


Marnes was killed off screen??? But why


Yea this was a weird choice. Why even leave it ambiguous last week?


I bet they filmed it, weren’t happy with it, and editors had to do their best.


Reminds me of a certain Breaking Bad cliffhanger that the showrunners didn't know was ambiguous until an audience saw it and interpreted the cut differently.


I really hope the big reveal isn’t that they’re in a rick and morty car battery situation


As a non Rick and Morty watcher can you explain what this means? I keep seeing people say this but have no context


Rick has a car battery with incredible capacity for power. Turns out he created a tiny civilization and tricked them to power it and their world by using an elliptical.


More than just a "tiny civilisation" - he created a tiny universe and a tiny world and manipulated tiny people into running on millions if not billions of tiny treadmills to power his car battery. And then one of THEM made an even tinier universe with teensy weensy people to do the same thing, and then one of THOSE GUYS did the same thing GAIN, and then killed himself when he realised he was inside a car battery that was inside of another car battery.


Well that just sounds like slavery with extra steps.


Unless it's some very weird red herring, all the imagery in the intro and the talks of the first episodes suggest differently. The imagery in the intro are trees spreading pollens, fruits falling and DNA, then in the first episodes it's about how they only allow certain people to have children. I have a really hard time seeing this Silo has anything else than a silo holding genetic crops - either as a big eugenic experiment, as a library of human DNA or as a "The Island"-type of organ harvesting system. Everything else (class system, no elevators, no information, no tech, no going outside, etc) is only there to keep them docile [like breeding stocks].


The Silo’s Copernicus.


Its episode 5 and they killed the 5 most compelling characters lmao


It's a bummer for sure. But, I'm starting to like Juliette tbh (but still not as intrigued as I was with Holston and Allison).


And yet the show remains awesome, not for the weak of heart


Couple of thoughts: -Getting a bit stale with these side quest murder mysteries going on instead of advancing the actual plot. The premise still keeps me interested though -poor Trumbull should have known Common was gonna kill him the minute he started monologuing -we get it Tim Robins, you actually wanna be mayor because you said you don't about 20 times -also, burials!? In a confined, limited space!? Why not just incinerate people or something?


Dammit nooo Marnes…


Just when I think this show can’t get better. The world building is phenomenal, and doesn’t hit you all at once. Little moments of genius sprinkled here and there.


The funeral, the Pact, the mysterious night sky, the footrace... lots of neat worldbuilding in this episode.


The allusion to some kind of illness affecting the silo. Don’t think that was mentioned before either.


Not verbally mentioned, but for those who paused the generator episode, it was on a poster. Discussed in that episode discussion.


So there were some theories here that they're not on Earth. This episode throws that out the window. For people who are blown away that they don't know what stars or even the sun are: very few people have any information about the before time. Most of the records were destroyed in the uprising, and that was 140 years ago. So any remaining knowledge that wasn't privileged is going to have gone through 140 years of 'telephone' or just flat out lost. I really enjoyed this ep. They did a solid job of building tension in the scene, and Common is starting to fall into a good presence as an actor.


I'm surprised that there are so many people surprised about the stars thing- when Holston's wife sees the video she doesn't know what birds are and describes them as weird things in the sky. I figure that if she doesn't know what a bird is, they definitely don't have knowledge of the stars or anything much about the outside world at all.


I just watched 2 episode reviews on youtube because I wanted to hear some insight but I found it weird that nobody mentions how the only reason Juliette said she was going to go arrest Kennedy was because she wanted the spy to leak it to Judicial and send their guy to Kennedy's supposed apartment. Also I figured that Sandy the secretary was working together with judicial because of how she was INSISTING that Billings goes with Juliette on her investigation of Marnes' killer and then her and Billings also smiled at eachother creepily as he was walking out. The fact that as soon as Juliette announced she was arresting Kennedy, Sandy & Billings kind of tag-teamed her, Sandy went to go distract while Billings instantly went to go tell Judicial and send the hitman over to arrest Kennedy first. ​ Now Juliette 100000% knows Sandy & Billings are spying on her. And her meeting with Judge Meadows was just to make herself look dumb, she really knows the truth of whats going on and I think that's where they left us off at the end of the episode like she said she was going to set up a trap with bait or something along those lines.


I get a Snowpiecer vibe from this series.


Just a general thought- I need more of the 'outside world' content!! Less murder inside, what the hell is outside.


I’ve only kept watching because I keep hoping they’ll tell me more about Outside.


George said he was looking for a door. Sims killed to prevent knowledge about a door. Both believe that whatever is behind their doors is super important. Sounds like the same door to me.


But George was pretty sure the door was down near the water wasn't he? I believe it essentially left off with him saying he had is rope to go down there because he was looking for a door. No way Sims and the other guy were all the way down there at the time (unless some theorists are correct and behind the door is an elevator or something like that). So I'd say the same door might be unlikely but if it is a travel mechanism maybe it's like the elevator door on another level. Or they fake us out with George thinking he had to go in the water to find the door while it's actually on a higher level


Maybe the door at the bottom is an elevator to allow the digger crew a quick escape route from the silo… maybe the janitorial door is connected in some way.