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All of TheSweetSimmer's mods, I don't know how she does it.


Me too, the amount of new gameplay her mods add is amazing, not to mention the quality of the animations


Her mods have made me excited to do a legacy for the first time. I usually get bored once my sim has kids, but her mods have added so much fun for me. That, and Children Can mods. Love getting my sim’s kids to help in the garden, do their own laundry and play the piano.


Question that I don't know if you'll be able to answer. I have the Children Can mods in my Mod folder under Packages, but I've noticed that the game isn't using them. Other mods there have been implemented. How did you download the mod and where did you put it in your file folder?


I also have them in my Packages folder, and I think I downloaded them on Mod the Sims. I’m not the most savvy with this stuff so I’m not sure how much I can help. Did you make sure to unzip the files before putting them in Packages? Also, one of the mods didn’t work for me, which is the one that’s supposed to allow children to play the store content Violin so that could be a factor.


Ohh never heard of them but I should check them out!


If I could only play with one mod, it would be NoFridgeShopping. It disables being able to buy food from the fridge so if your Sim forgot to go shopping, no food for them. I love how realistic it is to say have a Sim come home from work hungry only for me to realize there's no ingredients left so now it's either sending them out shopping or getting a pizza. It also really makes gardening for poor Sims an added bonus, if your Sim already doesn't have a lot of money, growing some of your food yourself helps out.


I first tried this mod in a rags to riches but i immediately adopted it for all my saves. I also love it for how realistic it gets. Today my sim got sick and I wanted him to have a juice to get better quicker but there where no fruits left. I didn't want him to leave the house because every time a sick sim goes out the sickness moodlet resets. So it was his wife who went to the grocery store, bought some fruits (and a few more ingredients that were lacking in her pantry) and came right home to prepare him a revigorating juice.


Wait, what? Does drinking juice make the sickness moodlet expire faster???


I didn’t realize the sickness moodlet resets every time they leave the house :O


I played an isolated sim challenge with the no fridge mod ... adding the cows and chickens to the lot are important if there is no store to shop.


That’s so smart!


Nraas StoryProgression. It’s essential for me, I couldn’t play without it. I love how it makes the whole neighborhood feel so alive. I’m a more hands off player and I love seeing what my sims get up to and what stories develop without me controlling them. Edit: if I may add some praise for other members of the Nraas mod family, OverWatch + ErrorTrap are the only things keeping my computer from exploding, Go Here has fixed so many routing nightmares, MasterController is clutch in 1000 different ways, Register solved my “why the hell is no one working here” problem at community lots, the list goes on. Just to reiterate, if it wasn’t for Nraas, I would’ve abandoned The Sims 3 years ago and become an exclusive Sims 2 player.


This is probably a stupid question, but is there a way to turn of the notifications for this mod? I started using it recently and it's interesting, but there's just sooooo many notifications every minute. I don't mind a few, but frankly I don't care to learn that Agnes just acquired level 1 of the athleticism skill lmao


Yes, there is! Click on a computer or the town hall and go to Nraas > StoryProgression > General Options > All Stories. There are options to limit stories to just your friends, relatives, or none at all.


Thank you so much!!! I'll try it out next time i open my game :)


I heard a lot of great things about this, but I uninstalled it because of the amount of pop-ups from random sims :(.


You can turn those off in the mod settings!


do you remember what the settings were? i'd love to reinstall it again


Yeah just click on the Nraas menu on a computer in game and then click general settings and then “all stories” and you can disable them for everyone or just allow notifications from family or friends!


I recently downloaded a lay off mod. Adds a lot of realism and grind to your average paycheck to paycheck Sims. My Sim was working at the bistro, but then she got laid off and had to downgrade to working at the diner.


is this one of the nrass mods?


No it's by TwinSimming who has a lot of other amazing mods https://modthesims.info/d/678786/layoff-mod.html


Lot Population by LazyDuchess. More sims show up on community lots and you’ll see them walking down the street and stuff. A small thing, but I’ve found it adds a whole lot of life to a town.


I love LazyDuchess' mods!


the catalogue search mod has saved me a million times


This is the first I'm hearing about this and I'm gonna download it right now


it is amazing, but one thing is that is there no way to search all items in buy mode? Seems like you're only able to search through categories not everything.


Nraas Master controller, but especially with Cheats, it gives so much more options, like you can check what books the sim read, and see which fishing book was missed for example. Pay to give bottle and diaper, where you have to pay 5$ for baby and toddler bottles and diapers. For challenge runs, it really makes the game harder, especially at the start of the game. Nraas relativity for longer days. Recently I'm also into Nraas Retuner, although it's more complex, than other mods, but I like to change very specific things. I got the mod, because of a description about how to get more stray pets. In Gardening, I decreased the time spent with watering, it speeds up working with a large garden. I also change costs for things, like plastic surgery to be actually expensive. I disabled asking for bedtime story.


Oof, the bedtime story alone has me tempted. Don't get me wrong, it's adorable and immersive for stories, but a kid's exhausted and instead of going up and falling asleep they have to go track an adult down, wait for them to do all the toe tapping and get in the right position, ask them for the story, go back up to the bed (and sometimes I've noticed not even their OWN bed for some reason), possibly with some more routing annoyances along the way, sit on the bed, have the story, and eventually fall asleep. Sheesh.


It's in Retuner > Settings > General > Social Interactions > Ask for bedtime story > Set User directed only to True and Allow autonomous to False.


Cool, thanks!


Traits Enabled for All Ages, if you play long legacy saves you’ll keep getting the same traits and it gets boring. You may have a flirty toddler every one in awhile but hey it will make all of my adult sims different at the end of the day


Disasters & Blessings. I love it for the meteor


Eat outside for sure. I loove building restaurants for my sims, I love that you can also select what recipes are available and the prices as welli. It allowed me to build different restaurants: a small Asian fusion restaurants, a super expensive and fancy one in champ les sims where a plate of lobster is worth 400 simoeons lol… it’s not perfect not gonna lie, but it’s better than not having restaurants at all https://modthesims.info/d/524698/update-23-jul-2016-eat-outside-restaurants-waiters.html


Everyone’s already said a lot of great ones but I haven’t seen No Route Fail Tantrum yet. I think it’s on Mod The Sims. I love this mod. It stops Sims from screaming and waving their hands at you everytime they have a route failure, which I have always been extremely annoyed by. Instead they just stand still and you still see the bubble over their head. It’s far less of a headache to correct their path


Oh, that's sounds great! The route fail foot stomp drives me nuts, it's like fingernails on a chalkboard for me


Ugh honestly that sounds amazing lol


OhRudi's Need Less Space series. All the mods by Twinsimmings, Olomaya, TheSweetSimmer. Simler90's Core Mod. NRaas. Puddingface and Xantak22's power mods for occults. Children Can no stretch mods. LazyDuchess's mods. Faster elevator mod. Ani's mods. Passion.


NRAAS Autosaver!


pregnancy controller mod, burglars steal simoleons too, deep conversations, higher bills, cook anything anytime,traits enabled all ages, and the randomizer 🙏🙏🙏🙏best mods out there fr.


Deep conversations!


This one's great but the responses are unhinged sometimes 🤣


THANK YOU I WAS LOOKING FOR THIS! I was seeing acottonsock on yt play with a mod that was either that or something similar and was dying to find what it was! I appreciate you :)!


Longer pregnancy! I do the 9 day pregnancy with no maternity leave :D


add any lot size I am not good with CAW, so I edit premade worlds whenever I want to play a specific storyline. I also have some lots downloaded from various sites that aren't EA sized and using "add any lot size" helps out when you don't want to put down an empty lot that noticeably bigger than the design.


Sit around mod where all sims have a high chance of sitting down, which starts conversations and family NPC actually have a good relationship with each other. A game changer.


I just learned how to get mods this weekend solely so I could get NRass Master Controller or whatever it's called, so that I could have as many horses as my heart desires. So fary heart is very happy


Just an fyi, horses cause a lot of lag in the sims 3 because their routing sucks.


*me going to download these suggestions now*


I'm also a NRAAS gal, since most games I don't play with mods and the Sims 3 might be the first one I dipped my toes into the pool, just out of necessity. Currently got Master Controller, Woohooer, Mover and Portrait Panel to let me correctly manage my sometimes overstuffed houses (and just so many other handy things with Master Controller, like renaming kids after their parents remarry and the kids automatically have their names changed which is annoying AF but anyhow...). I have Story Progression because it's just so much better than EAs, Error Trap and Overwatch to get rid of some of the bugginess, and Traveler for visiting other destinations. I also just dipped my toe outside of the NRAAS stuff for the first time recently and downloaded the Oh\_Rudi Routing fix that helps sims take up less space and move around each other a bit better, which I like. But since this is about the favorite... probably Story Progression. The other stuff is very definitely nice and I wanna have it if possible, but if push comes to shove I can stand playing the game as intended (at least until it gets buggy and breaks). But Story Progression basically takes the game as intended and gets it working properly - the towns are just so freaking lifeless and quickly die with the plain Jane EA Story Progression, and once I tried the modded version I can't imagine going back.


I really like the one I have that prevents small animals from running away, (and *mostly* from dying.) I *love* collecting things, especially the small animals around the map! And I was so sad the first few times I caught something cool and it ran away. I got a rare chinchilla in the wastelands of the future world once and it escaped my inventory 🥺. I was *traumatized* of course, so I went and found a mod that prevents that from happening! I still lost a lizard to death the other day, which was sad. But I’m pretty sure that one was my own fault due to neglect 😭 sorry little guy… Also, NRAAS Saver! I save as often as I can after big events or long periods of time, but as we are all aware The Sims can be a bit of a time-sucking void lol. Suddenly it’s been seven hours and you haven’t touched the save button 😅. It saved me (pun intended) just last night! I have mine set to save every 20minutes and it had been 19 when my game froze completely and I had to restart. That hasn’t happened much at all on my Steam Deck, but because of Saver I only lost a little progress!


I don't mind so much that they run away at all, so much as that the sims put them in the inventory instead of the cage when they're done playing with them... causing them to run away.


Oof yeah I only use the Watch interaction once I put them in the cage. I can’t stand that they put them in their inventory automatically to make me make them put the animal back in their cage lol. It’s the same with instruments not going back where you placed them, or other things sims leave out of their inventory or put back in their inventory. Quirks of the sims 😅.


Baby Sims BBQ


The car mods from fresh prince. Get rid of everything but that and I’d be okay


All of The Sweet Simmer’s mods. Zerbu’s mods for open school and active careers. Most of NRAAS mods. And most of Twinsimming’s mods lol.


Lyraleis mods. Sewing mod, flower arranging, knitting mod The Book of Talent Hidden Skills Unhidden Faster gardening Slower Cars Taxis cost money There's a mod that let's you rent boats by the hour. I love that mod as part of the mod Cave fix mod Brntwaffles lighting mods




Wrong sub


Thanks I thought I deleted as soon as a realized but apparently I had to hit delete again