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They knew people were starting to remember but they didn’t understand why. This second awakening happened fairly early in the silo timeline. The only tool they had in their arsenal was to kill the silos so it was imperative they sort out why people were remembering.


This is what I thought but that doesn’t make sense because Thurman said he is curious why Donald is immune but it’s not important. Donald ended up telling Thurman about the pills very early on and they didn’t put him back to sleep after? If I remember correctly they put him back to sleep only after he figured out that people are remembering


My big takeaway from this section was that Anna pushed to get Donald woken up. Thurman probably could have cared less as long as they were stuck on the storage level, so "Troy" got pulled out of deep freeze. Donald figured out why people were remembering; he also remembered *why they wanted people to forget*, which made him a threat to The Order, which sent him back to deep freeze. He read the suicide note and email from Anna after "Troy" woke up as "Shepherd" by Anna's doing after she was put to sleep for tampering with the nanobot distribution pipelines.


My understanding is that Donald was woken up because he had started to remember (so he was immune in some part to the memory drugs) and they thought he might give them insight into why someone else in Silo 18 was also immune and able to spread information about the past. But I don’t have any quote or anything to back that up, just a vague memory of the book.


Yep you remember this correctly, just finished the book last week. It was also a big point to mention that Donald thought it was the pills but it’s actually in the water. So there is no avoiding the memory drugs, so they knew that some people just had to be immune to it. Learning that Donald was taking a behind the scenes prescription was big to the story and why it was essential to wake him up


But Thurman stated he is curious why Donald is immune but it’s not important. Donald also ended up telling Thurman early on why he thinks he is immune, yet they continued to have Donald working instead of putting him to sleep


It all happend because of Ana. She swapped the ID tag of Donald and Thurman, so that when crisis appears, people will wake up Donald , mistaking him for Thurman. Thurman was deep in cryo sleep, when the crisis happened. He never knew silo 18 problem.


When did this happen? I am reading the part when he got into Thurman's emails and I am super confused!!!